Monday, June 30, 2014


Sooooo I wanted to finish telling you all the testimony of Bro. Earl, the elderly man in our church that is hard-of-hearing, You know, I've told you all about him before. He's just an elderly man that randomly visited our church my mom had made good friends with him and he began telling her that he thought he was just going to switch churches because he was getting nothing out of our services because he couldn't hear the preaching.
My mom was like, INSISTENT that he not leave. She was like, MARY we have to do something he can't go to another church that doesn't preach the truth! She was like, how about you start typing out the messages for him on your keyboard for him? I was just kind of like, UMmmmm...Like to be honest I really didn't want to do it! I mean, my thing is KIDS, not elderly people!!! (I'm jus sayin')
Buuuuuut my mom was insistent and sooooo I agreed to do it!!! Almost immediately him and I clicked, ( NOT jus on the keyboard...HA!) ya know I would type to him on the screen my kind of greetings, Like, Good Morning Bro. Earl, Looking GOOD TODAY!!! HAHA! You all know how I am!!! ;) He immediately LOVED me, because, weeeeeeeellllll BECAUSE I'M MARY annnnnd ya know, EVERYONE LOVES ME!!! Hee, Hee!!!
Now Bro. Earl had gotten the Holy Ghost but he never would get baptized in Jesus name. He kept insisting that he had gone to some Pentecostal church as a child and was baptized in father, son and Holy Ghost titles. Over and over again my mom would read to him Acts 2:38 and say but you have to be baptized in Jesus name. He told my mom that he talked to a brother and a sister and a twin sister and they are all good Christians and they told him that he doesn't NEED to be baptized in Jesus name!
 My mom would tell him, Jesus is the name of the Father and Jesus IS the name of the son and Jesus is the Holy Ghost and his response would be, and I already got baptized in the father, son and Holy Ghost and that's who Jesus is, so he is fine then. (AAAAAHHHHHH)
Sooooo it just seemed like an endless cycle, buuuuut WHENEVER pastor would talk about Jesus name baptism I would take A LOT of TIME typing that out for him. There was even at one point that he was so frustrated about Jesus name baptism that he told my mom maybe he should just find another church. My mom was like, NO! She told him JUST KEEP COMING!!!
So he kept coming and I kept typing! Weeeeelllll and to once again be honest, I will admit that there were times that whoever was preaching was telling a story that was to long or hard for me to type out an explanation, so I would just be like OK its time for me to start telling him again about one God and Jesus name baptism! I mean, I didn't want to be offensive to him BUUUUUT he NEEDED GET BAPTIZED annnnnd if I was gonna be typing, he was gonna be seeing that!!!
So I remember this one Sunday after typing for him, I was at home that day and I thought man, I love Bro. Earl SOOOOO MUCH NOW, buuuuuuut I WONDER IF HE IS EVER going to GET IT!!! I WONDER IF HE WILL EVER GET BAPTIZED IN JESUS NAME????
The next day, I got a text from Pastor that said, WELL, Bro. Earl finally sees it! He just called and said that NEXT SUNDAY, he is going to be baptized IN JESUS NAME!!! I WAS SHOCKED!!! I immediately switched the direction of my drive and went to my mom's house. I'm going down the hallway to my mom's room to tell her and she yells out MARY??? Did  you get the text from pastor? I was like YES!!! My mom was like EXUBERANT with joy!!! Really we were both just estatic!!!
So later on that day my mom talked to him on the phone, he has some sort of phone system that types out for him what the person on the other line is saying. Anywayz, he told my mom that he had talked to one of his brother's that he hadn't talked to in several years, and he was telling his brother that he was going to this Pentecostal church and that they have been telling him that he needs to be baptized in Jesus name, what does he think about that? And he said that his brother said, YES, that's right. Then he told my mom, THEN, my brother quoted to me that SAME scripture that YOU always quote to me.
I was like, OH and what scripture was that Mom? She's like, ACTS 2:38 OF COURSE!!! It just so happens that this brother that he hadn't talked to in several years goes to a Pentecostal church in Florida! HOW AWESOME IS THAT??? He also told my mom that it just seemed like EVERY SUNDAY, whoever was preaching ALWAYS got in JESUS NAME BAPTISM. My was laughing when she told me and she was  like, did you have something to do with that? I was like weeeeelllll I may have helped that out a lil bit...Hee, hee!!! ;))))
All week long I was kind of just holding my breathn in anticipation of this baptism, I was so excited but at the same time I was just hoping he wouldn't change his mind!!!
Buuuuuuuuuut HE DID NOT CHANGE!!!
His mind was made up Annnnnd then that next Sunday it happened!!!
Bro. Earl was baptized IN JESUS NAME!!!!!!!!!
I'm just IN absolute AW when I think about it!!! I don't want to sound morbid but he is ready to go to heaven now!!! How awesome is that??? At 86 years old HE GOT THE REVELATION OF JESUS NAME BAPTISM!!! Its real people!!! ITS REAL!!!! It happened...JUST LIKE THE BIBLE SAYS!!!
 "Then Peter said unto them, repent and be baptized, EVERY ONE OF YOU, in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." (Acts 2:38)
♥Mary Frances :)

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Happy Sunday!!!

