Saturday, September 30, 2023

Single Saturday!!!

I literally could NOT EVEN stop laughing when I saw this!!!
Can I get an amen out there??? 
♥Mary Frances :)

Friday, September 29, 2023

How to get peace!!!

I read this scripture the other day from our slices of Daily bread on the kitchen table and really stood out to me. Peace, it is, by far, one of THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER things in this world we are living in today, and yet, the Bible has such a simple answer in how to obtain it: LOVE GOD'S LAW!!!
"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Phillipians 4:7)

♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, September 28, 2023

A Mary thought…

Sooooooooo the other day I was having this very random, MARY THOUGHT!!! I was thinking about the fact that everyone always says I have really good self-esteem…
I was thinking...

What if I really don't 
have good self-esteem????
What if I REALLY AM...  

I ACTUALLY asked my brother that VERY QUESTION and he was just like, Wow Mary, WOW!!! I was liiiiiiiike, weeeeeeellll… think about it…. 
I pondered this very thought for about 10 seconds,
 Then I was like, NAWWWWW!!!
♥Mary Frances :) 

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Why'd the hiker fall???

So I was hiking πŸ₯Ύ a mountain near our house and there was another girl with her dog and they were hiking way faster in front of me as we hiked up the steep mountain! All of the sudden the girl slipped, fell to her bottom and started sliding down the mountain on the dirt and gravel. She was really embarrassed but quickly got control of the situation, got up and kept going.
Buuuuuuut I remember looking at the girl and being surprised she had fallen. She was physically fit, obviously a lot more than me, there's NO WAY I'd be able to handle hiking WITH A DOG. She seemed an experienced hiker, she looked athletic, she'd probably hiked this trail a 100 times before, it just seemed like she wasn't really the falling down type.
 As she walked away, I glanced back once more at her and noticed her shoes...AHA!!!
Her shoes were WHY she had fallen down so badly!!! She wasn't wearing the proper shoes to hike the slippery dirt slopes of the Arizona mountains. She was just wearing regular old Nike sneakers, not hiking boots. It doesn't matter how many mountains you've hiked, IF your wearing the wrong shoes, eventually, YOU WILL SLIP!!!
Spiritually speaking, the SAME concept applies in our own lives. It doesn't matter HOW LONG we've been living for God, if we're NOT wearing the right shoes, we're going to slip. I've seen it happen to people and I just look in shock, what happened? I thought they were so strong in the Lord! I thought they were experienced well in the things of God and living for him! I looked up to them spiritually as role model! How could they have slipped? 
But then you glance back a moment and you really look, and you see their spiritual hiking boots were replaced with just good old, comfortable sneakers! Somewhere along the way, without you ever seeing it, they stopped praying, they stopped reading their Bible, they stopped seeking wholeheartedly after the things of God.
We can't do that. We don't have time to get comfortable in our walks with God. We have to put on those hiking boots everyday and prepare ourselves for the hike.
Pray, read your Bible, go to church and don't stop!!! And if you do slip, JUST GET UP , put the right shoes back on and keep hiking!!!

"Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."                                                                                                                                 Ephesians 6:11
        We've GOT TO MAKE 
♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Why I failed math in highschool...

Annnnnnnnnnnnd AHEM...maybe a few times in college as well!!! ;)
I was listening to a man on Focus on The Family the other day talk about HOW he thought he would never really amount to anything cuz he wasn't really that book smart! He's like, you know IN HIGHSCHOOL, I was still doing those math word problems!!! You know, Bob's at the store and he buys three apples and two pears and 20 watermelon...
You know, Bob's at the store and he buys three apples and two pears and 20 watermelon...
I'm thinking like, OH YEAH, you think THATS BAD doing that kind of stuff in HIGH SCHOOL...
MEANWHILE Mary's IN college, highschool, college, HIGHSCHOOl…

Okaaaaaaaaaaay I haven’t done either for YEARS sooooooo needless to say this was a long, long, loooooooooooong time ago, hee, hee, soooooooo i'm in non-elemantrey school... Doing THE SAME KIND of word problems, Aunt Sue is  at the store and she buys three apples and two pears and 20 watermelon, she. hands the cashier a $20... how much change does the cashier give Aunt Sue????
And Mary's like, hmmmm...
I wonder if the cashier was CUTE???
That’s literally HOW my brain works… it just goes to a completely different thought… like when the Bible says Aaron’s rod sprouted almonds, I wonder if anyone tasted them!!! I mean that would be some really gooooooood almond butter!!!Lolol πŸ˜‚ I’m pretty sure, IM THE REASON there is calculators on every phone…  
 Your welcome !!! 
♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, September 25, 2023

Happy Monday!!!!

