Thursday, June 3, 2021

Mary News!!! (Part 1.)

Soooooooooo I have been meaning to share with you all some VERY EXCITING NEWS!!! Are you guys ready for this??? Weeeeeeeeeellll here we go...
 By the end of 2021...
I will officially be...
What do you think I'm going to say??? ;)
I will be...

How cool is that??? 
(Okaaaaayyy married would be cooler buuuut...ahahahahaaa;)
I know I had told you all quite a while ago that I was working on a book for singles called Joyfully UnfoldingThe art of rocking singlehood, ANNNNNNNNNND that is NOT the book that will be published by the end of the year. I worked on that book hardcore for about a year and then I just felt like putting it aside and I started working on ANOTHER book, The second book I started working on is called RIIIIIIIIIIIING!!! -Answering God when He Calls  and then I felt in my heart that THIS BOOK that is to be published this year is THE BOOK I need to put my focus on right now!!!
And I have to ask myself with the book for singles, WHY did I stop with this project??? There is some stuff that I'm not sure if I'm ready to just share with the world yet, buuuuuuut I'm not sure why because I'm a very transparent person and it's my story, my testimony... I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of any of it...buuuuuuut something is stopping me!!! I've asked myself, Is this just me, being ME and moving from project to project without completion of one??? I mean, I got really, really far in the project and its some REALLY GOOD and FUN writing, in my striving-to-be-humble-oppinion!!! ;) Buuuuuuuut I've prayed about it and I honestly feel in my spirit that God has just said to wait for now🤷 which basically sums up MY WHOLE LIFE as a single!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🥴🙄
On to today's news!!! This book is a KID's BOOK!!! It is called,
 "Peter's First Italian Feast" and it is the story of Peter going to Cornelius in Acts 10!!! Its going to be EPIC!!! Spiritually and Biblically sound, with humor and LOTS OF GOOD FOOD!!!  You will be HUNGRY when your done reading this book to your kids!!! The theme is The Holy Ghost is for EVERYONE!!! There will be a recipe at the end with Cornelius' Cheesy Garlic Bread for parents to do with their kids.
This is THE FIRST in my kids series, "Delicious Adventures With Nona" all the books will be devoted to New Testament plan of salvation stories!!!! 
Stay tuned to part 2 tomorrow to find out how God led me to an amazing Illustrator!!!
(I was gonna do this all in one post buuuuuut it was really long...LONGERRRR than this...and you guys would probably get bored and STOP reading and I would hate for you to miss out on anything!!! ;)

♥Mary Frances :)