Thursday, April 14, 2022

Dallas/Roswell/Carlsbad/Roswell/Carlsbad/El Paso Trip!!!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllll if your wondering where I've been for the last week, it's ALL IN THE TITLE OF THIS POST!!!! 
Wednesday night was church at my church and as we're going home I said to my sister, well the flight is at 5am but I need to be at the airport by 3am, do you think I should go to sleep tonight or take an over the counter sleeping pill to fall asleep OR just set my alarm to see if I fall asleep on my own??? You know what she said to me??? She said, annnnnnnnnnnnd I'm QUOTING HER WORD FOR WORD, she said,"What amazes me, is that, YOU ACTUALLY THINK I CARE!!!"
It all started off at 2:30 🕝 am Thursday, the morning on the 7th when my Uber driver picked me up and gave me his life story on the way to the airport!!! He didn't help me with my luggage, WHICH is an unwritten rule that they're SUPPOSED to do IF THEY WANT A TIP!!!! Buuuuuuuuuut as I was leaving, it was his parting line that ACTUALLY got him a tip!!! After giving me his whole sob story of rent being soooooooo expensive and he's also paying his sister's and her kids and possibly his sister's friend's rent...He said, WELL, HAVE NICE LIFE!!!! I don't know why but that really cracked me up!!! Liiiiiiike, we're literally NEVERRRRR going to see each other again!!! Sooooooooo I gave him a tip in the app to help pay everyone's rent!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!
 Liiiiiiiiiiiike literally...
Sooooooooooo they told me I had a choice to either get rid of the extra weight OR pay $100!!! Seriously, soooooooooooooo LAAAAAAAAME!!! Buuuuuuuuuut I got rid of five pounds of stuff and one of them WAS NOT THE 15 POUND LASAGNA THAT I FORGOT TO PUT SAUCE IN BETWEEN THE LAYERS ON!!! AHAHAHAHAAA!!! 
Sooooooooo I'm just telling everyone that I take Benadryl every night for two reasons. 1. Otherwise I would NEVERRRRR fall asleep 2. since 2018 ive had really bad allergies and sinus issues so that helps with it. Ive talked to the docotor about it and we dont think I have insomnia...I just like LITERALLY don't get tired!!! I don't take naps unless I'm sick or just soooooooooo's not that I don't like naps, I just wouldn't fall asleep to even take one!!! 
Soooooooooooo after church on Wednesday, I decided that unless I fell asleep naturally, I would just stay awake until it was time to go to the airport...annnnnnnnnnd I was kinda curious to know HOW LONG I COULD STAY awake before getting tired!!! Buuuuuuuuuut I have to keep schedule so I never actually find out!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllll Guess how long??? I fell asleep, NATURALLY, on the airplane at 5:45 on the way to Dallas!!! Soooooooooo basically it takes me 24 hours to get tired enough to fall asleep on my own!!! Which is soooooooooooo weird because I remember when I was young I was ALWAYS TIRED! like In high school and college I was sooooooooooo UNHEALTHY, ALL I DID WAS SLEEP!!! I would fall asleep in class, in between classes, ALL THE TIME!!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd after a very, very long layover in Dallas, where we had to switch gates and planes and I took a 13 year old boy under my wing cuz he was traveling by himself and literally hyperventalating and sobbing cuz he was soooooooo scared!!! Apparently, I was the most motherly looking in the group heading to Roswell because he kept looking at me with pleading eyes! Annnnnnnnnd of course my Mar Bear heart was stirred....So I was like, hey everythings ok, your going to be fine and you can stick with me when we go to find our next gate....cuz the Dallas airport is HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!!! He was like, ThAaAaAnk you...allll stuttery...then we start walking over and I realize I don't even know where our gate is cuz I was calming this kid down when they said it!!!!! AHAHAHAHAAHAAA!!
Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut after all that....
We landed in ROSWELL!!!
Not wonderful, beautiful, amazing and fun Roswell, buuuuuuuuuuuuuut home to soooooooooooo many of  my wonderful, beautiful, amaaaaaaaaaaZing, FUN and Godly friends!!! We walked off the runway, which cracks me up, liiiiiiiiiiiiike literally, THE ONLY OTHER PLACE I've done that was in a little island called Bohol in a 3rd world country AND ROSWELL!!! Bahahahaaa!!! And guess what???? I'm sooooooooooo used to being a city girl, I ACTUALLY GOT lost in the airport BECAUSE IT'S SOOOOOOOOOO SMALL and THERES NO SIGNS annnnnnnnd I didn't know what to do without SIGNS!!! I asked the police officer where I should go to get my luggage annnnnnnnnnnd HE ACTUALLY STARTED LAUGHING AT ME!!! He's like, turn right and YOUR THERE!!!
Then Jenny came and found me in her mom's beautiful van...Thank you Jenny's Mom for letting them borrow that for me!!! :)
Jenny had to remind me at Target to be careful what I was talking about because we were in a SMALL TOWN...I was liiiiiiiiiiiiiike OH YEAH!!!! not that I was saying anything bad...JUST GIRL TALK!!! Hee, hee!!!
Then we drove an 1.5 hours to Carlsbad, where Jenny and Ryan live!!! Yes, they drive that to church in Roswell twice a week and also doctor's appointments...Did I say Jenny is pregnant??? Anywayz we talked the whole time and I informed Jenny that I was really worried that after all this time of talking on the phone that things wouldn't be cool in REAL LIFE!!! That happens sometimes....Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike your GREAT FRIENDS with someone on the phone annnnnnnnnnd then you hang out in real life and your liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike OMW THIS PERSON IS SOOOOOOOO ANNOYING!!! (I'm liiiiiiiiiiiiike WHAT IF THAT HAPPENS AFTER MARRIAGE  to some bro and YOUR JUST STUCK???)
Anywayz, that night I made Mar Bear Tacos and then we played a board game and Ryan said rolling dice and killing monsters makes me OFFICALLY a NERD!!!! Buuuuuuuuut I lost sooooooo I don't think i'm quite there yet! Still holding onto my "Cool City Girl Shopaholic" card for now!!!!
Then we went out for a night tour of Carlsbad so that Rayden could fall asleep and they took me to all the mansions along the other side of the river and basically we just cruised around and wasted gas but it was super fun.
Was go, go, go, go!!! Which is exactly the way I like things!!!!

