Thursday, October 31, 2013


Update on my lil niece Maganda Bear!!! I'm happy to see a baby girl that FINALLY fits into this dress!!! My mom has been saving it for her granddaughter for like THIRTY FIVE YEARS!!! Lol
Isn't she AFORABLE?!?! 
I loooooove this bottom pic with her HUGE SMILE!!! I was sitting there by myself at McDonalds and ACTUALLY PURRRRRRED when it saw it!!!! Awwwww I LUVERRRRRS her!!!! 

Holy Ghost partaaaay!!!!

Last night was my churches annual Holy Ghost party!!! It was such a BLAST!!! It's a party for all the kids where they come dresses as a Bible character, play games and get lotsa CANDY!!!!!! CANDY RAIN WILDNESS!!!!

MJ went as a GCA Girl!!! Aka: her mom didn't have a costume for her this year... Buuuuuut she was so proud to be wearing her school uniform!!
Jose and Juliana went as a lady bug and a turtle on Noahs Ark!!!! They were ADORABLE!!!
Then we all started out with our all time favorite game of the balloon stomp! Afterwards, the kids all split up and went around in their designated groups playing games! There was lotsa games like, musical chairs, cake walk, plinko, glow-in-the-dark bowling and other games in which I don't remember!
Then the FUNNNNNEST PART!!! The whole church played tug-a-war together!!! Men VS woman and 
The ladies ACTUALLY beat the men for one round!!! The rest the men beat us buuuuuut we gave them a pretty good run for their money!!!!
Bro. Jimmy said he could believe how long we held out!!!! Uh, huh!!!! That's the LPC ladies for you!!! Anyways, we all had such a good time togetherrrr!!! Juuuuuust wait till the Thanksgiving feast!!! I'm going to have to do some extra working out between now and then!!!! We can do it ladies!!! We are WOMAN!!! Hear us purrrrrrrrrrr!!! Lol;)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Cake Walk!!!

I hope the children of LPC enjoy and appreciate this cake walk tonight!!!
As for ME!!!l
Guess what I'll be doing TOMORROW??ahahahahahahahaha!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I saw this picture the other day annnnnd thought it was soooooo ADORABLEY CUUUUUUUUUUTE!!!! Lil Twinkies!!! Get it TWINkies????
 I was telling everyone at church about it after church Sunday morning!!! I was like, WHEN I GET MARRIED, I soooo wanna have some TWINkies!!!!
Within about ten seconds, Bro. Sam, our youth/mid-life leader says, No TWINkies for YOU MARY!!! When YOU GET MARRIED, your gonna have yourself some...
                     SWISS ROLLS!!!
I was like, Swiss Rolls??? WHAAAAT???It took me like ten seconds to get what he was saying and then I just BUSTED UP LAUGHING!!!
I have NO IDEA how he thought of that soooo fast!!! It must of been that annoining of The Lord on him as my youth/mid-life leader!!! 
Get it you guys??? TWINkies= white babies and Swiss Rolls= black and white babies(milato) Now you get??? BLACK AND WHITE??? If I marry  chocolate man we'll have some lil Swiss Rolls??? Ahahahahaha!!! 
Good one Bro. Sam!!! *FIST BUMP!!! ;)

Monday, October 28, 2013

More than just creation...

