Thursday, February 28, 2013

Look WHO's HERE!!!

I had this dream the other night, it started out as just an ordinary, whatever dream. We was in some kind of home or building and it wasn't an actual church service or anything, just some sort of get together! We were all just mingling around, talking and socializing. Well there were a bunch of kids in the room, basically all the kids from my church like my neice and her friends, and ALL OF THE SUDDEN they got soooooo excited!!! They all started whooping and hollering in excitement and running towards some person that had just walked into the room. I wasn't really wondering WHO it was cuz the kids will do this like when Sam or Pastor or ANY adult that plays with them comes walking in. But they seemed EVEN more excited than usual!
 and I listened to what they were saying and, it was, "ITS JESUS!!! JESUS IS HERE!!! JESUS!!! LOOK its JESUS!!! JESUS IS HERE!!! JESUS IS HERE!!" In my dream it was like the man Jesus had actually walked into the room...I didn't see him in the dream, i just heard the kids... they were all sooooooooooo EXCITED to see Jesus! They were all racing as if WHO could get to him first, running to him full force, just ready to jump into his arms and start hugging and playing with him! One of the kids, Ashlee was like EVEN MORE excited then ALL the other kids, she just threw her head back and SCREAMED at the top of her lungs in total and complete HYPER JOY...JEEEEEEEEEESUUUUUS!!!!! 
Then the next thing I know my alarm went off and It was time to get up!!! Buuuuuuuuut I woke up with such a good feeling in my heart!!! It felt sooooooo good to have heard these kids just soooooooo HAPPY that JESUS was there!!! I mean, I just can't quite explain to you all in words how excited the kids were! HE was IN THE ROOM WITH THEM! and they couldn't have been happier to see ANY OTHER PERSON!!! It was JESUS...they're FRIEND...they're HERO!!!
Oooo I want to feel that way everyday when I'm at church, when I'm praying, in WHATEVER I'm doing, I want to feel the exhileration in my heart that JESUS IS HERE!!! He is right here with me in the room!!! I just want to throw my head back and shout at the top of my lungs in total and complete JOY of his presence!!! JEEEEEEEEESUUUUUUS!!!
 MORE THAN anything else, I want to feel that way about Jesus coming back for his church. We had Bro. Frank's preaching revival services at our church last week and one of his messages was about being ready for the returning of Christ and LOOKING for his returning!!! I was praying this Monday morning, God I want to feel THAT way about your returning!!! I don't want to feel any kind of reluctancy in my heart about the return of Christ! I want to LOOK FORWARD to it with anticipation in my heart!!!
I mean, can you imagine one day looking into the eastern sky, AND YOU SEE HIM!!! And exhileration floods your heart! There is NOTHING better you can even think about or fathom in your mind then the fact that JESUS IS HERE!!! You begin to shout, Its JESUS!!! Its JESUS!!! You guys LOOK ITS JESUS!!! And before you can even make a move to start running towards him or jumping into the sky, your caught up into the clouds with him...For ETERNITY!!! 

Oh thats the way I want to always feel!!! I've done what is RIGHT, my heart is CLEAN, my mind is CLEAR, I have NO dread, no negativity, NOTHING is holding me back, i'm just running full force towards Jesus! I want that simple, jubliant, child-like joy in my heart about JESUS!!! 
 "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ..." (Titus 2:13)

♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Can you figure it out???

Drive THRU ATM...
Anyone notice WHAAAAAT is WRONG???? 
(Nope, thats NOT my car!!! ;)
♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Only a mom!!!

Sooooo for the last little while MONAE has been bugging me to SING with her at church! So I was like, Oh girl i dont sing!!! She is like WHATEVER, you sang at Conqueror's Conference this year...I was like Oooo yeah...YOU WERE THERE!!! AHAHA!!! So she wanted to sing this really HARD and COMPLICATED song that Sheree sings...annnnd I was just like okaaaaaaaay i'm SORRY buuuuuuut that song is TO HARD for ME to sing!!! I'll sing with you BUUUUUUUT it HAS to be an EASY, SIMPLE SONG!!! 
Sooooooooo THEN we decided to throw Jac's Niece Aurora into the mix....
and we FINALLY decided on singing, "I Can't Even Walk Without You Holding My Hand" Soooooooo Monae asks Pastor if it is ok for us to sing that and he says, Yes, JUST to make sure we PRACTICE and NO GIGGLING!!! Sooooo we HAD planned on practicing with Sis. Susan before church but church started before we actually got to her! So I was just like OH well I guess that means we're NOT singing tonight!!!
WRONG!!! The memo NEVERRRR got to the song leader that we hadn't practiced and we got called up!!! I was like OMW!!! WHAAAAAAAAT???? And like the WHOLE church was laughing which was making me REALLY laugh!!! Sooooo we tell Sis. Susan what we're singing , she starts playing the music and I'm like, "I can't even walk..." Annnnnnnnnnnd those TWO...
Monae and Aurora start in unison on SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT...which made ME look like I had NO idea what we were singing...which at the moment... I DIDN'T!!! Soooooooooo I just like STOP right there and am like, WHAAAAAAAT are we singing??? They're like, YOUR SONG!!! I'm like, okaaaaay well thats NOT IT!!! Now EVERYONE is REALLY LAUGHING!!! AHAHAHA!!!
So we start over again and pretty much EVERYONE on the platform HELPED US SING!!! LOL!!! Buuuut voice was waaaaaaaaay MORE OFF then usual cuz I was like trying soooooooooooo HARD to hold back laughter!!! 
So this past Sunday Morn I said to Monae...soooooo...You got that singing out of your system now?!?! She's like OH YES!!! HAHAHA!!! Then Sunday night she's like, Mary, we need to sing together again!!! I'm like WHAAAAAAAAT??? She's like, yeah lets PRACTICE this time!!! I'm like, NO WAY!!! Do you NOT recall the LAST TIME WE SANG??? She's just like, YOUR SINGING, so lets start practicing!!!
This is a text message between me and my mom from the night we sang...
Awwwwwwwww I looooove MY MOM!!! She is sooooooo the best!!! She'll ALWAYS have her kids backs!!! I mean, I could FALL OFF THE PLATFORM, (Read HERE!)and she'd be like, did you see MY GIRL?!?! NOBODY CAN, FALL OFF THE PLATFORM, LIKE MY GIRL CAN!!! BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Annnnnnnnnnnd TRUST ME, ONLY A MOM, could compliment on THAT SINGING!!! LOLOLOL!!! 
♥Mary Frances :) 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Introduction time!!!