First we went to Blue House Cafe and it was sooooooooooo GOOD!!!

Soooooooooooo on the drive over to blue house, Jenny and I were literally SOOOOOOOOO QUIET!!! Jenny was like, I think we're tired... Then we took a drink of our coffee and we DIDN'T SHUT UP!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!! 

Really good breakfast!!! Homemade egg crossant with OF COURSE GREEN CHILIES SINCE IT'S NEW MEXICO!!!!!


Annnnnnnnnnnd Rayden begins to warm up to Mar Bear...

Annnnnnnnnd THEN we got more coffee ☕️ from Joe Brews
Superrrrrrrr GOOD!!! Yelp review coming soon!!!

Then we went to Pecos River....WHICH I LOOOOOOVED!!!!You guys KNOW ME, besides shopping and eating I LOOOOOVE THE OUTDOORS!!!
Soooooo first we let Rayden play in the beach area, it has like sand and the kids can wade out into the water, buuuuuuuuut Rayden kept throwing his little shovel out to see HOW FAR he could get Mary out into THE FREEZING COLD WATER to get his shovel!!! Literally the kid is soooooo mischevious!!! I'm pretty sure he takes after the person he looks EXACTLEY LIKE!!! LOL 
Then we walked along the path, which the river just goes on and on and on
Then you get to this bridge that goes across to the other side and theres a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE, really cool playground, more walking a resturaunt....every time Jenny would point out a resturaunt I was like, OH I SAW THAT ON YELP!!!!