Soooooooo LAST Wednesday I made brownies for my youth to sell after church for a fundraiser. Now there was mixed feelings about these brownies, BECAUSE, some people thought they were TOO chocolatey!!! (My BROTHERS) Which I'm pretty sure is an impossibility, BUUUUUT it all depends on just HOW MUCH you like chocolate!!! So I was asking one of my friends what THEY thought, I said I was just wondering if they agreed with my brothers, I didn't know because I hadn't actually tasted them. And they said, that I should really taste my own creations!!! I was like OH TRUST ME, I wanted to...buuuuuut...DIET...story of my life...right???? (Mom's still believing in me for those 50 pounds before WCC!!! LOL) Sooooo I had to with-hold myself from MY OWN creation!!! *Sad! :( 
Buuuuut it made me think for a minute about how we are GOD'S CREATION!!! He made us!!! However, God didn't just make us and then hold himself back from us!!! Thats a very common theory in the world we live in today. People think, WELL...IF THERE IS A GOD... he just created and then stepped back from his creation. They think that God is aloof and that he doesn't really care!!! That is NOT what our God did!!!  The Bible says, "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows..." (Isaiah 53:4)
FURTHERMORE, God NOT only created us, he took it a step further and BECAME his own creation!!! God became a person!!! He put on flesh JUST like us. Unlike the way I didn't even taste my own brownies, God did NOT have to wonder what it was like to be us, because God TASTED HUMANITY!!! God knows WHAT it is like to be US!!! God takes pleasure in being able to partake and commune with his creation! 
"For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
 (Hebrews 4:15)
♥Mary Frances :)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Happy Sunday!!!

"I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord." (Psalm 122:1)
We've got a reason to SHOUT!!! Let's have churrrrrrrrch TODAY!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

October FRESH FIRE Youth Rally!!!

The youth rally this past Friday at Bro. Brown's church was AWESOME!!! All the guys did a REALLY GOOOOOOD JOB preaching!!! Somehow, without knowing before hand, God tied all their messages together, it was soooo COOL! One thing that was said was something, Bro. Deli said in his message. He said that he has NO DESIRE to look like the world and all the things it represents! Its his desire to RESEMBLE the word of God!!! I was like PREEEEEACH!!!! It was RIGHT there with my other favorite quote by him when he preached about how when you get REfilled with the Holy Ghost you start cutting some things out of your life...then he starts naming things for himself and he goes, "Sports world??? GONE!!!" I was like YEAAAAAH!!! Cuz theres NOTHING more ANNOYIN then when guys are always taking about the score...blah, blah...or when anyone's talking about any of the worlds shows like American Idol or WHATEVERRRR!!!  Anywayz, All the guys did AWESOME!!! Bro. Tyler Shirk, Bro. Andrew Jones and Bro. Andrew Delacruz(Deli) ummmm I feel like maybe I'm missing one???
Sooooooooo then Bro. Riley summed everything up with an AMAZING message called "A Generation Without A Revelation!" It was sooooo GOOD!!! He was just talking about how the young people in this generation know ABOUT God but they don't really KNOW GOD!!! They have the knowledge but they don't have a relationship!!! And he was talking about how everyone needs to be soooo pumped up to worship but we shouldn't need that...It was just GOOD!!! My favorite line was when he said and okaaaaay i'm gonna paraphrase so i'm not MISquoting...He was saying its one thing when someone new comes from the world and they have to learn how to act and worship in church but us that have grown up in church shouldn't NEED Church 101!!! (Insert me the ONLY one clapping...AWKWARD! LOL Buuuut i LIKE THAT line!!!) Anywayz, I told Suzanne afterward I didn't even know that her husband was such a GOOD PREACHER!!! I mean i'm not like advertising or nothing, i'm just throwing it out there...It was a GOOD MESSAGE!!! I was thinking like, A MOUNTAIN APART YOUTH CAMP!!! WOOOOOT WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!
 Here I am in the above picture with  Val...she's sooooo PRETTTTTY!!!! (Sorry guys, she's TAKEN!!!;)
Anywayz, after we had us some goooooood CHURRRRRRCH we had us some good SOCIALIZING!!!  We were joking around at church and I was telling our youth leaders that they really need to get the blogger app on their iPad so they can update the youth blog! I'm like I mean, that was THE FIRST app I got on my phone! And someones like, BEFORE you got the Bible app??? I'm like, ACTUALLY I don't even have a Bible app.!!! I mean I don't NEED it cuz I carry my Bible in my purse with me!!! I like to PULL OUT THE ACTUAL BOOK!!! Sooooo My youth leader was like, Yeah, plus don't you just have the whole entire Bible enscribed on your heart??? I was like, OH YES, Thats right!!! When they say to pull out your Bible, I get mine out outta RESPECT, buuuuuuut I don't ACTUALLY gotta flip open MY BIBLE, cuz I just flip opem MY HEART!!!! Uh, huh, uh huh!!!! AHAHAHA!!! J/k!!! ( I flip open my Bible!!!) Wooooooooohoooooo!!!!
 Sooooooooo then we headed out to eat!!!  Let me tell you all something about MEN, they NEVERRRR get lost!!! They MAY be driving around looking for chic-fil-a buuuuut can't find it cuz ITS CLOSED (BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!) and the lights are off, buuuuut that does NOT mean that they are LOST!!! Okaaaaaay people!!! I mean, Chic-fil-a is LOST...they are NOT!!! LOLOLOL! Annnnnnd if YOU HAPPEN to not know where YOU ARE, they WILL help you, because, THEY ARE A MAN!!!  AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Which clueless woman, that get lost going around their block, are VERY THANKFUL FOR!!! :)))))
Then here are some of my favorite girls...

