Thursday, November 29, 2012

The truth about wanting to get married!!!

"I don't want to get married!!! I don't mind at all being single!!! I'm perfectly content not ever getting married!!!" HA!!! Those were the words out of my mouth after my huge break up ANNNND dropping my wedding dress off at Savers!!! I was sooooo determined to NOT care if I ever got married!!! Buuuuuut it didn't matter WHAT I said or what I tried to tell myself, deep down inside, I KNEW THE TRUTH!!!
I still hoped to one day, find that special someone, fall in love...REAL LOVE, get married and start a family!!! I KNEW thats what I wanted, buuuuuuut NO!!! I tried to fight it!!! I tried to convince myself that it didn't matter! That I really didn't care...BUUUUT I did!!! Ooooo I would get soooo mad annnnnd soooo FRUSTRATED with myself!!! I would think JUST CONTROL your feelings MARY!!! Soooooo yeah, I was constantly fighting myself with this!!!
 THEN one day, I was sitting in Elder Kelly's class at Bible college, he was teaching on the Christian family and ONE think ya gotta know about Bro. Kelly is that, it did NOT matter WHAT the title of his class was, when he teaches it ALWAYS comes back to, PRAYING IN THE SPIRIT!!! PRAYING IN THE HOLY GHOST!!! YOU NEED TO BREAK! ASK GOD FOR A WEEPING SPIRIT!!! I wanna SEE TEARS!!!  YOU NEED TO CRY WHEN YOU PRAY!!! TEARS!!! I WANNA SEE TEARS!!!
Oooo it was AWESOME!!! ANd then Every once in a while, since after all, the class WAS The Christian family, he would throw in a cookin recipe, Your family will LOVE this dish!!AHAHAHA!!! Good times!!! Well one of these classes, in the middle of all my frustration of trying to fight off my hopes of marriage, RIGHT in the middle of that frustration, out of the blue Elder Kelly says, and you young people, don't be ASHAMED of your desire to get married and to start a family and to have children! He said that is a NATURAL desire that comes from God! You don't need to be ashamed or embarrassed of it!!! I was like WOW!!! Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay THEN!!! IF Bro. Kelly said it THEN I KNOW its true!!!

Annnnd really its NOT just Bro. Kelly saying it, its BIBLICAL!!! God is the one that started families!!! We don't have to be ashamed or embarrassed to feel this way!!! Its WEIRD NOT to feel this way!!! I mean it doesn't matter WHO you are, if your a girly-girl, a sporty girl, all the way to buffest, tuffest guy...UNLESS your like that prophet in the Bible(Jeremiah??) that was destined to singleness...MOST likely you want to get married!!! Don't even deny it!!! :P
IF your a Godly person, YOU WILL have Godly desires ANNNND...Marriage is a GODLY desire!!! God is the one that thought of marriage!!! If you ask God to put His desires and his traits and his attributes in you, your going to want what God wants!!! Bro. Kelly REALLY helped me to see this!!! Sooooooooooo OF COURSE...

I've been EMBRACING the desire WHOLE Heartedly ever since!!! ;)

I'm NOT ASHAMED!!! I'm NOT embarrassed, i'm NOT in denial!!!
Not because I'm desperate! Lonely! Weird! Crazy! Physco! Just BECAUSE...
♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Better THAN GOLD!!! (Still singles week post!)

Last Monday night at Bible College weeeelll...I kinda went in a FRUSTRATED mood!!! LOL!!! I was just FRUSTRATED about singleness!!! I know, i know I know, I'm writing this series buuuuut yeah...I'm STILL human and I STILL have my moments!!! Anali was trying to give me advice that was just ANNOYING me...HAHA!!! I called her a mean Mexican and she was like, "I'm not mean, I'm just SPICY!!!" I was like,YEAH, like a habenero that fell into a bonfire!!!" (We can joke like that!) Soooo anywayz, Bible College, or I guess I should say GOD'S WORD...was JUST what I needed to make me feel better!!!
Because thats what Bro. Garrett's class was about, You and Your Bible!!! Annnnnd in class Bro. Garrett brought out A LOT of different scriptures and he was just talking and emphasizing to us the AWESOMENESS of the word of God!!! ANNNND he started off with reading to us Psalm 19:7  The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.THEN when he got to Psalm 19:10 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb." He stopped for a moment after he read us that scripture and told us that when he Prays, he'll just tell God, "God, your BETTER than gold!" When he said that. it just STOOD out to me!!! I was like OH thats such a cool thing to pray!!! I marked it on my notes and decided RIGHT then and there, I'm gonna start saying that when I pray!!!
And THEN as soon as I thought I'm going to start saying that when i pray, I felt God kind of impressed on my mind, How about you tell me i'm BETTER THAN A HUSBAND!!! I was like whaaaaaat??? Like of course your better than a HUSBAND!!! God you know, that I KNOW that YOU SOOOO ARE!!! Buuuuut I just felt like he impressed on my mind again...WELL THEN SAY IT!!! 
I was like okaaaaay i'm soooo going to do that...THE NEXT TIME I pray!!! Cuz I really felt like God wanted me to NOT just say it in my mind but to like AUDIBLY tell him out loud...annnnnd I didn't think that I should just JUMP UP in the middle of class and yell out...GOD YOUR BETTER THAN A HUSBAND!!! BAhahahaha!!! it might been kinda funny tho!!!
So the next morning when I was praying I did it!!! I told God, audibly OUT LOUD, God your BETTER THAN A HUSBAND!!! Annnnnd You know what??? It felt sooooo GOOOOOOD to say that!!! I just started crying immediatley thinking and realizing the GOOOOODNESS of God!!! I just could't stop the tears from falling as I began to think about WHERE I would be without God!!! I can't EVEN IMAGINE!!!
I got to thinking about how WITHOUT GOD, I probabley wouldn't even be the kind of girl that would WANT a husband!!! I have family that is sooooo messed up!!! Family members on drugs, Alcoholism, depression... A cousin that got pregnant for the first time when she was 12. Thats WHY I have such a LOVE for these African girls...their lives are soooo MESSED up!!! Their purity is gone sooooo EARLY...even as children!!! These young teens having babies, people have told me, I don't know how you can just go to them, without really even looking down on them, without condeming them, it would be ONE thing if you had come from the world, or if you had backslid, but your NOT!!! Annnnd I've always said that I don't know, I just feel a burden and LOVE for them!!!
 Buuuuut I was thinking about it and I think that a part of is  that I realize, that IF it were NOT for God, if it were NOT for his LOVE, HIS MERCY, HIS GRACE, HIS HAND REACHING DOWN and pulling me out as a little girl, I WOULD BE RIGHT THERE!!! I would be JUST LIKE THEM!!! I don't think I'm better than them...I JUST KNOW THE GOODNESS OF GOD!!! I just kept crying and just kept saying it, Jesus your BETTER than a husband!!! You are better!!! SOOOOO MUCH BETTER!!!
I know it MAY seem kind of LAME when you think about it... like DUH Mary, of course God is BETTER than a husband...buuuuut its NOT just that!!! Its like taking your biggest hope, desire, aspiration and dream in life and telling Him, "God your STILL better!" Your gold might not be the SAME as my gold!!! Maybe your gold is a having a baby, a career, a certain vehicle, money, a house, traveling to far off places, a coach we all have DIFFERENT things that are the GOLD in our lives...Obviousley we ALL know what MINE IS!!! ;) 
Buuuuut I encourage you SINGLE people that ARE longing for a spouse...EVERY time you start getting upset, EVERY TIME you start feeling FRUSTRATED, CONFUSED, DOWN...STOP...take a moment and just acknowledge God!!! Think about where YOU would be without him THEN...Just tell him, GOD YOUR BETTER!!! JESUS YOUR BETTER!!! I've been doing it annnnnd it REALLY helps!!! It doesn't MEAN that you STOP wanting a spouse...that God takes away your desire...TRUST ME...
(Jus sayin;)
I just know, that I know, that I know, that I KNOW, that JESUS is BETTER!!! Ain't NO husband that could ever forgive me of my sins and save me from HELL!!! ONLY JESUS!!! I acknowlege that...JESUS IS BETTER THAN all my hopes, aspirations and dreams in this life!!!
"In all thy ways acknowledge him
and he shall direct thy paths."
 (Proverbs 3:6)

♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Have a LIFE dollas!!! LOL!!!

Did YOU KNOW THAT you can...GASP...ACTUALLY have a LIFE??? OMW!!! SHOCKER??? Right people??? HAHAHA!!! Soooooooooo...
Growing up, my pastor’s daughter Devi, always had a hope chest at the foot of her bed. A hope chest is like a wooden cedar box that girls use to put stuff in it to save for when they get married. Maybe they were never popular where your from, buuuuut at MY CHURCH they were sooooo COOL!!! From the time we were little kids, Devi's mom and grandma’s would give her things to put in her hope chest for that one day when she got married. Her hope chest was filled with all sorts of household items such as, potholders, cup coasters, candy dishes and all other sorts of neat trinkets and things. As a child, I was fascinated at the aspect of  collecting all these “adult” things, Oh how I wanted one of those hope chests.
For my sweet-sixteen birthday, my mom scraped up the money and surprised me with a beautiful cedar hope chest. I was ESTATIC! I began filling it with all kinds of things for when I got married. I had dish towels, mixing bowls, measuring cups all kinds of exciting stuff, for when I got married. People would give me stuff at every birthday for when I got married, my hope chest was getting really full as the years passed by and marriage was NOT coming around. People giving me gifts for my hope chest started getting old on me, I was like, HELLO, hair accessories and Starbucks gift cards are great presents too! Then as my friends started getting married I realized, hey, I can just go shopping for them in my hope chest and save myself some money on wedding gifts.
So the stuff in my chest started to slim down to only the really nice name brand household items that I really did like. Then one day, I was looking at the things that I had left in my hope chest, a multi-colored mixing bowl set, baking dishes, cute daisy dish towels, measuring cups, hand-made ceramic dishes I had made and designed from clay in my high school ceramics class, an apron, I was like, Ok this is RIDICULOUS! I haven’t even lived at home with my parent’s in years. I cook! I clean! I eat! I wash dishes! These items that I’m holding onto for one day when I get married, I can be using RIGHT NOW!
In about ten minutes flat, I completely emptied out my hope chest. When my brothers heard this they were like, Oh Mary’s giving up on getting married! You lost your hope for a husband! I was like, No, I haven’t lost my hope, I’m just not waiting for a husband...
 to have a life.
The life that I always dreamed of having when I grow-up as a little girl, I am living right now. (Minus the husband and kids of my own!;) It may not seem like a big huge aspiration in life, but all I have ever really wanted was to be a stay-at-home-mom and to be used of God!!! It may NOT be what YOU would consider a huge aspiration...BUUUUUT it IS mine!!! I am blessed to be able to say, that God has worked it out in my life to be able to do exactly that. God has allowed me to work a job through a company from home. I cook, I clean, I have all my cute little aprons hanging from a hook on the wall, I am continuously surrounded by children and God continually uses me in many different ways in his kingdom. People joke that I am the house-sister or the stay-at-home-aunt and I love it. It may SEEM like a simple and mundane life, but trust me, I am NEVER bored!!! (Its HARD to be bored...when you are ME!!! HAHA!!!) THIS is the life I want to live and I am HAPPY!

There was this girl I knew back in the day, in her early 20's, beautiful, but STILL single!!! So I hear that her family wanted to go on this amazing European cruise...I was like WOW!!! How exciting!!! Right? Oh but NO!!! All I heard was POOR thing...she was sooooo UPSET about it, she didn't want to go with her family!!! WHY??? Because she had ALWAYS dreamed of going to Europe on her HONEYMOON!!! Sooooo she didn't want to go!!! I was like whaaaaat??? Are YOU SERIOUSLEY KIDDING ME??? I'll GO!!! Your family can adopt me for a couple of weeks IF you just can't bear the thought of going as a SINGLE with her family on a European cruise!!! I mean, I am SINGLE and I very much want to get married...buuuut ALL expense paid cruise to another continent...I'll TAKE IT!!!
ANNNND THIS is the kind of stuff that I am talking about, you do NOT have to WAIT till marriage to have FUN! To ENJOY LIFE!!! Actually, if you think about it, you might NOT have as much cash to really even do this kind of stuff when you do get married!!! (Unless you marry a really rich person...which MOST of us...WON'T!!!;) Being single, traveling to quite a few amazing places has been ONE of the nice things I have been able to take advantage of in my singleness!!!
What are YOUR hopes and dreams aside from marriage? Do you have goals you want to achieve? Do you have places that you want to go? People you want to meet? Things that you want to try? Hobbies you want to explore?
 As far as I know, and have searched the BIble, there is ONLY ONE thing that God asks of single people to refrain from. He asks to keep ourselves pure till marriage! Not to live in convent and keep from enjoying ourselves...ABSTINENCE PEOPLE!!!
Other than that we can
(In a good-clean-Godly-on-fire-for-God-Apostolic-Holy-Ghost sort of way!!!;)
"...nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God,
who gives us richly all things to enjoy;"
1Timothy 6:17

♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

A WHOLE dollar bill...

