Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Who's Joseph???

Sooooooooo my friend is telling us all in a group text the other day this really cute story about her son. The jist of the story is that he wanted his Auntie at church but she couldn't take him at the moment because she was praying with someone. So the little boy is like, I'm JEALOUS, like Joseph's brother's!!! And walks away!!!
So you have to understand that in the moment that I read the story, I was in the middle of doing some stuff… I’m just thinking WHO is Joseph and WHY are his brother’s jealous???
So all the other girls are writing back like, Oh wow! He's so funny! Too cute! What a cute kid! Annnnnd I'm just sitting there and in my head i'm thinking like, I don't get it!!! What is soooo funny??? 
So then his mom writes in again and is like, The kid sure does know his Bible! Annnnnd it HIT ME...THE BIBLE...sooooooooooo I finally write my response, "And I'm sitting over here like, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHO JOSEPH IS???"
Yes, my friends, TRUE STORY!!! I read her lil story and thought, "I don't know any kids from her church!!! Joseph?! How am I supposed to WHO JOSEPH is, let alone his brothers??? BAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd YES PEOPLE, 
The story of Joseph is ACTUALLY one of my all time favorite stories...His attitude amidst his circumstances and the fact that you just NEVERRRR know what God is working out in the middle of YOUR MESS!!! What man meant for evil...GOD MEANT FOR GOOD!!!  
Buuuuuuuut yeah… don’t be jealous like Joseph’s brothers!!! 
♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, June 24, 2024

Happy Monday!!!

Image result for nutrition fact if you drink a gallon of water a day

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllll that'll preach!!!
Get me some WATERRRRR!!!
A drama free church is a WELL HYDRATED CHURCH!!! Hee, hee!!! Imagine everywhere pastors just start passing out gallons of water to their saints!!!
Have a drama free week my friends!  

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Happy Juneteenth!!!

On my own, as early as four years old, I can remember taking and interest in African culture and the civil war times…I would imagine being one of the ones to help free slaves, I had a black baby doll, black barbies and I dreamed of one day having a black friend…
While I don't support all the political propaganda that comes along with this holiday, I do believe that it is representative of one of the greatest days in American history that should be remembered and honored!!!

People ask me WHY I would celebrate today when I’m white, I’m liiiiiiiiike, UH, cuz I don’t believe in slavery… liiiiiike DUH 🙄 
It was a REPUBLICAN president that ended slavery!!!
Growing up I loved reading the American Girl books! Annnnnnd you all know me, of course my favorite girl was ADDY!!! The story of Addy goes through her life as a child slave in the fields and then her life as her and her mom escape to freedom. 

I remember reading this series and there is a part where one of the slave drivers forces her to eat a worm for not picking fast enough in the field!I was sooooo horrified that they would do that to her... Buuuuuut the American girl series of slavery is really a very glamorized version of what actually happened!!!
Always having an extra interest in the civil war era of American history, It wasn't until I read this book below, "To Be A Slave" that I realized just how dehumanized people in slavery truly were!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Is there a reason???

Sooooooooo my doctor referred me to a weight-loss clinic in Scottsdale and so I made an appointment and had a phone intake yesterday morning, where basically they go over their program with you and ask you your goals etc...
So they start off my asking me if I was referred to them by someone? So I say yes, my doctor and then they ask me IF there was a REASON WHY my doctor had referred me to their WEIGHT LOSS program???
When they asked me this, I paused for a really long time, TRYING to figure out the correct answer??? I mean, this seemed pretty basic, buuuuuut I also graduated high school with straight Ds...soooooooo I analyzed it several times in my head buuuuuuut still could NOT come up with any other answer to this question than the OBVIOUS reason one would join a WEIGHT LOSS program...sooooooooo finally I say...
Liiiiiiiiiiike DUH!!! :P
The lady doing the intake starts laughing...I was liiiiiike I MEAN WHY ELSE WOULD I JOIN THE PROGRAM??? 
♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Mary Did You Know???

Mary did you know??? IS Facts about Mary!!! 
That you MAY or MAY NOT already know!!! 
"Did you know???..."
What would you all guess MY FIRST WORD as a child to be???
I'll give you ONE HINT with this picture below...
BTW: Look at this LIL flower, it's sooooo little annnnnnd soooooo CUUUUUTE!!!  isn't it just ADORABLE??? 
I could just kiss it it's sooooooo cuuuuuuuute!!!
OMW!!! Did you guess FLOWER??? Yeeeeeesss my friends, MY FIRST WORD everrrr, according to my mother, was FLOWER!!! Quite fitting I must say if you know me!!! 
"...Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll NOW YOU DO, annnnnnnnnd don't you FORGET IT!!!" (AIO BTV quote;)
I suppose you all could just call me...
Or NOT so-Little-Miss-Flower!!! Hee, hee!!! ;)
♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

AZ News Flash!!!

Okaaaaaaaaaay everyone I have SHOCKING NEWS...everyone take a deep breath before I share this with you all..are you ready for this??? No really...are you REALLY READY for this??? Okaaaaaaay HERE WE GO....
Its HOT...in ARIZONA!!!
(OMW...Like WOW!!!!)

