Wednesday, November 30, 2016

You know you live with a mom WHEN...

You know you live with a mom WHEN...
WHEN your cooking and you go to reach for ONE of the hundreds of wooden spoons you know you have for cooking annnnnnnnnd...
I'm like, really? REALLY??? I JUUUUUUUST WANNA STIR SOMETHING...without worrying about the stirring object melting...BAAHAHAHA!!! Buuuuuuuuut you can be sure to find them in random spots all over the house!!! I have to go on a scavenger hunt if I wanna cook around here!!! LOL
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll at least we know, DISCIPLINE reigns in our home...heh, heh!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Mary's BRILLIANT Idea!!!

Sooooooooo I'm sitting there this morning sipping some hot coffee and warm my hands to keep from freezing, when I had THE MOST brilliant idea EVERRRRR! What if we could make MINI-PORTABLE-FIREPLACES, to keep our hands warm??? Now I know, I know, everyone's like, that's called hand warmers or maybe gloves Mary??? Buuuuuut I've been on a fireplace kick lately, well as in, waiting for one of my brother's to show me how to know IF the chimney thingy is open so I can start a fire...LOL...buuuuuuuut yeah, like, AN ACTUAL LITTLE FIREPLACE FOR YOUR HANDS!!! We'd have to figure it so there wasn't smoke and stuff buuuuut seriously, Wouldn't that just be like, THE COOLEST THING EVERRRRR????
Like, OMW, we could come up with a really cool name for them and EVERYTHING...Maybe something along the lines of a...
I thought about that after like five minutes of brainstorming the idea...OH kind of like a CANDLE...bahahahahahahaha!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeellllll...looks like Bath and Body Works beat me to it!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, November 28, 2016

Happy Monday From ODIE!!!

Brought to you all today by my adorable little nephew Odin...
Soooooo yesterday morning, during the preaching, pastor is talking about Jezebel and right when he says, and when Jezebel realized that all her FALSE PROPHETS WERE DEAD... Odin happily and loudly says, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! And starts clapping and cheering!!!!
His cheering was for something ELSE buuuuuuut it was PERFECT TIMING!!! Gotta loooooove the funny moments at church!!! Whoever says church is BORING has NEVERRRRR been to MY CHURCH!!! Hee, hee!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Happy Sunday!!!

Business Cards...    - "Inherit the Mirth" by Cuyler Black:
"I was glad when they said unto me: let us go into the house of the Lord!" (Psalm 120:1)
♥Mary Frances :)

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Amen annnnnnnnnnnd AMEN!!!

ONE last belated Thanksgiving post!!!
Something to really be thankful for this year !!! :):
This pretty much sums up how I feel about the election turn outs!!! I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries I voted Cruz...Really originally was hoping for Ben Carson, buuuuuuuuut when it came down to it in the final voting...THANK YOU GOD IT'S NOT HILLARY...THANK YOU!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Friday, November 25, 2016

Thanksgiving Day 2016!!!!

Yesturday was an AWESOME-funnnnnnnn Thanksgiving Day!!! We started the morning off with the Turkey Trot in Fountain Hills. Met up with my sis, MJ, Odin, Sis. Abbott, Janelle and Everleene from my church! It was GREAT FUNNNNN! Next year I am sooooo RUNNING this and NOT just doing the fitness walk...which was still funnnnn!!! Annnnnnd I'm gonna go ALL out with my Turkey Trot outfit...hee, hee!!! Just wait, Turkey headband, Thanksgiving Turkey Tutu over my skirt!!! OH YEAH!!!
VERY, very, VERRRRRRRRY excited to have my FIRST marathon ribbon...
SOOOOOOOO going up on my wall!!!
 Managed to talk the big sis into it THE NIGHT BEFORE...wooooohooooooo!!!
 There MAAAAAAAAAAAY have been ONE person that wasn't exited about this morning activity tho...bahahahaha!!!
Afterwards we went and celebrated at DJ's Bagel shop in Fountain Hills...YUMMMMM!!!
After that, I was going to go hiking buuuuuuuuuuuuut opted out for a NAP instead...LOL...Gotta get ready for SHOPPING TIME!!! Hee, hee!!! After my nap I headed over to Dad's house to start setting up and baking stuff...
I liked our table get up, we ain't fancy folk but festive and funnnnn is our style!!! My mom's picture was in the middle of it all...a constant reminder of her there with us! Her greatest fear about dying was leaving us and that her grandchildren wouldn't know her...BUT they will...her legacy is continuing on...She planted the seeds, we'll never forget!!!
Before dinner started, I read to the kids, "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" I just LOVE being a Auntie!!!
Eating, talking, laughing and having a great time together!!!