Preeeeeeeeeach!!! Jesus first, do your best and try your hardest, do your part and the rest is in God’s hands!!! πŸ€— 
♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

AmaaaaZing Mary Discovery!!!

You guys, THIS MORNING, Wednesday,  September 20th, at 8:42 am, I had the most amaaaaaaaZing self-discovery!!!
Soooooooo I’m sitting there, listening to the Bible on my phone πŸ“± when all of the sudden a warning ⛔️ comes on my phone saying my phone is to hot πŸ₯΅ and needs to cool off for a few minutes!!! 
I was liiiiiiiike, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT????
How could this be??? How could my phone temperature πŸ€’ be too HOT??? I was sitting in side on the couch with the AC BLASTING, how could my phone be over heated???? How could my phone πŸ“± be TOO HOT, when it was just sitting there in my hand???
Then I was liiiiiiike, OMW, in MY HAND
This could only mean one thing!!!! I’ve joked about it MY WHOLE LIFE, buuuuuuuut it’s ACTUALLY not a joke!!!
Liiiiiiiiiiiike DUH!!!
 πŸ˜‰ πŸ™Œ 

♥Mary Frances :)
PS I really have nooooo idea what was wrong with my phone… it was superrrr WEIRD!!! I put it in the fridge to cool it down!!! 🀷‍♀️

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Antioch 2023!!!

Sooooooooooooo you guys PROBABLY all thought that I had forgotten to post about ANTIOCH...which in actuality, I DID!!! I mean, my brother dying a week after confernce I kinda made me lose my rhythm of things!!! 
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellll unfortunately, I don't have too many pictures BECAUSE I was extremely sick so I only made it to the first and last night of the conference and I was sick 😷 so, so, so, sooooooooooo SICK πŸ€’!!! Everyone was like, do you think it was COVID??? I’m liiiiiiike, to be honest, I ACTUALLY THINK it was worse than COVID….
I think πŸ€” it may have ACTUALLY BEEN A...
AWESOME FIRST NIGHT buuuuuuuut I had ABSOLUTELY NO VOICE TO EVEN WORHSIP GOD and that made me soooooooooooooo SAAAAAAAAD!!!! I NEVERRRRR realized how thankful I am FOR MY VOICE TO BE ABLE TO WORSHIP GOD!!!!! It's just NOT the same mouthing I LOVE YOU JESUS as it is SHOUTING IT OUT!!!!

Okaaaaaaaaaay sooooooooo this was SUPERRRR funnnnnny because Brother Inquist (No clue how to spell his last name) Photo bombed into this picture...buuuuuut...

Without knowing her husband had photo-bombed earlier, SISTER INQUIST Photo bombed in this picture...I was liiiiiiiike IT MUST BE A FAMILY THING!!! LOL 
YES that fast!!! LOL 
The youth Choir was AWESOME!!! Younger Sister Garrett led it and she did a phenomenal job!!! From what I gathered they said this was her first time leading a choir buuuuuut you woulda thought she'd been doing it HER WHOLE life!! And she did it the first time pregnant too!!! I was liiiiiiiiiike, YOU GO GIRRRRRRRRRL!!!! 


My beautiful friend Jen!!!

Finally got my CROWN πŸ‘‘!!!

Soooooooo Mariana said I could NOT post this on my blog unless I photoshopped her chin!!! I was liiiiiiiike seriousley???? I'm a WRITER NOT A PERSON THAT CAN DO ANYTHING techical...buuuuuuuuuuuuuut THE AMAZING GRACE GINTY fixed it...I was liiiiiiiiiiike, see, ASIANS CAN DO ANYTHING!!!! 