Soooo AFTER my first Singles week, the response, comments, feedback and emails that week was HIGHER than EVERRRR!!! I have NEVER gotten so many comments and people that were embarrassed to leave comments send me personal, emails, texts, phone calls or even people that just pulled me aside in person and told me, Look, I didn't want to say this so that everyone could hear or see, BUT, Thank you for writing for singles...I REALLY needed that! And almost every person would say, PLEASE WRITE MORE for singles! After all the requests last time around I was like Oooo I'll write a book for SINGLES and make some money from it too...I was all gung ho about it....buuuuut, a WRITER I am, a sales woman, editor, organizer and publisher I AM NOT!!! I kinda just get stuck in all the BUSINESS aspect of it all...buuuuut if any of ya all out there are GOOD at the business part of this...HOOK A SISTA UP!!! (Seriousley, i'll HIRE in ya know...we'll write up a contract and I'll PAY YOU...CASH...LOL) Soooo I decided to do just do what I do BEST...WRITE and I'll let God do the rest!!! :) Sooooo this is FOR ALL ya ALL that requested MORE for SINGLES!!! Hope its a blessing!!! :)
Sooooo...I was really tired, but I prayed before I went to sleep, God, if you really want me to write MORE for singles, anoint my mind. As I was drifting off into dreamland a thought went through my mind, “What’s the difference between $9.00 and $10.00?” Now I’m not very good at math but even in my sleepiness I figured it out, like, ummm… $1.00 or a dollar OR... A SINGLE dollar bill!!!
I was like okay God; I got it! Do you get it? It means that it takes one single bill to take it from nine to ten. The ten can’t be a bill without it. It means that as a single person YOU are needed! God can use one SINGLE person in his kingdom. You don’t have to be married to be used by God. You don't have to be married to BECOME something!!! You are needed right now, just as you are! Your not a quarter or a dime, you are ALREADY a COMPLETED BILL!!!
As a single individual, you are still a whole person. Your not a fraction, your not a quarter, your NOT incomplete, you are a whole. Life does not start when you get married. Life starts before you are even born. Life begins at conception!!! Your life starts when God breathed into you the breath of life.
Saying your first word is a PART of life!!! Learning how to walk is a PART of life!!!Going to school, is a PART of life! Each birthday is a PART of life! Every Vacation is a PART of life!!! Graduating from highschol is a PART of life!!! Getting your FIRST job is a PART of life!!! Learning how to ride a bike is a PART of life!!! Learning how to drive is a PART of life!!! A College Education is a PART of life!!! Each goal and each accomplishment that you acheive is a PART of life!!! Annnnnd its the same thing for MARRIAGE!!! Marriage is a PART of life that most of us desire to achieve, but its NOT life.
I think that sometimes we let the idea of marriage consume our minds so much that we forget that its NOT everything! We think that we're ONLY half of a person, our heart is only half a heart, just WAITING to find the other half of us...and THEN when we find the other half of our heart, THEN we will be a WHOLE person! Its sounds REALLY romantic when you think about it...awwwww it really does and despite the fact that I am a total HOPELESS romantic, I know that the idea of the other half of my heart floating around somewhere, just WAITING to find me, is NOT reality!
Even the Bible clarifys this!!! Mark 10:8 says, "And they two shall be one flesh: so then they are no more two, but one flesh." The Bible clearly states here that its TWO individual people that will come together and become one! Its NOT 1/2 +1/2=1, Its 2+2=1 God has HIS OWN math and I'm cool with that, i'm NOT EVEN gonna try and figure out His math, since I can't even figure out NORMAL math... HAHA...  and God's MATH says that TWO shall become one!!!
I feel good knowing that i'm NOT just a quarter or a dime!!! Buuuut right NOW, just as I am...
I am a total, COMPLETE single dollar bill!!!
I am whole!!! NOT because of my own strengths, talents or abilities!!! Not because of WHO I am or because of ANYTHING that I have done or accomplished, but because of my savior!!! I am WHOLE because of Him!!! JESUS COMPLETES me!!!
"And ye are complete in him,
which is the head of all principality and power:" (Colassians 2:10)
(Read Single as a dollar bill #1 HERE!!!)
♥Mary Frances :)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Single AS a...

Are you single??? Like sooooooooo SINGLE??? Just HOW single are you??? Did you hear about that ONE guy??? He is sooooooooo SINGLE the cell phone company won't even let him get an individual plan!!! Oh and that ONE GIRL...she is soooooo SINGLE even her shoes don't have pairs!!! Annnnnnd then there is that ONE DUDE...the one that likes to eat, he is sooooooooo SINGLE he went to McDonalds to eat and they REFUSED to sell him a McDouble!!! So then that SAME dude went to In N Out and ordered a double-double and they sent him empty-handed right back to McDonalds!!! Then there is ME!!!  I'm soooooo SINGLE when I was learning how to drive a cop pulled me over for going over the DOUBLE line!!! LOLOLOL! I'm soooo SINGLE Kraft just called me the other day and asked me if I would be the mascot for their SINGLE cheese slices!!!
I get this phone call one day, this man is telling me that I made it to the next level for some kind of $30,000 giveaway they were doing at the mall a couple of weeks earlier. I had not been into entering, but one of my friends had insisted I enter. So this man is like you've made it to the next level and blah, blah, blah, can I just verify a few things? He goes over my name, address, etc… Then he says, "Now would you say that your yearly income is over or pretty close to 40,000?"
 I'm all like, Uh, WAAAAAAAY UNDER!!! And he is like, "Oh is there anyway you could combine your income with anyone else?" I'm like, uh NO!!! He is like ANYONE IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD?!" I know there is NO way my sister will...AND Kim who was living with me at the time, Kim's 3-hour-a-day job combined with mine STILL wouldn't make it...BAHAHA!!! So I'm just like noooooo....he is like ANYONE?!?! I'm like UH sir, I'm single!!! Like... Sooooo SINGLE!!! Single as a dolla bill!!!" And the man just busts up laughing!!! He is like, "I've NEVER heard that one before!!!"
Then he asked a few more questions and then he is like ending his call and he is all "Well thank you Mary for making me laugh today!" I was like, YOUR WELCOME!!! And I felt GOOOOOOOD!!! I USED my singleness to make someone laugh!!! Now thats WHAT i'm talkin about...
How about YOU??? Just HOW single are you???
(IF you are GOOD...Cuz its SINGLES week on Classic Mary Moments...sooooo stay TUNED and send ALL your single friends this way!!! Read the Previous SINGLES posts HERE!!!)
♥Mary Frances :)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

I'm Single and I know it!!!