Soooooooo I REALIZED that you all haven't OFFICIALLY met someone yet!!! Weeeeellll i think its TIME!!! Allow for me to introduce to YOU...
Monae started coming to our church with her mom back in I think October sometime and it was the Moreland's that met them and were bringing them! Soooo Monae kind of came sometimes...kinda...and when she DID come she was kinda quiet...ACTUALLY REALLY QUIET!!! LOL Sooooo I mean I didn't really think MUCH of her coming but then around CC time I thought oh maybe that one chick...I couldn't even remember her name...should come to CC...I mean I know she is only 12 buuuuuut maybe it'll help her get involved and get to know everyone
So I called my pastor's wife, and asked her about Monae coming...and she said she would talk to Pastor about it. So then she told me later that day, that yes her husband she said that she was going to talk to our youth leaders about it and stuff, buuuuuuut she said since she was waaaaaaay under age I needed to be the ADULT in her room...LOL...soooo I was like, yeah SURE whatever...NO BIG DEAL!!! I mean I'm thinkin in my mind...this chick is like REALLY quiet ANYWAYS!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Soooooooooo WHEN Monae left for conference she WAS REALLY QUIET...buuuuut...she came out of her shell REALLY quick!!! As I told her, WHEN she LEFT for the conference, she didn't have her BLACK GIRL ATTITUDE on....buuuuuuuuuut she packed it in her BAG!!! Annnnnd as SOON as she got COMFORTABLE with everyone, which was less then 24 hrs...she UNPACKED that BLACK GIRL ATTITUDE and started wearing!!! 
Weeeeelllllll AT Conquer's Conference, MONAE GOT THE HOLY GHOST!!! Annnnd she was soooo STUBBORN about praying OH MAN!!! she wanted to pray buuuuuuut...she didn't want people seeing her, she didn't want to raise her hands...she said she was scared...we would try to explain to her she doesn't have to be scared and she's like, WHAT do you mean, I don't need to be SCARED??? I BE SPEAKING IN A LANGUAGE I DON'T know??? THATS WEIRD!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!Buuuuuuuuuut When she FINALLY lifted up her hands and SURRENDERED herself to God.... she started SPEAKING IN TONGUES as the spirit of God gave the utterance...just like it happened in Acts 2!!! It was sooooo AWESOME!!! Annnnnd NOW she's a TONGUE TALKER TOO...just like the rest of us WEIRDOS!!! ;D
Soooooooooooo it was probabaley by the second day of conference, we're all getting ready for church and Monae, she just LOOKS at me that day and she says, "You know what I'm starting to get the FEELING about YOU GIRL?!?!!" I'm like, "WHAT?" She's like, "I'm starting to get the FEELING, that...
Soooooo it just got kind of quiet in the room and THEN everyone was like, DUH!!! Soooo I was Uh YEAH, your just now NOTICING that??? This is like a known and established fact by like EVERYONE!!! She just looks at me and she is like, "GIRRRRL! What is WRONG WITH YOU???  There is something NOT RIGHT WITH YOU!!! You got ISSUES!!!!!" (Yes, I do, ISSUES that God put in me when I was just a lil girl!) AHAHAHAHA!!! 
Buuuuuuuut despite my ISSUES...when we got BACK from CC she was sitting next to me at church!!! My sis said she LOVES how I am basically just Monae's leaning post during church...ALLOW me to rest my elbow on you....yeah sure Monae...just make yourself COMFORTABLE!!!Buuuuut NOW she is STUCK with ME cuz her Momma asked me to be Monae's mentor!!! Sooooo sorrrrry GIRRRRL your stuck with the cRaZiEsT white chick EVERRR!!! (Purrrrrrrr;) 
♥Mary Frances :)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The best DAY!!!

Soooo I want to tell you all about the BEST day EVERRR...well...ACCORDING TO...
 MJ and Ash!!!
Ronald McDonald came to McDonalds!!! Everyone was flipping out about it...EVEN the emplyees!!! LOL!  I was like OMW...this is what I consider FAMOUS!!! He got a pic with ME!!! He was like, WHAAAAT you want a picture with me...ALL FANCY??? 

I don't really consider THIS FANCY!!! I had my hair slicked back and up on my head...I personally thought I looked kind of HOMELY!!! LOL Buuuuuut its my CALI hair-do and all my Cali friends were HAPPY to see it LIKE THEM!!! Jen said something like, Oh now you can marry a California guy and be a Cali girl!!! I'm like buuuuuuuuuuuut I DON'T wanna marry a Cali guy...I WANNA be an ARIZONA HOTTIE foreveaaa!!!! HAHAHA!!! Anywayz, Ronald aproved of my outfit ANNNND MY HAIR!!! Ooooo heeeey how does Mary McDonald sound???? (Ummm...I hope there are NO guys that read this with that last name!!! If there is I have NOT everrrr heard of you...PROMISE!!! LOL;) 

Soooooooooo it hailed on Wednesday too!!! We all pretty much totally and completely FREAKED out at McDonalds...between the hail that looked like SNOW and Ronald...We were all off our ROCKERS!!! Ash was screaming out, THANK YOU JESUS!!! (For snow in Phx!) 
Even Ronald started freaking out when he saw the hail on the ground!!! LOL! He was like, I CAN'T BELIEVE ITS SNOWING! ARE WE IN PHOENIX AZ OR WHAAAAT????

