FUNNY MOMENT#1!!! Okaaaaaaaay so I guess you could ALMOST say that it was a Classic Mary Moment...buuuut NOT quite!!! Sooooo the first night, Idk WHY...buuuuuut I was like totally having a panick attack about WHICH outfit to wear!!! I am normally NOT like this...buuuut yeah...I kept switching my outfits!!! Sooooo FINALLY I was like you know what...I'm JUST going to PRAY ABOUT IT!!! LOL!!!
Soooooooooo I put ALL my outfits on the bed...closed my eyes and said WHICHEVER outfit you want me to wear God...Let me pick up THAT one...Soooooo I Pick one up open my eyes and whatda ya know...its the EXACT outfit I had just switched from!!! Sooooo yeah...thats the outfit I chose to wear...Sooo before I left for church, Jac FINALLY arrived and I told her what I had done to choose my outfit...she just looked at me like Okaaaay WHATEVERRR!!! Then I left...I know, i know...praying for WCC outfits...I'm WEIRD!!! Buuuuut it did turn out CUTE...weeeeellll fast forward to that night AFTER CHURCH...
Soooooo as soon as church is over, Sheree comes over to me and says Hi, gives me a hug, cuz this is the first time I had seen her since we had gotten to WCC! So then she says, "Cute outfit Mary!" I'm like Oh THANK YOU!!! Then she is like, I really feel like it was the WILL OF GOD for you wear this outfit tonight!!!" I'm like WHAT??? She is like, yeah, I think it was God's will!!!" I'm like Huh?!?! She just kinda pats me and is like, don't over think it Mary, just take it for what it is!" I'm like, uh okaaaaaaaaay!!!!
Sooooooo then when we go out to eat and Denae is like, "Oh Mary! CUTE OUTFIT!" I'm like Oh thank you!!! She is like, yeah, I REALLY feel like it was the WILL OF GOD for you to wear that outfit tonight!!!" I'm like WHAAAAT??? In my mind i'm like thinkin WOW!!! Sheree and Denae have really gone off the deep end!!! I'm mean COME ON...what kind of a WEIRDO would say their outfit is THE WILL OF GOD??? THEN it clicked...
I'm like OH!!! JACQUI TOLD YOU ALL about me praying about WHICH outfit to wear tonight!!! Soooooo Denae and Sheree just BUST UP laughing!!! HAHAHA!!! It was pretty funny!!! I told them, I'm sitting here like, okaaaaaaaay WHAT kind of a weirdo would think that God's WILL has anything to do with an outfit??? I GUESS ME!!! ;) Hee, hee!!! Soooo yeah...thats the story of my God ordained outfit!!!
It was sooooo GOOD to see my friend Kendra Thaler!!! I looooove her soooo much!!! She got a pic between me and her husband and was like oh look, INSIDE OUT OREO!!! BAHAHA!!! Then I asked her if she had worn her jacket SPECIAL for me??? She was like Huh? I'm like ya know, cuz its BLACK AND WHITE??? She like busts up laughing and said from now on she is going to call it her MARY Jacket!!!
Had FUN with my friends Joe and Anali...more opportunites to be THE BIBLE!!! If you don't understand what that means, go HERE!!! AnywayZ, I can't wait till December, to see and hang out with Anali!!! I promise, Tacos annnnnd Biscuts gravy for you girrrrl!!! Hear that HANNA??? Can I lure you over with my cookin???
Of course there were lots of GOOD times with FRIENDS!!! I'm NOT going to go over EVERY picture...LOL!
Starbucks and tried the orange creme soda at BJ's!!!
It was good to get to know that Avandano family a little bit better on this trip...REALLY great people and I looooove how Sis. Avandano just travels to all these kinds of conferences with her boys!!! I wanna be that kinda mom!!!
It was good to see the Shelton family again too...another GREAT family!!!
Ooooo and I met FANCY NANCY...THE meow CHICK!!! What a sweet girl!!! Soooo cute and petite annnnnd I LOOOOVED her dress the last night...lookin like a lil bride-to-be!!! Congrats on your engagement btw girl!!!
Annnnnd I got to see Kim and her man...lookin all good together...woooohooo!!! ;) KIM...I know I still OWE you an email...I PROMISE...THIS WEEK!!! FOR REALZ!!! Annnnd I got to meet Nicole and Sarah again! Heeeey you girls should email me!!!
Met Brittany Smith!!! She's cool and pretty and ya know all that Jazz!!!
Of course it was good to spend time with the Kindreds...Jen, Hanna and Anali!!! These are GOOD girls that i LOOOOVE to hang out with!!! Delly was a security guard...awwww!!! LOL!
Gleeeeeeeeeen and Bro. Garcia Aka HATERRRR lookin all official being ushers...made my heart proud to be an ARIZONAN!!!
Ooooo it was GOOD to be with my friend Wendy again...Kindred Chocolate loverrrs!!! LOL!!! Buuuut she was disapointed...Where's all the black guys Mary??? I'm like, I have NO IDEA!!! I'm thinkin Africa, the Bahamas and Jamaica...lets GO TRAVELING!!! HAHA!!!
