Wednesday, January 30, 2019

CMM If Mary were a man!!!

So I'm at Starbucks with my laptop the other day writing and THE FUNNIEST THING EVERRRR happened!!! I got up to use the restroom and there was a man walking in front of me to the restroom as well, men and woman restrooms were located right by each other...

and the man walks into the men's and then waits and holds the door for me, my hand is on the woman's about to open it, but he's just stand there all gentlemanly like waiting for me...

I mean GENERALLY SPEAKING, I really appreciate it when a man holds the door open for me, it's very kind and considerate of them, I always smile and say thank you, BUUUUUUUT...this is THE DOOR TO THE MEN'S ROOM HE IS HOLDING FOR ME...i dont wanna be rude buuuuuuuuut... lol...i just kinda pause and smile at him and continue to open the ladies that moment he realized what he was doing and we both busted up!!! It was HILARIOUS!!! *Chivalry-sigh!!! 

 I think he was REALLY embarrassed cuz he was sitting behind me and he had just gotten there but when i got back he was packing his stuff up and leaving!!! The funniest part was that it TOTALLY reminded me of something i would do!!! Now you all know what this blog would be like, IF I WERE A MAN!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‡
The difference between him and I tho, is that wouldn't have left!!! Bahahahaha

I mean really, IF I LEFT THE SCENE every time I did something embarrassing, there'd be NO SCENES left in my life!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!
Mary Frances πŸ˜ŠπŸ™ƒ

Monday, January 28, 2019

Just wait til you taste it!!!

So my new little running partner for the 5k races is my nephew Odin! We recently ran the pizza run and the way it was set up, the track looped back around through the park so the people that were the fastest would pass the slower people.
Well there was a particular runner that I noticed that was one of the first runners to pass back through, and it wasn't just because he was tall and handsome and fast that I noticed him, if so I would have forgotten about him by now. But what struck me about this guy as so memorable was that after he completed the race as one of the first to complete it, he may have even come in first, I'm not sure, but after he completed the race, he ran back through the course towards all of us runners that were still finishing the course...
And as he ran towards us runners that he didn't even know, he began yelling encouraging things to us. He was saying stuff like, come on guys, keep going! Don't give up! Just wait til you taste the pizza it's so good! Come one, come on, come on!!!! And he kept running, going past my group to the people further back and the ones even further back, cheering more and more for his fellow runners that he didn't even know.
And in my mind I couldn't help but conjure an image of what the Bible says about the cloud of witnesses in heaven, "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses...
There are people in heaven, that have already made it, that have completed the course and they're cheering us on. Telling us to keep going! It could be someone you love that has finished, but there are others that have never seen us but they want us to have what they now have.
 I imagine them saying COME ON! Keep Going! It's worth it! There's no heartache, no offense, no hurt, no disappointment that is worth missing heaven over! Your so close! Your almost here! Soon you'll be dancing on streets of gold!  You can do it! Don't give up! The crystal river is so near, just wait till you sit down to the marriage supper of the Lamb!
Just wait till you see Jesus face! Pretty soon you'll be touching His nail-scarred hands! I know your tired, buuuuuut don't stop running!
"...Let us lay aside lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." (Hebrews 12:1)

♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Happy Brain-boosting Wednesday!!!

Here's your middle-of-the-week brain booster!!!
"Did you know???..."
What would you all guess MY FIRST WORD as a child to be???
I'll give you ONE HINT with this picture below...
BTW: Look at this LIL flower, it's sooooo little annnnnnd soooooo CUUUUUTE!!!  isn't it just ADORABLE??? 
OMW!!! Did you guess FLOWER??? Yeeeeeesss my friends, MY FIRST WORD everrrr, according to my mother, was FLOWER!!! Quite fitting I must say if you know me!!! 
"...Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll NOW YOU DO, annnnnnnnnd don't you FORGET IT!!!" (AIO BTV quote;)
I suppose you all could just call me...
Or NOT so-Little-Miss-Flower!!! Hee, hee!!! ;)

♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Monday, January 21, 2019

Happy Monday!!!

 We have beautiful weather right now here in AZ, it's like spring when you go hiking. So much greenery and flowers blossoming, I LOOOOOVE IT!!! WHY pay for exercise in a boring O room when you can get out and exercise and GET SO MUCH MORE!!! It's like a total freebie OR BOGO...BEST DEAL EVERRRR!!! Get out this week and take some time to enjoy the beauty of God's creation!!!
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork." (Psalms 19:1)
♥Mary Frances :)

Friday, January 18, 2019

A Ginty Christmas!!!

MJ and O got a new dog for Christmas, they named her Sugar Marie Ginty, she's adopted just like them!!! :)
Our house DECOR!!!

Guess which one is MY SPECIAL TOUCH BELOW???

Thursday, January 17, 2019

IF I do run a MARATHON...