Sooooooo I decided that I HAD to walk out to the parking lot and take a pic of my van covered in WHITE STUFF!!! Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad idea when your wearing church flats!!!
Sooooooo I'm walking back with the girls annnnnd like ALL the McDonald's employees are standing outside just gazing in AWE of the HAIL...which we were all saying was SNOW!!! LOL annnnnnnd I'm walking one minute and the next minute...
BOOM!!! I go flying to the ground!!! HARD!!! All the McDonald's men gathered around me...VERY concerned, one guy wanted to help me up...I mean I could have gotten up FINE BY MYSELF...i'm USED to falling... buuuuuut I didn't want to be RUDE!! Then he was insistent on taking my hand and walking back with me inside to make sure I didn't fall again...which I felt AWKWARD about...Sooooo yeah...I held a guys hand on Wednesday...DON'T TELL was STRICTLY out of HIS concern for my safety...which was SWEEEET!!! LOLOLOL!!! Meanwhile, MJ and Ash were HYSTERICAL with laughter cuz I WOW!!! BAHAHAHA!!!
Annnnd then all the McDonald's employees were sooooooo CONCERNED about my fall...I was like awwwww...HOW NICE...I mean...I'm kinda a clutz...soooo me and the ground are pretty close to each other!!! LOL Annnnd if i'm not falling on the ground i'm falling for a GUY...BAHAHAHA....see thats how we'll know he's THE ONE...the RIGHT guy will catch me WHEN I fall for him...NOT just let me get up on my own!!! HAHAHA!!! Okaaaaaaaay so anyways, back to the McDonald's emplayees, they were soooo concerned for me and kept askin how I was doing, then Ronald had them make me a chocolate dipped ice cream cone which...Looked really good, but I didn't want to go off my diet and eat....soooo I thanked them for it, cuz I didn't wanna be all rude and NOT take it...then when it got busy and they weren't looking I threw it out...annnnd the DIET WAS SAVED!!! LOL! 

Soooooooooo yeah...NO WINDOW =  RAIN AND HAIL allllll up in my van!!! Eeeeeeks!!! Soooo finally the hail melted and we drove home so I could change my, freezing, sopping wet church shoes to some BOOTS!!!! Annnnnnd the girls said that THIS was THE BEST DAY EVER!!! Seriousley, they were sooooo HAPPPPY!!! Their future husbands will have A LOT to compete with...I mean, Snow in Phoenix, Ronald McDonald and Mary falling in the parking lot...  try and BEAT THAT!!!LOL!!! Now this leaves me with just one question!!!
My insurance would believe me if I made a CLAIM for HAIL DAMAGE???
♥Mary Frances :)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Keep Calm annnnnd...

I saw this stay calm and I was like OMW that is sooooo ME!!! Lololol
I read this and was like OH okaaaay sounds like a GREAT IDEA!!! HAHA!!!
WHATEVERRR keeps you calm...this definatley WORKS FOR ME!!! :))))
♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Jesus IS MY...

So ONE thing with the African kids that I learned when I first started going over there was that NOBODY'S got a DAD, buuuuuuuuuuut EVERYONE'S got an uncle!!! Rarely do ANY of these kids ever have a father around... Sad, buuuut its TRUE!!! I used to question them when i would see a man around, Oh is that your Dad? They would say, oh no! I'm like, Oh is he your step-dad? The would say, no! I'm like, your mom's BOYFRIEND??? They would say, oh NO! Thats my UNCLE!!! I'm like, UNCLE??? I'm like, oh so its your mom's brother? Oh so then how exactley is he related to you all? Oh, Weeeellll...he's not...he's just MY UNCLE!!! Okaaaay WHATEVERRR!!!  
So yeah, seven years later...I'm just sooooo used to hearing, Thats my uncle I don't even blink about it anymore!!! BuT its the closest some of these kids have for a father figure so they still grasp for it...For Father's day everyone just wants to make something for their "Uncle" soooooo...
So this past Sunday I'm driving home from church and I'm like, sooooo what did you girls learn about in class today?! They're like, ummmmm... JESUS!!! I'm like, AWWWW do you girls LOVE JESUS?! They're like, YES we LOVE HIM! So then one of the girls says, Jesus is MY DADDY!!! I'm like AWWWWW...cuz my heart just goes out to them not havin a daddy in their life so i'm like, You know what, JESUS IS MY DADDY TOO!!! So then another one says, WELL Jesus is MY daddy TOO!!! Sooooooooo THEN the other girls says, OH YEAH...
My UNCLE!!! 
LOLOLOL!!! OMW!!! I started laughing soooooooo HARD!!! I was like, NO TRUST ME, JESUS IS WAAAAAAY BETTER THAN any old uncle that comes around!!! He is a FATHER that will NEVER leave you or FORSAKE you...AND he ain't ashamed to claim you...he wants you to call him DADDY!!! Buuuut I was STILL laughing!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!! Aaaaahhhh I LOVE them soooo MUCH!!! 
Only a TRUE African child would say...
 "Jesus IS my Uncle!" 
♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Omw u guys it's snowing!!!
I can't believe it!!!
See the lil snowflakes on me??? I was like totally FREAKING OUT!!! LIKE SCREAMING to my neighbors its SNOWING IN PHOENIX... no one really seemed as excited about it as ME!!! LOL!!!

Seriousley tho you guys, SNOW IN PHX??? This is absolute cRaZiNeSs!!! God parted the red sea for the Israelites and they crossed through on dry land!!! Abraham and Sarah had a baby i. Their old age... it just SNOWED IN THE DESERT... next thing you all know i'm gonna be posting that...
AHAHAHAHA!!! I would really be HYPER if that was the case!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!! Wait you guys lets all take a moment and think about HOW HYPER Mary will be on her wedding can't even imagine...RIGHT?!?! Me TOO!!! BAHAHAHA!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Happy 60th Birthday!!!

Happy 60th birthday to MY MOM!!!
The world's GREATEST mom!!! I thank God for a STRONG mother, that has been a Godly example to me that living for God isn't always easy but you STICK it out NO MATTER WHAT!!! She has shown me what it is to be FAITHFUL! My mom is REAL...she don;t even know how to be fake...LOL...ooooo and she NOW has an now she can READ my blog!!!
My mom don't even got NO GRAYS yet!!! Weeeeellll hardly!!! ;)

My mom is the BEST cook EVERRR!!! Seriousley, sometimes when I eat other people's food i'm just like, OH sooooooooo THATS why they don't have a weight problem!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!

My mom is PROUD to be an ITALIAN!!!
She LOVES her family!!!