I pretty much wore this outfit for the whole past week...LOVE IT!!!
 The one thing we forgot this year...
My family wouldn't let me use it...they thought I would get drunk...LOL!!!!
More fun, playing, walks, desserts, leftover distribution and CLEAN UP!!!
Feeling extra festive and happy!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnd NOW SHOPPING TIME!!! NOW for me, as soon as Thanksgiving is over, its CHRISTMAS time!!! Soooooooo being the very festive person that I am, it was TIME to get all decked out...wooooohoooooo!!!  It was a blast and I'm definitely GLAD that I took that nap!!! We went to Walmart, The mall and the outlets...where my sis waited and the LONGEST EVERRRRRR LINE to get in the Kate Spade store...she got some cute stuff tho!!!
Overall, it was a great day!!! I had been worried about being sad without my mom here, buuuuuuuuut, I was to busy to get sad, just moments of thankful reflection on her life with us and gratefulness for where she now is!!!
Thank you God for a great day and a wonderful life!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Had such a blast getting up early this morning and doing the Fountain Hills Turkey Trot!!! I'll do a whole post on it later buuuuuut here's a SNEAK peak...such a blast!!!
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllll its NAP TIME for me...I couldn't decide if I should take a nap or go hiking, buuuuuuuut we don't eat til 5 and THEN more exercise tonight...AT THE MALL!!! ;)000Whoooooohooooooo!!!!!!!
Have a great day everyone!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Starting your legacy!!!

what is a legacy? planting seeds in a garden you never get to see:
I read this the other day and was just like, WOW!!! It really spoke to me!!!  I am soooooo thankful for those that planted the seeds that were a cause to my own salvation. Right now you guys, RIGHT now is the time start on your own legacy...right now is the time to start planting the seeds that will only come to fruit beyond your time!!!
"A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children..."(Proverbs 13:22)
♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, November 21, 2016

Happy Monday!!!

Hee, hee...lets GO SWIMMING...Its WARM TOO!!!

Book de l'illustratrice Magalie Foutrier Portfolio : PRESSE:
Lets have a great THANKFUL Thanksgiving week my friends!!! Lets start if off by thanking God that the created MONDAYs ANNNNNNND COFFEE...hee, hee!!!  Happy Monday everyone!!! " This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24)
♥Mary Frances :)

Sunday, November 20, 2016

November Weekend Smorgasbord!!! Youth Rally-Hike-Birthday-Thanksgiving-Feast-2016!!!