Happy Sunday everyone!!! Just remember that OUR GOD IS GREATER!!!
"I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord." (Psalm 122:1)
♥Mary Frances :)

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Apostolic Warrior #2

Weeeeeeeeeeeeelllllll we've all waited a LOOOOOOONG time for this buuuuuuut the time has FINALLY ARRIVED for The Apostolic Warrior #2!!! (Refresh your memory with the first AW HERE)
Apostolic girls EVERYWHERE have beeeeeen waiting for this moment to FINALLLLLLY arrive...I didn't know for sure WHO I should pick, I mean after the FIRST AW it was really hard for me to find someone that could quite measure up to that buuuuuuuuuut as I sought the Lord on the matter, this AW was confirmed to be a right choice to me at PACIFIC COAST CAMP...


Sooooooooooo girrrrrrls HOLD YOUR breath and get ready to say AW because this Apostolic Warrior is NONE other than the ONE AND ONLY...


Can we ALL SAY AW or double AWWWWWWWWW!!!!
 I told you all this was confirmed to me at PCC during the preaching!!! Personal recommendation by the night speaker, Bro. Hood...
AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! We all, like the WHOLE CONGERGATION of campers, counselors, staff, parents, ALL started whooping and cheering when Bro. Hood made a reference to Odyssey while telling the story of Esther! Buuuuuuuuuuuuut THEN when he said that his favorite character was Wooton...I Kinda just went cRaZy!!! All the girls around me were laughing sooooo hard!!!
They were all like, "Its GOING ON THE BLOG!!!" I'm like, Oh yes, YOU BETTER BELIEVE its going on the blog annnnnnnd NOT just on THE BLOG buuuuuut its own personal post on THE BLOG!!!
Anywayz, despite the humor of the matter, I LOOOOVE WOOTON!!! Let me tell you all about him. First of all his cRaZINess, right down to his witty heart, snort in his laugh and the absurd randomness that comes out of his mouth, but ALSO the way he has a serious side and finds fun ways to relate it to God! Plus he has a reAlly big heart and loves people! (Sooooo my man right there!)
Another thing that I LOVE about Wooton is that he is very good with kids!!!  He can relate with all the kids in Odyssey, despite the fact he is in his 30s. HOWEVER, the thing that I love about Wooton THE MOST is that Although he is very childish in nature, he takes his faith very seriously.
"You know, I’ve always found that running along the top of a train gives me inspiration." (Wooton Basset)
Wooton Z. Bassett (called "Snookies" by his mom) is a main character in Adventures in Odyssey.Wooton seems to be a friend of most citizens. Wooton is Odyssey's mailman and he is NO ORDINARY mailman! Not every mailman will sing to you upon request! Wooten has children and adults smiling everywhere he goes. Basically,
He snorts when he laughs and loves random things. He is known for his rather unusual house with a slide. He enjoys creating things out of whateve4r he fins such as popsicle sticks and Nativity scenes. Wooton's secret hobby is writing Power Boys which has made him rich and famous... ALTHOUGH he keeps his fame to himself because he wants to be treated just like everyone else and LOVED for WHO HE IS!!!

Liz Horton: So why are you always in a good mood? Being bad at everything makes me miserable.

Wooton Bassett: Well, I, uh, I try to remember that we're all good at something. I mean, God puts talent in everybody. It's kind of His job.

Wooton is a member of a very wealthy family, but they have all basically disowned him because he chooses to NOT be like them and leans towards his grandparents who are missionaries to Africa!!! 
He is especially good friends with Grady, a boy from a broken home that Wooton has reached out to! It was while helping Grady to build a treehouse, that Grady asked Wooton to pray with him to get the Holy Ghost! (Okaaaaay in my world that's what happened people!) And it happened right there in the middle of a treehouse!!!This was even more important to Wooton then receiving a ten-prong fork in the mail.
 adventures in odyssey characters - Google Search
 One of Wooton's favorite things is fresh licorice especially when it replaces the bananas on a banana split. Wooton tries many different recipes including peppermint lemonade that turned out to be a disaster. Wooton invented a ride-able vacuum for Marvin Washington, which seems to be Wooton’s favorite hobby of all, helping people.
Random facts about Wooton 
  • He knows anything and everything about barnyard animals.

