Sooooooo since the weigh loss surgery, there are these monthly support groups that you can go too, its supposed to me like you know, talking about weight loss, buuuuuuuuuut, a lot of times it turns into drama and sob stories...(Kinda like testimony service can...BAHAHAHA!!!) If you could hear some of the drama these people talk about as we go around the room, I'm just sitting there like,
Sooooo the MOST COMMON THEME, especially among the woman is this, I've lost all this weight and I still feel fat! Annnnnnd I'm sitting there like, okaaaaaaaaay the reason WHY we all still feel like we're STILL FAT, is because, WE ARE!!! Buuuuuuut we're NOT AS FAT!!! LOLOL (Although my preferred word is ALWAYS FLUFFY!!!) Liiiiiiike for realz!!! I just soooo wanna shout it out buuuut I'm pretty sure I would get stoned for that!!!
Then it's someone else's turn, I still don't feel like I'm Pretty!!! Then someone else joins, I know, I feel soo ugly!!! Annnnnd I'm just like sitting there like, sooooo, AM I THE ONLY person in here that prays as they lose weight, God don't let me get conceited, KEEP ME HUMBLE as I continue to lose weight!!!'?!?!?!
Buuuuuuuuuuuuut let me tell you all something, IF YOU SINCERELY PRAY for God to keep you humble, that is a prayer that he will have NO PROBLEM answering, TRUST ME!!! ;))))
So let me share with you a few incidents that God has used to answer that prayer...
#1 That person that walks up to you and is like, OH, you've lost weight! ME: Oh thank you! Them: your welcome, you look good...ME:About to say thank you again...buuuuut interrupted by them, "BUUUUUUUT KEEP LOSING!!!"
#2 The guy that walks up to you and says, HEY! You've lost some weight huh! ME: YES! Them: Yeah, your STARTING to look good! ME: Refraining from saying, WHY THANK YOU, your JUST AS UGLY AS ALWAYS!!! BAHAHAHA!!!
#3 The girl that's just hardly tipping the scale at 100 pounds!Girl: "Oh hey girl! Like, did you lose some weight!? ME: Yeah girrrrrrrl!!! Girl: OMW! I KNEW IT!!! Liiiiiiiike I can totally see it!!! Me: AWWWW THANKS GIRL!!! Girl: YEAH, like, seriously, I think your face is thinner, I can TOTALLY SEE IT IN YOUR FACE!!! Me: Why thank you! I've lost 85 pounds since you've last seen me, (You'de me DEAD if you lost that much weight) buuuuuut you can totally see it in my face, THANKS GIRL!!!
Baby sitting my nephew Joseph one evening, I've literally just reached my lowest weight I've been, MY WHOLE TEEN and ADULT LIFE, he says, Hey Aunt Mary, just to let you know, don't get offended buuuuuuut your looking A LITTLE fat tonight! Shocked i'm like, JOSEPH!!! WHY would you say that!?!?!?! He looks at me completely bewildered, He's like, AUNT MARY, first of all, I told you not to get offended and second of all, I said only A LITTLE FAT!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I honestly think he may have meant it as a compliment, like, your ONLY A LITTLE FAT NOW!!!
BUUUUUUUUUUT I think this last one is my all time favorite, liiiiiiike it WINS THE PRIZE of God keeping me humble!!! AHAHAHAHA!!! Sooooooo back in June when I had shingles, I had to go to the doctor to get a prescription for shingles to get rid of them. So since I don't actually have a primary care doc I get a recommendation from my surgeon's office. I go in, the doc is looking at my shingles and we're just talking and I tell her I got a recommendation from my surgeon Dr. Reyonoso, she's like, OH so are you one of his bariatric patients? I'm like yes I am! She's like, Oh that's SO GOOD!!! And where are you at right now in this process? I'm like well I'm 7 months past my surgery date! She's like, OH, you've ALREADY HAD THE SURGERY???
YEEEEEESSSSSSSSS TRUE STORY!!! She ACTUALLY SAID THAT TO ME!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm just sitting there like, lady, don't quit your day job and think about becoming a life coach or anything!!! AHAHAHA!!! It's good thing I was blessed with TWO THINGS: Good self-esteem and a Good sense of humor!!!
Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaay GOD, I think we're good for AT LEAST another 10 pounds before you need to worry about me needing to be humbled again...AT LEAST 10 MORE...Really God, I'm good for now, REALLY... jus sayin!!! ;))))
♥Mary Frances :)