Tuesday, July 30, 2024

41-year-old enlightenment!!!

Sooooooo in my 40’s, i am finally becoming WISE..
Aparently, neither do THIN MINTS!!! ðŸ˜ąðŸ˜ąðŸ˜ąðŸĪŠ
I’ll let you all know next year about SKINNY POP!!! 😜😜😜

♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, July 29, 2024

Happy Man-Crush Monday!!!

I don’t know how many friends I’ve sent my brother’s funeral announcement to that are like, WOW, your brother is really handsome!!! I’m like, yes, YES!!! Buuuuuuut what do you expect, he’s related to ME!!!! 😘😇
Okaaaaaaaay I knoooooow we look NOTHING alike, he loved letting me know that he looked MORE ITALIAN than me 🙄🙄🙄🙄 buuuuuut still, he only got even better looking after my MY DNA!!! Lol 
Even at 450 the ladies would gush over him!!! He was like an old lady magnet!!! At his wedding 💒 one older lady told me that if she was 10 years younger this would’ve been HER WEDDING DAY!!! I was liiiiiike, UH, try 40ish years younger!!!ðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢ😇
He is VERY HANDSOME THOUGH!!! This is hard for me to say, and I’m ONLY SAYING IT CUZ HE’s in heaven, buuuuuuut I actually think he MAY  be better looking than me…buuuuuuuut idk… maaaaaaybe!!!
I love you John!!! You knoooooow I do if I said that you may be better looking than ME!!! 
                          I love and miss you so much!!! ðŸĨ° 💕 
♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

41 Things about me..

Soooooo basically every year i add one new thing to this list…
1. What's my favorite thing about myself?
My personality!!!
I really, truly, just LOVE, love, LOOOOOVE, being ME!!!

2. What's my least favorite thing about myself? Ummmm... Idk...maybe being scatter-brained! Getting lost in my imagination...like crying over a non existent death...lol...over thinking stuff!!! 
3. What's my favorite physical feature? My eyes or smile or my hair- Ok pick one, MY EYES! 
4. What's my least favorite physical feature? Probably my teeth
5. What stresses me out the most? People's emotions...I'm a very happy-fun-loving-easy-going kind of person. But I'm also a pretty empathetic person so I tend to take on what others are feeling- If someone has bad self-esteem I want to change that because it bothers me so much that they would feel bad about themselves or like if someone is sad or depressed or in a bad mood it makes my emotions all uh emotional...if that makes sense!!! LOL Buuuuut only if it's someone that I'm really close too!!! Otherwise I really don't get stressed to much...kinda weird that people's stress, stresses me! LOL  

6. Am I introvert or extrovert? I am ambiviant! That means I'm both! I love people and am outgoing, buuuut I also enjoy being by myself, I never really get lonely and actually need to get away and just be with me sometimes too. I mean, that's how writers are...we kinda got be in our own little world...Hee, hee!!!
7. What's my least favorite school subject? Math!!!
8. What's my biggest weakness? SHOPPING...If you consider that a BAD THING...otherwise...it could be a STRENGTH!!! ;))))
9. What is my talent? Writing!!! and Probably storytelling and speaking...which  are actually all forms of writing, they just come forth in different ways!
10. How do I show someone that I love them? Hmmm either through gifts or spending time with them! No probably by spending time! Quality time! IF I want to hang out with you instead of myself, I probably love you!!! Hee, hee!!!!
11. Is it a bigger deal for me to say I love you or for me to say I miss you? I Miss you!!! you see, I'm a very loving person, and I could just about tell anyone that I love them, and truly mean it...I DO!!! Buuuuuut I don't like to say anything that's NOT true, like fake sayings, sooooooo to say I miss you to someone, I mean, I could love you buuuuuuut, that doesn't mean I actually mind being away from you, buuuuut IF I miss you, well, that means I ACTUALLY MISS being with you...make sense??? Buuuuuut I can't just go around continuously telling everyone male or female that I love them AHAHAHA!!! It's not always appropriate to say I love you, yet, I can't say the more acceptable thing UNLESS I actually feel it...otherwise I'd be lying!!! LOL 

