Friday, May 31, 2019


Hey guys, I just wanted to say sorry I haven't blogged in a while, it's NOT lack of inspiration, I have 960 blog post ideas saved in drafts in blogger, it was just the time to getting them done. I was out of town this past week for a home-shower/engagement party for Brandon Puller and Hanna Kifle, that I helped with food an entertainment, also gonna be a bridesmaid in their wedding this summer, soooooo i'm very excited about that. Then we did a little day hiking trip to Tonto Natural Bridge in Payson and then other than that, this sista's gotta earn a living, plus cleaning, plus church stuff, plus packing for AMA next week and also finding some time to work on my's still happening people...sooooo yeah, it hasn't been a lack of inspiration, just TIME!!! I promise to do better....
You all still love me???
Someone asked me this past week, do you still blog??? I'm like, OF COURSE!!! I'm a writer!!! I can't NOT write, it's ME, it's who I am!!! Writer's gonna WRITE!!! I don't blog to just blog about my life, I write and post it on a blog for people to read my writings, blog life updates are just AN EXTRA!!! Do you still write Mary? Am I breathing???? If I am then the answer is yes!!!! I'll stop writing when I die...Unless God allows it somehow from heaven!!! 
♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Reliving Baby pics!!!

Have you guys ever tried to reenact one of your baby pics??? 
Well this is my try on the matter, whatda ya think??? 
Equally ADORABLE!!! Hee, hee!!! 
♥Mary Frances :)

Friday, May 17, 2019

January Update!!!!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeelllllll I know it's the middle of May, buuuuuuuuuuuuut, how about a January update!?!?! So our computer has been acting up and I was having difficulty getting pics saved into here but finally got it!!! 
Last hike of 2018!!!
We brought in the new year with a HILARIOUS PLAY

GOODBYE 2018!!!!


Friday, May 10, 2019

If you're happy and you know it...(Singles Edition;)

Remember, there are worse things than being single: 
1. Being married and miserable 
2. Being Single and miserable!!! 
Whatever state you are in, be happy in Jesus, because the JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH!!!! 
"Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice."
 (Philippians 4:4)
Mary Frances :)

Monday, May 6, 2019

Happy Monday!!!

I love this, it's SOOOOO true!!! 
I've never really been good at BALANCE!!! Physically speaking, I'm a total klutz, any exercise that involves one foot, I usually switch to another exercise, but I also have to strive for balance in all areas of my life. I'm a zealous! I'm an extremist!!! I've been known to be ALL or NOTHING!!! If I love something, I don't just love it,  I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!
 But I've had to learn how to be more balanced about stuff. Not to over-do a good thing, and when I'm not feeling something, I may still have to do it anyways. Or I may not agree with something, but I don't have to push all my ideas on to everyone else if its not a heaven or hell issue. We must strive to be balanced in every area of our lives, Physically, emotionally, socially, intellectually, because all of those things will effect us SPIRITUALLY!!! 

Happy Monday everyone!!! 
Have good balancing week, this week!!!
"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24)
♥Mary Frances :)

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Sorry about that!!!

Sooooooo last weekend I took Odin to the splash pad at the Scottsdale Quarter, a VERY RITZY upscale shopping center, in Scottsdale. Now you have to understand that Scottsdale, also knowns SNOTTSdale, is a generally speaking, more wealthy city. While there are a few ghetto areas, its kinda like Glendale, most of its ghetto but there are some REALLY RITZY areas of Glendale that the public bathrooms actually aren't locked up with a code to enter, buuuuuuuuuut there far and few in between, while Scottsdale is the opposite, mostly ritzy with a FEW ghetto areas, with that being said, THE SCOTTSDALE QUARTER is a very ritzy area...Not that I'm intimidated by anyone's snootiness!!! LOL
So I take O to the Scottsdale Quarter, we're surrounded by all the Scottsdale Mom's and I'm just lounged out on a chair, totally chillaxing, reading the latest Adventure's In Odyssey book, WHEN...O just shouts to me:
can I PEE on the lily pad?! say yes or no!"
I look around at all these snooty blonde mom's that look about to pass out upon his question and yell out, 
He says, "oh ok, SORRY ABOUT THAT!!! 
I won't do it again!!!"

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! I look around a all these Scottsdale Mom's aghast, it was hard to keep from busting up laughing, especially when Odin then felt it was his personal duty to go to every child and let them know, "No peeing in here guys, it's not allowed! We don't do that that guys, we don't pee on the lily pad!" AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAA!!! I love that Kid!!!! 😍😍😍
♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Master Stultz!!!


Yes, AGAIN!!!
Master's Degree this time!!!
Weeeeeeeeeeeellllll, he graduated, buuuuuuuuuuuut he still actually has a few weeks of school left...which is just weird buuuuuuut, I have NO DOUBT he'll pass!!! Anywayz, I just wanted to take a moment to say congrats and I'm a proud friend! He's made a lot of sacrifices without sacrificing the things of God.

So the graduation was A LOT different then his graduation from ASU!!! GCU is a Christian college, so before hand they had gospel singers on the platform, then they had prayer before the ceremony started, and they gave all the graduates Bibles with their degree portfolios, I thought all that was SUPERRRRRR COOL!!! Oh and the inspirational speaker was ACTUALLY interesting...liiiiiiike for the FIRST TIME everrrr I heard a interesting college graduation speech!!!

Soooooooooooo the one thing I will say ASU had on GCU was, 1. GCU only gave him 6 tickets, ASU was unlimited annnnnnnnnd their streamers at the end HAD BALLOONS TOO!!! Buuuuuuuut GCU's streamers were still pretty cool!!! You can recall my ASU balloons and streamers moment HERE
Click HERE to see the animated picture series google pics made for me!!!!
My BELOVED STREAMER!!! I begged Stultz to save me one when they came down...liiiiiiiiiike BRO, I know your about to get your MD buuuuuuuuuut will you PULLLLLLLLLLEEEEEZE save your barely-got-her-high-school-diploma-friend a MASTERS DEGREE STREAMER!?!?! He graciously obliged!!!
Jonathon with his parents!!!
            Tommy and StultZ                                                                        
AbIe and Stultz

Annnnnnnnnnnnd of course we ended the night at Cheesecake Factory, because HEEEEEEEEYYY, where else can you never go wrong??? Hee, hee!!! πŸ‘…
Anywayz, BRO, I know you still have a little bit more to go, a few more weeks of school, then finishing up your CPA tests, buuuuuuuuuut pretty soon you'll be officially DONE!!!! Done, done, done, DONE WITH IT ALL!!!! Wooooooohoooooo!!!! Then we'll have to have a big DONE CELEBRATION!!! And of course you can always feel free to consult your party advisor!!! (Low fee, or maybe a discount if you do her taxes next year;) Hee, hee!!!
♥Mary Frances :)