Hey, hey ladies!!! Welcome back to WOULD YOU RATHER??? Singles edition… woot, woot!!!! oKAAAAAAAAY so I randomly came up with this idea to play this game with all the single ladies in my phone and it's grown to about 35 females that are playing! It's sooooooooo thought provoking and FUUUUUNNN!!!
Read the first weeks HERE .
We even came up with a bunch of gender-neutral questions and playing it as a group game at one of the young people's in our church's birthday parties and everyone had a BLAST with it!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnd I promised everyone that INSTEAD of telling everyone individually my answers, I would SIMPLY post them on my blog...
1. Would you rather marry someone that is two inches shorter that whateverrrr height you are? OR someone that is soooooooooo tall their head would break through the roof of your home and you'd have to buy a new roof to accomadate their height???
MARY'S ANSWER: Without a doubt two inches shorter!!! I mean, not only would it be costly to get a new roof, but there'd also probably be A LOT more expenses to accommodate his height!!! You would need a longer bed so his feet didn't hang off! WHERE would you find a suit for him to marry you??? What about kissing???? you would either need a step ladder, which I would fall off of most likely OR he would get a crick in his neck bending down to kiss you! Plus everyone would stare at him wherever you went and ask him how tall he was and it would get SOOOOOO ANNOYING and overall, it would just be super inconvenient to marry someone THAT TALL!!!
When I said this one to my sister, I was laughing sooooooo hard I couldn't even get it out!!!! AND GUESS WHAT??? She picked the man breaking through the roof!!!! BAHAHAHAHHAAHAAAA!!!This answer seems soooooooooooooo OBVIOUS, buuuuuuuuut you would be surprised HOW MANY females STILL PICKED the man breaking through the roof over two inches shorter than them!!! That's cRaZy!!! Yeah height is niiiiiiice buuuuut at the same time its kinda whateverrrrr too! It's like extra credit buuuuuut not a MUST HAVE!!!
Some girls say they want a taller man because it makes them feel smaller!!!! Don't you want to FEEL SMALLER MARY??? You know what???? I'm BIIIIIG and that's really just ALL THERE IS TO IT! I'm tall, I'm big boned, I have big feet, big hands, broad shoulders aaannnnnd I'm fluffy...I can always work on the fluffy part, buuuuuuuuut the rest of it is COMPLETELY out of my hands, I am what I am and I'm confident in the way God chose to make me and I don't need a man breaking through the roof to make me confident and that's THE END OF THE STORY!!!
MY ONLY REQUEST with shorter guys is that they DO NOT HAVE SHORT MAN SYNDROME!!! Short man syndrome is when a guy is not confident in their shortness and they try do things to make them seem big and macho! You know what, confidence is attractive sooooooooo just ask God to give you confidence in how he chose to design you!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnd Let me tell you ladies something, HEIGHT DOESN'T PAY THE BILLS!!!! I once dated a guy that was 6'7 and trust me, HEIGHT DON"T PAY THE BILLS!!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! (I hope he doesn't read my blog anymore, buuuuuuuuut IF he does, sorry I had to use you as an example bro, i'm sure you waaaaaaaaaaaay better with your finances by now!!! :)
2. Would you rather marry someone that continuously takes selfies OR continuously takes pictures of you????
MARY'S ANSWER: Continuously takes pictures of ME...liiiiiiiiiike DUH!!! I mean, let's BE REAL, there's only gonna be room in the marriage for ONE SELFIE TAKER annnnnnnnnnd we all know WHO THAT'S GONNA BE!!! ;)
This is an interesting question BECAUSE i actually have been known to do both!!! In my YOUNGER DAYS, I would run around chasing boys with the camera, buuuuuuuuuuuuuut being the mature, almost 40-year-old that I am, those days are behind me, weeeeeeellllll, mostly... let's just say i've gotten more subtle in my maturity!!! ;)bahahahahahahaha
LADIES RATIO: MOST EVERYONE, except two people chose the NON-Selfie-takers, EVEN ME, soooooooo i'm really hoping there's at least ONE MAN out there that would looooooooooooove to marry a selfie taker!!!