Don't MESS with my mom!!! So back in the day, in my mom's young, single and BEFORE Christ days, when she still lived in NYC, her and her best friend, who was black saw (An Italian chic+a black girl+ BOTH NEW YORKERS=TROUBLE!!! LOL)  Joe D' Maggio, who i guess is a famous baseball player. So my mom and her saw him and they were like ESTATIC! So they begged him for his autograph! Well he refused! 
My mom says that he was NOT a friendly person and he just brushed them a way, like he was TOO GOOD, and didn't have time for them! Weeeeellll that did NOT set well with MY MOM and her friend! Sooooo MY MOM proceeded to tell this famous man off!!! She says that she just told him, YOU KNOW, I don't know WHO you think you are buuuuut if it wasn't for your FANS you wouldn't be anything!!! Your fans are the ones that made you famous!!! She said and PLUS you don't seem to mind all of us people when we're eating at YOUR resturaunt!!! 
So he I guess he thought about what my said cuz he grudgingly gave them each  his autograph...In which MY MOM proceeded to sell!!! She said WHY she want a rude person's autograph??? AHAHAHAHA!!! Niiiiiiice MOM!!! Get a famous person's autograph and then SELL IT!!! AWSOMENESS sounds like something I would do!!!
Here is your crown MOM!!! LOVE YOU!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

McDonalds Ghettoliciousness!!!

A place that frequent QUITE often is McDonald's!!! Yes, basically like three days a week...NO i'm not eating there...I take my niece and her friend there to eat and play, cuz I watch them three afternoons a week annnnnd they seem to NEVER get tired of going there...they just BEG me to take them there and at first I would get kinda bored...buuuuuuut THEN I got an iPhone...AHAHAHA...annnnnd THEN it clicked with me...FREE WIFI I can take my lap top there...ANNNNND WRITE!!! Cuz pretty much...thats what I LOVE TO DO...seriousley...I never  run out of ideas or get bored with writing!!! 
Soooooo I've felt rather GHETTO...when I pull out my lap top with a regular key board attached and then a regular mouse attached, I have all these attachments cuz my hands get squishy pretty easily and I hate hitting the wrong keys and there is NO WORSE feeling then when  and my screen is all bigger and old school compared to the NEWER laptops and these days everyone just has an iPad that they are on...buuuuuuut I'm just like WHATEVERRR...(I'm gettin an iPad SOON!)  for now my laptop DOES its job!!! HAHA!!!
AnywayZ, the other day i'm in McDonald's and I LOOK over annnnnnnnd this man is sitting there at a booth with a FULL BLOWN COMPUTER!!!! I was like OMW is this for realZ??? I did a double take... and SHO NUFFF... this man had brought a...
Buuuuuut heeeeey FREE WIFI PEOPLE!!! 
AHAHAHAHA!!! I coudn't stop laughing!!! I was just like, OH WOW!!! It was a REALLY nice computer too....I'm just like...Okaaaaaaay...bring your REALLY EXPENSIVE APPLE desk top to McDonald's and get THAT FREE WIFI!!!!
Ooooo annnnnnnd THEN...I'm like walking out of the McDonald's with the girls and I see this older looking lady playing a game of cards and I'm walking by and I see that she is playing the card game WAR and i'm just kinda watching cuz I remember playing this game back in the day...its been YEARS...buuuuut I'm pretty good at it!!! 
Sooooooo i'm watching her play and she is like SOOOOOOOOO into i'm trying to see who she is playing with before I walk out the door, but I can't see them so I'm like Oh it must be like one of her grand kids or something so I can't see them cuz they're smaller and she is blockin my then she kind of moves and I'm LOOKING to see, buuuuuut I still can't see the person she is playing with and i'm squinting and LOOKING and STARING annnnnnnnnnnnnd...YES people, it was just a very INTENSE card game with HERSELF!!!! AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!
I was like, Okaaaaaaaaay girls...ENOUGH McDonald's for TODAY!!! Lets GO!!!! LOLOLOL!!! It just amaZes me how GHETTOLICIOUS McDonalds is!!! I mean, its NOT like it was in the HOOD, we're talking about PARADISE VALLEY...NOT GLENDALE!!! Heh, heh!!! :) Buuuuut I guess ghettoness, just ATTRACTS ghettoness....WHEREVER IT IS!!! 
♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Where's she being born?!

Soooooooo JUST to let you all know, THIS WEEK, there will be a new member to my family born!!! My sis-in-law Jewel, is scheduled to have lil Juliana THIS FRIDAY, the 22nd...buuuuuut you NEVER know, she could come even sooner!!! ANNNND once she is born, i just wanna let you all know that you'll be hearing A LOT about her!!! LOL!!! 
So tonight after church Denae was asking me WHERE she is going to be born and without even thinking about it I was like,  ummmmm...I think PV Mall!!! Denae is like WHAAAAT??? I was like, I MEAN I meant to say PV HOSPITAL!!! (PV=Paradise Valley! LOL) AHAHAHAHA!!! Denae's like was gonna say, THAT WOULD BE WHERE YOUR BABY WAS BORN!!! 
She's like I can soooooooo see you going into labor, OH WAIT, One more stop at Claire's for another hair accessory, I gotta make sure I look good!!! I'm like THATS RIGHT!!! Ima look good for my lil baby!!! Aaaaaah SOME DAY when my baby is born...IF its a will NOT even gonna be able to see her she will be soooooo dolled up in fluff and lace...ANNND I can't wait to give my daughter her FIRST pair of heart-shaped sunglasses annnnd to teach her how to purrrr!!! 
Just WAIT till you meet me Juliana...your gonna LOOOOOOVE your cRaZy Aunt Mar-Bear!!! 
♥Mary Frances :)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Valentine's Day!!!

Weeeeellll...Singles week IS officially OVER...buuuut don't worry...I still have MUCH MORE to write about...sooooooo we'll do it all again in March!!! Soooooo how was everyone's Valentines day?! Mine was AWESOME!!! Filled with lots of LOVE, FUN annnnnd GOOOOOD FOOD!!! HAHA!!! 
It started off with MJ waking up in the morning with a FEW Valentines gifts!!! HAHA!!
This is what happens when your the ONLY child of a SINGLE mom and SINGLE aunt and the long awaited MIRACLE and answer to your families prayers!!! You can read her story, "When God Gives You A Home" HERE!!! The best LOVE STORY EVERRR!!! :) 
Then for lunch I went on a little date...WITH MYSELF...hee,hee...really thoe people...I Honestly could NOT have asked for a HOTTER DATE..woot! WOOOOOT!!! ;)
Soooo I took myself to this lil truck stand in the parking lot of PV MALL called, Q UP! Barbeque! It was sooooo goooood!!! Check them out!!!  There motto is, "Bringing Bomb Diggity BBQ to the streets!" 
Anyways, I ordered the weirdest, funkiest grilled cheese sandwhich everrr!!! It was a grilled cheese sandwhich, with pulled pork and bacon mac and cheese IN it!!! With there BOMB DIGGITY BBQ sauce to dip it in!!! It was REALLY good...WEIRD...buuuuut waaaaay GOOD!!! 
Then at night I went with my mom, my sis, and MJ to a chinese resturaunt in Scottsdale called Flo's!!! Check it out HERE!!! What I highly recommend to you all is the Chicken Lo Mein...remember its LO MEIN not CHOW mein...the Lo mein...its just PURE AWESOME!!! Also The fried rice and chicken spring rolls! And Wonton chips with sweet and sour dipping sauce! 
Also, Flo is a friend of our family friends the Chang's, so we actually met her and said we knew the Chang's! She was sooooo NICE and before we left she gave us ON THE HOUSE a plate of Chocolate Wontons!!! AND you alll know how I feel about CHOCOLATE...YUMMMM!  Next time we're trying the banana spring rolls for dessert!!!
Annnnnnnd then this is what my fortune cookie said and BEFORE I opened it I said, Okay God, tell me something about my FUTURE HUSBAND....and this is what MY PAPER SAID!!! 