12. Do I make my bed in the morning? YES!!! I really do!!!! 99.9% of the time I make my bed!!!
13. Is my car clean? Depends...buuuut I keep it cleaner that I used too!!!
14. My first word was? FLOWER (According to my mom, I don't actually remember!!!;)
15. What are my two favorite scents? Roses and orange blossoms
16.Favorite scripture? 
To live by: John 13:35
God's awesomeness: John 21:25  
When doubts creep in: Psalm 18:30

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

You might be extra IF…


♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, July 22, 2024

Happy Monday!!!

Weeeeeeellllll that’ll preach and resolve a MULTITUDE of decisions in life!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Friday, July 19, 2024

Hey John!!! (What i read at his funeral)

Hey John!!! It's me, Mary, Mar Bear, you know, you’re older, BUT less mature big sister!!!

For the first 6 years of my life, I was the baby of the family and then you came a long and made me a big sister. One of my happiest moments as a child was when mom told us she was having a baby and that baby was you! Even though I was the big sister, it's like you were somehow never notified on the matter, as soon as you could fend for yourself, you started bossing me around and telling me what to do.


I loved being a big sister and holding a little baby brother in my arms. I remember feeding you spaghetti in the highchair and sitting in between you and Abraham in the car and being in charge of holding your bottles in your mouths and talking to you guys so you wouldn't cry. You and Abe couldn't say Mary, so you two would call me Mammy! 

One of the nicest things I ever did for you as a toddler was when mom said you couldn't have the nacho tortilla chips because they were too sharp, and you would choke on them. You were so sad; you were crying because you wanted chips so badly.  So being the GOOD BIG SISTER that I am, I sacrificially chewed them up for you, but instead of swallowing them, I fed them to you all chewed up. You were so happy you got your chips, you even said thank you to me for doing that. Although as an adult you weren't thankful for my sacrifice when I told you about it, I want you to know, YOUR WELCOME!!! 

We have so many fun memories from when you were in the hospital at 16, the afro wig when you lost your hair and the "Noise" machine the youth group ran around the hospital with you entertaining ourselves for hours. Chocolate donut runs in the hospital cafeteria and the time you were craving toast, but no one was in the grill, so I just walked behind the counter and found you a loaf of bread and toasted you the whole loaf! I would do ANYTHING to try and make you laugh, including dancing with you in the hospital room at 1 am!!! When you got released from the hospital, we had become very close and from that time, for the next 6 years, till you got married, you would text me, "Goodnight, I love you!" 


There was only one time in my life that I remember you embracing my shopping ways and that was when you were dating Liz and I was THE CHAPERONE!!! You randomly started going to the mall and then you would give me some money so i could go look around and buy myself something...You THOUGHT you had gotten rid of me, BUUUUUUT you underestimated just HOW QUICKELY your sister can blow through $50!!! I was back with multiple shopping bags within the hour. 


As adults, I think the thing we did the most together was cook. We loved cooking together, and also competing in the kitchen together over who was the better cook. There was only one time you felt bad about your food being chosen over mine and that was when the guy i liked wouldn't eat my dessert because he only had room for your cheesecake. Your only fault in the kitchen was sometimes being too cheap to buy butter instead of margarine. 

It's because of me that you became SO good at making pizza. I remember you made pizza one year for mom's birthday and I told you it was ok buuuuuut to be honest, I don't think pizza is really YOUR THING, stick to cheesecake. When I said those words it's like you said, "challenge accepted" and you proceeded to develop the best New York Style Pizza ever, ensuring to your big sister that CHEESECAKE AND PIZZA were both YOUR THING!!!! 