Miriam, Lily and Keri...
MIRIAM!!!!! Ooooo she's soooo CUUUUUUTE!!! Annnnnnnnnd she's SINGLE!!! ;)))) I mean, if your looking for a girl thats always happy, fun-loving and bubbly...

You should meet MIRIAM!!! (OR ME!!!;))))
Mary and Miraiam...the dream team....LOL!
We always gotta get in our Miriam and Mary poses...

Annnnnnnd everyone feels the need to make fun of us....AHAHAHA!!!

Okaaaaaaaaaaay soooooo THEN I met the missing Gonzales brother....
I didn't even know this guys existed till this past Thursday talking to Sis. Gonzales and Tori after school at GCA!!! I mean Sis. Gonzales was talking about her OTHER kids and I was like, WHAAAAAT you have other kids besides Tori and Micheal??? She's like yeah, I actually have 8 kids! I was like WHAAAAAAT??? Your joking right??? Like 8 kids??? The Myers church just had revival!!! LOL She said yeah but only three are biological the others are adopted and live out of state, but her three biological children are in church and living for God! I was like, WOW thats cool, so wheres does your other son that lives for God go to church? She's like, OUR CHURCH! The Myers! I'm like WHAAAAAT??? I've like, NEVERRRR seen him before!!! And they're like, no EVERYONE knows David, I'm sure you know him! I'm like no I don't think so!!! So then they showed me a pic and I was like NOPE neverrrrr seen him!!! LOL Sooooooooooo yeah I met him on Friday...I'm like, I NEVERRR even knew you existed and he's like, oh I know who you are and i'm like WOW I fee like a loser! He's like put on your blog...I'm like OK!!!! Its like I owe it to him since I didn't even know he existed!!! LOL Soooooooo here is DAVID GONZALES LADIES!!! I don't got a lot of info cuz I only talked to him for like five minutes, LIKE, I don't know how old he is, buuuuuuuuuut he's SINGLE, READY TO MINGLE ladies!!!! ;))))
Now here's me and FaitherZ...we had a good time laughing our heads off...solving all the world's problems...IF ONLY people would listen to us, everyone would be married to the RIGHT people....AHAHAHAHAHA!!! WEEEEEELLLL. A FEW people have taken my advice so far!!! ;) Oh and Faith sang soooooo GOOOOOOD!!! She has such an AMAZING VOICE!!! I'm STILL waiting for that CD!!! 
Lets see...what else??? Oh KEVIN Duncan is sooooo FUNNNNNNY!!! He seriously had me cracking up all night with his absurd comments!!!! His big brother should take some humor lessons from him...bahahahahAHAHAHA!!! (Jk! Robby!)Annnnnd he's ALSO extremely talented and owns his own business in graphic designing annnnnnnnnnd he offered to REDESIGN this WHOLE BLOG for FREE!!! (He owes me for something!!! LOLOL) I'm like sooooo excited!!! He's gonna make it look soooooooo AWESOME!!!! He's like, Just to be honest, your blog drives me cRaZy just looking at it!!! Especially the sprinkles!!!! LOL!!! Faith agreed, the sprinkles MUST GO!!! They make her phone crash...LOLOL!!! Anywayz, Kevin's a very talented person, I found out that he's basically good at EVERYTHING!!! (Except yodeling! Lol) He was telling me that he has piano music recorded, you know, girls just love piano music! I was like, NOT ME! I like stuffed animals!!! Silence from everyone! Then, "STUFFED ANIMALS???" YES!!! THEY"RE CUUUUUUUTE!!! 
 All in all, it was a very FUNNNNNN night in which I got home at like 2 AM annnnnnnnnnnnd ended with me locking my key in the car!!! Buuuut then I had left the back window partially open, reached in, unlocked, climbed to the front and got the key...Yup...I started the day with losing my fake tooth and ended with lockin my key...buuuuuuuuuuut It was a good day cuz I found my tooth and I got my key annnnnnd I didn't get lost driving ONCE the whole day...SHEREE DID...BUUUUT NOT ME!!! ;)))) 
♥Mary Frances :)