Soooooo after this post  yesterday, I just wanted to clarify and say, that IF I ever do run a MARATHON, and I happen to fall over dead after finishing it, I only have 2 requests of you all...
1. SOMEONE GET A PICTURE of me crossing the finish line!!!
2. You all can RENAME the Marathon run. I was thinking it could be called...
♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Happy Brain-boosting-Wednesday!!!

Here's your middle-of-the-week brain booster!!!
Have you ever wondered WHY a marathon is 26 miles???? Not 25 miles? Not 30 miles, buuuuuuuuuut 26 miles??? I mean, if you ask me, that seems SUPERRRR RANDOM!!! Soooooooo to be honest with you all, I've never really had a desire to run a marathon...I mean...THATS A LOT!!! 
 Now, since my weight loss journey in the last several years, (weeeeeellll my WHOLE LIFE has pretty much been A WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY, I mean literally, for as long as I can remember, even back to 3rd grade, I've been TRYING to lose weight,) buuuuuuuut to clarify, after my weight loss surgery in 2016, I've really gotten into a lot of new physical activities that I never thought I would want to be involved in, hiking, boxing, weight lifting, hiking, bicycling, HIKING, walking ANNNNND 5k races. Now I NEVERRRRR thought I was going to be into all this stuff before hand, I always thought I wasn't that kind of person, buuuuuuuuuut turns out I was WRONG...I just needed to lose another 100+ pounds to realize this. 
Sooooooo STILL, I don't think i'll change my mind but running a marathon, buuuuuuuuut who's to say what will happen over the years as I strive to reach more and more physical goals, with that being said, back to the point, WHY IS A MARATHON 26 MILES???

Me at my 5k Leftovers Run!!! 
"Did you know???..."

Why a marathon race run is called a marathon???
Sooooooooooo I did some research and came up with some interesting info!!!! Not only can I tell you WHY it's 26 miles I can tell you WHY it's called a MARATHON!!! Sooooooooo long story short, In a nod to Greek history, the first marathon commemorated the run of the soldier Pheidippides from a battlefield near the town of Marathon, Greece, to Athens in 490 B.C. According to legend, Pheidippides ran the approximately 25 miles to announce the defeat of the Persians to some anxious Athenians. Not quite in mid-season shape, he delivered the message "Niki!" (Victory!) then keeled over and died. 
Sooooooo it's called MARATHON, because the runner ran from the town of Marathon Greece to Athens Greece, hence the name, annnnnnnnnd the original marathon WAS 25 miles because that's about how far he ran. HOWEVERRRR, THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND, changed all that...
 As the story goes, Queen Alexandra requested that the race start on the lawn of Windsor Castle (so the littlest royals could watch from the window of their nursery, according to some accounts) and finish in front of the royal box at the Olympic stadium—so they, the royals could see better...a distance that happened to be 26.2 miles (26 miles and 385 yards)…
.*Insert eye roll
*Insert eye roll
I mean, the soldier Pheidippides, fell down and DIED after running the first marathon everrrrr, and the queen is just like, oh, can you change the miles so we can have a better view of the race??? Oh, soooo sorry QUEEN, how inconvenient for you, sure, lets just change everything so you can see better...LIIIIIIIKE WOW!!! 
If anyone would like to start a petition with me to change the marathon BACK to 25 miles to honor the soldier, feel free to email me! I mean, don't you think we should honor him and keep the 25 mile marathon as tribute to this brave soldier that DROPPPED DEAD after running it??? Liiiiiiiiiiike HELLLLLLLOOOO!!! 
"Did you know???..."
"...Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll NOW YOU DO, annnnnnnnnd don't you FORGET IT!!!" (AIO BTV quote;)
♥Mary Frances :)
P.S. IF they change the marathon BACK to 25 miles, I WILL run/jog/powerwalk/crawl/drag myself over the finish line in completion, as an honor and tribute to that first soldier that ran it!!! Buuuuuut emphasis on IF!!! hee, hee!!! ;)