One thing about you John is that even though you bossed me around like a big brother, you also took care of me like a big brother would too. When I had a broken heart, you hugged me and told me you just wanted me to be my happy self again. You were my protector, I remember you tackling the cute cowboy at rawhide when he dared to put his arm around your sister. You super-glued my heart shaped sunglasses back together even though you hated them, just because you loved me.  Any time I needed help on my car you were there. You told me I should just come to you for my oil change instead of Jiffy Lube. I remember after you were released from the hospital in 2021, you came home and the very next day fixed my car against the doctor's orders. 


 Even though I was your big sister, you never told me to grow up or act my age. You just laughed at my crazy antics or just shook your head over my latest Mary Moment. You always loved me, for ME, and bossed me around while doing it!!!


When you became a dad, I went to the hospital and you held your little miracle baby Bethany in your arms and said, "look what the Lord has done." 

Giving you the bone marrow transplant in 2021 is honestly one of the coolest things I've ever done. People would say that’s so nice of you to do for your brother and I’d be liiiiike this is  nothing, the real sacrifice is the chips I chewed up for him when he was a toddler, seriously, as a little 8-year-old chubby, you have NO IDEA just how hard it was for me to NOT swallow those chips, buuuuuuut I loved my little brother, so I gave, truly that was the biggest sacrifice of my life!!!! 

After the transplant, You loved that we shared the same DNA. You loved joking about having 100% female DNA, but keeping your he/him pronouns. We loved joking together that we were the same person now. I loved telling you that there had been a really big improvement on your cooking after the transplant! I was so happy when I came to Justin's baptism, and we were both randomly wearing blue together without planning it! It's like THE DNA was in sync with each other, I felt like wearing blue, SO BLUE WE WORE. 

In February, after your surgery with the gallbladder and you were finally on the mend and release from the hospital was in sight, we sat in the room together, You, Lizzy and I, and we planned my 40th birthday trip. I was like, well I was thinking since you're getting better, we could all take a family trip to San Diego and spend the day on the beach together. You were completely on board and began to help me make plans, even though you wouldn't be able to be in the sun for very long. You even found a beach we could go to that had a playground on it for the kids when they tired of the water.


However, things did not go as we had planned. When I walked into that hospital room and saw you, I knew the Leukemia had completely taken over, and the transplant I gave you had failed. I was so sad and disappointed; it was like it meant our jokes and our DNA connection was over too.  I confirmed with your nurse, the transplant had failed. 

However, she said your DNA was still mine, we still shared that no matter what. Our connection was still intact. Part of me was still in you and knowing even in death, we still shared that brought me joy. Because when you entered into heaven, part of me entered into heaven too.  

For my birthday, we planned a trip with sunshine, sandy shores, blue water and rippling waves, but God had a far greater trip planned for us, instead we got a city where there is no need of the of the ocean or sandy seashore, and no need of sunshine, because the glory of God is the light in this city, we got heaven.


And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.


Now, along with sharing the same DNA, we share the same birthday. My earthly birthday and your heavenly birthday. Every July 18th I’ll be partying in heaven and on earth! You know me John, anything for a little extra partying! 

Even though our hearts are breaking, you have reached what we are all striving for. I'm sad for us, but John, I'm so happy for you. I'm NOT missing heaven for anything John. There's no hurt, no offense, no relationship, no heartache, no disappointment, no earthly achievement, that's keeping me from heaven. 

For now, I'll keep things going down here in the kitchen without you. Don't worry, I'll do as much of the cooking traditions with your kids and Liz and the family as possible, and I'm sure it won't be long before Tony picks up where his daddy left off and starts bossing Aunt Mary around in the kitchen. 

Well you know I can keep going on and on and on, but I guess I'll stop talking so you can get back to cooking for the angels up there. BUT don't get to use to being the best cook in heaven, one of these days I'll BE JOINING YOU THERE, and when I do, the competition is BACK ON bro!!! 

John, I love and miss you so much!!! 