Starting off with this past Friday, we had an AWESOME Youth Rally!!! Bro. Garrett preached a very much needed message to us all about living for God and if we want to make it to heaven and if we want to live for God it's NOT going to happen UNLESS we do something about it, we're not just going to make it coasting along!!!
 After wards all the young people had a great time socializing, eating and playing games. We had out fire pits, a coffee bar, an air hockey table, a ping-pong table and of course basketball!
Annnnnnnnnd we had something VERY COOL at our thing and that is a HOT COOKIE was GREAT!!! A big hit!!!
Deedee's First Hike
I took Deedee up to Fountain Hills early Saturday morning and we hiked! She absolutely LOVED it! She's so athletic, I'm all hauling myself up the hill and she's like, YOUR TIRED??? LOL I was just a little disappointed tho that the fountain wasn't going, its soooooooo BEAUTIFUL and I wanted her to see that, buuuuuut oh well NEXT TIME!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnnd after the hike Deedee and I headed over to Scottsdale Ranch Park for the birthday party of some of my favorite kids, Arie, Sammy, MaKenna and Isacc!!!! Their parents decided since all their first 4 kids birthday are real close together in the fall that they would have one big party for all of them! It was great and funnnnn!!!
It was Arie's actual birthday tho!!! Love this girl, she's such a sweetie and fun, pretty much has my love life all planned out...I'm glad someone's working on it, bahahahahaha!!!
 Us ladies even joined the potato sack race!!! I was the first one to volunteer to join...LOL!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnnd off we go!!! Hopping like bunnies!!!
 Sis. Abbott WON! She's basically an athlete runner now...;))))
Annnnnnnnnnd there I am, coming in LAST and cheering for myself!!! LOL!!!
 MJ, I looking cute!!!
And games and FUNNNNNNNN!!!
 It was a great time, so glad I got to join!!!
Had a great time today with my church family!!!
Its an LPC tradition to have a Thanksgiving Feast every year, memories of this from when I was a kid, was one of my FAVORITE times...LOVE IT!!!
Candy Rain after wards...parents were like, MORE CANDY??? Lol weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllll some of them...some of them were OUT THERE GETTING IT!!! BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Annnnnnnnnnnnd that was my awesome Smorgasbord weekend!!! I'm so grateful for such a funnnnn and busy weekend!!! Looking forward to MORE funnnnnn this week!!! Thanksgiving, birthdays, pizza making with my bro, black Friday shopping, a play...Wooooooohooooo!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Friday, November 18, 2016

Holy Ghost Part 2016!!!

As usual, our church had our annual Harvest Festival, THE HOLY GHOST PARTY!!! Annnnnnnd I figured I better go ahead and blog about it today since this weekend we're having our youth rally and Thanksgiving Feast on Sunday and I STILL gotta blog about NEW YORK!!!
Sooooooooo MJ decided to go as Miram and this here below is her precious baby Moses in the river basket, I particularly enjoy the lil sign hanging on his basket...VERY BIBLICAL!!! LOL
Captain America Himself...his dad thought this was HILARIOUS that his son was Captain America when he is half Liberian and half Belizian!!! LOL
I was gonna dress up, Odin was going as Lazaruz so I thought I could dress up and be MARY, Lazarus' AUNT Mary, buuuuuut turns out I rand out of time and just went as AUNT MARY!!! LOL

I think everyone's favorite game was Bro. Jimmy's toilet plunger race!!! LOL

The other HUGE FAVORITE this year was Pastor's Hay Ride...screaming throught the streets...we had a GRAND O TIME!!!
Our traditional longest ever going game of THE BALLOON STOMP...every game changes...EXCEPT THIS ONE!!! LPC can NOT have a Holy Ghost party without THE BALLOON STOMP!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnd HERE we are ready for...
Time to trample one another for CANDY!!!!
Stultz and Bro. Seth on the roof throwing the candy!!!!

Trying, to take a picture with the kids in the van, they were like ummmmm MARY, we're NOT gonna show up...OH YEAH...I should know this by now!!!
Got it with the lights on now!!! LOL
Crazy, crazy kids!!!
Buuuuuuuuuut I LOVE THEM!!!

Poor girl, trying to block away the boy that likes her...
It was pretty epic he was determined to say bye through the window...
Gotta love Grace, she's always giving the guys a reality check..."Just to let you know, she thinks your ugly and you don't stand a chance and I coulda told you that to begin with!!!"
I'm like, Just keepin it real girl!!! She's like, THATS RIGHT!!!
The really cool thing about this year was that I got to bring a HUGE group of Muslim kids, THESE PARTIES are THE ONLY TIME they are allowed to come to church...buuuuuuut YOU JUST NEVERRRRR KNOW...weeeeellll it was a crazy night, BUUUUUUUUUUT if ONE SOUL IS SAVED IT'S WORTH IT ALL!!!
♥Mary Frances :)