Avalyn, it's OK that you were wearing black, your an exception BECAUSE you have dimples and people with dimples can get away with wearing anything because dimples make them better looking than everyone else anywayz soooooooo it really doesn't matter WHAT YOU WEAR!!! (As long as it's modest LOL) AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA It was goooood to meet you girl and I'm sorrry if I wasn't as friendly as normal...I was literally SOOOOOOOOOOO SICK!!!! You can keep in touch with me or add me to YOUR PHOTO STREAM!!! ;) Email me and I'll give you my number!!!
Made some new friends and also some old friends too!!!

Annnnnnnnnnd that's about it...the two nights I got to go were absolutely AMAAAAAAAAAAZING!!!! VPC is doing a great job hosting this conference!!! 
I’m soooooo thankful to have a big conference right here in AZ and I don’t have to worry about traveling and I can save money πŸ’°!!!  Sorry to everyone else buuuuuut I don’t apologize for the heat…we endure it soooo you can too!!! And at least it’s a DRY HEAT!!!! I don’t care what anyone says, HUMIDITY IS WORSE!!! I literally can not even take it!!!
Listen to ANTIOCH 2023 HERE!!! 
NEXT CONFERENCE ARISE In ABQ New Mexico with the Fosters!!!

September 21 - 24

♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, September 18, 2023

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Happy Single Saturday!!!

At this point, I should be attracting an Archangel...ahahahahaaaa!!! ;)
♥Mary Frances :)

Friday, September 15, 2023

Mary Diet Tips!!!

Have you everrrrr noticed when you're eating cereal that ther4e is just never an even amount of milk to cereal ratio? There's always a little bit of milk left and SO you have to add in just a little bit more trix, buuuuuut then you realize that now there's not enough milk so you add in some more AND THEN when you finish the cereal there's some more milk left so you have to add in MORE CEREAL, buuuuuut then you need MORE MILK and then there's milk left AGAIN and soooooooooooooo YOU KNOOOOOOOOOOOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!!

Once they're GONE...You won't be tempted to eat them anymore!!!!
Eat your temptation,
The temptation is GONE!!!
♥Mary Frances :)
Did you know that Trix are GLUTEN FREE???
 GASP...does that mean they're ALMOST HEALTHYISH??? ;)

Thursday, September 14, 2023

How to become more attractive!!!

LDS Moments... More LDS Gems at:
Wanna be more attractive??? 
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllll that'll preach!!! 
"Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined." (Psalm 50:22)
♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Happy Brain-Boosting Wednesday!!! #Italian Facts

Here's your middle-of-the-week brain booster!!!
Soooooooooo growing up a family favorite dish of ours was my mom's Shepherd's pie!!! It's just sooooooooooooooo good!!! It doesn't sound like anything amazing, but to me it just sounds like HOME!!! So it's basically a casserole, on the bottom is a mixture of ground beef, seasoned with onion soup mix and corn, then on top is mashed potatoes and on top of that is melted cheddar cheese. Then you make it in the oven at 350 til everything is warmed and the cheese is slightly browned... then you... and this is strictly a GINTY THING buuuuuut I highly recommend for everyone...THEN you drizzle Catalina/French dressing on top of your piece...Mmmmmmm....I''m literally drooling just thinking about it....don't let that mess get on you...;) Ahahahaahaa!!!
Image result for shepherd's pie"
So there's all kinds of crazy variations of this dish and some of them are just really NASTY! I'll never forget eating it at these people from England's house....NO CHEESE on top and gravy in the meat and weird veggies and they would put like a mint jelly on it....I was soooooooo appalled but did manage to eat mine.
Well my mom explained to us that the reason why Shepherd's Pie is called what it is, is because the shepherd's were always so poor, and they would just make do with whatever they had and would use scraps of whatever leftover meat there was to make their pie!!! I assumed that the shepherd's were Irish and that the potatoes were of high abundance, so this was something they could do with them in Ireland!!!! Not to sure HOW ACCURATE this is, buuuuuuuuuuut, according to my mom, IT WAS!!!!
With all that being said...
 lets talk about LASAGNA!!!
I know, I know, abrupt, random
 subject change right?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Soooooooooo my mom, who was very Italian, thought lasagna was to be made a certain way. Red sauce, beef, mozzarella, parm, and of course RICOTTA CHEESE...NOT COTTAGE CHEESE...EVERRRR!!!!
Annnnnnnnd she would get into it with this "white" lady that thought she was such a good cook and thought her lasagna was better than my mom's. Her lasagna involved a white gravy type sauce, NOT alfredo though and chicken and veggies and I think maybe even BEANS...let me tell you...MY MOM WAS APPALLED!!! .