But amaZingly...I keep hearing my fellow Arizonans sayin OMW its sooooo  HOT!!! I can't believe HOW hot it is!!! Can you believe it???? UH YEAH I CAN!!!!
 Its A. THE SUMMER!!! and B. ARIZONA!!! Like helllllllllllllllllllloooooooooo!!!! We live closer to the sun than like ANYONE else!!! (I think...HAHA!!!;) The thing that gets me is that the people that seem to be the MOST shocked are like all the Arizonans themselves!!! I'm like ummmm do you NOT remember last summer and the summer before that and the summer before THAT??? We've lived here like ALL OUR LIVES!!!! (Of course these are the SAME people that are complaining about HOW cold it is when we ACTUALLY have nice weather!!!:)
People keep asking me, SOOOOOO WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS HEAT WAVE??? I’m liiiiiike did you just randomly forget where we live????
I mean we live in ARIZONA!!!
 Its sooooooo HOT that....
•the birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.
•farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying hard-boiled eggs.
•the cows are giving evaporated milk.
•the trees are whistling for the dogs.
•WE can say 120 degrees without fainting.
WE can make instant sun tea.
•WE learned that a seat belt makes a pretty good branding iron. 
The 4 seasons are: tolerable, hot, really hot, and ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!!
•WE discover that in July, it takes only 2 fingers to drive your car.
•We've discover that you can get a sunburn through your car window.
•WE notice the best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.
•hot water now comes out of both taps.  
•you actually burn your hand opening the car door.
•you break a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m. before work.
•no one would dream of putting vinyl upholstery in a car or not having air conditioning.
•you realize that asphalt has a liquid state.
♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, June 10, 2024


Okaaaaaaaaaaay you guys, I have really, really, really BIIIIIIIIIG NEWS!!! 
I finally, finally, finally, FINAAAAAALLLLY made it to my 40th birthday weight loss goal!!!! 1 month and 7 days short of my 41st birthday, buuuuuuuuuuuuuut I MADE IT!!!! FIIIIIINALLLLLY!!!!! 
NOW ON TO MY NEXT GOAL!!!! Which is my 41st BIRTHDAY goal...which I actually think I'll make it to cuz it’s only 11 more pounds!!!! I know, MOST PEOPLE would pick 10 more pounds, buuuuuuuuuuuuut, clearly I AM NOT MOST PEOPLE!!! BAHAHAHA!!!! 

My doctor said the average American gained 30 pounds during Covid, buuuuuuut you know me, i’m NEVERRRRRR just average so i gained 60!!! 😱 Soooooo I got the above average off now i just gotta get the next 30 that the average gained!!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Happy Monday!!!

Weeeeeeelllll… that’ll preach!!! Sometimes the best thing to do is just keep your mouth SHUT!!! Bahahahahaaa 
♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, June 6, 2024

When i die…

What do you want to be known for when you die?

I read this question and decided to blog it!!! The question REALLY makes me think!!! What is the ONE thing I want to be known for?!?! Makin people laugh? Writing? Inspiring people? My blog? Losing weight? Being a good sister? Daughter? Friend? Saint of God? Being the world's most submissive wife??? ;) 
I really wanna make a difference in this life! I want to do something for the Lord! I want to be a soul winner! I want to help hurting children! I want publish books!  I want to be a prayer warrior! I want to be a mother! There is soooo much that I REALLY want to do! Buuuuuuuut what is THE ONE thing that could sum all these things up?!?! 

A hurting friend told me one time that she really felt God sent her to live with us beacuase I'm such a loving person and God knew she needed A LOT of love....AWWW!!!  I know I am a very loving person…

Then it hit me...
I want to be known for LOVE!!! ♥♥♥ 
2. Sharing God's LOVE with people

Above ALL ELSE, I want to be known for LOVING GOD!!!  I know that if I do that one thing, EVERYTHING ELSE will fall in place!!!  
And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.  (Deuteronomy 6:5)

I think that LOVE really is THE ONE thing
What about you all? What do you want to be known for when you die? Write it down in the front of your Bible, date it and read it OFTEN!!! 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

That kind of man!!!

I remember attending Bro. Donald Ikerd's funeral. His funeral was actually very uplifting. It had A LOT of Bro. Ikerd's humor woven into everything that was said. There was one point where they started playing clips his preaching. They played this one clip that was one of his last messages he preached before he died. He said in the message that he knew his ticker was about to stop ticking and that he would soon be going home, and as he talked to the saints his voice broke down and was beginning to cry. He talked about how he was gonna be leaving, but that there was STILL so many more souls to reach...so many people lost...who was gonna reach them??? And as I listened to him, I felt myself starting to tear up, not because of Bro. Ikerd's death, but because of his burden for the lost, even still, till his death. I just remember sitting there thinking like, WOW...this man is crying about dying...but ONLY because he wants to keep reaching the lost...WOW!!! And i’ve thought, THATS THE KIND OF MAN I WANT TO MARRY!!! A man like Bro. Ikerd! Not because he was a missionary or an incredible preacher, teacher and pastor, but becuase of his burden for souls. Thats how I want to spend my forever with a man, REACHING THE LOST!!!