Pentecost's #1 Stalker!!!
(Of course!!!;)
Woot! Woot!!!
♥Mary Frances :)
We, the Ginty family and ESPECIALLY, Theresa Ginty, are very excited about the adoption of Mary Jo Ginty!!! After many years of prayer and waiting, on November 19th 2011, MJ was OFFICIALLY adopted and now holds the last name GINTY!!! We are ready to PARTAAAAAY Ginty style and wouuld LOVE for you to come join us in this happy time!!! There will be a jump house WITH A SLIDE, a pinata, a candy bar, puppets...Jac is doing an reinactment with the puppets of the adoption song, "When Love Takes You In!" By Steven Curtis Chapman...
Ooooo and the decorations, Alyssa is decorating,REALL GIRLIE GIRRRL... gonna be HOT PINK AND BLACK!!! Sweeeeet!!!! and lotsa good ITALIAN FOOD!!! My mom is making ham, lasagna, fettucine and who knows what else...last I heard there was gonna be some egg plant parmesian too....LOL!!! Hope you can come and join us in the FUNNN!!! If you want an adoption announcement you can send me your addy!!!
Landmark Pentecostal Church
10250 N. 124th Street, Scottsdale, AZ
Saturday, February 18th at 3pm
Oooo and if you can...wear HOT PINK AND BLACK...LOL!!! Not the guys though...HAHA!!! MJ would be like...OKAAAAAAAY!!! PINK IS FOR GIRLS!!! P.S.S If I ever adopt a child all I can afford is a POTLUCK!!! Bahahaahahha!!! |