She knows how to make a lota food, and she can make it look good, BUUUUUUT she can't make it taste good!!!

 Anyways, I was researching about IF all Italians use ricotta cheese in their lasagna and I found a whole article about how in Italy, there are many variations of lasagna depending the location due to what is available most to the people there. Which makes sense, think about how even here in the US, what is popular in one state of our country is not known of in other parts depending what is cultivated and grown there. And every Italian thinks THERE WAY is THE BEST WAY!!! That's just the way Italians are, every Italian cook thinks THEY ARE THE BEST!!!! And to be honest, THEY ARE!!! ;)
(Buuuuuuuut by the way, NONE of the variations involved white gravy, corn, beans!!!)
The article went on to ALSO SAY that basically, as far as what meat Italians chose to put in their lasagna, depended on what was leftover from that weeks cooking...meatballs, sausage, chicken, etc...
When I read that I was like, OMW

"Did you know???..."

Lasagna is the ITALIAN'S

Because, Italians are just COOL like that! Most people, ugh, I'm sick of this food, just throw it out, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut Italians???? Nah!!!!
I imagine the first time lasagna was being created went something like this...
Uh Joe-a, whata we-a gonna do with all these-a leftover meatballs from Little Joe's birthday party-a? Eh I don't-a know-a Maria, why don't we do-a something amazing with a them that will change the world Maria? Like what-a Joe? Donate-a them to the homeless shelter down-a the street??? DONATE THEM???? Yells Joe in horror!!! You-a gotta be-a kidding me babe!!!! I said do something AMAZING WITH THEM-A that willa chang-a the world-a!!!!
 Let me think, ah yes-a, I know what-a we'll-a do-a with-a them-a, we'll make a whole new entrΓ©e. It will be like a layered pie with noodles and-a, we'll throw on some-a marinara between, parm on top of the marinara, mozzarella on the very top and THEN +we'll-a cutta up the-a leftover meatballs from-a Little Joe's birthday and putta them in between-a the layers of cheese and noodles!!! What do-a you-a think-a about-a that Maria???
 Oh yes-a Joe, that seems like a great idea, Oh and-a JOE, I know, we'll put RICOTTA cheese in between-a all the layers as wella!! Ah yes, MARIA, ricotta cheese, oh my sweet shmoocums, YES-A, RICOTTA CHEESE!!! The perfect finishing touch!!! See Maria, THAT IS WHY I MARRIED YOU...because, I am-a good-a already...buuuuuuuuut-a TOGETHER, together YOU MAKE ME AMAZING-A!!! *SMOOCH♥ Oh-a Joe, I love you too and DONATE THEM-A???? FUGGETTABOUTIT!!!! *Smooch♥smooch♥SMOOOOOOCH!!!!♥
 EH LITTLE JOE, go-a getta the big pot, it's-a COOKING TIME!!!!
Annnnnnnnnnd there you have it folks, LASAGNA,
"...Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll NOW YOU DO, annnnnnnnnd don't you FORGET IT!!!" (AIO BTV quote;)
(Mary Ginty quote)
♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

A Mary Fact!!!