Mom's got faith!!!

I just text my mom this pic and told her l just got my eyebrows done! Sooooo she text me back and said oh so your all set for WCC then!!!!
Sooooo I wrote back and said yeah, except for the fifty pounds I had wanted to lose before hand too!!! So she says back, well you still have 10 days! It cracked me up!!! She says, "U can do it Mary I am rooting for u!!! LOL!!!" I was like, okaaaaaay, ONLY A MOM has that kind of FAITH!!!! like five pounds a day, OH YES!!! My momma soooo believes in me!!!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013


I just found my future husband's....
 ONLY competition!!!!
(The Mirror!)
 Juuuuuuuust KIDDING!!! ;)))

♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

If MARY preached!!!

Bahahaha!!! Annnnd we can all start thanking God that I haven't been feeling the call to start preaching!!!! Lololol
♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

God's daddy!!!

I listened this morning to an AWESOME message on Holy Ghost Radio!!! It was about Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus!   He was talking about WHAT was it about Joseph that God would want him to be his daddy??? He said the Bible doesn't say much about him but the little that it does shows his Characteristics that God liked!!! Joseph was...
His chose an ordinary, probably quiet, not well known but hardworking, faithful, steadfast man to be his daddy!!!! And he must have trulelY been a good father to Jesus because when Jesus grew up he even took in his fathers trade as a carpenter! It shows that Jesus wanted to be like Joseph, his daddy!!!
Then he talked about how it wasn't just that Mary was a good girl, it was also because she was with the RIGHT man!!! It wasn't just Joseph and it wasn't just Mary, it was both of them combined together! And he talked about being and choosing the right person so that TOGETHER, you can be used of God! 

I HIGHLY reccomend this message to everyone especially Apostolic young people!!! There is so much more that he says!!! You can order it through HGR!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Happy Sunday!!!

"I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord." (Psalm 122:1) let's have churrrrrrch today!!!!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Cali bay trip Day 7!

This is OFFICIALLY the last day of the bay series!!! REALLY I PROMISE!!! Sooooo....Monday was a very relaxed day!!! All the other outta town people had left and Hanna and Anali both had to go to work!!! So T, MJ and myself just kinda chilled!!! I think we went to Peets like TWO more times that day before we left!!! THEN we went to Hanna and Anali's FAVORITE thrift store...Eco Thrift!!!
I got two pairs of really nice shoes there!!!

