Wednesday, January 31, 2024

40th Birthday Trip!!!-

Sooooooo for my 40th birthday 🥳 my sister paid for an amazing trip!!! We flew into DC, drove to Lancaster for two days there, then we drove to Hershey for two days there and then back to DC for three days!!! It was soooo the coolest trip everrrrr!!!!

“Lancaster is absolutely beautiful!!!

I actually got to meet the artist of this mural as she was painting 🖼️ it and my favorite part is that she was Asian too… I mean it just wouldn’t be as cool if a white person was painting ramen 🍜!!!

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

My first lie!!!

Sister Abbott sent this meme out to us LPC Ladies last week and I can definitely relate!!! It reminds me of the first time I remember telling an outright lie… I mean I may have lied 🤥 earlier in my life, I just don’t specifically remember it!!!
I was about 12-14 years old and there was this guy in our church ⛪️ who looking back now was really just a teenager himself, he was sauve and smooth and stylish a charmer and a flirt!!!  ANNNNNND ALLL THE GIRLS LIKED HIM… including ME!!!
BUUUUUUUT I neverrrrrr dared to talk about this guy to anyone everrrrr because MY MOM DID NOT LIKE HIM and I could NOT RISK her finding out about my crush!!! And when I say she did not like him, that’s SAYING IT NICELY!!!! She referred to him as THE SNAKE 🐍!!! 
Weeeeeeelllll one day she was ranting and raving about him, waving her arms and saying he is sooooo inappropriate with girls and he’s sneaky and she just doesn’t understand what girls see in him!!! Then she turns to me and says ad an after thought, YOU DONT LIKE HIM DO YOU??? Without a moments hesitation, I vehemently said NOOOOOOO!!!!
Well you guys have no idea how guilty I immediately felt about my answer!!! I had OUTRIGHT LIEC TO HER!!!! I was officially a SINNER!!! If Jesus came back that very moment, I was NOT GOING!!!!
you’re thinking in your head, just tell your mom THE TRUTH AND REPENT!!! Buuuuuuuuut I could NOT TELL HER I LIKED HIM!!! My mom absolutely abhorred him and she believed in me that I was NOT STUPID like every other girl at our church ⛪️ buuuuuuuut I WAS!!! 
My mom was a very discerning person and she could tell when someone was not right and she would not keep her mouth shut about it either!!! It got her into a lot of trouble, buuuuuuuut in THE END she was always right!!! There have only been two guys in my life that I dated not to tell her about and she was RIGHT ABOUT BOTH OF THEM!!!!
Now here I was, living in a sinful state as a LIAR 🤥 and Jesus might come back today and I would not go if he did!!! Days passed by and the guilt weighed on me soooooo heavily!!!
Finally I came up with an idea, I would confess to my mom that I HAD LIED, buuuuuuuut I confess to her WHILE SHE WAS SLEEPING 💤!!!! 
And sooooooo that’s exactly what I did!!! I went to her while she was napping 💤 one day and verrrrrrry softly whispered to her, I LIED!!!
Then I ran out of the room, repented of my sin and 😅 YOU CAN COME BACK NOW JESUS!!! 
I’m READY!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Landmark Conference 2024!!!

Soooooooooooo LITEREALLY this was THE ONLY PICTURE I took the first night!!! 
I didn't even take a selfie!!!! Say WHAAAAAAAAAAAT??????
Younger Brother Garrett Preached an amaZing message called "Almost When" (at least that's what I told my brother title was when he asked, I'm not 100% sure that was the actual title but close ENOUGH) To paraphrase the message, It was just like how in a story there is always the who, what, where, when, why and how and in our lives we have things, dreams, goals and aspirations that we desire to be fulfilled but we are just waiting on THE WHEN!!! As a writer and someone that's WAITING I could really relate to the message....I should probably listen to it a FEW MORE TIMES...I need to get the recording!!! 
A little rundown though, we ALL went to Rudy's BBQ after church and Priscilla and i were THE LAST TWO there!!! I accidentally missed the exit cuz I was talking and didn't hear my navigations, I was just talking and it was liiiiiiiiike OOOOOOOPS!!!! 
The next morning Priscilla put together my espresso machine....look at the beautiful liquid coming out...I'm telling you tasted sooooooooooo goooooood!!!!!
Isn't that the cuuuuutest mug????? It was my mommy pooh's!!!!

I look like I need 20 more shots!!!!

Work of art over here!!!!
I mean the picture speaks for itself!!!
Priscilla posing for Volley Ball!!!

