Friday, September 30, 2016

End of the week thankfulness!!!

I'm thankful for HIKING!!!! This evening I HIKED sooooo high up the mountain, I woulda gone higher buuuuuut it was getting to dark out, I figured it probably was unsafe! I pretty much hiked back in the pitch black...Oooops! LOL
 Annnnnnd this meme cracked me up!!!
My sis-in-law makes THE BEST!!!
Buuuuuut REALLy, I am just thankful for FILIPINOS!!! They pride themselves in being THE FRIENDLIEST ASIANS and truly THEY ARE!!! And with that being said about Filipinos,
Ain't she adorable!?!?!
 Photo: Simplicity is beauty!!!!
Really, she's super sweet and I've been enjoying talking with you girly!!!
I'm thankful for MY TWIN FRIEND!!!
Seriously, don't we look so much alike???
 Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd I'm superrrrr thankful for these adorable cherry sandals!!! I have been wanting them for soooooooooooo LONG and they were completely out of them EVERYWHERE!!! All stores and online and nothing on ebay OR Amazon, then LO AND BEHOLD, when I'm NOT looking, I see them at 75% off. they were soooooo CHEAP!!! Annnnnnd did I say I LOVE THEM???
 I'm thankful to Seth Cleveland and Pastor Abbott for putting on all new door handles, inside and out for me!!! It was getting a little rough makin everyone crawl in from the driver's side and it was EVEN ROUGHER buckling in babies...LOL!!!
 I'm thankful for this book, its been years since I had read it but it was so good to reread!!!
 This next book, "To Kill A Mockingbird" made me sooooooooo SAD!!! I am soooooooooo THANKFUL that we don't live in the 60's OR THE SOUTH!!! I'm thankful that we don't have a "White Store" and a "black store" Or a black church and a white church, and that we don't have to live in separate parts of town anymore!!!  I'm sooooo thankful that its no longer ILLEGAL for two people with different skin colors to marry each other!!!! I'm so thankful that a dark-skinned person doesn't have to always go out the back door! Yes, there is still so much prejudice and racism in this world, but I guess that's just another thing that makes me thankful for heaven, THERE WILL BE NO MORE PREJUDICE!!!
I'm thankful for WEIGHT LOSS!!!
I hope you all had a FANTASTIC WEEK!!! Don't forget to find things to be thankful for!!! God's blessings are EVERYWHERE!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, September 29, 2016


I'm NOT a completely LOYAL Android fan yet!!!
THE truth IS that I'm NOT really devoted to Android OR APPLE...buuuuuut to MYSELF annnnnd MY NEEDS!!! I'm kind of like the guy Bishop Abbott talks about in his preaching sometimes, he didn't know if he should fight for the Conderates or the Yankees! So he wore a shirt from the Confederates and pants from the Yankees and went out to battle...the Moral of the story IS, HE GOT SHOT FROM BOTH SIDES!!! Ooooops annnnd OUCH!!! 
Don't shoot me folks buuuuuut i'm kinda that guy right now, LIKE I really wish I could get that confetti and balloon texts on my ANDROID!!!  Hee, hee, !!! Buuuuuuut the point is, I'm WITH the one that FULFILLS MY NEEDS THE BEST, Annnnnnnd at this point,
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yes, REALLY PEOPLE!!! IF Apple can get their SELFIE factor up, they just may lure me back!!! That would mean, selfie mode, with a flash, wide selfie for groupies  annnnnnd YOU CAN SPEAK and it TAKES THE PIC!!! Plus, in general, the camera is just BETTER!!! Apple STILL has a LOOOOOONG WAYS to go on their camera...annnnd by the time they catch up to what it is NOW, Android will probably be EVEN BETTER!!!
The down side is that the reception has NOT been as good on my phone, buuuuuut I don't talk on it that much soooooooo its kind of on the back burner, YES, I take SELFIES, more than I talk on my phone!!! Now, most people reading this are like, OKAAAAY, well maybe she's NOT really on the phone talking THAT much, buuuuuut IF YOU just read this, and your NAME is HANNA KIFLE, your thinking right now, she takes MORE SELFIES THAN SHE TALKS TO ME ON THE PHONE???? That's A LOT OF SELFIES...cuz I talk to Hanna the most...LOL...Okaaaaay maybe that may be slightly exaggerated, MAYBE I can honestly say that I talk to HANNA MORE than I TAKE SELFIES...MAYBE, just MAYBE!!! ;) Only God knows for sure which statement is TRUTH!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