See you on the other side, where butter is free and calories don't count. 

♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, July 18, 2024

To my little brother!!!

Happy 1-Year-in-Heaven!!!
To my YOUNGER buuuuut bossy little brother- we celebrate the time you were with us and the fact that you’ve accomplished what we are all striving for!!!!! And we celebrate you having a new body that no longer suffers from Leukemia!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Birthday ðŸĨģ loot 2024!!

Last outfit as a 40-year-old!!!
Dress is from Target ðŸŽŊ
currently obsessed with denim dresses!!!


Plus they surprised me with a trip to San Diego!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Would you rather???

Sooooooooooooo we were on a road trip o to Cali, as I said earlier we were listening to Anne Of Green Gables and Anne and her friend discuss this question, Which would you rather be: Divinely beautiful, or dazzingly  clever or angelically good?! We all discussed it annnnnnd I'm just like, okaaaaaaaaaaaay sooooooooooooooooo BASICALLY WHAT YOUR ASKING ME IS: 

Good one Mary!!!! 
Okaaaaaaaaaaay so for REALZ tho, I think out of these three I would pick DAZZINGLY CLEVER!!! Just cuz it seems like if your really clever you wouldn't really need to be all that good looking! Plus it leans more onto your personality and I would NEVERRRR want to lose my personality...because, personality is ME!! Looks is only what HOLDS ME!!! What holds me can be damaged or lost or whateverrrr...buuuuuut I would never want to actually lose ME...cuz I mean....ME IS ME...I would pick my Maryness over good looks a million times over!!!
(Not to say I can't have both...HEEEEEEEEEYYY!!!;)
♥Mary Frances :)
♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Esther Conference 2024!!!

You guys, the Esther Conference was amaaaaaaaZing with a capital Z!! Everything was like a fairytale dream come to life!!!! Every banquet was changed not just daily but in between lunch!!! i’m blown away by the talent in not only the decor but cuuuuuuute food as well!!! i am not gooooood at decorating in any way and actually hate it!!! but i love basking in the end results of it!!!!

Almost a year…

I remember life before you were here buuuuuut i never fathomed life without you!!! My little brother, one of my best friends, hospital roomies, my cooking partner, my cooking critic, my cooking competitor, my mechanic, my Mr. Fix-it!!!! 
I love 💕 you and there’s not a day that goes by that i don’t think about you!!! Hope you and mom have a big golden oven and are stirring a big pot of sauce in a big golden pot!!!! 

♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, July 15, 2024

MJ’s 22nd Birthday ðŸĨģ!!!

Oregano’s- YUM
😋 ðŸĪĪ 


Us LPC girlZ favorite dessert everrrrr!!!

I’ve been wanting to play this game with the girls foreverrrr…I worked really hard with a black sharpie making everyone in the GAME MODEST!!! (The artwork was just incredible- buuuuuut Celia’s job security for my book is definitely VERY SECURE!!! lol 😂)

You have to  have the right outfit with right date when you open the door 🚊…ALLY AND KENZIE WON!!!!

i got THREE DATES …. buuuuut wasn’t ready every time!!! i was liiiiike, you guys, i’m only almost 41, of course im not ready… and soooo i lost!!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Happy Monday!!

The girls at church ⛪️ gave me this little charm!!! 
i sooooooooooo looooooooooove it!!!!
it says Thick-fil-A!!!!
#THICCCGirls 🙌 

It’s sooooooo me cuz liiiiiike i wanna lose more weight buuuuuuuut i still wanna be thick!!!! Healthy but still fluffy- cuz im MAR BEAR!!! ðŸŧ 
♥Mary Frances :)

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Antioch 24 post coming SOON!!!