Another FUNNY....buuuut cRaZy MOMENT!!! Okaaaaay soooo some of the girls from Glendale were gonna stay with me and Jac...we're like yeah sure whatever!!! Sooooo Idk buuuut aparently Motel 6 in Fresno has a BAD reputation!!! Soooo some concerned people from their church didn't think it was a good idea for them stay there and I was just like okay no problem but I can't switch i'm with my family and I already paid my part!!! Buuuuut really in my mind i'm like okaaaaay there is noooo reason to be scared...cuz someone said that there are prostitutes there and i'm like WHY would i be scared of a prostitute??? Just invite them to church!!! Right??? Thats just the way I think...LOL!!! Sooooo anywayz, from the moment we got there it was just GHETTO!!! Bahahaha!!! As soon as we got there, there were police cars there cuz someone had died...supposivley it was a 'Natural" death...HA!!! As in, when they got shot in the heart, their heart just, NATURALLY stopped beating???
Soooooooo then Wednesday night, I OPEN the door to our room and the WHOLE SWAT team was walking by with dogs, guns and police sheilds out!!! I was like OMW!!! They were like, "Excuse us Ladies!" I'm like ummmm...yeah go right ahead!!! I still didn't feel scared and wanted to watch but JAC didn't think it was a good idea in case there were gun shots...buuuut I did peek still and saw them handcuffing some man and leading him away...I was like WOW!!! The cRaZiEsT part was that it was completely SILENT when the police came in and did their work!!! Like we soooo would NOT have even known had we NOT happened to open the door!!! Kinda makes me wonder WHAT ELSE happened while we were SLEEPING the rest of the week??? Soooo yeah...I guess the CONCERNED people from Glendale were CORRECT!!! My whole fam has just agreed...lets JUST STAY AT THE RADISSON NEXT YEAR!!! Yaaaaaaay FINALLY! Soooo i'm actually glad we stayed there...cuz NOW we get to stay at the RADISSON...which is what I have been dying to do for like EVERRR!!!
I forgot the dress AGAIN that I had for Ashlyn!!! SORRRRRY!!!
ANOTHER FUNNY MOMENT!!! Sooooo we're on the elevator of the Radisson and its really cool cuz there are mirrors when you look up...annnnd soooo of course i'm just enthralled by them!!! Weeeeellll we're riding up one time to get ready for church and ONE of my guy friends, not gonna mention any names says, okaaaaaay everyone look UP for a pic...soooo we look up and i'm like OH that was a good Idea!!! And he says, yeah i'm pretty creative! Then he says, ALL that ANNNND I'm SINGLE TOO LADIES!!! Sooooo we're like ok WHATEVERRR!!! Then this girl, that is really somewhat quiet says, Weeeeeelllll...just to let you know, I'm SINGLE TOO!!! It was the funniest, awesomest moment EVERRR!!! Cuz our guy friend was like soooo SHOCKED he didn't know what to say!!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!! Good times!!! Good times!!!
I also met the Goat girls, Monica and Megan from Texas, Kim's aunt, I forgot her name tho...ooops...SORRY sister!!! I Got to see Sis. Lugos again!!! (I hope she is still prayin about my husband!) LOL! Oooo and that one girl JENNY...Oooo and Paul the evangelist kid thats been traveling since he was 6-months and has been to EVERY STATE...soooo cool...annnnd who else...Ooooo also Bro. Lacour's Sis-in-law, buuuut I can't remember her name...she was selling the hair accessories at the Raddison...MAN those were CUUUUTe...wish I had bought one then...they were NEVER open when I came back...lets ummm...i can't even name everyone...buuuuut I'm bummed that I NEVER got to meet Amanda from Lamont OR Clarissa from Fresno, I never did see Crystal and Its a good thing that I took a bathroom break or else I NEVER would have gotten to see Vivian annnnnnnnnnd I NEVER got to see Sis. Kathy this year!!! :( Oooo and also I never did see Sis. K again to get our pic...bummmmer!!!
Another Funny Moment!!! I was like telling Marissa Ooooo I LOVE your dimple!!! Then I touched it!!! LOL! She starts laughing...then I'm like Destiny do you have dimples??? She is like yes! So she smiles and I'm like awwwwwwwww!!! I LOVE DIMPLES!!! And Destiny starts laughing, she is like I guess you forgot but that is actually one of the first things you said to me when we met!!! I was like I DID??? Ooooo HEEEEEY I DID!!! See...I never change...I just FORGET!!! Hee, hee!!!
Basically, I had and AMAZING time with lots and lots and lots of good, Godly, Apostolic people!!! Any of you girls that I met feel free to email me at Its just sooooo much fun being TOGETHER with everyone!!! November 6th, 7th and the dates for NEXT YEAR!!! ONLY 357 MORE days!!! Wooohooooo!!!
(Tomorrow I'll post about the church services...they were AMAZING and deserve their OWN post!!!)
♥Mary Frances :)