Rayden helping Mar Bear cook...he has this really cute stepladder with a back so he doesn't fall out but can help at the kitchen counter still...its pretty cool!!!!
After making the lasagna, Jenny told me to text my sister and tell her that her oven officially looks like hers now!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! Something ALWAYS burns at least once in the kitchen...cuz YOU KNOW I"M FIRE IN THE KITCHEN...or there IS a fire in the kitchen!!!!;)
Jenny yelling at SOMEONE in the house that had stinky feet, IN FRONT OF MARY!!! MARY IS HERE!!! liiiiiiiiiiike I'm literally the most proper person in the whole world and its not as if I grew up with three DISGUSTING BROTHERS...buuuuuuuuut YES MARY IS HERE RYAN!!! BAHAHAHAHAAA!!!
I'm still trying to FIGURE OUT, which window was SUPPOSED TO GET FIXED BEFORE MARY GOT THERE!!! I neverrrrrr did notice!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnd 13 Dead End Drive, the game i've BEEN WAITING SINCE CHRISTMAS TO PLAY, someone got it set up....buuuuuuut NOT played tonight...the set up was literally liiiiiiiike 45 minutes!!! 

By Saturday, Rayden and I were pretty much besties and my mischevious litttle bestie greeted me first thing in the morning!!! 

Then we headed out to the YARD SALES!!! Where I bought NOTHING buuuuuuuuut picked up a FREE light up football for Odin!!!
Then we went to Sitting Bull Falls...when we got there we realized that none of us had a $5 bill to put in the slot...Jenny and Ryan had a $20 which would be paying $15 extra annnnnnnnnnnd I had $3.75....heeeeeeeeeey don't judge me cuz I don't carry cash on me!!! We went around asking people for change for a $20 and no one had it...Buuuuuuuuut a lady KINDLY gave us a $5 bill...I was liiiiiiiike that felt soooooooooooo ghetto buuuuuuuut really fun taking it too!!! I was liiiiiiiiiike, LORD BLESS HER FOR HER GENEROSITY admidst our stupidity!!!

Annnnnnnnnnnnd we hiked down or was it UP to the falls...kinda both we think!!!

This is when I ripped my skirt...buuuuuut don't worry I had like three skirts on sooooooo I was still superrrrrr modest...I NO LONGER HAVE A BLACK SKIRT......buuuuut it was all modest!!!! 
Ryan being RYAN!!!

Then I MUST SAY, we met a forest ranger, NOT A PARK RANGER, there is a difference, there are National Parks and National Forests and Sitting Bull Falls is a National Forest...anywayz, his name was Cody Sly!!! Yes CODY SLY, if you google yourself, YOU MADE IT TO CLASSIC MARY MOMENTS...for having such a cool name!!!! Liiiiiiiiike literally he's talking to Ryan and i'm just looking at his name tag...I'm liiiiiiiiiiiike CODY SLY that is such a cool name!!! liiiiiike he belongs in Hank THE COWDOG!!!!
Then Ryan drove us up the mountain...I have no clue what it was called...buuuuuuuuuut he called it The Ridge... annnnnnnnnnnnd it was really beautiful!!!
Next time we're supposed go camping there....LIKE ACTUAL OVERNIGHT IN A TENT!!! Jenny had asked me if I wanted to do that this time buuuuuuuuuuut I said no cuz I was scared to stay ALL BY MYSELF in a tent in THE WILDERNESS!!! I'm NOT scared of very much buuuuuut I would be scared to do THAT!!!! Buuuuuuuuut Ryan said me and Jenny can stay in our own tent together sooooooo that would be fuuuuuuuuuunnnnn!!!!