♥Mary Frances :)
P.S. For some reason, MY PHONE will NOT upload already taken pictures on to my blog from my phone, something about the location factor, buuuuuut if I take a pic, on blogger, from my phone, it WILL upload THAT one, buuuuuut NOT one that has already been taken!!! If ANY of you Androiders out there could help me figure this out, I would GREATLY appreciate it!!! Because, IF at the end of TWO YEARS, IF that has NOT been figured out, it will be something that WILL make me reconsider going back to Apple!!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Which PUMPKIN???

Soooooo this week I got out all of my sister's FALL decorations, she collects these pumpkins that we arrange on the kitchen table,  every year she adds to the collection, buuuuuut this year there was sooooo many there was actually no room left to eat at the kitchen table!!! LOL I think we need a coffee table for the living room because then we could put stuff on there too!!!
Anywayz, it was a lovely time I had with myself decoration, I warmed up some spiced apple cider from Trader Joe's, which I HIGHLY RECCOMEND, and listened to Adventure's in Odyssey as I decorated!!! (Btw: Its sooooo cool on the AIO club now, when you play the albums from the desktop, it plays THE WHOLE ALBUM ALL THE WAY THROUGH, you can just go about the house doing whatever and listen for HOURS...I LOOOOOVE IT!!!)
I thought my decorating turned out quite NICE!!! Notice how the blessings sign from our living room is in the background, I thought that looked pretty cool!!!
Can you guess WHICH pumpkin is MY CONTRIBUTION to the arrangement???
If you guessed the pink, sparkly, sequined one on the end, YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT!!! Your reward is that YOU get to go BUY YOURSELF a PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE and drink it in MY HONOR!!! Yes, your welcome, VERY WELCOME!!! :)))))
 ♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Drawing come to life...

I saw this picture the other day and I was like...
Photo: So what would you do? :)
Hmmmmm IF drawings could come to life, WHAT WOULD I DRAW??? Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaay we KNOW all of us SINGLEs would be drawing our FUTURE SPOUSES!!!! Don't DENY IT...YOU KNOW...BAHAHA!!! Looks like that guy in the above pic was drawing his LOVE, ANNNNNND NOW HE'S SCARED...She's NOT!!! Hee, hee!!!
Buuuuuuuut then I GOT to thinking, Drawing my husband, WHAT WOULD HE LOOK LIKE??? Then it hit me and I busted up laughing...

(Artwork done by Mary on ANDROID!)
Glad it's God's job and NOT mine!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, September 26, 2016

Happy Monday!!!

99% of the time, I'm seriously fine. But every once in a while I think it'd be nice to have someone to love and have them love me in return.:
Feels PRETTY GOOD ACTUALLY!!! Heh, heh!!!
Have an awesome week my friends!!! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."
(Psalm 118:24)
♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Do you see it???

Can you see what it says???
IF you can't figure it out, TRY looking up  1 Timothy 6:10 to help you figure it out!!! :)))

♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, September 19, 2016

Happy MONDAY!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Happy Sunday!!!

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"I was glad when they said unto me; Let us go into the house of The Lord!" (Psalm 122:1)
♥Mary Frances :)

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Single's Saturday!!!

“Single humor #morefoodforme #foodlover:
This one really cracked me up!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Friday, September 16, 2016

End of the week thankfulness!!!

Another week has passed annnnnd here is what I'm thankful for this week..
I'm thankful that I got to hand out with my wonderful friend Miriam...LOVE YOU GIRL!!! ♥