Okaaaaaaaayyyy you guys, out of all the Antioch conferences i’ve everrrrrrr been too, this year was definitely ðŸ’Ŋ my absolute FAVORITE!!! And i’m telling you guys, I’VE BEEN TO EVERY ANTIOCH CONFERENCE since the birth of it!!! ;)
Nooooooo buuuuuuut really you guys, this year was amaaaaaaaZing!!!! Spiritually AND fellowship wise too!!! 
Special thank you to younger Brother and Sister Garrett for lifting the old- age restriction off of the After Burner!!! You guys are THEBOMB.com
#OldMaidLivesMatter 🙌
Plus everyone in general was talking about the food trucks being there, how nice it was and not having to worry about ending prayer time or not fellowshipping after because they had to leave in time to find an open restaurant!!! Definitely KEEP THE FOOD TRUCKS ðŸ›ŧ GOING!!! 
I promise readers the Antioch post will be sooner than last years post!!! And it’s going to be soooooo loooooooong!!!!
Listen to the preaching HERE!!! 

♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

One thing i’ll never say…

I saw this lil saying the other day and when I read I was like AWWWW!!! Then after thinkin about it for another five seconds I like BUSTED up laughing!!!  I was like I'll SOOOO NEVER be saying THAT to my future husband!!! AHAHAHA!!!

IF I did say it, it would have to be something like this... Soooooo I FINALLY get proposed to, just imagine this with me, he is on one knee, holding my hand in his declaring my awesomeness, professing his undying love for me, he can't imagine going the rest of his WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE without ME, Miss Proverbs 31 HERSELF as his wife. THEN he says it, "Mary, will you MARRY ME???  Annnnnd my heart is soooooo touched, I must wipe a way a tear before I respond, then I say, SURE! I would LOVE to marry you!!! THEN I PULL OUT THAT LINE...
You know Babe…
annnnnnnnd liiiiiiike a 100 million others!!!
♥Mary Frances :) 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Legend Of Cauliflower (By Mar Bear)