Sooooooooo back in the end of July, beginning of August, I did a whole SINGLES week on my blog!!! I got sooooo much positive feedback about it and many requests from my readers for MORE!!! Soooooooooo THIS next week, Sunday-Saturday, or UNTIL I run out of stuff...which ever comes FIRST...Most likely Saturday!!! Annnnnnd just in case you NEED a refresher, here below is a list of the FIRST EVERRR Singles week!!!
I'm SINGLE and I know it!!! #1
I'm SINGLE and I know it!!! #2
I'm SINLGE and I know it!!! #3
I'm SINGLE and I know it!!! #4
I'm SINGLE and I know it!!! #5
(A Devotional about purity)
Holding His Hand
(This is my personal Singleness testimony)
Broken Hearted
This is my testimony of how God healed me of a broken heart
The Little Messenger
This is a story that EVERY APOSTOLIC FEMALE needs to read!!! LOL!
Weeeeeeellll...I look forward to this week...STARTING TOMORROW...questions, comments, feedback ANNNND topic ideas can be emailed to me at I apololgize in advance for when I don't respond right away...I DO READ EVERYTHING THO and appreciate it being sent!!! :))))
♥Mary Frances :)

Friday, November 23, 2012

While i'm waiting...

Sooooo its black friday annnnnd i've been out with my sis shopping since 8pm last night...LOL...annnnnnd i'm currently at my mom's, my sis went home buuuuuuuuuuut i'm waiting for Dillards to open...sooooo I just wanted to throw this out there to any of the AZ woman in my area... ANY OF YOU ALL INTERESTED in doing JAIL MINISTRY with me in the womans jail??? Bro. Foster was talking about jail ministry when he preached at our church on Sunday and I thought...I WANNA DO THAT!!! Its NOT something I ever would have normally wanted to do...TILL i met my friend Kimmy Kat...she's an Ex-felon...annnnnnnnd when you see how God can change a life around its pretty AMAZING!!! Or if any ladies want to do ACTS class...I'm not sure how to get trained for that and stuff...buuuuuut I wanna see God do MORE of THIS HERE!!!  IF anyone is interested or knows how to get involved please email me and i'll talk to my pastor about it!!! I figure, i FINALLY have my own wheels ANNNNNND i'm single...I might as well spend as much time as possible workin for God!!! Can I get an AMEN??? Woot! Woot!!! Holla-Holla??? LOL  K! I'm OFF to Dillards now!!! :)
♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

IF your happy...

Last night Bishop Abbott preached a message at our church called an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE!!! Which I think he has preached something along the lines of that message EVERY year around Thanksgiving time for as long as I can remember!!! Buuuuuut in his message he said something that just busted me up laughing...SERIOUSLEY...everytime i say it in my head just can't help but giggle AGAIN!!! This is what he said...
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I LOVE IT!!! Isn't it sooooo like THE AWESOMEST quote everrrrr?!?!?! LOL Anywayz, this Thanksgiving there is obviousley soooooo much to be thankful for buuuuuuuut I just want to say that I am ESPECIALLY thankful for THE JOY OF THE LORD!!! Annnnnnnnd if you've NEVERRRR read MY FIRST everrrr Classic Mary Moment blog post, you can do so HERE!!! Its my thankful list from when I was 14-years-old!!! Hee, hee! You don't want to miss this!!! LOL!
(Don't forget to smile!;)
♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

First white person...

Soooooo I brought a NEW lil African girl to church on Sunday!!! Her name is Justina and she JUST moved to the US from Liberia...She is sooooooooo ADORABLEY cute and sweet!!! Buuuuuut she like doesn't even really know ENGLISH at all yet!!! Sooooooo I just kept hugging her and, purring at her,  saying OMW your sooooooo CUTE!!! Your sooooooooo CUUUUUUUTE!!! Annnnnnd my sis is like okaaaaaaaaay she just looks SCARED!!!
I was like, I KNOW RIGHT??? Imagine coming across an ocean, from a completely different continent, a completely different land, different language, different culture, DIFFERENT SKIN COLOR...annnnnnnnnnd THE FIRST WHITE PERSON YOU MEET...
IS ME???
AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Buuuuuut in the end I was making her smile and laugh anywayZ!!! Weeeeellll basically cuz I was sooooooooo proud of myself cuz I started talkin some African English to her and she UNDERSTOOD ME!!!(African English is hard to explain...its sort of like broken english...shortenened and spoken really fast...NO this is NOT ebonics...LOLOLOL!!!)  I said in our English, Did you like church today? And she just stared at me blankly...soooooo then I said it in African English and she nodded her head yes!!! I was soooooo excited I started whoopin and hollering...soooo then I was like in OUR English, Do you think I'm CRAZY? And she just stared at me blankly, so then I said it in African English and she shook her head...NO!!! And started laughing! AHAHAHA!!!
THEN I really went WILD!!! I was like, I CAN SPEAK AFRICAN ENGLISH!!! (Weeeeellll...Kind of...I REALLY understand it when I hear it tho!!!! LOL) I CAN SPEAK AFRICAN ENGLISH!!! Holla!!! HOLLA!!! And theres NO class you can take in college for that people...thats just STRAIGHT up from BEING WITH THE AFRICAN PEOPLE...7 years now!!! If you wanna learn the language its FREE to learn...
♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

He should be gettin a girlfriend ...

I was talking to one of my friends, the other day and I was enquiring about a guy we had recently met, I was like, oh ya know he was kinda cute and he seemed fun and she was like, OH AND the GOOD NEWS for YOU is that he IS SINGLE and NOT talking to anyone!!! I was like OH AWESOME!!! Then i just kinda laughed and said, Annnnnnnd the GOOD NEWS for HIM...
IS that he will SOON be getting a girlfriend!!! So my friend kind of like paused, like I think she thought I was being just a LITTLE too enthusiastic about this guy, so she is just like, Oh you think so? I'm like, GIRRRRRRL I KNOW so!!!
Cuz EVERY time I have an INTEREST in a guy...
(Seriousley, I should start a BUSINESS!!! Get ME to have a crush on you and you WILL get a girlfriend SOON!!! I'll charge $100 a crush...MAN thats an AWESOME deal people...I shoulda thought of this in my teens...I would be a millionare BILLIONARE by now!!! ;)
♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, November 19, 2012

One Year!!!