Exploring to the trees!!!
Soooooooooooo then we got to this little hole-in-the-wall cabin resturaunt annnnnnnnd your NOT going to believe WHO WAS THERE!!!!! THE ONE AND ONLY CODY SLY!!!! It's soooooo weird i'm talking about him on my blog...hopefully he doesn't google his name!!! LOL It was soooooooooooo weird cuz it's like an hour away from Sitting Bull Falls!!! Later we were discussing him and Jenny was like, SO if Cody Sly was in church would you like him??? (I'm pretty sure Ryan was superrrr disturbed by this whole conversation!) I was liiiiiiike I didn't even reckonize him at the resturaunt it was Ryan who did...I actually don't think I would even reckonize him if I saw him...he just looked like a man that kinda needed a haircut!!!! I just like his name...liiiiiiike I'm saving it for a character in a Cody Sly of the Rocking Ranger's Ranch! Cowboy by day and detective by night...He'll brand your cow and find out who stole your cow too!!! 

This was my amaaaaaaaaaaaZing green chilie burger!!!! 
MR. Adorbs!!!!
After a we got back to Carlsbad...we went to THE SECOND FAMOUS STORE OF CARLSBAD which  is OF COURSE Walmart!!! I was kinda surprised at how clean the stores in Carlsbad were...I knooooooooow I sound like a city snob buuuuuuuuuuut I was expecting them to be more ghetto...jus sayin!!! It was at Walmart that Jenny discovered that I had ripped my skirt and that I had nothing really to wear on Sunday...I packed a TON OF FOOD TO COOK AND TOYS for all my Roswell nieces and nephews and very little clothing!!!! Buuuuuuuut we finally figured something out cuz I actually remembered that I did bring ONE EXTRA outfit that I was trying on for Jenny to get her oppinon on it for camp...weeeeeeeelllll Roswell got to enjoy it FIRST!!!
annnnnnnnd my little bestie came and found me first thing in the morning AGAIN!!!! 

We had really, really good church!!! The Foster's had a vistiting preacher who said he was ITALIAN...buuuuuuut he did pronounce Italian THE WRONG WAY....buuuuuut he was a really good preacher and I knew his wife from way, way, way, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day, she was in the Roswell youth group and now they have a church somewhere in Nevada I believe!!! I was like, I knew you got married buuuuuuuuuuuut I DID NOT KNOW YOU MARRIED AN ITALIAN!!!! 
After church we went to THE BEST PLACE IN ROSWELL TO EAT...
Duuuuuuuuuuude he cooked up the most amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaZing with a capital Z meat on the grill, with guac and salsa and was sooooooooooooo BOMB!!! I wanted to eat MORE soooooooo badly buuuuuuuuut I was literally soooooooooo full!!!! Buuuuuuuut then me and Jenny did a little round 2 at like 4!!!! And the girls made these delicious gooey brownies with COFFEE WHIPPED CREAM!!!! And the Morales' have a BEAUTIFUL HOME that he built and I think designed and according to his wife did most of the decorating as well!!!! Im pretty sure my sister is going to have him re-doing her fireplace sometime in the future!!! (I shouldve taken more pics but was to tired to remember!) Anywayz, if you guys read this, thank YOU so much for hosting us all on Sunday and providing a delicious meal, and a place for us all to fellowship together, I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!! And yes, you WILL get your own personal chocolate cake that YOU DON"T HAVE TO SHARE and your wife can feed you as you drive again!!! BAHAHAHHAHAHAAA!!!
Me and Anali...after getting a good laugh about weeeeeeeelllll about some people and some things NEVERRRRR CHANGING!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!