Once upon a time there a flower named Cauli!
Cauliflower, One Head
 Cauli was a plain, simple, white flower that most people did not pay attention to. Cauli lived amongst a variety of other veggies, but although Cauli was very healthy and beneficial to one's body, Cauli usually got over looked. If there was a veggie tray, Cauli only got taken after all the other veggies were taken and even then, only by those that were really hungry. If there was a mixed medley veggie on people's plates, Cauli usually got picked out and scooted to the side while all the other veggies got eaten. At the grocery store, Cauli neary always got over looked by it's popular friend sitting next to it, Broc...everyone just loved that Broccoli fellow over Cauli and Cauli could never understand why. Broc had a stronger taste and let out a foul smell when cooked, unlike Cauli.
However, Cauli just kept being Cauli! Cauli didn't try lifting weights, changing it's color or do anything to get people to like it, it just kept being Cauli. Cauli knew it's value was not dependent on what others thought of it, but on it's creator who made it. Cauli was full of fiber, magnesium, potassium and vitamins, even cancer-preventing ones, that were good for you. Cauli was low in calories and sugar, yet still had protein to strengthen and fill you. Cauli was awesome and didn't really matter if the whole world saw it or not, Cauli would just keep being CAULI!!!
Then one day, without trying, people suddenly began to notice Cauli! Cauli was being used so rapidly should hardly even knew what to do! Cauli was being used to help people lose weight. Cauli was made into rice, Cauli was mashed like taters, Cauli was made into pizza crust, Cauli this and Cauli that! Cauli here and Cauli there...FINALLY everyone noticed Cauli...Finally everyone saw Cauli's value, buuuuuuuut there was nothing different about Cauli! Cauli was still, JUST CAULI!!!!
Cauli determined that no matter how popular, well known and well liked it got, it still had the same value as it did when no one wanted it and Cauli also determined that when some other vegetable replaced it and became the newest popular healthy rave, Cauli wasn't going to let it get it down, it's value was still the same, if the whole world loved it, if only a few people loved it, or if ONLY GOD, it's creator loved it, no matter what, Cauli's value was still the same. The value of Cauli was NOT dependent on those around it, but on the one that created it!!!
You guys, I know this may seem like a silly story, buuuuuuuut I wanna tell you all something, sometimes you just may know how it feels to be CAULIFLOWER!!! Maybe you feel like a lump of cold cauliflower on somebody's plate. The leftover that no body even bothers to put in the fridge with the rest of the leftovers. Buuuuuuut can I tell you something, YOU HAVE VALUE!!! YOU HAVE PURPOSE!!! Nobody else may notice or see you, BUUUUUUUT GOD DOES!!! Annnnnnd you just keep on being YOU!!! The best YOU, you can possibly be! Don't make yourself into something your not to try and get noticed and liked, just be YOU!!!
You know, growing up, I was that lump of cauliflower!!! I was timid!  I was quiet! I was shy! I lived happily in my own little imaginative world with my stuffed animals, baby dolls and Barbies. I usually sat alone at lunch and often played alone on the playground at school. I had my few friends at church but never got noticed much when we went other places, churches or conferences. I was timid, quiet and shy. 
BUUUUUT, I still new I had value. My mom ingrained in me that I was special, BECAUSE JESUS LOVED ME! My mom taught me ALWAYS to live my life to be pleasing to God, NOT man!!!
As I got older in life,  all of the sudden I was like the newest vegetable on the block!!! I was fun and happy, I could tell the best stories and make everyone laugh! Everyone wanted to be my friend! (Minus a few haters!;) Buuuuuuuuut can I tell you all something???
I was still JUST MARY!!!
The Mary that no one had noticed…
I'm still just ME!!!
I have the same value now that I had when  no one looked my way… I’m JUST ME!!!
Sometimes, I'm quiet, sometimes I'm loud. Sometimes I make everyone laugh, sometimes i keep my mouth shut, BUT occasionally i don’t! sometimes I just sit back and watch. Sometimes I'm witty and occasionally I'm wise! Sometimes I'm thoughtful, sometimes I lose all my thoughts. And most of the time, I'm still living happily in my own little world. You can like me, you can dislike me! You can take me or leave me, I don't even care...I mean, I care, buuuuuut I really don't care!!!! My value is NOT dependent on being well known, or well liked, my value comes from God, my creator!!!
You guys, it's nice to be liked, buuuuuuut it's more important to be Godly!!!  Popularity is fleeting, everyone will love you till they find someone else. BUUUUUUT your God-given value is the same no matter what. Your value from God is not dependent on people or circumstances, it is not fleeting and it is not passing. Stop putting so much value on what people think of you, and focus what is what GOD THINKS OF YOU!
The truth is that a person that lives their life striving to be pleasing to God, is usually pretty well liked. I mean think about it, if you live to please God, you’re going to have a pretty strong character, you will do what’s right with kindness and speak the truth in love. 
So you guys, like the cauliflower, know your value, stay the same, be pleasing to your creator and know that your God sees you, whether the whole world does or does not. As my mom would always tell me, "Mary, you can't please ALL the people, ALL the time,  so LIVE TO PLEASE GOD, NOT MAN!!!
"When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him." (Proverbs 16:7)
♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, July 8, 2024

Happy Monday!!

This reminds me of some people i know!!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

What is your greatest accomplishment?

