Saturday, September 28, 2024

Happy Single Saturday!!!


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Breaking bones=Saving Lives!

I was recently in a CPR and First Aide training class for my job, as I already said in my post The Purpose Of A Seatbelt (read it HERE) and there was something else that I learned in this class that I MUST share with you all. I learned, that while giving a person CPR, you have to give them air compressions that are two inches deep. Now this may not seem like that big of a deal when you just hear me say that buuuuut its pressing down TWO WHOLE INCHES. Take your hand right now, place it on your heart and press down. What do you feel??? I don't know about you all, buuuuut I feel BONES!!!
Our teacher told us that when giving these chest compressions your going to break bones. He went on to tell us that its going to feel WEIRD, buuuut if your NOT hearing strange noises, like crunching, your NOT doing it right. You've GOT TO BREAK THEIR BONES. Weeeeeeelllll you all shoulda seen the look on my face. I was sitting there with my mouth hanging open. I mean, i'm the person that hit my lil brother when we were kids cuz he was annoying me and felt so bad I started crying more than him! So I raised my hand and was like I have NEVER heard this before in CPR...I just can NOT imagine actually BREAKING SOMEONES BONES!!!
The teacher was like, well if your doing it right, its most likely going to happen. Your pressing TWO INCHES deep one someone, its GOING to break their chest bones. He's like if you’re NOT breaking bones you’re NOT doing it right. Don't feel bad about breaking their bones, you’re SAVING their life. He said bones can be fixed BUUUUUT you can't fix DEAD!!!(unless you’re God!)
I was FLOORED by his words but as soon as he said that to me my mind started whirling and I actually did get caught writing this devotional in class! :) Buuuut I just couldn't help but corelate this to how God works in our own life. "For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth." (Hebrews 12:6) To scourge someone means to whip or inflict pain on someone. Sometimes God HAS TO BREAK US!!!
Sometimes our spiritual life is in so much turmoil, we're literally about to spiritually die and God steps in on the scene and says i've GOT to give this one spiritual CPR. I hate to see them suffering, I hate to see their sorrow, I hate to see their pain, but i've got to inflict on them. I've got break them so I can save them. Sometimes this pain is inflicted on us through the circumstances of life, through our sin, through the preached word of God or even through the correction of the man of God.
"For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death." (2 Corinthians 7:10)
Repentance HURTS, buuuut repentance SAVES us. I can just imagine God compressing down on us with his love, inflicting that pain on us, so desperately trying to save our soul. And I can imagine God looking and seeing the pain and sorrow and it hurts him to see that he had to do this to one of his children, but he's thinking its better to BREAK their spirit then for them to spiritually die and spend their eternity in torment. I can always heal thier brokeness, buuuuuuut if they go to HELL, which IS spiritual DEATH, its FOREVER!!! "The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." (Psalm 34:18)
It would be BETTER for us to spend a lifetime of sorrow and tears on this earth and MAKE it to heaven, then to never shed a tear, living a happy, carefree life and END UP IN HELL!!! We've got to be able to say to God, like the song says, WHATEVER you have to do to me, DON'T LET ME be lost for eternity, for above all else, I MUST BE SAVED!!! The crushing, the crunching, the breaking sound of a heart,  the strange noise of a soul weeping in sorrow from their anguish and hurt. Its NOT God being mean, its not God punishing you, YES, I do believe that there are consequences for sin, but the scourging you feel on your heart is ultimately the LOVE of God SAVING YOU FROM HELL!!!
"Or despisest thou the riches
 of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering;
not knowing that the goodness of God
 leadeth thee to repentance?"
(Romans 2:4)

♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Sooooooooo the other day I'm having this dream, that my sister and I are at Dillard's, shopping at one of their big sales. Well my sister goes to pay for her $2 item and the cashier says to my sister, "that'll be $6!" And my sister says, well it's marked $2  and the lady says, well yeeeesss, buuuuut we're adding on an automatic $3 fee for the big sale today.
Soooooooooo my sister is like, well that makes NO SENSE Forget it I dont want it! And the lady says, it's too late, you can't leave the store without paying the $3 fee, plus the other two for the product EVEN if you don't want it now because someone else COULD'VE already bought it by now. 
Soooooooooo they're arguing back and forth, the cashier is suggesting she just pay the $6 DOLLARS, the place is packed out with crazy shoppers, (Btw: I wasn't buying anything, sooooo it REALLY WAS a dream!!!;) Sooooooooooo just as security was about to be called on my sister, I wake up...
Annnnnnnnnnd the first thing I think is WAIT, $2 plus $3 isn't $6, IT'S FIIIIIIIIIIVVVVEEE DOLLARS!!!!Then I was liiiiiiiike OMW....
Sorry, I havn't accomplished sleeping selfies-YET! Still working on that!!! ;)


♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Brond Moment!!!

 I was on the phone with one of my friends and she was like telling me about how she thinks that it really neat when people have brown hair and blue eyes. She is like you know it's just such a nice combination and you dont see it very often. She is like, I mean usually if people have brown hair they have brown eyes and if they have blue eyes they have blond hair. And she is just going and on about how unique it is to see that combination....
and I am like uh huh, uh huh, I know what you mean. But in my head I am thinking; Ok, like, who does she EVEN know that has brown hair and blue eyes? I don't think I even know anyone with that combination!!!! So I am like talking to her again and I am like, yeah, I mean like, I have blue eyes but my hair is...hmmm...what color hair do I have...hmmm...OH HEEEEEEEEY, I have brown hair!!! Annnnnnd liiiiiike, my eyes are blue... OMW!!! I have brown hair and blue eyes!!!
She is like YEAH Mary, that's who I was talking about this WHOLE time YOU!!! I think its really cool that you have brown hair and blue eyes!!! AHAHAHA!!! I was like, OMW! Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiike, THAAAAAAAANK YOU!!!
It was for sure a brond moment!!! They happen ALL THE TIME!!! :)
That's ME,


♥Mary Frances :)
Fun Fact: As a child I ACTUALLY WAS a blond and I do still get blond highlights buuuuuut I was born a STRABERRY blond...God must've known I would NEVERRRR shut up about hair if he let me keep red hair...sigh...I think when I get to heaven I'll be a red head again!!! Hee, hee!!! 

Monday, September 23, 2024

Happy Monday!!!

Can I get AMEN from all my silent L’ers out there???? 

♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, September 16, 2024

Happy Monday!!!

"When God put a calling on your life, He already factored in your stupidity.”

Just trust him to help you do what he called you to do!!!!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, September 2, 2024

Happy Monday!!!

You wouldn't believe HOW MANY TIMES the Holy Ghost shuts my mouth!!!
Sometimes I have to tell people, I'm NOT scared to say this, buuuuuuuut I'm only NOT saying it cuz I'm also NOT SCARED to obey God and keep my mouth shut!!! BAHAHAHAAA!!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Happy Sunday!!!

Lord give me anointing,  that HOLY GHOST ANNOINTING!!!
♥Mary Frances :)