Annnnnnnnnnnd then we drove the 1.5 hours to Carlsbad....I think I pretty much talked THE WHOLE TIME...even when Jenny and Rayden fell asleep!!!! It was either TALK or LISTEN TO RYAN'S NERD STORY AGAIN!!!! Ruins of Gorlan... Yes Ryan...I was PRETENDING TO LIKE IT!!!! Just to be niiiiiiiiiiice since you drove me and your wife all over the place and made the trip really fun for us...I FIGURED PRETENDING TO LIKE YOUR NERD STORY was a small way of thanking you!!!! I actually really did TRY to get into it, buuuuuuuuuuut the only part I understood was when the Jenny girl was interviewing as a cook and they asked here what she would do with a meat pie and she said, well EAT IT, of course!!!! I was liiiiiiiiiike, NOW THAT I CAN RELATE TOO!!!! 
Buuuuuuuuuut yeah, I'm more of a Adventure's in Odyessy or Jungle Jam type of girl....I even tried getting more into it when I got back buuuuuuuuuuuuut I'm currently listening to Black Coffee by Agatha Christie!!!! 
Anywayz, we had fun hanging out with everyone after church annnnnnnnnnd I forgot to take pictures!!! If I dont take pictures I'm either really TIRED or something is on fire in the kitchen...jus sayin!!!!
Then when we got home from church we FINALLY PLAYED 13 Dead End Drive!!! It was a blast!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllll once Ryan got me and Jenny to understand HOW to play!!!! He was reading us the directions which was COMPLETELY POINTLESS!!! He's like, are you guys getting this? we're liiiiiiike, NO!!! You read the directions AND then tell us what to do as we go!!!! Some people were meant to read the directions and some people were meant to look good and WE ALL KNOW which category me and Jenny fall into!!!(Heeeeeeeeyyyy)Soooooooooo we played and its like one of THE FUNNNEST GAMES EVERRRR!!! Of course THE NERD won but we still had fun losing!!! Well according to Jenny she let Ryan win!!! LOL 

The little Bestie!!! 
WHO ALSO now knows how to whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???? Yes, TAKE A SELFIE!!!! 
Soooooo Jenny says that she tells people that if they touch her baby bump stomach then she tells them she is going to touch theirs!!! Sooooooooooo guess what I said, AS I TOUCHED HER STOMACH???

I said IF YOU WANNA TOUCH MY STOMACH...GO FOR IT!!! I don't care!!! (I pretty much have NO PERSONAL BUBBLE!LOLOLOL) My sister was liiiiiiiiike, SOOOOOOOOO NOW SHE KNOWS JUST HOW CREEEPY YOU ARE!!! I was liiiiiiike, PRETTY MUCH!!!!

Annnnnnnnnnd then we headed to El Paso for my flight HOME!!! We talked till Ryan got tired of hearing us annnnnnnnnd then THE NERDS R US STORY WENT ON!!!! annnnnnnnd Jenny immediatly fell asleep and i just went into Mary World in my mind...where all things are still interesting...fluffy, pink and sparkly!!! 
When we got to the airport, Jenny and I went over our FAVORITE times on the trip and Ryan was liiiiiike WOWWWWW all your guys favorite times was when I was at work!!!! I was liiiiiike, No you were there when I ripped my skirt!!!!! BAHAHAHAAAA!!!! Also playing the game and going to the mountains!!!! Anytime you take me somewhere pretty in nature is going be a favorite moment for me!!!!
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllll Jenny and Ryan...thank you guys for hosting me!!! ANNNNNNND YEEEEESSSS....I really DID HAVE FUNNNNNN...I'm NOT JUST SAYING THAT!!!! ;) I've been writing this since 9am...and it'sAFTER TWO...soooooooooooo enjoy!!!! I THINK you guys should read this together....Ryan get an advil for THE HEADACHE THAT'S COMEING!!!! (My blog gives him a HEADACHE!!! YES, HE ACTUALLY TOLD ME THAT!!! It's apparently the SMILES!!!🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄)

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllll CAN SOMEBODY SAY A MOUNTAIN APART???

♥Mary Frances :)
PS Almost our WHOLE ENTIRE CHURCH ⛪️ IS GOING TO AMA THIS YEAR!!! Even JIMMY is going!!! I was liiiiiike ALLY, I can’t believe YOUR DAD IS GOING TO CAMP!!!! This is sooooooooo AWESOME!!! LPC AT AMA!!!! Whoop, whoop!!!! 🙌🏽