TODAY...we are celebrating ONE YEAR of MaryJo being adopted as a Ginty!!!
AT SCHOOL: MaryJo's teacher at school says that MaryJo is friends with everyone in her class and that she doesn't choose one person over the other, she strives to keep everyone together and friends with each other!!!
Also, just starting this fall, MaryJo started taking piano lessons!!!! After ONLY 7 lessons she can now play Mary had a Little Lamb and Old McDonald had a farm!!! Annnnd thats starting from COMPLETE scratch without knowing NOTHING about piano playing before!!! Her teacher says that she is teaching her to learn how to play by ear because she can't read notes but has a natural ear for music...which is EXACTLEY what SIs. Bishop Abbott told my sis years ago, she said to get Mary Jo in piano lessons because she has a NATURAL ear for music...its just taken my sis a while to find a teacher...LOL!!!
Soooooo now she is soooooooooooo into music!!! She loves it!!!
Then when she was playing I was like Ooooo can play THE PIANO!!!! Thats PREACHER'S WIFE MATERIAL right there!!! She just looks at me and is like, Okaaaaaaaaaay really, MARY, WHY would I want to marry a PREACHER???
 I was like, Oh you don't like preachers??? She is like, yeah but I don't want to MARRY ONE!!! There like...OLD!!! AHAHAHA!!! LOL
These are the cupcakes she is brought into her class today to celebrate...annnd she talked her mom into getting some for the kids at Bible college tonight too!!! LOL!!!
Its sooooo AMAZING to me!!! The first time she played a song...I like flipped out i was sooooo EXCITED!!! I mean, I KNOW, that being musically inclined, does NOT come natural for me...soooo I'm like in aw of MJ's ability!!! I told my sis, JUST think...all that talent and potential was laying wait inside of her...buuuuut it would have all just laid there, locked up inside of her WASTED...had my sister NOT gotten her out of that home!!! (I'm telling you all...consider ADOPTION!!!)
If you havn't already read Mary Jo's story READ it HERE!!! :)

Shout out to...

Erynn Bradley!!!
Okaaaaaaay sooooo in my WCC post I did a shout out to a TON of people BUUUUUUT I forgot to mention ERYNN!!! Ooooo annnnnd did i everrrr hear about it!!! LOL...Oooo its because I'm BLACK isn't it girrrrl??!?!? HAHAHA!!! WHATEVERRR!!! Then when we were saying BYE and she was like, DO you even know WHO this is??? I was like, "DUH! Of course I know who you are...YOUR CHOCOLATE!!! You know that means your HIGHER on my list of friends!!! AHAHAHA!!! Just ask ANALI about THAT...she'll NEVER let me forget the fact that I said I wanted to get a pic with HANNA and her MOM at WCC...Anali was like OH what ABOUT me and MY MOM!!! Just cuz we're NOT BLACK huh?! I was like...Okaaaaay your mom isn't even here yet for me to have MET HER!!! LOLOLOLOL!!! Buuuuuut THEN Jen Connell was like, yeah buuuuut what about me and MY MOM??? I was like Ooooo...Heeeeey you know what...I want picture with all ya alls moms!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!
Sooooooo yeah...This my shout out to ERYNN...she is AWESOME!!! Also realized that I FORGOT to say that I saw Cherie and Stephanie Marchbanks, I met Sis. Marchbanks, The one lady with the blog from the Marchbanks church buuuuuut I forgot her name...SORRY SISTER...LOL...Bro. AND Sis. Connell, Bro. & Sis. Kifle, Mesgana, Coco, Sis. Villasenor, Anali's Jackie and that other lady that was with Anali's mom but I forgot her name annnnnnnd I'm OFFICIALLY NEVER doing a shout out to people on blog again...I forget TO MANY PEOPLE!!! LOLOLOLOL!!! See ERYNN...your NOT the ONLY one I forgot!!!! :))))
♥Mary Frances :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Bible College Snack Bar Menu...

Tomorrow night ...Bible College Snack Bar... Chicken Pot Pie annnnnd Apple pie... Its GOOOOOD people!!! We're talkin homemade crust and everything!!!
Come hungry annnnd with yo money!!! :)))
♥Mary Frances :)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A few blog changes...

Soooooo as I told you all in THIS blog post!!! Bro. Ham's message about a spirit of holiness was really, really, REALLY convicting me about some stuff! ANNNND soooooo I had made a decision at WCC about some stuff with my blog...I decided that I was going to take off the comments at the end of each post and the 212 fellow blog follwers on the side...I mean...I don't want my blog to be in anyway considered a social networking thing...because I KNOW that a lot of pastors preach against social networking and I don't want my blog in any way to be a bad influence to my fellow peers!!! My goal and desire is to be an encourager to my peers!!!
Sooooo after praying at WCC I decide that I was going to take off all the comments at the bottom of my posts annnnnd I even talked to some of my friends about it...I felt really strongly about the moment!!! Buuuuuut then the days kinda passed by and MY PEEPS were leaving me comments again...annnd you know I was just like OH its NO big deal....buuuuuuuut THEN...
THEN last night we had a youth rally at our church and Bro. Foster preached an absolutely amaZing message and a very convicting message and he talked A LOT about the dangers of the internet and social networking....soooo yeah...I was like OKAY God im going to make sure my blog is NOT in anyway a social networking sight!
I mean I really want my blog to just be a blessing to people! Something that inspires, encourages or makes people laugh! I LOOOOOVE writing and am VERY passionate about it and its HARD for me NOT to write!!! THey say that almost ALL writer's at one point or another have something called writer's block...I HAVE NEVER experianced that yet!!! I am continuousley thinking of things to write just overflows out of me....soooo yeah...I mean I like getting the feed back from people when I write something...
ESPECIALLY if its a devotional...cuz its like I pour my heart out and I really want to know IF it really has helped someone....buuuut I've realized that doesn't really matter what PEOPLE say!!! I just need to write FOR GOD and NOT to hear words of PRAISE and affirmation from other people!!!
Plus, my pastor's wife DOES actually monitor my blog!!! (Heeeey Sis. Abbott!;) Annnnnd my pastor DOES know about it, buuuuut he said he has NEVER actually been on it...he's not really into reading...except the BIble...LOL...he just told me to make sure I write appropriatley and remember that I am representing MY CHURCH!!!
I was talking to a friend the other day and she was telling me that she has to really careful with music...cuz its like a lure for her!!! Annnnd I was like yeah, we ALL have certain weaknesses in us....buuuuut mine is NOT music...its SOCIAL NETWORKING!!! LOL! She was like laughing, she was like, buuuut Mary your doing really good with that, you took yourself off of EVERYTHING!!! (Twitter, Facebook ANNNNND Instagram) I was like I know...buuuuuut its STILL MY WEAKNESS!!!
I LOOOOOVE SOCIALIZING!!! I'm just by nature a people's person!!! I love making friends meeting new people!!! I just in general LOOOOOOVE PEOPLE!!! I know that this is a GOOD thing, buuuuut I know that I also have to be careful and learn how to draw the line!
Really, ANYTHING that is good can also be taken and used for something that isn't good for us! For example, when I was about 16, weeeeeeelllll...I was EVEN MORE hyper and silly than I am now...LOL...and soooooo some of my really good friends from my church went off to Bible College in Stockton California! One girl and two guys...weeeeellllll these were my good buds, annnnnnd I missed them A LOT! So this was in the days before like EVERYONE had cell phones!
Soooooo ALL three of my friends gave me the numbers for their dorm rooms! Weeeeeellll ONE DAY, I called one of the guys, buuuuuut I accidentally called the WRONG room number...ANNNNND I realized that all I had to do was change the LAST number on the original phone number and it would just go to THE NEXT guys room number...weeeeeelllll...
I just went to town with THAT!!! I mean I just started calling all these random Bible college guys and would talk to them...annnnnnd they just LOVED talking to me...cuz ya know I'M FUN annnnnd I guess enjoyable to talk to... I mean...I EVEN I enjoy talking to me...sooooo yeah...all these Bible College guys would talk to ME...
ANNNNNND then they started calling ME!!! ANNNNNND THEN...My pastor's daughter found out!!! LOLOLOL!!! Good O Devi Abbott!!! One day she was just like, "MARY!!! If you don't STOP talking to guys that you don't KNOW and have NEVER met, I AM GOING TO TELL MY DAD!!!" Was like Ooooo NO SHE DIDN"T...PASTOR'S KIDS...LOL!!! Sooooo at the my immaturity and total and complete lack of wisdom...I was REALLY annnnnnnoyed and Devi...
Buuuuuuuut I DID LISTEN TO HER!!! Cuz I knew that she REALLY would tell her dad annnnnnd I KNEW that I THEN I would be IN TROUBLE!!! AHAHAHA!!! Now I look back and Thank God I had a WISE friend that kept me from making STUPID decisions!!! Devi Abbott was and STILL IS a very good and wise friend!!! I really LUVERRRRS her!!! :)
Sooooo yeah...WHEN I look back now, realize that obviousley, I've ALWAYS had my issues with socializing!!! ANNNNND when you think about it, I could blame it on THE PHONE...not EVEN a CELL PHONE, or a smart phone, or and iPhone, this was with the HOUSE PHONE...buuuuut really it wasn't the phone, it was JUST ME, being UNWISE with technology!!!
I guess if you think about it...some of those ladies back in the day probabley did the SAME thing with letters in the mail...Mail-order-brides and stuff!!! Sooooo anywayz...I know ANYTHING can be made bad if you don't use it the right...soooo...My sis said she thinks my blog IS a good thing AND a blessing to people...she just, LIKE ONLY a big sis can say it said, JUST DON'T BE STUPID!!! LOL Sooooo...this is my decision and i'm SURE God will LET ME KNOW if there is ANYTHING else he wants me to do...
HE is PRETTY good at TELLING ME...
I just have to MAKE SURE i'm listening!!! :))))