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! My sis was laughing at me!!! I was like, okaaaaaaay I GET IT GOD!!! Then while we were sitting there waiting for our bill...this HUGE SNEEZE escaped out of me...AND ya all...I TRY to be dainty about my sneezes...buuuuut I can't help it...there like EARTH SHATTERING!!! AHAHAHA!!! So the whole resturaunt like SHOOK...sorry to disturb anyone on a ROMANTIC Valentine's day!!! AHAHAHA!!! Buuuuut this man that was standing there with his date just gets this HUUUUGE smile and his face and his whole face just lights up...he's like, NIIIIIIIIIIICE!!! That was sooooo AWESOME!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!! Then he just proceeds to start talking to me...
I was like, Okaaaaay...And I noticed he had a very unique accent so I'm like where are you from and he says that he is from Finland! I'm like OH wow! Then he asks me where I'm from and I'm l just like, OH just right here!!! My mom is like, NO we're NOT!!! WE ARE FROM NEW YORK!!! He is like, AHA!!! I knew you wern't just from HERE and New York is pretty much an whole other country...I was like, I really sound DIFFERENT then the rest of the Arizonans?!?!? Sooooo then I get up and he sees my shirt...its the one in the above pic...that says, LOVE in green letters and he says, I LIKE THAT!!! Aaaaaahhhh LOVE...thats ALL WE NEED!!! I'm thinkin yeah annnnd like SOMEONE TO ACTUALLY LOVE wouldn't hurt either!!! AHAHAHA!!! 
Last of all... I want to say CONGRATULATIONS to my beautiful, sweet friend Kimberly Garrett, who ACTUALLY got engaged on Valentine's Day!!! Sooooo happy for you friend...
You were FINALLY FOUND!!! YAY!!!
Thats NOT just happiness...thats JOY...
♥Mary Frances :)
P.S. Kim, you STILL owe me an email...and NOW a phone call!!! LOLOLOL!!! 

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Sometimes I JUST WANT to lie...WEEEEELLL...NOT really LIE buuuut...sometimes I just want to be able to tell people, I'm MARRIED!!! Okaaaaay... Let me explain myself!!! Soooooo I wrote my WHOLE gas station incident for you all HERE ... Sooooo Idk WHAT it is about me and gas stations but awkward stuff to do with being single ALWAYS happens...
A little while ago I was getting gas and i'm walkin out and this man holds the door for me and I'm like, Oh thank you! So then I'm walking away and he is like have a good night and I'm like oh yeah you too! Then he is walking ahead of me and kind lowers his voice and says, STAY PRETTY! I'm like, ummmm...Okaaaaay...sure...(I mean, its NOT like i've plannin to go get myself ugly or sumthin!) So then he lowers his voice a little more and says, SINGLE??? I'm like ummmm...20 second pause while I TRY to think of something that is NOT a lie...ummmmm...God WHAT should I say???...uhh...drawing a BLANK...God's just totally SILENT....ummmm... finally...oh, Yeah I am... He comes flying OVER TO ME!!! CAN I GET  YOUR NUMBER??? Without EVEN HESITATING, i'm like, NO! He is like No I mean I'll call you we can meet up...I'm LIKE NO THANK YOU!!!
Soooo meanwhile my sis is in the van like HYSTERICALLY laughing at me! She is like LOOK...your gas attendent guy is just STARING out the window trying to figure out whats going on!!! I'm like OH WOW!!! AHAHAHAHA!!! Soooo I'm like OMW this is sooooo awkward!!! There are TWO things going through my mind at the moment: 1. WHY can't the Apostolic guys be THIS excited about my singleness??? annnnnnd 2. I just can NOT wait for the day, when something like this happens and I can just LOOK at them and say, Actually, I'm MARRIED!!! Ooooo that will be sooooooo AWESOME when I can say that!!! (Don't worry, I'll write a post about it when it HAPPENS!!!;)
Sooooo my sis tells my brother John what all happens the next time he is over at our house and he is just kinda shaking his head laughing...he is like, I say you JUST get a ring and start breaking it out every time you go get gas somewhere!!! LOLOLOL!!! Don't worry he was TOTALLY JUST jokin people!!! Buuuuuut then HE DID go into that serious, protective brother mode and says, REALLY tho Mary, I say that when these guys ask you IF your SINGLE just start saying that your MARRIED!!! I'm like YEAH...buuuut...I don't wanna lie...I mean my has been telling me recently HOW MUCH the Bible talks about LIARS and how God puts them in the SAME place as a murderer...NOT that i'm having issues with LYING EITHER PEOPLE!!! HAHA!!! Sooo i'm just like hmmmm...
Well on our way to the youth rally last month I was telling the girls in my van the story and they're like ALL laughing and stuff! So then I'm telling them what my brother John had said about just saying i'm married when stuff like this happens BUUUUUT I feel bad about lying...Soooo DENAE says, WEEEEELLL instead of saying that your married, just tell them that you are TAKEN!!! She is like, because I mean, really its NOT like YOU are available FOR them AND you ARE taken by your FUTURE HUSBAND!!!
I'm like, Ooooo THAT IS TRUE!!! I mean really, I MAY be SINGLE, buuuuuuut I AM TAKEN!!! I'm NOT available to ANYONE except that ONE special person that God has for me!!! Annnnd even though I may not know who he is, I AM RESERVED for him!!! When I was 16-years-old, a sophmore in high school I wrote this poem in my creative writing class...