Image result for Fact it takes two seconds to compliment someone
Fact: One compliment changed my life!!!
True story people!!! Once upon a time, in the end of 2007, before the birth of Classic Mary Moments had taken place, there was a broken-hearted Mary that had lost her merrieness MARYness!!! I had stopped writing! I didn't laugh, I hardly brushed my hair and lets be real, this may seem hard to believe, buuuuuuuut, I had started dressing like a FRUMP!!!
One day, a really good looking young man paid me a simple compliment. It wasn't flirty or outlandish, it was just a simple but sincere compliment that turned me around. I stood taller and began to make big changes in my life to live up to the compliment...annnnnd yeah...
I "Fell in love" with the guy for a while too...ahem...maybe a few years...buuuuuuut...heeeeeeyyyy...I really needed that compliment at that time.
That guy, whom I thought was sooooooooo handsome, had the power to use his words to build me up or tear me down...or FURTHER down then I already felt at that time in my life!!! Sometimes we're scared to compliment someone because think they may get the wrong idea, buuuuuut you know what, I say its better to build someone up and they get the wrong idea, then to snub someone without reason and bring them down.
After that compliment, I went home from that conference with a new mindset. I was going to start dressing cutesy again! I was going to do my hair everyday and every church service no matter what. It didn't matter if there were or weren't any single guys at my church, I was still going to look good. ANNNNNND that year I started writing again. 
By the end of 2008, Classic Mary Moments had started and The Mary we all know and love, 
                YES, including Mary...hee, hee, was reborn!!! 
So you see my friends, we all have power with our words. We have the power to build up or tear down! 
Now do I think that none of all that would have happened IF that guy had NOT paid me a compliment??? NAH!!! I mean, I'm still Mary and God is STILL GOD!!! I'm sure eventually I would have gotten out of my slump and God would have used some other situation or person buuuuuuut heeeeeey WHY not be the good-looking-tool God uses to build someone up???? 
May as well right??? ;)  Hee, hee!!!
If you’re around me for to long and I hear unkindness, you know I’ll be saying John 13:35 to you!!! By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”
God wants us to love each other!!! I'm not just talking about loving lost souls, I'm talking about loving our church family, loving our brothers and sister in the Lord!!! We are a witness TO LOST SOULS, by our love to one another within the church! God wants us to LOVE!!! My friends, don't be fake, don't be a flatterer, don't be a player, buuuuuut sincerely be NICE!
Be Kindhearted!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, September 11, 2023

Happy Monday!!!

Hahahaha!!! If Mary was a season… it would HAVE to be an AZ SUMMER!!! Bahahahahaaa JK! JK!! ;)

♥Mary Frances :)

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Happy Sunday!!!

Think about it, God IN US!!!! Why would you NOT want the Holy Ghost!?!?!? Acts 2:38!!! Read it! Love it! OBEY IT!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Single Saturday!!!

Hahaha!!! YEEEEEESSS!!!! The second time will be even better than the first time!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Friday, September 8, 2023

One Last Birthday πŸ₯³ Gift 🎁

Soooooooo August 21st... Liz gave me the birthday πŸ₯³ present 🎁 from their family, they’ve had it since before John died buuuuuuuut with everything going on obviously they didn’t have a chance to give it to me and she said John had specifically picked this out for my 40th birthday present!!! when she showed it to me I screamed and laughed and wanted to cry all at the same time!!!! He definitely πŸ’― knew his big sister!!!! Lol πŸ˜‚ it’s very much A MARY GIFT 🎁 πŸ₯° πŸ˜‚
Are you guessing???
Pastor guessed a husband....
BUUUUUUUUT IT wasn't quite that amaaaaaZing...
buuuuuuuuuuut ALMOST!!! ;)
IT'S A...

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

The Legend Of Cauliflower (By Mar Bear)