♥Mary Frances :)

Friday, November 16, 2012

WCC...Back IN the DAY!!!

On the way home from WCC this year...Us kids were thinking about a previous WCC back in the day!!! So loooooong ago it was STILL called PSR!!! Sooooooo I don't know if I've told all of you all this before buuuuuuut...growing up my family was POOR!!! Annnnnd I mean POOR-POOR!!! I'm not talking about things were tight and we didn't always get EVERYTHING we wanted...I mean like, we were sooooo poor I only had TWO skirts for a good part of my childhood...One was a play skirt and the other was a church mom would do laundry EVERY night so that we would have clean clothes the next day!
Weeeeeelllll... Bishop Abbott was ALWAYS talking to our church about PSR(Now WCC) and he was ALWAYS encouraging the saints in our church to go! Well our family could NEVER go!!! I mean, it was just really NOT even an option at all!!! I mean, my dad was a janitor at a high school, there was FIVE kids...we were POOR!!! However, my MOM got in her mind, she wanted to take her family to PSR!!!
Now my mom was NOT one to go asking for help! She believed in PRAYING for God to provide for you!!! Soooo some how she raised some money for our motel room...I think she sold some furniture or something! THEN...we went on the trip with $200 spending money...that was to cover gas and food the WHOLE entire week!
Now we were staying at the La Quinta Inn...They had a continental breakfast so my mom would tell us kids to fill up at breakfast time cuz the rest of the day we would be eating ramen noodles and other kinds of food like that in our hotel room. I remember the rest of our church would be eating at Home Town Buffet...we thought that was like ELITE-HIGH-CLASS dining back then...buuuuuuuuut there was NO way our family would ever be able to afford eating there...we couldn't even afford McDonald's!!!
Buuuuuuuuut you know mom NEVER blinked an eye about that! Even when people would feel bad for us and offer my mom would say no thank you, we're fine! Its NOT that she had to much pride in her to accept help when we NEEDED it...buuuuuut she ONLY took help when we NEEDED it!!! She said, that Home Town was NOT a NEED...we would be JUST fine with our ramen noodle soup!!!
Sooooo somehow we made it the whole conference with $200!!! Buuuuuut by Saturday, we were BROKE, out of food and only a little money left for gas! My mom told us kids to go stock up on the free food from our continental breakfast!!! Annnnnd that food was ALL we had to eat for the trip back to AZ!!! To this day, I still won't eat muffin tops!!! LOL
Weeeeell we made our trek back to AZ and it took like waaaaaaaaaaay longer than the NORMAL 14 hours!!! I mean, whatever vehicle my mom was driving at the time i'm pretty sure was a HUNK OF JUNK!!! Somewhere along the way when we were still pretty far  from home my mom let us know that we were ALMOST out of gas and that there was NO money left to fil up again. My mom wasn't a complainer...she just KEPT DRIVING!!!
Somewhere along the way my mom saw a young man hitch most woman that were all alone would be scared to pick this man mom just saw it as an opportunity! She pulled over to him and said she would take him as far as we could go before we ran out of gas completely...then she asked him if he happened to have any money to help out with for gas? He had $ mom pulled into the nearest gas station and had him put it in!!!
AHAHAHAHHAHA!!! That'll teach you NOT to HITCH-HIKE WITH THE GINTY'S!!! You won't get anything from US...we'll get it FROM YOU!!! BAHAHAHA!!! Some people might think wow...I'm SOOOO Pathetic...bummin of some hitch hiker...My mom was just like WELL that was a BLESSING!!! Sooooo we drove as far as we could...eventually the man had us drop him off cuz we were going in different my mom let him off...BUT not without witnessing to him first!!!
I know, WHO would feel like a hitch hiker when your ABOUT to run out of gas and NO WHERE near hom??? MY MOM!!!!So we left him off on the side of the road and kept trecking was beginning to be EARLY Sunday morning and the sun was starting to rise...we were just on the outskirts of Avondale AZ when we ran out of gas completely!!!!
My mom found a gas station or some kind of store that would let my mom use their phone...she called my dad up and told him we needed to get picked up or get gas! So my dad and Bro. Steve Cleveland drove out and found us, put some gas in the van and we headed on home!!!.
 Now here I am with my iPhone and I don't even want to go with everyone to Home Town cuz its GHETTO...I just don't ever want to forget the way things USED to be!!! Whats a few roaches at Motel 6...AT LEAST I GET TO ALWAYS GO!!! I'm thankful for a MOM...that was always determined!!!
It may seem like a pretty pathetic trip, buuuuuut we didn't feel that way! My mom was determined to take us...and SOME WAY...SOME HOW...she DID IT...WITH $200 bucks!!! When I look back now, all think is MAN I HAVE AN AWESOME MOM!!!
Good times...GOOD TIMES!!! :)
♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Would you?