.3. Would you rather know WHO you're going to marry OR know WHEN you're going to get married???
Mary's Answer: WHEN!!! I just wanna knoooooooooow WHEN!!! I know God has an amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaZing husband for me, SOMEWHERE!!! I know after all these years of waiting and trusting in God, I will NOT be disappointed in the end result!!!
God gave me a promise, 10 years ago, that he really DID have someone for me, and he's confirmed that promise to me many, many times over the years and I still believe Him, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut he NEVERRRRR gave me a time frame!!! I mean, when God first gave me that promise, it was soooooo straight forward and clear what God said to me I was literally liiiiiiiiiiike, OMW I'm getting married...buuuuuuuut 10 years later im just liiiiiike, YOU SHOU'VE ASKED HIM WHEN TOO!!! BAHAHAHAA!!! Okaaaaaaay well i have actually asked him that MANY TIMES and he has NEVERRRR given me a clue for that!!!
Sooooooooooo now i'm just liiiiike, how old am I gonna be???? Am I going to be able to still have my own kids or should I start planning for immediate adoption??? ALL IVE EVERRRR WANTED TO BE IS A MOMMY!!!! I just wanna know if i'm going to be walking down the aisle with a walker and wearing DEPENDS???? Ya know??? bahahahhahahahaaaa!!!
Some people say, buuuuuuuut MARY if you knew who it was you could just talk to THAT GUY and not waste time on any other guy!!! I'm liiiiiiiike OKAAAAAAAAAAY FIRST OF ALL, us females are NOT supposed to be making the move anyways, sooooooooooooo he is supposed to be talking to me FIRST and ok, even if he is shy, liiiiiiiiiiiiike LITERALLY, all he would have to do is say, HEY SIS!!! annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd I would liiiiiike, be sooooooooo friendly, liiiiiiike DUH!!!
and second of all...I kinda wanna be surprised...I looooooove surprises, buuuuuuuuuut NO ONE can everrrr surprise me except GOD!!! sooooooo yeah,I wanna be like....LIIIIIIKE OMW!!!! IT'S YOU???? LIIIIIIIIIIIKE SERIOUSLY??? This whole time it'S YOU I"VE BEEN WAITING FOR??? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllll HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYY!!!!
annnnnnnd third of all, I'm pretty confident that I could NOT handle correctly knowing WHO!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! I would probably liiiiiike create a really awkward situation if it wasn't God's timing yet!!! I would probably do something stupid and accidentally propose or something like that!!!
4th of all, what if THEY'RE NOT ready for you yet??? WHat if they're sitting in a jail cell waiting for someone to preach the gospel to them??? What if they're not right spiritually??? That would soooooooooo freak me out!!! I'd probably be dragging them to the altar every conference!!! What if they're too young right now??? I don't wanna go to jail...ORANGE ISN'T EVEN MY COLOR...maybe if they had pink jail suits...bahahahahhaaa... What if they're living in another country and then you suddenly try and go on a missions trip??? What if they don't have a job and then you wanna try and hire them for some random job???? What if he needs braces???? JK! JK!!! well kinda nothing wrong with getting braces...AHAHAHAAA What if he still needs a brain transplant??? AHAHAHAHAHAHAAA...
okaaaaaaaaay you guys get my point...what I'm trying to say is that, IF THEY"RE not yet ready for you...it could be kinda freaky to know that's who God has for you without knowing the end result!!!!
Ladies Ratio: Most ladies want to know WHO more than WHEN!!!
If you want to be added to the text send out next week (Females only for that! LOL) or have ideas for WOULD YOU RATHER questions, email me at maryfranceswriting@gmail.com ♥Mary Frances :)