My lovely friend SIGH!!! She finally got to see me in a GOOOOOOOOOOD MOOD!!!! When we met originally, I was in a really, really bad mood!!! She was like, so that's you in a BAD MOOD???? I just thought you were quiet and introverted!!! I'm liiiiiiiiike, YEP, that's me in a bad mood....I'm JUST QUIET!!!! She's like welll that's not really bad!!! Anyways, we had a good time and BTW: She's siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingle!!!! (someone just asked me if I've everrrr managed to hook someone up from advertising someone's singleness on my blog and I said SO FAR NO!!! buuuuuuuuuut heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, SIGH COULD BE MY FIRST!!!! Make sure you meet her at THE ONE GOD CONFERENCE NEXT WEEK!!!! ;))))) 

One of my sweeeeetest friends everrrrr...and she IS MARRIED!!!

Little Miss TABZ!!!!
Different young people started playing the piano and everyone gathered around and sang!!!!

ALL THESE GIRLZ ARE SINGLE....jus sayin!!!! ;)

Ooooooooooh it's KARENZA....did I mention she's SINGLE??? ;)

On the way to church we came up with the OFFICIAL MARY WORD!!! It happened like this, I was driving in our neighborhood, sucking on a lollipop and talking to Priscilla and I rolled down my window and threw out my lollipop I was like, cuz its hard enough for me to talk and drive there is NO WAY I can talk, drive AND SUCK ON A LOLLIPOP all at the same time and right as I said that, I almost crashed into another car, buuuuuuuuuuuut I DIDN'T and I was liiiiiiiiiiiike... OOOOOOOOOOOOOPS!!!! So then after that anytime I did something Maryish, Priscilla would just say, OOOOPS!!! aND YEAH I think it's MY WORD!!! BAHAHAHHAHAHAAAA!!!
SHE'S going to be an Arizonan AGAIN!!!


Elder Brother Garrett!!!! AmaaaaaaaZing preaching buuuuuut I feel so bad buuuuuut I don’t remember the message… because I was supposed to leave to help with minister’s banquet near the end of the message buuuuuuuut I was just liiiiiiike, WAIT, how will I know when the message is coming to near to the end??? I was gonna ask somebody what he preached so I could write about it buuuuuut then I was like that’s fake pretending I remembered!!! I’ll just listen to recording cuz clearly I need to hear it again… buuuuuut I knoooooow it was very powerful in the moment!!! I DO REMEMBER he said something like, you think God can’t do revival in Parker??? SHUT UP!!! And then after conference I was talking to a friend about someone and I was like that would be the coolest story everrrrr if you won that lady to the Lord! And she yeah it would, then she paused and said but she’s  a lesbian and stuff!!! I was liiiiiiike, WHAAAAAT???? DIDNT you hear the preaching last night???? YOU THINK GOD CANT SAVE A LESBIAN??? And then we said together,  SHUT UP!!!!
Soooooooo I did get something but my brain froze for the rest of it!!!!
More Volleyball!!!!


Where SOOOOOOOOOME OF US WOKE UP AND DRANK ESPRESSO buuuuuuuu others of us...I won't mention any names AHEM PRISCILLa, DID NOT WAKE UP!!! BAHAHAHAAAAA!!!

Okaaaaaaay she's up now, it's only like 5ish and she's getting a venti double shot!!!! 

And we went to the AMAAAAAZING SIAM!!!
I'm liiiiiiiiiike, HEEEEEY DOES ANYONE WANT A COOKIE??? I mean it's been like an hour since we ate anything!!!!! EVERYONE DID!!!! 

Goodbye my fuuuuun little friend!!!! 
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllll we had conference leftovers come to church sooooooooo of course I had to add thesse in....and do you like my conference aftermath dress????
Tortas Paquimé after church...lotsa good eating and talking and MORE EATING!!! I just could NOT get that concha in and was sad about it the next day!!! LOL 
Annnnnd there you guys have it, LANDMARK CONFERENCE!!!! Best conference everrrr at the best church ⛪️ everrrrr, pastored by the best pastor everrrrrrr who is married to THE BEST PASTOR’S WIFE EVERRRRRRR!!!!
Got this done ✔️ chaperoning at the boringest gym night everrrrr, only cuz I literally reckonize NO ONE!!!! Why did my VEGAS AND AZ FRIENDS NOT COME TO WCYC THIS YEAR???? We’ve had sooooo much fun though… we have so many stories to tell from this trip and amaaaaaaZing church ⛪️ it’s just this gym… BRO IT LITERALLY SMELLS LIKE sweaty male BO SOOOOO BAD WHEN YOU WALK IN HERE….Oh well I finally got this blog posted!!! It’s 2am time to goooooo to bed!!!!! Wooooooohooooo!!!! See everyone next week at THE ONE GOD CONFERENCE IN AVONDALE!!! Duuuuuuude it’s 2:03, someone blow that whistle and and end this!!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Happy Brain-boosting Wednesday!!!

Here's your middle-of-the-week brain booster!!!
"Did you know???..."
What OMG really stands for???