13 years have come and gone since I first wrote this poem...buuuuut I STILL feel the same!!! My heart is LOCKED!!! I'm NOT available for ANYTHING buuuuut God's perfect will for my life!!! We don't need to live with an, "I'm AVAILABLE!" mentality!!! We need to live with a RESERVED sign on our hearts!!! I'm NOT saying that we should all go lock ourselves in a room, I just mean that WHEN we do socialize and WHEN we do mingle and WHEN we do FELLOWSHIP, we should go about doing it with a certain reservation about us. 
When we talk to another single young person, we need to keep in mind, I'm TAKEN, and if this person i'm talking to right now is NOT the one for me, I am ACTUALLY talking to ANOTHER person's future spouse! There should be a carefulness about us, Like, i'm TRYING to see if this is THE ONE, buuuuuut if they aren't, I don't want to do or say anything that I would feel bad about or regret in the future. 
I want to live in a way that when we see each other later on at church conferences and meetings, and we're with our OWN SPOUSES, we can all look at each other WITHOUT EMBARRASSMENT or SHAME and say, "Praise The Lord Brother! Or "Good to see you Sister!" Because really, if THEY'RE not our spouse, THEY are our brother and sister's in Christ!!! 
Lets live like we are TAKEN  young people!!! We may be talking to someone, we may be seeing if this IS in fact the one that God has in store for us, we may be seeing if there is indeed that SPECIAL connection, that lil CLICK where everything just fits all together so perfectly, buuuuut while i'm finding out, I'm being careful, BECAUSE I'm TAKEN!!!
I can't quite read the writing, I can't quite read what it says yet, BUUUUUUT the name of my future husband has been engraved on my heart!!! I am waiting for him, my HEART belongs to him!!!
I may NOT be married...
 BUUUUT I am TAKEN!!! :) 
ABOVE all else, I am taken by GOD!!! 
My heart belongs TO JESUS...
 cuz he save my soul from HELL!!!

"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."
(1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Singles day break...

Sooooo I had a really good post for today that I started writing... Buuuuut I'm now having technical difficulties... As in I can't get my lap top to connect to the Internet!!! Annnnnd it would kinda be A LOT to type from my iPhone!!! Soooo here is something funny thAt my wonderful friend Jedidah, sent me!!! I couldn't stop laughin!!! I felt like it was a very fitting description of MY LIFE!!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Prince Worthy?!?!

Sooooo I remember after my first BIG broken heart...when I finally got done crying my eyes out and feeling sorry for myself, I found this magnet that I stuck to the closet door in my room....
It said PRINCE WORTHY!!! Annnnd that became my little motto for myself! I said MARY you are WAITING this time and HOLDING out for a PRINCE!!! I mean, a real, true, gentleman!!! Annnnnd sooooo I began writing out my list of WHAT I wanted in my future husband and the list went on and on and on annnnnd on...VERY LONG and VERY detailed! 
THEN when I was FINALLY done writing out my list I looked at it, satisfied and pleased with myself...i had MY LIST of qualifications annnnnnd I was determined that I would NOT settle for ANYTHING LESS!!! THEN GOD impressed on my mind...
 Are YOU the kind of WOMAN that a PRINCE would WANT to marry???
I was like, say WHAAAAAAT??? God impressed again on my mind, are YOU all those things that you have on your list for a future spouse? I'm like thinkin well, YES, I'm a really good girl, I obey my pastor, I'm faithful to church, I'm not doing anything bad annnnnd the conversation between me and God went something like this...
God's like, Are you consistent? Welll...basically... Do YOU pray? I mean I could be better about it buuuut...Have you EVER read your Bible ALL the way through? I'm like GOD, did I mention that I pay my tithes??? ALL THE TIME!!! Annnnd NOT begrudgingly either!!! Annnnd God just KEPT getting on me...Hows your house-cleaning skills??? I'm like WEEEEELLLL...I'm really good at taking care of babies...MARY do you EVEN know where the broom in your house is? I know how to change diapers! When was the LAST time you washed a dish in your sink? Buuuuuut DIRTY dishes are GROSS...God's like GET OVER IT... I DO MY OWN LAUNDRY!!!  Annnnnnnnnnd GOD, has ANYONE told you lately about WHAT an AMAZING cook I am??? God's like, OH YES, and speaking of could really stand to lose some weight!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT??? You mean i'm NOT all that and a bag of chips? God's like, NO your ALL that and TOO MANY BAGS OF CHIPS!!! Aaaaaahhhhh!!!! OMW!!! Like, ARE YOU SERIOUSLEY KIDDING ME??? God's just like, NO! 
I'm like OKAAAAAAAY, I get the point, as wonderful as I am...I'm not perfect annnnnd I STILL  have some room for IMPROVEMENT!!!! Although, I must say, despite ALL my imperfections, I AM still pretty AWESOME!!! ;) And YES people, there was REALLY a time, IN MY ADULT life, that I didn't even know where the broom in our house was...NO JOKE...buuuuut just to for the and the broom are VERY well acquainted now!!! ;D 
But what I think is that sometimes we are SOOOOO focused on what WE WANT and what WE DESERVE that we FORGET to stop and think about ourselves and HOW we are!!! We're soooo busy examining ALL of our potentials that we FORGET to examine our OWN SELF!!! 
"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."(Matthew 7:3-5) 
We think of this AMAZING person that we want to marry, buuuuuut WE forget to STOP and consider... 
WHAT kind of a person, WOULD someone AMAZING want to marry??? 
I've had some beautiful young lades say to me about certain young men, I just don't understand WHY he doesn't like me... and I just don't know what to say back without being rude...I'm just thinkin in my mind like you want me to get you a mirror??? Annnnd I don't mean a PHYSICAL mirror, I mean a reflection of your heart!!! I'm just thinking like, Okaaaaaay, that guy has the call of God on his life and your still getting awards for being little miss drama queen!!! Like HELLO?!?! Your beautiful, buuuuut...???
I remember one time, a long, long, LOOOOONG time ago, I had a guy friend that would always confide in me about girls annnnnnnd he was VERY PICKY!!! Sooooo this one time he was talking to me about two different girls, and one liked him but the other didn't, but the one that liked him was a little bit thicker then the girl that didn't like him...annnnnd I mean the girl that was a little bit bigger was NOT fat...its like the ONE girl was maybe a size 10 and the other girl was like a size 0!!! LOL!!!! He is just like, I mean, I'm kind of interested in the one girl, buuuuut its just that THE OTHER girl is just THINNER and I like that but I do kind of like the other one its just that the OTHER girl is just MORE attractive to me!
Annnnd he is tellin me all this and in my mind i'm just thinking like, DUUUUUDE...I do NOT know what your being soooooo PICKY about...cuz you are NOT exactley Mr. McHottie yourself!!! Buuuuuuut...being the NICE person that I am I just rolled my eyes over the phone, said something like, well, you know looks aren't EVERYTHING and kept my thoughts about HIS looks to myself!!! LOL THEN the NEXT time him and I talked he tells me,  yeah, I decided to go ahead and start talking to the girl that IS actually interested in me!!! I was like, OH really? What made you change your mind?! He says, Well, I talked to my pastor about it, and I was telling him the same thing I told you, and my pastor told me, Well, you know, its NOT like your really ALL THAT YOURSELF!!! When he said that to me I just BUSTED up laughing!!! He was like, WHAT?! I'm like, SORRY buuuuut that is EXACTLY what I was thinking...I'm just GLAD it was YOUR PASTOR that actually told you!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!! I still crack up just thinkin about it!!!
Sometimes we are sooooo busy LOOKING at other people, that we FORGET to STOP and TAKE a look in the mirror!!! I mean, I'm NOT saying to walk around and think oh I'm soooo ugly and I'm such a loser and Oh i'm not deserving of anyone!!! NO...thats NOT what I mean!!! What I mean is know your strengths, BUUUUT know your weaknesses as well and STRIVE to work on them and to change them!!! Strive to IMPROVE yourself, to be THE BEST person you can possibly be!!! I don't want to JUST be Mary!!! I want to be THE BEST MARY that I can POSSIBLY be!!! The BETTER person you are, THE BETTER person you will end up with!!! ASK YOURSELF...
Just to clarify, i'm NOT talking about your personality, and OF COURSE there will be some things that vary on the male/female list simply cuz of our God-given roles, for example, I would want to marry someone that knows how to be a spiritual leader and provide for their family, ...OBVIOUSLEY a guy isn't going to have that on his list for what he wants in his wife...I HOPE!!!! AHAHAHAHA!!! BUUUUT what i'm REALLY talking about is YOUR CHARACTER!!! Does YOUR character reflect the kind of person you want to marry???Its really quite simple, you will ATTRACT to yourself the kind of person that YOU are!!! Shallow people ATTRACT SHALLOW PEOPLE!!! Carnal people ATTRACT CARNAL PEOPLE!!! SPIRITUAL PEOPLE ATTRACT SPIRITUAL PEOPLE!!!
 If you want to marry an AMAZING person, be an AMAZING PERSON!!! If you want to marry someone that LOVES their family, BE SOMEONE that LOVES your family!!! If you want to marry someone that LOVES the word of God, then YOU need to LOVE the word of God!!! If you want to marry a PRAYER WARRIOR, then YOU need to be a PRAYER WARRIOR!!!  If you want to marry someone that LOVES SOULS, be a person that LOVES SOULS!!! 
I'm NOT saying throw out your list, KEEP your list of what you want in your future spouse. Think about it, write it ALL out, then take that list and use it as a check list for YOUR OWN LIFE!!!  Strive to be a mirror image of your own list of expectations! Keep working on yourself until YOUR character reflects the kind of person YOU WOULD WANT TO MARRY!!! 
"For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was."
(1 James 23-24)
♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, February 11, 2013