Once upon a time there a flower named Cauli!
Cauliflower, One Head
 Cauli was a plain, simple, white flower that most people did not pay attention to. Cauli lived amongst a variety of other veggies, but although Cauli was very healthy and beneficial to one's body, Cauli usually got over looked. If there was a veggie tray, Cauli only got taken after all the other veggies were taken and even then, only by those that were really hungry. If there was a mixed medley veggie on people's plates, Cauli usually got picked out and scooted to the side while all the other veggies got eaten. At the grocery store, Cauli neary always got over looked by it's popular friend sitting next to it, Broc...everyone just loved that Broccoli fellow over Cauli and Cauli could never understand why. Broc had a stronger taste and let out a foul smell when cooked, unlike Cauli.
However, Cauli just kept being Cauli! Cauli didn't try lifting weights, changing it's color or do anything to get people to like it, it just kept being Cauli. Cauli knew it's value was not dependent on what others thought of it, but on it's creator who made it. Cauli was full of fiber, magnesium, potassium and vitamins, even cancer-preventing ones, that were good for you. Cauli was low in calories and sugar, yet still had protein to strengthen and fill you. Cauli was awesome and didn't really matter if the whole world saw it or not, Cauli would just keep being CAULI!!!
Then one day, without trying, people suddenly began to notice Cauli! Cauli was being used so rapidly should hardly even knew what to do! Cauli was being used to help people lose weight. Cauli was made into rice, Cauli was mashed like taters, Cauli was made into pizza crust, Cauli this and Cauli that! Cauli here and Cauli there...FINALLY everyone noticed Cauli...Finally everyone saw Cauli's value, buuuuuuuut there was nothing different about Cauli! Cauli was still, JUST CAULI!!!!
Cauli determined that no matter how popular, well known and well liked it got, it still had the same value as it did when no one wanted it and Cauli also determined that when some other vegetable replaced it and became the newest popular healthy rave, Cauli wasn't going to let it get it down, it's value was still the same, if the whole world loved it, if only a few people loved it, or if ONLY GOD, it's creator loved it, no matter what, Cauli's value was still the same. The value of Cauli was NOT dependent on those around it, but on the one that created it!!!
You guys, I know this may seem like a silly story, buuuuuuuut I wanna tell you all something, sometimes you just may know how it feels to be CAULIFLOWER!!! Maybe you feel like a lump of cold cauliflower on somebody's plate. The leftover that no body even bothers to put in the fridge with the rest of the leftovers. Buuuuuuut can I tell you something, YOU HAVE VALUE!!! YOU HAVE PURPOSE!!! Nobody else may notice or see you, BUUUUUUUT GOD DOES!!! Annnnnnd you just keep on being YOU!!! The best YOU, you can possibly be! Don't make yourself into something your not to try and get noticed and liked, just be YOU!!!
You know, growing up, I was that lump of cauliflower!!! I was timid!  I was quiet! I was shy! I lived happily in my own little imaginative world with my stuffed animals, baby dolls and Barbies. I usually sat alone at lunch and often played alone on the playground at school. I had my few friends at church but never got noticed much when we went other places, churches or conferences. I was timid, quiet and shy. 
BUUUUUT, I still new I had value. My mom ingrained in me that I was special, BECAUSE JESUS LOVED ME! My mom taught me ALWAYS to live my life to be pleasing to God, NOT man!!!
As I got older in life,  all of the sudden I was like the newest vegetable on the block!!! I was fun and happy, I could tell the best stories and make everyone laugh! Everyone wanted to be my friend! (Minus a few haters!;) Buuuuuuuuut can I tell you all something???
I was still JUST MARY!!!
The Mary that no one had noticed…
I'm still just ME!!!
I have the same value now that I had when  no one looked my way… I’m JUST ME!!!
Sometimes, I'm quiet, sometimes I'm loud. Sometimes I make everyone laugh, sometimes I just sit back and watch. Sometimes I'm witty and occasionally I'm wise! Sometimes I'm thoughtful, sometimes I lose all my thoughts. And most of the time, I'm still living happily in my own little world. You can like me, you can dislike me! You can take me or leave me, I don't even care...I mean, I care, buuuuuut I really don't care!!!! My value is NOT dependent on being well known, or well liked, my value comes from God, my creator!!!
You guys, it's nice to be liked, buuuuuuut it's more important to be Godly!!!  Popularity is fleeting, everyone will love you till they find someone else. BUUUUUUT your God-given value is the same no matter what. Your value from God is not dependent on people or circumstances, it is not fleeting and it is not passing. Stop putting so much value on what people think of you, what is what GOD THINKS OF YOU!
The truth is that a person that lives their life striving to be pleasing to God, is usually pretty well liked. I mean think about it, if you live to please God, you’re going to have a pretty strong character, you will do what’s right with kindness and speak the truth in love. 
So you guys, like the cauliflower, know your value, stay the same, be pleasing to your creator and know that your God sees you, whether the whole world does or does not. As my mom would always tell me, "Mary, you can't please ALL the people, ALL the time,  so LIVE TO PLEASE GOD, NOT MAN!!!
"When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him." (Proverbs 16:7)
♥Mary Frances :)