Image result for what does omg mean
Weeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllll since it's horrid to use The Lord's name in vain, TSK, tsk, tsk to any of you girls that are saying it...BE ASHAMED of yo'self, buuuuuuuuuut I decided to RENAME what OMG should stand for...
It hit me the other day, OMG should really stand for...
 Oh Mary Ginty!!!
Seriously, that's like GOTTA be what it stands for...You don't know how many times I've done something totally Maryish and people are just like, OH MARYYYY!!! Soooooooo there you have it, OMG stands for OH MARY GINTY!!! Hee, hee!!! 

"...Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll NOW YOU DO, annnnnnnnnd don't you FORGET IT!!!" (AIO BTV quote;)
♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Would you rather??? COMPLIMENT EDITION!!!

Would you rather be complimented on...
Oooooooo that's a REALLY TOUGH ONE!!! I mean, EVERY GIRL WANTS TO BE TOLD SHE IS BEAUTIFUL RIGHT?????? Buuuuuuuuuut After thinking really long and hard about this I THIIIIIIIIIINK I have to say MY COOKING!!!
Because my looks are really NOT an accomplishment of mine and I really don't have a WHOLE LOT to do with them, BUUUUUUUUUUT cooking is something that I have worked hard on and when I cook I put my heart into it so if you compliment my cooking your complimenting an achievement of mine where as my looks are just whatever they are and I had NOTHING to do with it!!! 
And liiiiiiiiiiiike you guys have NO IDEA how sad I am inside when my food doesn't get eaten!!! Liiiiiiiike it's like stomping a little on my heart!!! It's pretty much the same equivalent to a guy I like, choosing another girl over me!!! When people eat SOMEONE ELSE'S DESSERT OVER MINE, I might not show it, buuuuuuuuuuut INSIDE MY HEART IS SOOOOOOOOO DISAPOINTED!!!! And I ALWAYS NOTICE WHO IS EATING MY DESSERT...ALWAAAAAAAAAAYZ!!!! ;)
Plus, if I want to know if I look good, I can always just take a selfie OR look in the mirror!!!! Soooooooooooo yeah, between the two, I want to be complimented on my cooking MORE than MY LOOKS!!!
I'm JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUST KIDDDDDDING!!! I can taste my own cooking to know it's DELICIOUS TOO...
♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, January 22, 2024

Happy Monday!!! GUESS WHAT???

Soooooooo in December Zadie B’s had a contest for writing the best review for your favorite dress that they have and 
                               GUESS WHAT???? 
I ACTUALLY WON 🥇 FIRST PLACE!!! I can’t believe I neverrrrrrrrr win and especially first place!!!! 
The reward is a $100 gift certificate to Zadie B’s!!! Which I’m actually NOT SPENDING!!! Because I’m on a SHOPPING 🛍️ FAST!!!! Miracles STILL HAPPEN!!! Bahahahahaaa 

This is the dress I reviewed!!!
This is my review…
The design of this dress makes it THE BEST DRESS EVERRRRR!!! I got this dress in four different colors. I love the design and fit so much! It can be dressy but i choose to wear it for casual because it is literally sooooo comfy and I still look amazing in it, so why not look amazing everyday and not just for church ⛪️ right !? I especially love the front pocket on it, it also makes it perfect for traveling! I just stick my little card wallet and airplane ticket and even my phone 📱 in it and because of the shape nothing falls out like so often happens with side pockets! My favorite is the Barbie pink dress color though! I have literally gotten more compliments just going to Costco or the dry cleaners wearing that dress than anything I have ever owned! I highly recommend the Tabitha dress because I get lots of compliments in all the colors but especially in the PINK!!! And Heyyyy you can’t go wrong with compliments right?!?! Also I think of the pink Tabitha as my Joy Dress!!! I was wearing this dress the day my brother died, holding his hand in the hospital room, and in the middle of pain and sorrow, i had my bright pink dress that made people smile. The dress is a reminder to me that there is joy in the midst of sorrow and our hope is in Jesus and heaven. I highly recommend every woman buy this dress because the world needs more joy and if we can bring a smile and joy to someone’s face by simply wearing something bright and beautiful then WE SHOULD!!!
Get your own JOY DRESS HERE!!!
Soooooo what do you guys think??? Would you have first placed it??? Clearly I didn’t edit the punctuation before submitting it lol Thank you ZADIE B’s for choosing me!!! 
                   Get your own JOY DRESS HERE!!!
♥Mary Frances :)
PS for sizing reference I’m wearing a 2x

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Esther Conference 2024 Sneak Peak!!!