  •  Wooton can play any instrument, such as the saxophone, banjo, organ, harmonica and piano

  • he can even use his saxophone as a toothpick!

  • Wooton collects Smiley Meal toys

  • He has brown eyes. (Like honey;)

  • He can fit a pair of tongs up his nose. (That's talent people!)

  • He used to be a Boy Scout. (Very MANLY attribute!)

  • Wooten often takes weekend trips to Switzerland, because he gets counties and countries confused. (You'll get to travel THE WORLD!)

  • His favorite food is fresh licorice. (Bring on the sweets!)

  • His favorite animal is a sea monkey.

  • He is 6 feet 1 inch. ( He is TALL ladies, buuuut NOT too tall!!!)

  • He had 560 box-tops and is saving up for a yacht (He is still wise with his money even tho he doesn't need to be frugal!)

  • He always wanted to be called "Xylophone".

  • "I'm as ready as a totally unprepared person could ever be!"
    (Wooton Bassett)
    Howeverrrr, despite his random cRaZiNess, it sounds like Wooton is actually quite organized because he describes one episode saying,
    "I'm a NEAT FREAK and a TOY GEEK!" (Wooton Bassett)
    Wooton Bassett: The point is, Olivia, that sometimes we have to try to be understanding even if we don't understand what we're supposed to be understanding about. Understand?
    Olivia Parker: I...actually, that makes sense.
    "A two hour conversation about socks can say I love you just as much as saying I love you."
    (Wooton Bassett)
    Ummmmmm with that quote I think its safe to say that  his love language may just happen to be...

    When it comes to Wooton, I have a confession to make!!!!I can't lie, I ACTUALLY felt JEALOUS when him and Penny first met!!!

     HAHAHA!!! I was sitting there listening and all of the sudden I felt JEALOUS!!! I was like..WHAT IS THIS??? I was like MARY, are you REALLY FEELING twangs of jealousy and feelings of animosity right now???
    Yes, in my world, WOOTON is the perfect man, right down to the fact that he is a writer!!!
    "They're gonna have a bouncy house—with no age or weight restrictions! Woo-hoo!" (Wooton Bassett)
    I was telling my sister after MJ's adoption party, When I get married I MUST have a bounce house at my reception!!! I willll sooooooo go in and slide down too!!! Wedding dress and EVERYTHING!!! annnnnd my sis was just like lookin at me...and I'm like BUUUUT...I WONDER what guy would EVERRRR be cool with a bounce house at the weddding??? My sis was like, Uh PROBABLEY NO ONE!!! I'm like WHATEVER!!! Wooton WOULD BE!!! My sis is like, yes, AND Wooten is NOT REAL!!!
     I for one refuse to base everything off of REALITY... Whatever happened to the fairytales and dreams come true, in Once upon a times and Happily ever afters...I for one will hold on...
    A crazy GIRL can always HOPE...
     for their WOOTON!!!

     "Not many people know somebody like me." (Wooton Bassett)
    No Wooton, not many of us HAVE known someone like YOU, except for the crazies like me that live in their own world!!! Buuuuuuut us Apostolic girls THANK YOU for just BEING YOU!!! We are sooooooo GREATFUL to have an AMAZING MAN like you that we can use to measure up all the other guys in Pentecost!!! Apostolic girls everywhere are saying, BUUUUUT IS HE LIKE WOOTON???
    Soooooooo we at Classic Mary Moments would like to present you with your AW tie...Fresh red licorice design...

    Where it with PRIDE annnnnnd know that YOU ARE LOVED!!!!
    ♥Mary Frances :)

    ONLY MARY!!!

     Soooooooooo most Apostolics get tan lines for things like, where their sleeve ends, or their hat or where their watch band is or even around their eyes if they wear glasses, buuuuuuuuuuuut
    Where her HEADBAND ALWAYS IS!!!! 
    ♥Mary Frances :)

    Friday, June 27, 2014

    She's home!!!