Then Hanna and Anali got off of work and we hung out at their house for like an hour before we had to leave for the airport!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnd I got myself one last glass of Ethiopian iced tea....Okaaaaaaay I think I actually may have drank their whole entire pitcher...Sorry Kifle's!!!! It was good tho...annnnnd WHO KNOWS when i'll ever be able to have some again...its NOT like I just have Ethiopians around the block over here that I can get a glass of tea from, ya know?!?!?!
THEN I remembered that Sis. Kifle and I had NEVERRRR gotten a picture together!!! I was like, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Cuz I really, really, REALLY wanted a pic with her!!! Cuz Sis. Kifle is one of the nicest, sweetest Apostolic ladies you will ever meet!!! She makes AMAZING Ethiopian food and is going to teach me one day how to make it too...sooooo I REALLY wanted this pic with her, buuuuuut  she was taking Mesgana to camp, sooooo I just IMPROVISED!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Anali, Me and Hanna, our last moments together...Aparentley I have comfortable shoulders...LOL!!!

Soooooooooo we said our sad, woeful good byes and headed off to the airport annnnnnnnd THEN MJ realized something....SHE HAD FORGOTTEN STANLEY at McDonald's!!! OH Noooooo!!! She was like HYSTERICAL!!!
Soooooooooo I called Hanna and she said she would head right over to McDonald's!!! About ten minutes later Hanna texted me this picture!!!

Annnnnnnnnnnnd THIS was MJ's response!!! A HUUUUUGE SMILE!!!
Hanna then told me to tell Mary Jo that Stanley would be bunking with Coco and Mesgana till WCC!!! She WAS completely thrilled by this idea BECAUSE she absolutely ADORES COCO!!! Something about his eyes roll to the back of his head when he is sleeping ANNNNND because he looks JUST LIKE CURIOUS GEORGE'S DAD!!! I was like, WHAAAAAT??? You mean the man with the yellow hat???
 She was like YES!!! I'm like, buuuuuuut the man with the YELLOW hat is Vanilla annnnd Coco IS... COCO!!! HAHA!!!She's like, SOOOOOOO MARY!!! They STILL LOOK JUST LIKE EACH OTHER!!! When you think about it, shes actually kinda right!!! LOLOLOL She's pretty sure that Stanley thinks that Coco is his dad now! She's like, when he sees him he's probabley like, Da-da, dada!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! All she can talk about these days is STANLEY and how she can NOT wait to see him annnnnnnnnnd she has ALL his clothes picked out for WCC!!! Awwwww!!! Soooooooo YES, the trip to the bay started annnnd ENDED with MJ FORGETTING STANLEY!!! 
FINALLY we arrived home annnnnnnnnnd would you believe that there is a Peets in Sky Harbor Airport!?!?!? I was soooooo surprised!!! I guess IF i'm ever really craving PEETS, I COULD go hang out at the air port!!! LOL Weird thing is when I looked it up on my phone it shows the nearest Peets over 350 miles away!!!
AnywayZ, this is THE LAST posts on my bay trip!!! I WILL be back May 23rd for Hanna's college graduation!!! Soooooooooo A Mountain Apart Youth Camp, Puuuuuuuuleeeeeeze do NOT plan the camp for that time or else I was sadly, NOT be there!!! I can NOT miss her graduation!!! (Also, for anyone that was planning on proposing to me on THAT day, you might want to pick another day!;)
Can't wait to see you all at WEST COAST CONFERENCE!!! Wooooohooooo!!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Italian Beef!!!

Today I was on Married My Love's Blog and she had up a recipe that I just HAD to try!!
Its just meat and veggies soooooo it sounds HEALTHY!!! Since its ITALIAN beef I had to add garlic to mine and chives too!!! Its cooking over night in the crock pot on low!!! I was just re-reading Adrienne's  recipe and see that it says it feeds at least ten people with leftovers....I'm thinkin I should have cut it in half!!! LOLOLOL 
Anyone wanna come over tomorrow for some Italian Beef???

Proud Auntie Moment!!!!

My heart swelled with SUCH pride today in chapel service at GCA, GOOOOOD service btw, anywayz, I was sooooooo laughing as MJ gets on the platform to sing in the choir and FALLS off her riser!!! I'm like, OH YEAH, THATS....
Trippin and falling off and on RUNS N THE FAMILY!!! She takes after ME!!!  
REMEMBER my moment!?!?!??? Us Ginty girl's we don't cry about it, WE JUST LAUGH!!! 
♥Mary Frances :)

Calm, Collected annnnnnd...