Okaaaaaayyyy sooooo clearly I can not do a blog post on the Esther Conference UNTIL I have posted about Landmark Conference which quite a few people are PATIENTLY waiting for to post about…I promise you guys I’m going to go to the library this week and catch up on a lot of stuff, it’s just been super nonstop busy, buuuuuuuut in the meantime, here is a little sneak peek 🫣 at the Esther Conference Valley Pentecostal Church ⛪️ hosted!!!!
It was absolutely beautiful, amazing, enchanting and beyond all my expectations of what it was going to be!!! As one friend said,  every banquet was like a fairytale dream come true! AND IT SOOOO WAS!!! I was absolutely blown away with everything and I can’t even believe it was all free too!!! 
Someone was like, this must’ve cost their church ⛪️ a fortune to put out for everyone and I was liiiiiiike, weeeeeelllll God will bless them for it!!! And they were liiiiiiike, MARY!!! I’m liiiiiiiike, weeeeeeeeelllll, HE WILL!!! It’s in the Bible, give and it shall be given unto you, pressed down, shaken together and running over… YOU CANT OUT GIVE THE LORD!!!! They will all be  blessed for their hard work, generosity and sacrifice!!!! 
It was so beautiful seeing girls get their princess 👑 moment as they vowed to stay pure till marriage!!! I am so glad I got to be a part, my heart is FULL!!! 
And especially thank you for letting a 40-year-old be a part!!! I STILL LOOOOOOVE HAVING FUUUUUUUUUUNNNN and I loooooove being girly- girl!!! I never really got to have that as a little girl because we were soooooooo poor!!!! I just wore whatever my mom could get on clearance at k-Mart or going through like hand me downs from a nursing home… I mean we were really, really poor!!! I don’t think I even really got to pick out my own clothes till sometime in my teens when I started working, I’m not really sure, before that I was just happy to have ANYTHING NEW AT ALL!!! I mean, when the bottom of our shoes started falling off my mom just hot glued them back on!!!
 I don’t say any of that for anyone to feel sorry or woe is me, I wouldn’t trade my life with anyone because everything has molded me into the person I am today, I’m just saying that it was fun to be a part of …buuuuuuuuut it really was soooooooo fuuuuuuuun being GIRLY-GIRL!! 
And sister Alexander’s lesson for the older girls was absolutely phenomenal!!!! It was so goooooooood!!!! Everyone was crying, except I wasn’t cuz I don’t cry in front of anyone everrrrr… unless I’m praying 🙏 buuuuuuut yeah it was so deep and she could probably speak at women’s conferences everywhere in my not-so-humble opinion!!!! Jus sayin!!!!
Also, I just want EVERYONE to know that we actually have some pretty amazing dads at our church, they were just not clear on what was going on and we’re staying clear of what they thought was just a ladies conference!!!! we were all just REALLY UNCLEAR of how everything was and what was really even going on!!! We all were kinda just thinking it was a ladies conference in general but geared for younger ladies … honestly there was A LOT OF CONFUSION on all our parts of what it really was!!!! Like also, DENAE I didn’t know that the flower class was specifically to make bouquets 💐 for the older girls to walk down the aisle as a support and we left to get the kids back to school for parent pick up sooooo yeah NOW WE ALL know and will all be better prepared for next year and really, I promise you, the men in our church are absolutely 💯 AWESOME MEN OF GOD!!!! 
AnywayZ, thank you VPC for doing this for us!!! Keep having the burden forever cuz I soooooo want my future daughter to have her princess 👑 moment walking down the aisle and vowing her purity to God!!!! I will do a very loooooong and thorough post in the future so all you readers can see how beautiful and amazing this conference was!!!! I have liiiiiike a million and pics soooo you’ll pretty much get to see EVERYTHING!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Happy Monday!!!!

If you have any friends like this, send this to them!!!! 💕 
♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

HappY Brain-boosting Wednesday!!!

Here's your middle-of-the-week brain booster!!!
"Did you know???..."
Sooooooo basically, long story short…

"...Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll NOW YOU DO, annnnnnnnnd don't you FORGET IT!!!" (AIO BTV quote;)

Your welcome, 
♥Mary Frances :)
PS Yes, I still loooooove honey 🍯 I’m off to get an açaí bowl with honey 🍯 on top… and I’m gonna make sure it’s 100% pure, HONEY!!! No FAKE BEE 🐝 BARF 🤢 FOR ME… I want THE GOOOOOD STUFF!!!
P.P.S Next time your spouse says Hey Honey 🍯 to you, they’re basically saying Hey 👋 Bee 🐝 Barf to you!!! Jus sayin!!! 😜 😇 😂😇🤣😇buuuuuuuut YET, I stiill wanna be called BEE BARF BEAR one day!!! (🍯 🐻)

Monday, January 15, 2024

Happy Monday!!!

Remember we’re all a part of the body of God!!!
 so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. 5 so it is with Christ's body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. 5 in the same way we who are many are one body in Christ and individually members of one another” (Romans 12:5)

♥Mary Frances :)