Has anyone ever asked you, What is your greatest accomplishment in life???
Last October, there was a family of kids i started picking up for church that we had met the night before at our church’s annual Harvest Festival. On the way to church ⛪️ that first Sunday i let them chatter with me about whatever, the oldest girl started talking to me about zombies 🧟 and then i changed the subject as we got closer to our church and i was explaining to these. kids, who had never been to church before what it was and what we do and what to expect at church. 
And i told them we’re going to sing songs and pray and i was like when you pray you just talk to God and you can say i love you Jesus! And Annabelle just looked at me and said, WHO IS JESUS???
And that literally just blew my mind!!! It’s not very often that i come across a child that doesn’t know at least a little something about Jesus!!! I was just like WOWWWWWW!!! I mean this little girl knows about ZOMBIES, buuuuuuut she doesn’t know who Jesus is!!!!
Buuuuuuuut now, here we are in July and ANABELLE knows who Jesus is!!! She was at Jr. Camp praying and seeking for the Holy Ghost, God’s Spirit inside of her!!!
Telling someone that doesn’t know who Jesus is, WHO HE IS!
Every time i get to tell someone about Jesus i’m accomplishing the greatest thing i could ever do in this life!!! There’s no amount of money, no earthly accomplishment, no amount of weight loss, no career, no relationship, no mountain i could ever hike, there’s nothing that will ever amount to being greater than telling someone about Jesus!!! 
♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Mary Did You Know???

IS Facts about Mary!!! 
That you MAY or MAY NOT already know!!!
Fact: One compliment changed my life!!!
True story people!!! Once upon a time, in the end of 2007, before the birth of Classic Mary Moments had taken place, there was a broken-hearted Mary that had lost her merrieness MARYness!!! I had stopped writing! I didn't laugh, I hardly brushed my hair and lets be real, this may seem hard to believe, buuuuuuuut, I had started dressing like a FRUMP!!! 
One day, a really good looking young man paid me a simple compliment. It wasn't flirty or outlandish, it was just a simple but sincere compliment that turned me around. I stood taller and began to make big changes in my life to live up to the compliment...annnnnd yeah...
I "Fell in love" with the guy for a while too...ahem...maybe a few years...buuuuuuut...heeeeeeyyyy...I really needed that compliment at that time.
That guy, whom I thought was sooooooooo handsome, had the power to use his words to build me up or tear me down...or FURTHER down then I already felt at that time in my life!!! Sometimes we're scared to compliment someone because think they may get the wrong idea, buuuuuut you know what, I say its better to build someone up and they get the wrong idea, then to snub someone without reason and bring them down.
After that compliment, I went home from that conference with a new mindset. I was going to start dressing cutesy again! I was going to do my hair everyday and every church service no matter what. It didn't matter if there were or weren't any single guys at my church, I was still going to look good. ANNNNNND that year I started writing again. 
By the end of 2008, Classic Mary Moments had started and The Mary we all know and love, 
                YES, including Mary...hee, hee, was reborn!!! 
So you see my friends, we all have power with our words. We have the power to build up or tear down! 
Now do I think that none of all that would have happened IF that guy had NOT paid me a compliment??? NAH!!! I mean, I'm still Mary and God is STILL GOD!!! I'm sure eventually I would have gotten out of my slump and God would have used some other situation or person buuuuuuut heeeeeey WHY not be the good-looking-tool God uses to build someone up???? 
May as well right??? ;)  Hee, hee!!!
If you’re around me for to long and I hear unkindness, you know I’ll be saying John 13:35 to you!!By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”
God wants us to love each other!!! I'm not just talking about loving lost souls, obviously God wants us to love everyone, NOT THE SIN, buuuuuuuut the sinner, YES!!! But right now I'm talking about loving our church family, loving our brothers and sister in the Lord!!! We all have our differences, we don’t all see eye to eye and we never will!!!! BUT GOD WANTS US TO LOVE EACH OTHER!!! We are a witness TO LOST SOULS, by our love to one another within the church! God wants us to LOVE!!! My friends, don't be fake, don't be a flatterer, don't be a player, buuuuuut sincerely be NICE!
Be Kindhearted!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Ten things I know about YOU!!!

YES YOU!!! YOU...reading this...I KNOW the following ten things about YOU!!! See, I stalk my STALKERS...thats just how I roll...my sis just says I'm CREEPY!!! BWAHAHAHA!!! Are YOU ready to hear the TEN THINGS I KNOW ABOUT YOU???
Ooooo ONE more thing about YOU that I KNOW!!!

♥Mary Frances :)