Friday, January 11, 2019

LPC Ladies Cookie Exchange 2018

Soooooooooo catching you all up to our annual ladies cookie exchange!!! In the holiday spirit and to add a little extra SPAZZ to our Cookie exchange, I add in a CHRISTMAS FASHION CONTEST!!! 
There are several categories, for the adults it's THE MERRIEST AND THE CLASSIEST, for the kid's it's LITTLE MISS MERRY, you get a sash and a fun gift, usually a little something Kate Spadeish...Hee, hee!!! ANNNNNND...This year I made a new rule, you can't vote for me!!!
Denae said that wasn't fair, buuuuuuuuuut, I'm not gonna give myself a gift I bought, that's just WIERD annnnnnnnd the contest is for fun and encouraging everyone else to get dressed up!!! I'm a very festive person and pretty much any day of the week in December, i'd probably be festive annnnnnd READ TO WINNNN, buuuuuuuuuut seeing everyone else be festive is a prize enough for me!!! 
Buuuuuuuuuuuut check out my UGLY Christmas sweater, it's Santa TRYING to fit down the chimney, and it says, THE STRUGGLE IS REAL!!! Get it?!?! AHAHAHA!!! It's only funny if a fluffy person is wearing it, its just not the same on a thin person!!! LOL 
Sister Bella!!!
She had duck tape over her mouth that said: SILENT NIGHT!!!
Janelle wasn't actually going for THE CLASSIEST section, she was aiming for THE MERRIEST, buuuuuuuut whatevs, she'll take her Kate Spade travel coffee mug, because, heeeeeey FREE IS FREE annnnnnnnd FREE IS MY FRIEND'S LOVE LANGUAGE!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Also, we were laughing cuz she said she wore THE SAME outfit last year and didn't win, I said it was the added baby bump this year, it just made ALL THE DIFFERENCE!!!
(Of course!)
Also, I told a really funny story before I awarded her, her award...I'll have to do a separate post explaining to you all, WHY Sister Abbott got THE PW of the year award!!! HEE, HEE!!!
I'm sure Little O will be our Little Man at the Ladies Cookie exchange every year!!! 
Heeeeeeeeey at least they're were NO GROWN men that came this year. LAST YEAR, Idk how but some of our guests didn't seem to get the memo that, THE LADIES COOKIE EXCHANGE was ONLY FOR LADIES!!! We were all very awkward about it, the HILARIOUS PART was, he sooooooooo wasn't!!! He just sat there with his wife eating and stuff...My main complaint was that he was MARRIED...I mean...IF YOUR GONNA BRING A MAN...can we let the awkwardness be the hope for SOMEONE??? AHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019


If you guys haven't gotten your copies yet of The Blackaard Choronicles, get it NOW!!! Annnnnnnnnnnd IF you happen to LOOOOOOOOVE AIO, check out this post my good friend from Tulsa wrote, SHE FINISHED Mrs. Kramer's poem of 100 Things I hate!!! It's EPIC!!! You can NOT MISS IT!!! 
♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, January 7, 2019

Happy Monday!!!

Me in my snowman cap at the top of Squaw Peak,  total elevation gain is 1,190 feet. Get it guys??? Snowcapped mountain, ANNNNNND I'M WEARING MY SNOWCAP, literally making it a SNOWCAPPED MOUNTIAN!!!  AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! 

♥Mary Frances :)
P.S. We may have horrible summers, BUUUUUUUUT we have THE AWESOMEST WINTERS...Don't be jelly...we'll be even by April!!! 😝

Sunday, January 6, 2019

That awkward moment WHEN...#248566234444

Thaaaaaaaaaaat awkward moment when your out hiking and you go to take a selfie ANNNNNNNNNNNND...

Yeah, I kinda-sorta- you know, FREAKED OUT!!! 
For those of you non-Arizonans, we ususally just think of them as wild pigs...buuuuuuuuut the technical term: The collared peccary, commonly known as the javelina, is found as far south as Argentina and as far north as Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Collared peccaries are in the even-toed, hoofed mammal order of Artiodactyla. Javelinas are mistaken for pigs, but they are in a different family than pigs. 
Look at how well they blend into the desert bushes...crazy how God did that for THEM!!! Not too awesome for me tho!!! LOL It was the coolest new trail I found to Sunrise Peak in Scottsdale, buuuuuuuuuuuut I was all alone on the trail and the kinda scared me, Javelinas don't really attack unless they are in a pack, buuuuuuuuuut who's to say they're weren't more nearby! 
Anywayz, I didn't complete the hike, soooooooo it's currently on my list for the week...Javelinas or NOT....I will NOT be a sissy about it...I WILL BE BRAVE!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, January 3, 2019


Soooooooooooo my big, big, big, BIIIIIIIIIIG ACOMPLISHMENT FOR 2018 is this....
(This was the pic I took in that official moment)

I NEVERRRR dreamed at the beginning of the year that I would actually have accomplished this goal....It is SUCH A HUGE RELIEF!!!! Every once in a while I'm just like, HEEEEEEY, I'M DEBT FREE!!! Seriously such a HUGE DEAL!!!! 
Special thanks to 1. God 2. My sis for praying for financial blessings for me and 3. A bro that locked up ALLLLLLLLL my shopping apps...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!
I paid off my last bill in mid- November...When I called up the company they were like, you need to verify that this is you...I'm liiiiiiiiike WHY???? I'm paying OFF MY DEBT....LIIIIIIIIIIIIKE...

Anywayz, I just wanna say that I did it AWITHOUT THE HELP OF DAVE RAMSEY!!! No offense to him...I think I may end up using his budgeting app!

I'm saving up for something, very , very, very, very, very AWESOME!!! It's something I've wanted since I was 4-years-old...IF YOU KNOW ME...then you'll know what that is!!! I'll let share that with you all in another post...buuuuuuuuuuuut...what do YOU THINK IT IS???
♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

December Update!!!

December started off with HIKING!!!

Tried the Cookie butter latte...
My lil Christina!!!
My Deedee!!!