My friend Jen Lord asked me this question a couple of weeks ago, on our 3-hour phone convo, she said, WHEN you get a boyfriend, will you write about him or post pictures with him on your blog??? I ACTUALLY laughed when she asked me that!!! ANNNNND I know what your probabley all thinking...OH YES! Mary soooo would be talkin all about him non-stop-continuousley on her blog...buuuuuut...
The answer is NOOOOOOOO!!!! NO WAY!!! Duuuuude NEVERRRR... NOT EVEN!!! LOL Cuz ya know how awkward it is IF you break up!!! OMW!!! Soooooo embarrassing...and you have to take down ALL the pics and like explain to EVERYONE...we broke up!!! One guy that i was with, I was clarifying that we were no longer together for like FIVE YEARS!!! At first it was like really HARD explaining to people, NO we're not together...and then everyone gives you their sympathy and you just wanna be like, shut up and leave me alone...LOL...buuuuut...
I remember there was this one Elder sister from Glendale that after two years she made mention to me, now you got married right? ANd I was like oh no it didn't work out and I just kind of laughed it off...cuz I mean it had been TWO YEARS!!! Weeeeeelllll...anywayz, about five years after ending this relationship, Sis. Mize asked me to substitute teach the Christian Writer's class for her at Bible college...sooooo I was tellin a funny story to give a good example to the class and it involved the mentioning of a guy, weeeeellll after my lil lesson someone was like soooooo WHAT happened with the guy in your story? Sooooo I just kind of laughed and this SAME Elder lady was like, WEEEEELLLL obviousley it worked out...YOUR MARRIED NOW!!!
Sooooo that just really busted me up laughing cuz at this point it had been FIVE YEARS!!! I was like no we NEVER got married! She was like, WHAT? What happened, I was like, weeeeelllll...he DID get married...buuuuuuut NOT to me!!! AHAHAHA!!! She is like, OH! I've been thinkin you were married ALL this time!!!
I'm just like, if it took FIVE years to clarify my singleness the last time, and these were my PRE-blogging days, HOW LONG WOULD IT TAKE WITH PEOPLE READING ABOUT IT ON THE BLOG??? AHAHAHA!!!!
I can always tell WHICH girls are in their FIRST ever serious relationship...they write about it with absolute certainty that nothing will seperate them...have a few break ups and disopointments and you learn to keep your mouth shut!!! It may SEEM like i'm sounding NEGATIVE...but I personally think its called using wisdom...who knows I could be wrong!!! (I doubt that tho!;)
Soooo yeah...for all you all know...I may have had like ten boyfriends since I started bloggin...HAHA..Just kidding...JUST KIDDING!!! (Or am I???;) No really, Ima make it a surprise...i'll be like HEEEEEY everyone....GUESS WHAT??? I'm MARRIED!!! Then after that you'll all get a years worth of posts non-stop about our whole entire courtship and Relationship Classic Mary'll be AWESOME!!! HAHA!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

WCC 2012 Pictures!!!