What should you look for in a spouse?

What should you look for in a spouse? Have you ever wondered that? I HAVE!!! Of course, some of us, including MYSELF, hee,hee, have a very, very, VERY long list of WHAT we want in our future spouse!!! Buuuuut if I could only pick ONE thing off of that list, WHAT WOULD that ONE thing be??? Today I would like to, talk/Write about what I think is THE most important thing we could look for in our future spouse!!!
I was recently talking with a friend of mine and we were talking about GUYS...of I was asking her about a certain young man and if she would ever be interested in him? She tells me, well yeah BUT I don't think I would ever stand a chance with him anyways! So i'm like well WHY NOT?! So she says, well, I heard that he has a really precise list for what he wants in a wife and one of the TOP things on his list is marrying a girl that can sing really well. She says, I can sing, but I'm not like amazing or anything like that! I was like WHAAAAAT?! We're living in a day where young people are LOOKING for the WRONG thing in a future spouse! 
We've got young woman that are OUT to marry a preacher...just to marry a preacher! NOT because of a burden for the lost and a love for souls, buuuut simply because in some way, they have it in their mind that being a preacher's wife is glamerous. And we've got young men, with the call of God on their life and they're looking at is finding a girl that can sing and play an instrument! Now don't get me wrong, I'm NOT saying that you shouldn't want to marry a preacher or that its wrong to marry a singer or musician, buuuuuut, I do NOT think that, that is what we should be STRIVING after with it on the top of our lists!!!

