On the way to A Mountain Apart...
First stop, MCDONALD'S for breakfast!!!
Derek...super high matainance, my pillow and blanket...LOL
Sooooooo this is my favorite pic...I think I'm probably the only one that thinks it soooo extremely funny!!! Stultz had a pillow under him and on top...so he was a...
Once we got to camp, THE FIRST THING everyone asked Stultz was,
At camp, first day we had coffee and cinnamon rolls...they're AMAZING!!
This is the difference between guys and girls...LOL
Just a beautiful pic...
Lovely ladies...
I had fun getting to know Jenny this year...
We spent a good part of the first afternoon at the pond...Laughing...weeeeeellll they were laughing....as I talked...Hee, hee!!! :)))
Fun times, fun times!!! :)))
BEAUTIFUL!!! They call these trees weeping willows...buuuut Idk why cuz I don't think they look sad at all...they're like FLOWY!!!
Joe and Anali
Having fun getting to know everyone!!!
FINALLY SPOONS!!! I've been dying to play this game again we used to play it ALL the time when I was in my teens...I'm pretty much for another ten years now!!!
Hanging out with our peeps!!!
Guess who wasn't ready for church yet???
Can we all have a moment of silence for my hair??? Liz did it and I LOOOOOOOOOOVED IT!!!
The BUDS!!!
Joe and Jonathon!!!
Having fun in the cafeteria line...
Me and Keri...She was a blast to hang out with....she has RED HAIR...I'm sooooo jelly!!!
Me and Daisy spent a whole afternoon lounging on a couch!!!
Annnnnnd people said we shoulda done something...we coulda been in our rooms...buuuut NOOOOO we talked to EVERY ONE that walked by us instead...well at one point I actually fell asleep...LOL
Kids choir...sooooooooo proud of my adorable little GALLY singing her verse!!!
I thought my hair looked cool when I took it out of the braid...
Hanging with the girls...
Keri, ME, Daisy, Becca, Hannah...
Trail ride!!!
Enjoying the rain!!!
My favorite meal...brisket, roll, potatoes, mac and cheese and this amazing butterfinger pie...YUMMMMMMMMM!!!
Stultz new buddy...Alex!!!
The last night a ton of us went to the lobby of our dorm and we all played a game of ANIMAL...exept instead of us all picking out different animals to be, we were all different AIO characters, it was a BLAST!!!
Stultz was Mr. Whitikar...
I was like, HEEEEEEEEEYYYY you even have the sweater!!!
Buuuuut he actually kind of looks like Harlow Doyle in that pic...LOL...buuuut I guess that's ok cuz Stultz actually LIKES HIM!!!
Soooooooooo you know how some girls brag about being a "Guy magnet" ????
Weeeeeeeeeeeeelllll, I'm a KID MAGNET!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!
Its time for the slide show!!!
Me and Jenny!!!
Me and Anali Bananali!!!
One last pic of us all togetether!!!
AMA 2016 was a blast as usual...AND NO BROKEN BONES FROM STULTZ!!!!
Ooooooh I FORGOT ONE MORE THING!!! Sooooooooo after we left the gym at like 1:30 in the morning, we are walking to our dorms, Me, Daisy, Rocky and Jenny, its like pretty much pitch black on the way back, weeeeeeeeelllllllll, someone commented on how pretty the stars in the sky were so I decided to try and take a picture, I have my phone out and i'm pointing it out to the sky WHEN ALL OF THE SUDDEN, this deep, creepy, scary, monsterous voice comes up behind me and says, YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE YOUR PHONE OUT!!! Let ME TELL YOU SOMETHING!!! I SCREAMED SOOOOOOOOOO LOUD!!! And would you all believe that it was STULTZ??? He had left the gym like five minutes before us and hid in the dark...Needless to say he was laughing quite hard!!! Actually all of us girls were...buuuuuuuut despite the laughter, PAYBACK WILL HAPPEN, before the summer is over!!! FOR THAT AND THE WATER...I'm jus sayin!!! Bwahahahahahaha!!!
♥Mary Frances :)