Sooooooo thinking about the kind of man I need to marry... We already decided that he needs to be NORMAL, cuz I'm NOT! lol!!! an OUTLINE, cuz I need STRUCTURE, a GPS, no explanation needed...
 annnnnd my sis and I decided on two more things he needs to be in order to marry ME!!! CALM AND COLLECTED!!!! 
Cuz I'm jus kinda like hyper and bubbling ALL OVER THE PLACE, ya know?!?! Sooooo I was thinking, he can be calm and collected Annnnnd...
  I'll be THE COOL!!!
Get it??? Calm, cool and collected??? I'll be the COOL to COMPLETE his calm and collected!!! ;) 
Sooooooooooooooo ROMANTIC!!! *sigh
♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Cali-bay-trip day 5 and 6!!!

Day 5!
Okaaaaaaaaaay soooooo lets get this ALL finished up!!! LOL  I know have many pics for day five of the bay trip!!! i think that during the day I went with my sis and MJ back to the city and I quacked at everyone on the Duck tour...LOL...THEn at night we went back to the city again and we all ate ice cream at the Ghirdalli Chocolate factory! It was VERY YUMMMM!!! I got a Hot Fudge Iceream sundae with chocolate ice cream....Chocolate on chocolate...THE BEST!!! Ooooooooooo NOW I remember, Sooooo Saturday WAS some what eventful....
Saturday IS the DAY that the Neeeeeeighing got started!!! LOL!!! Me, Hanna, Coco and Steven were on the way to the airport to drop Steven off annnnnd somehow the convo was on girls that can't submit to a man. They were say like, a girl that can't submit is like a wild horse that can't be tamed...A wild horse can't have a bridle put on it just runs freely. So Coco says that a woman that won't submit is like a wild horse, she is unbridleable...get it??? 
UnBRIDElable!!!  NOW YOU GET IT????? LOL!!! Then he tells Hanna that from now on everytime she does or says something that HE FEELS is UNSUBMISSIVE, he is going to NEIGH at her and every time HE FEELS she is acting submissive he will baaaaaaah at her like a SHEEP!! Weeeeeeeelllll That just got us ALL NEEEEEEIGHING annnnnd BAAAAAHING at each other the rest of the trip!!! Anytime someone disagreed, NEEEEEEEIGH!!! You agree, BAAAAAAAAHH!!! I highly reccomend trying this with your wives husbands!!! Its a gentle, subtle way of letting her now IF she is indeed acting RIGHT!!! AHAHAHAHA!!! 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Swimming Waters...

Have you ever been in the ocean? Let me tell you about it! When you first start wading your way into the ocean the waters are really, really rough!!! The tide is continually pulling you in two different directions. One moment the waves are pulling you out further and the next thing you know they are crashing towards you pushing you back towards the shore. This will happen over and over again till you get further out into the ocean. Once you get further out, you will find the waters are surprisingly quite smooth and much easier to swim in. Yes there are waves, but its not like that ripping tide that is at the shore and you can learn to just kind of ride up with them.
Its soooooooooo NICE and calm when you get further out into the ocean. The problem is that so many people get scared of their initial experience in the ocean that they are scared to let themselves go out really far. They are scared to let themselves go completely into the deep, smooth waters of the ocean, instead they just stay in the crashing shallow waves close to the shore.
Living for God is like going into the ocean! Its hard to really live for God when you continually stay on the shorelines and never allow yourself to really swim into the deep waters of God. Yes, your in, your going to church, your living for God, buuuuuut there's that continual pull on you towards the world. Your continually struggling. You feel pulled to one day towards the things of God and the next day towards the things of the world. Its always a battle for you. WHY? Because your living on the edge! Your living your life on the shorelines. Your scared to let go and completely surrender your life, your will, your desires to the deep waters of God. Its NOT a struggle to live for God, when you're REALLY LIVING FOR GOD!!!  What's hard is when you stay on the shoreline!!!! 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day 4 of the...