FUNNY MOMENT#1!!! Okaaaaaaaay so I guess you could ALMOST say that it was a Classic Mary Moment...buuuut NOT quite!!! Sooooo the first night, Idk WHY...buuuuuut I was like totally having a panick attack about WHICH outfit to wear!!! I am normally NOT like this...buuuut yeah...I kept switching my outfits!!! Sooooo FINALLY I was like you know what...I'm JUST going to PRAY ABOUT IT!!! LOL!!!
Soooooooooo I put ALL my outfits on the bed...closed my eyes and said WHICHEVER outfit you want me to wear God...Let me pick up THAT one...Soooooo I Pick one up open my eyes and whatda ya know...its the EXACT outfit I had just switched from!!! Sooooo yeah...thats the outfit I chose to wear...Sooo before I left for church, Jac FINALLY arrived and I told her what I had done to choose my outfit...she just looked at me like Okaaaay WHATEVERRR!!! Then I left...I know, i know...praying for WCC outfits...I'm WEIRD!!! Buuuuut it did turn out CUTE...weeeeellll fast forward to that night AFTER CHURCH...
Soooooo as soon as church is over, Sheree comes over to me and says Hi, gives me a hug, cuz this is the first time I had seen her since we had gotten to WCC! So then she says, "Cute outfit Mary!" I'm like Oh THANK YOU!!! Then she is like, I really feel like it was the WILL OF GOD for you wear this outfit tonight!!!" I'm like WHAT??? She is like, yeah, I think it was God's will!!!" I'm like Huh?!?! She just kinda pats me and is like, don't over think it Mary, just take it for what it is!" I'm like, uh okaaaaaaaaay!!!!
Sooooooo then when we go out to eat and Denae is like, "Oh Mary! CUTE OUTFIT!" I'm like Oh thank you!!! She is like, yeah, I REALLY feel like it was the WILL OF GOD for you to wear that outfit tonight!!!" I'm like WHAAAAT??? In my mind i'm like thinkin WOW!!! Sheree and Denae have really gone off the deep end!!! I'm mean COME ON...what kind of a WEIRDO would say their outfit is THE WILL OF GOD??? THEN it clicked...
I'm like OH!!! JACQUI TOLD YOU ALL about me praying about WHICH outfit to wear tonight!!! Soooooo Denae and Sheree just BUST UP laughing!!! HAHAHA!!! It was pretty funny!!! I told them, I'm sitting here like, okaaaaaaaay WHAT kind of a weirdo would think that God's WILL has anything to do with an outfit??? I GUESS ME!!! ;) Hee, hee!!! Soooo yeah...thats the story of my God ordained outfit!!!
It was sooooo GOOD to see my friend Kendra Thaler!!! I looooove her soooo much!!! She got a pic between me and her husband and was like oh look, INSIDE OUT OREO!!! BAHAHA!!! Then I asked her if she had worn her jacket SPECIAL for me??? She was like Huh? I'm like ya know, cuz its BLACK AND WHITE??? She like busts up laughing and said from now on she is going to call it her MARY Jacket!!!
Had FUN with my friends Joe and Anali...more opportunites to be THE BIBLE!!! If you don't understand what that means, go HERE!!! AnywayZ, I can't wait till December, to see and hang out with Anali!!! I promise, Tacos annnnnd Biscuts gravy for you girrrrl!!! Hear that HANNA??? Can I lure you over with my cookin???
Of course there were lots of GOOD times with FRIENDS!!! I'm NOT going to go over EVERY picture...LOL!
Starbucks and tried the orange creme soda at BJ's!!!
It was good to get to know that Avandano family a little bit better on this trip...REALLY great people and I looooove how Sis. Avandano just travels to all these kinds of conferences with her boys!!! I wanna be that kinda mom!!!
It was good to see the Shelton family again too...another GREAT family!!!
Ooooo and I met FANCY NANCY...THE meow CHICK!!! What a sweet girl!!! Soooo cute and petite annnnnd I LOOOOVED her dress the last night...lookin like a lil bride-to-be!!! Congrats on your engagement btw girl!!!
Annnnnd I got to see Kim and her man...lookin all good together...woooohooo!!! ;) KIM...I know I still OWE you an email...I PROMISE...THIS WEEK!!! FOR REALZ!!! Annnnd I got to meet Nicole and Sarah again! Heeeey you girls should email me!!!
Met Brittany Smith!!! She's cool and pretty and ya know all that Jazz!!!
Of course it was good to spend time with the Kindreds...Jen, Hanna and Anali!!! These are GOOD girls that i LOOOOVE to hang out with!!! Delly was a security guard...awwww!!! LOL!
Gleeeeeeeeeen and Bro. Garcia Aka HATERRRR lookin all official being ushers...made my heart proud to be an ARIZONAN!!!
Ooooo it was GOOD to be with my friend Wendy again...Kindred Chocolate loverrrs!!! LOL!!! Buuuut she was disapointed...Where's all the black guys Mary??? I'm like, I have NO IDEA!!! I'm thinkin Africa, the Bahamas and Jamaica...lets GO TRAVELING!!! HAHA!!!
Another FUNNY....buuuut cRaZy MOMENT!!! Okaaaaay soooo some of the girls from Glendale were gonna stay with me and Jac...we're like yeah sure whatever!!! Sooooo Idk buuuut aparently Motel 6 in Fresno has a BAD reputation!!! Soooo some concerned people from their church didn't think it was a good idea for them stay there and I was just like okay no problem but I can't switch i'm with my family and I already paid my part!!! Buuuuut really in my mind i'm like okaaaaay there is noooo reason to be scared...cuz someone said that there are prostitutes there and i'm like WHY would i be scared of a prostitute??? Just invite them to church!!! Right??? Thats just the way I think...LOL!!! Sooooo anywayz, from the moment we got there it was just GHETTO!!! Bahahaha!!! As soon as we got there, there were police cars there cuz someone had died...supposivley it was a 'Natural" death...HA!!! As in, when they got shot in the heart, their heart just, NATURALLY stopped beating???
Soooooooo then Wednesday night, I OPEN the door to our room and the WHOLE SWAT team was walking by with dogs, guns and police sheilds out!!! I was like OMW!!! They were like, "Excuse us Ladies!" I'm like ummmm...yeah go right ahead!!! I still didn't feel scared and wanted to watch but JAC didn't think it was a good idea in case there were gun shots...buuuut I did peek still and saw them handcuffing some man and leading him away...I was like WOW!!! The cRaZiEsT part was that it was completely SILENT when the police came in and did their work!!! Like we soooo would NOT have even known had we NOT happened to open the door!!! Kinda makes me wonder WHAT ELSE happened while we were SLEEPING the rest of the week??? Soooo yeah...I guess the CONCERNED people from Glendale were CORRECT!!! My whole fam has just agreed...lets JUST STAY AT THE RADISSON NEXT YEAR!!! Yaaaaaaay FINALLY! Soooo i'm actually glad we stayed there...cuz NOW we get to stay at the RADISSON...which is what I have been dying to do for like EVERRR!!!
I forgot the dress AGAIN that I had for Ashlyn!!! SORRRRRY!!!
ANOTHER FUNNY MOMENT!!! Sooooo we're on the elevator of the Radisson and its really cool cuz there are mirrors when you look up...annnnd soooo of course i'm just enthralled by them!!! Weeeeellll we're riding up one time to get ready for church and ONE of my guy friends, not gonna mention any names says, okaaaaaay everyone look UP for a pic...soooo we look up and i'm like OH that was a good Idea!!! And he says, yeah i'm pretty creative! Then he says, ALL that ANNNND I'm SINGLE TOO LADIES!!! Sooooo we're like ok WHATEVERRR!!! Then this girl, that is really somewhat quiet says, Weeeeeelllll...just to let you know, I'm SINGLE TOO!!! It was the funniest, awesomest moment EVERRR!!! Cuz our guy friend was like soooo SHOCKED he didn't know what to say!!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!! Good times!!! Good times!!!
I also met the Goat girls, Monica and Megan from Texas, Kim's aunt, I forgot her name tho...ooops...SORRY sister!!! I Got to see Sis. Lugos again!!! (I hope she is still prayin about my husband!) LOL! Oooo and that one girl JENNY...Oooo and Paul the evangelist kid thats been traveling since he was 6-months and has been to EVERY STATE...soooo cool...annnnd who else...Ooooo also Bro. Lacour's Sis-in-law, buuuut I can't remember her name...she was selling the hair accessories at the Raddison...MAN those were CUUUUTe...wish I had bought one then...they were NEVER open when I came back...lets ummm...i can't even name everyone...buuuuut I'm bummed that I NEVER got to meet Amanda from Lamont OR Clarissa from Fresno, I never did see Crystal and Its a good thing that I took a bathroom break or else I NEVER would have gotten to see Vivian annnnnnnnnnd I NEVER got to see Sis. Kathy this year!!! :( Oooo and also I never did see Sis. K again to get our pic...bummmmer!!!
Another Funny Moment!!! I was like telling Marissa Ooooo I LOVE your dimple!!! Then I touched it!!! LOL! She starts laughing...then I'm like Destiny do you have dimples??? She is like yes! So she smiles and I'm like awwwwwwwww!!! I LOVE DIMPLES!!! And Destiny starts laughing, she is like I guess you forgot but that is actually one of the first things you said to me when we met!!! I was like I DID??? Ooooo HEEEEEY I DID!!! See...I never change...I just FORGET!!! Hee, hee!!!
Basically, I had and AMAZING time with lots and lots and lots of good, Godly, Apostolic people!!! Any of you girls that I met feel free to email me at Its just sooooo much fun being TOGETHER with everyone!!! November 6th, 7th and the dates for NEXT YEAR!!! ONLY 357 MORE days!!! Wooohooooo!!!
(Tomorrow I'll post about the church services...they were AMAZING and deserve their OWN post!!!)
♥Mary Frances :)