He's sooooooo CUUUUUTE!!!
I'm thankful for ANOTHER Chocolate baby to LOVE!!! ♥

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd I'm thankful for a Vanilla baby to love!!! ♥
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd I'm thankful for my adorable, fluffy little nephew to love up on!!! ♥♥♥
Annnnnnnnnd I'm thankful for my lil Chocolate Chip annnnnnnd the color BLUE!!!
I'm thankful for Bath and Body works candles-particularly the awesome scent of Cactus Blossom!!!
I'm thankful for Aroma Therapy...I LOOOOOOOVE MY INSUSER!!! I brought mine with me to the hospital and all the nurses, doctors and aids were gushing over it....My fav is PEPPERMINT!!! Mmmmmmmmmmm!!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd I'm thankful for another nephew that makes me laugh...OUR ODIE!!!
I'm thankful for these two books...It's a three book series, the middle one is out of print so I just ordered it off of Amazon, buuuuut I just finished the third book in the series, "Freedom's Tremendous Cost" and I was LITERALLY SOBBING AT THE END!!! It was soooooooooo GOOD!!!
 I'm thankful that ALL the  Qudoba's are being bought out by CafĂ© Rio (Well this is THE RUMOR I heard, but it kinda looks true!) and that we will SOON HAVE ONE RIGHT BY OUR HOUSE!!! Whoooooohooooo!!!
I'm thankful that I FINALLY found a Walmart that carries BANANA FLAVOR PREMIER PROTEIN!!! These are soooooo THE BEST FLAVOR!!!!
I'm thankful that TOMORROW MORNING, at 9 am OK time, that NUGGLES is having a 60% off sale...WOOOOOHOOO! Thank you Nuggles for being, MODEST, CUTE ANNNNNNND DECENT PRICED!!! Some of these modest clothing sights may as well be drawing out our blood for their prices...LOL!!!

Annnnnnnnnnnd I'm thankful for FUNNNNNNN times!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, September 15, 2016


Sooooooooooooooooo it's time to go back to the beginning of JULY and blog about ROSWELL!!!
I saw this shirt at the mall and I said to my sister,
that is SOOOOOOO ME!!!
My sister looked at it and was like, NOOOOOOOOO ITS NOT!!! In other words, she thinks I have NO PROBLEM TALKING, WITHOUT COFFEE!!! LOL
MJ heading to the plane, I think she looks adorable in this pic!!!
After Anali picked us up, FIRST THING WE DID WAS...

Here MJ and I are, we went for a walk and decided to walk through the ally to see if they had anything interesting...they DID NOT!!!
Here are a few good places to eat and check out in Roswell...
Stellar Coffee Co - Roswell, NM, United States
And Alien themed Coffee shop...Anali is going to make me this sign...hee, hee!!!

This little place is RIGHT by Joe and Anali's, they had REALLY GOOD FOOD!!! The rice and beans were BOMB!!!!
Okaaaaaaaaay soooooo like my favorite thing we did was a road trip to Ruidoso!!!

Sooooooooooo I absolutely ADORE THIS TOWN!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnnd UNLIKE the town of ROSWELL, who's theme is ALIENS, GUESS WHAT THIS TOWN'S THEME IS???? Well, I asked Stultz that question when I got back and he was like, IF its something YOU LIKE, it must be something that's either pink OR fluffy!!! I was like, YEEEEEEESSSS!!! It's...
This was a really good tea place, you could buy Ice teas,
I got this peppermint one, it was soooooooooooo GOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!
I ABSOLUTELY LOOOOOVE THIS TOWN!!! I highly recommend it to EVERYONE!!! ANnnnnd it was RAINING!!! OMW! Just walking through the streets, in the shops, with the rain, I LOOOOVE THAT!!!! I really wanted to go back on our drive back from Heritage! I told my sis and she said to talk to Stultz about it, buuuuuut most likely he would say NO! I said that to him and he said, YOUR SISTER WAS RIGHT!!! and its 6 hrs out of the way, etc, etc...LOL...BUUUUT I LOVE THAT PLACE!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd on Friday we went to the
Also in Ruidoso!!!!
It was a beautiful place and we had a blast...

You could go back and get seconds, and thirds and fourths and even 5ths, buuuuuuut know one in our group could go back after their second plate...Me and Joe came up with a plan for NEXT TIME...ZIP LOCK!!! Hee, hee!!!

Goooooood times with our FRIENDS!!!
We also had a blast at the Foster's house on Saturday...
I actually forgot to get any group pics with them...just the kiddos!!!
Levi Foster...has finally decided that perhaps instead of a basket ball player, MAYBE he will be a preacher, buuuuuuuuuuuut he will have to do A LOT of studying before then!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnd it looks like I'll have to be going back to Roswell again...BECAUSE...
♥Mary Frances :)

♥Mary Frances :)