California BAY TRIP!!!
 You all thought I had FORGOTTEN about the rest of my trip, DIDN'T you???? NOOOOOOPE....I just didn't want you all to get BORED!!! THATS ALL people!!! ;))) Okaaaaaaaaaay sooooo lets see, FRIDAY, the fourth day of our trip there was one of my FAVORITE days!
We all, as in, Me, T, MJ, Hanna, Anali, Jen, Sis. Villasenor, Steven, Coco, Paul, Joe momma and Jamal drove to the city of San Francisco...Now the going to the city part was FUN, but that wasn't my favorite part of the day!
.Going to the city was cool, ANNNNNND some people, AHEM JOE MOMMA, were completely enthralled with everything and snapping like a MILLION and ONE pics...HAHAHA!!! I didn't really think it was like THAT huge of a deal tho, I mean, I've been to NEW YORK CITY five times now a
nd I don't think anything can compare!!! I would LOVE to see Joe there tho...he would be going cRaZy!!! 

Monday, October 14, 2013

How we see...

Eyes can only see if they're  connected to the heart, but a heart can only beat if it's connected to the mind. 
You have to see people through your heart and love them through your mind. 
In other words, filter what we see with our eyes through love and then filter our actions to what we see through wisdom!
Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: ( Philippians 2:4-5)
We have to THINK...
                   with the mind of Christ!!!

Sunday, October 13, 2013


A group of us went this past Friday night to the fair... It was a blast! The original plan was to meet up with the Abbotts and Seth and Alyssa in the demolition derby, buuuuuut we had to get there late annnnnd they wouldn't let us in the show!!!
Soooooo we all decided to just be PENTECOSTAL annnnnd we went and ate instead!!! Lol
They have deep-fried EVERYTHING pretty much!!! I was good and resisted fried foods... Got a turkey leg instead... Buuuuut still thinking about the fried Nutella and fried lasagna... NOT GONNA LIE... Those were hard to resist!!!
We critiqued on the art display... Like what??? You call THIS ART??? Then we voted on our FAVORITE work of art!!! The two fingers were my vote!!! I squealed as soon as I saw it!!!
A few funny things... We kept seeing these men with these HUGE GIANT GORILLAS!!! Soooo finally I stopped and did a lil interview with one of the PROUD recipients! I was like, sooooooo what do you plan to do with it??? He's like KEEP IT!!!! Put it on display in my house!!! I'm like wow!!! You must have an amazingly decorated house!!! Lol
Then We were TRYING to get connected with the Abbotts and Seth and Alyssa... It was like this HUGE PROCESS... Phones service wouldn't come thru... Android FAILED BUUUUUUT of course Apple went thru... ;)... Annnnnd finally I talk to Alyssa we all find each other! So we're together looking at this ice age exhibit... Then Seth and Alyssa are just GONE!!! We thought they had gone to the art exhibit buuuuut after like 30 minutes in there we were like, they DITCHED US!!! After trying to find each for like 45 minutes, they jus go home after like being with us for 15! Turns out they didn't even realize till they go to their car that they forgot to say bye!!! Ooooops!!! Lol it was funny... Buuuut...
The funniest thing happened when we were jus walking around later!!! This lady was in a electrical cart with this HUGE STUFFED ANIMAL annnnnnd JONATHAN was in HER WAY!!! There was like this huge space that she could have gone over to... Buuuut NOOOO....Jonathan NEEDED to move outta her way!!! She's like EXCUUUUUUSE ME!!! Annnnnd she jus like plows through... The look of surprise on on his face as her big stuffed animal grazed his back... It was soooooo funny!!! We all busted up laughing!!! We were joking about it the rest of the night!!! Like, EXCUUUUUUSE me!!! You are in MY WAY!!! Yes, there is a clear path right over here  BUUUUUT YOU NEED TO Mooooooove!!!! Ahahaha!!! Good times!!! Good times!!!
♥Mary Frances :)