In the Verbal Bean book of prayer, pg 27, Bean, an Apostolic Pentecostal preacher says, "If you desire anything, let it be said of you, "thats a praying man." Not for the honor involved as the Phariseees desired, but I'd rather it be said I was a praying man than a preacher. Even a great preacher, because a praying man can produce, where a preacher can't." 
I believe that the MOST important thing we should look for in our future spouse is someone that knows HOW to pray!!!"... a praying man can produce, where a preacher can't..."  Think about it!!! It doesn't matter WHO you are or what position you are at in life, People that PRAY get results from God!!! The ULTIMATE thing that we could ever strive to marry IS A PRAYER WARRIOR!!! The best asset to your ministry is man or woman that knows HOW TO PRAY!!! And HOW are you going to get a prayer warrior??? By BEING ONE!!! The one thing that we should be striving to develop more than any sort of talent or ability that God has bestowed upon you, the thing that we should strive to have more than anything else, is a PRAYER LIFE!!!
Pentecostal, Apostolics do NOT lack talent and ability!!! We've got the best of EVERYTHING!!! We've got the best musicians, singers, teachers, preachers and we SHOULD because we have THE TRUTH, buuuuut even with us having the truth, there is a lack of real true PRAYER WARRIORS!!! It shouldn't be that way!!! God calls us to PRAY!!! "I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting." (1 Timothy 2:8) The Bible doesn't say, I want girls EVERYWHERE, to learn how to play the piano and sing! The Bible doesn't say, I want men to be preachers, the Word Of God says, "...therefore that men PRAY every where..." God wants us TO PRAY!!! 
Growing up, I ALWAYS wanted to be able to play a musical instrument!!! Now, I have really big hands and long fingers, people used to tell me, those are piano playing fingers, I was like Oh OK!!! I thought it would be so AWESOME to be able to play the piano! I could just imagine my fingers dancing all over the piano keys creating beautiful music! One day in my teens, I sat down with my pastor's daughter and she tried to teach me to play a simple song, and after five minutes of trying to sit still, my fingers felt claustorphobic and I was going to SCREAM!!! (Turns out my fingers are NOT piano playing keys buuuut ACTUALLY, computer keyboarding keys) I've been kicked out of band twice in elementary school. The band teacher said I wasn't practicing and I tried to explain to him that I couldn't practice, WHEN I didn't even know WHAT or HOW to practice!!! I can't read notes! I don't understand how music works...I TRIED!!! Its NOT that I don't LIKE music...I LOVE music!!! I love hearing beautiful jazzy music and some good singing...I just don't have the ability to produce it from out of myself!!! However, I refuse to feel INADEQUATE about something that God has NOT given me!!! There IS something that God HAS given me, and  also, each and EVERYONE of us and that IS the ability to PRAY!!! "...therefore that men PRAY every where..." 
I remember one time, Elder Sis. Ikerd, missionaries wife to African, told us girls that she used to think, HOW can I be a preacher's wife, I can't sing, I think her exact words were that she couldn't sing a tune in a bucket and she said she couldn't I  play the piano, HOW can I in any way help my husband and be a ministers wife??? And God told her, BUT YOU CAN PRAY!!! Annnnnd what a prayer warrior that woman is! I don't think at the end of that great man of God's life, that he thought to himself, ya know, IF ONLY she had been able to sing a little bit...I just KNOW it would have helped to further my ministry!
I used to think being a PRAYER warrior was for the people that didn't have ANY other talents...LOL...I really did!!! I figured, there was SOME people that lacketh talent in ANY area...soooo therefore their job in the kingdom of God was to PRAY...HOWEVER, that wasn't MY thing because, God gave me the talent to WRITE...I was a WRITER...soooo I would leave hard core, heavy duty praying for all those UNtalented individuals!!! AHAHAHAHA!!! God TAUGHT ME!!! :)
One of the most most talented pianist and organists that I know is Sis. Bishop Abbott! She has been playing the piano for church services since she was 11 years old.   She is soooo talented and her ability is just beyond comprehension, she literally just plays by ear, in my personal oppinion, she is simply THE BEST there is!!! Yet, Sis. Abbott has NEVER once pulled me aside and said, You know Mary, if you want to be something in the kingdom of God, if you want to be used of God, you REALLY need to learn how to play the piano...NO SHE HAS NOT!!!
However, she has in fact talked to me about prayer!! I'll never forget the day in my late teens, she called me out, pulled me aside and admonished me for NOT praying during pre-service prayer at church!!! "You NEED to pray Mary! You NEED to learn how to pray!" I'll never forget her crystal blue eyes looking straight into my own eyes, so full of concern, piercing daggers of conviction into my soul!!! There was such a desperation in her voice as she talked to me, she couldn't just let the moment pass by another service, she couldn't let me slip through, she HAD to let me know, she HAD to somehow get it in me, she had to INGRATE the urgency of the matter it my heart so that I would make it a part of my life!!! I can't remember WHAT ALL my pastor's wife said to me that day, buuuuut I DO know, that she BURNED the matter way down deep inside of me! PRAYER IS A MUST in our lives!!!
GOD WANTS US TO PRAY!!!! "...therefore that men PRAY every where..." 
Just recently, one of friends, that is learning to play the piano, texted me and told me that things are really started to just click with her learning how to play, buuuut MORE exciting than anything else, is NOT just the fact that she can play, buuuuut that when she is playing she is feeling the annointing of God. Young people, God ANNOINTS singers that PRAY!!! God annoints writers that PRAY!!! God annoints Piano players that PRAY!!! God annoints Preachers that PRAY!!! God annoints Sunday School teachers that PRAY!!! God annoints bus ministries with drivers/workers that PRAY!!! God annoints Bible study teachers that PRAY!!! God annoints language interpreters that PRAY!!! God annoints outreach of people that PRAY!!! I'm NOT saying to go and bury your talent, I'm saying God enhances and uses our talents and abilities WHEN we PRAY!!! The blessings and annointing of God comes THROUGH PRAYER!!! "...therefore that men PRAY every where..." 

Its NOT is he a PREACHER??? 
It's is he a REACHER??? 
(I mean, does he know how to REACH Jesus???)
Its NOT can she play???

If I HAD to take EVERYTHING else off my list of what I want in a Godly spouse, PRAYER WARRIOR would HAVE to STAY!!! God, I want a man that prays, I mean REALLY knows how to pray, that KNOWS how to touch the throne of God! I want to marry a friend of JESUS!!! "...therefore that men PRAY every where..." 
Are you convinced yet HOW important it is to marry someone that KNOWS HOW TO PRAY??? God will help marriages when people pray! If you marry someone that PRAYS you will NAG each other LESS...BECAUSE you both can talk to God about your issues AND THEN God can deal with your spouse through their prayer! Prayer will make your spouse a better person! Prayer will make your spouse a better parent! Prayer will make your spouse a stronger person! Prayer will bind you closer to each other! Prayer will make your spouse love YOU MORE!!! 
How does prayer make your spouse love you MORE??? Weeeeellll...Marriage between a man and a woman is a representation of God's own love for us, we are HIS bride. THEREFORE, the closer your spouse is to God, the CLOSER they will be to you!!! How do we get close to God? Through PRAYER!!! The closer someone is to God, the MORE they will LOVE Him, it can't be helped, the very ESSENCE of God IS LOVE and the MORE they love HIM, the MORE they will love you!!! 
 "Beloved, let us love one another: 
for love is of God;
and every one that loveth is born of God, 
and knoweth God."
(John 4:7) 
♥Mary Frances :)