    Sooooooo HAPPY my lil neicey is HOME from Jr. Youth Camp!!! We missed her soooo much this week and sadly I don't think she was homesick at all!!! I guess I know how everyone else feels when I leave and FORGET to least MJ called!!! Awwww I'm soooo glad she's HOME!!!
    Soooooo a few funnies from her trip: Monday night she calls her mom and says, MOM, church was SOOOOOOOOO GOOD tonight! My sis was like really impressed to hear such depth and spiritualness coming out of her dauthter! She's like, Oh really? MJs like, YEAH, they threw candy out to us. It was sooooo GOOD!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!
    Then today when she got back I was like, sooooooooo did get any NEW crushes on boys at camp! She's all like NO! I'm like, sooooooo you went to camp and met all these new boys and you came back STILL liking the SAME boy, EVEN THO HE WASN'T THERE??? She's just like YUP!!! I'm like, WOW, your waaaaaaaaaay more loyal to your crush than ME!!! She just looks at me and says, PRETTY MUCH!!!
     (For me at conferences I switch walking from point A to point B! BAHAHAHAHA!!!) 
    ♥Mary Frances :) 

    A good deal!!!

     Soooooooo before all of his preaching Bro. Baglin ALWAYS told us a bunch of jokes. So one of the days he told us that his wife married him because she is ALWAYS looking for a good deal, ANNNNNNNNND he was HALF OFF!!!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!
    I'm like THAT IS SOOO ME!!!!
     I was like, soooooooo basically i'm gonna marry a REALLY FRUGAL MAN!!! Either that OR someone else that is HALF OFF...then TOGETHER we can be a WHOLE!!!
    ♥Mary Frances :) 
    P.S. Just remember,,I said  HALF OFF,
     buuuuuuuuuut  NOT FREE!!!! ;)

    Thursday, June 26, 2014

    My FIRST EVERR Pacific Coast Camp!!!

    Okaaaaaaaaaay sooooooooo are you all ready for this??? Pacific Coast Camp 2014...My FIRST time everrrrrr!!! I have NO idea where to even start off!!! I guess the first thing that I realized is that NEXT year I will NOT be starting camp off with ONLY an 1.5 of sleep...that was a DUMB move Mar Bear!!! Next, I'm bringing a chair next year!!! Next...thing lets talk about the camp speakers!!!
    We had to AWESOME speakers this year! Bro. Hood in the evening and Bro. Baglin during the day!!! First night Bro. Hood preached a message called, "Take it home with you!" in the middle of his message he said something that sooooo cracked me up!!! He said, Eating, its practically THE ONLY thing Apostolics DON'T preach against!!! AHAHAHA!!!
    Bro. Baglin, preached great messages to and he kept us all entertained and awake through it all with his crazy stories and jokes!!! The first morning he preached he said, "Well, last night you got THE HOOD and today your going to get THE TRUNK!" BAHAHAHA!!!
    MY personal favorite message that was preached at the camp was Bro. Hood's, It don't get any better than this! That is soooooooooo TRUE!!! It doesn't matter where your at or where your going through, LIVING FOR GOD IS THE BEST LIFE EVERRR!!! It don't get any better than THAT!!!
    Here are group of us, Stultz, Matt, Liz, Denae and Ashlyn... waiting in line that FIRST day...waiting in anticipation too see JUST how bad the camp food REALLY is!!!
    I have to PERSONALLY say that it really wasn't bad at all...I mean have had some REALLY NASTY camp food before, ya know, like with bugs and when you turn your tray upside down the food still sticks to it...bahaha...this wasn't waaaaaaaay better...I mean don't get me wrong...its NOT like the Ginty's were cooking...buuuut YA KNOW!!! ;)))
    Story Time with Mar Bear!!!!
    I entertained our group the first night by telling them THIS STORY!!! (Read it HERE) AHAHAHA Next conference I'm bringing a tip jar for story time!!!! Heh, heh!!! ;) 
    Me and lil Miss Denae...
    wish she was here MORE sooooo we could hang out together!!! Heeeeeeeey you guys, Denae has about 20 MORE CDs that she needs to sell before this last album is paid off...then once she pays this one off she can start a NEW album!!! Lets all help her out and start buying some CDS!!! They are ONLY $10!!!! Email her to make a purchase ONLY at

    Wednesday, June 25, 2014

    Well that was awkward

    Soooooooo the girls staying the section right next to me at PCC were really good hair stylists or whatever you call it and they were always helping out and doing other girls hair and they were like really amazing and could do these like SUPER fancy hair dos!!!
    Weeeeeeeeeellllll one of the mornings I see one of my friends that was staying in one of the sections in the back of the dorm sitting in a chair with the fancy hair stylist girls. Sooooooooo I'm like, Oooooo girrrrrrrrrrrrrrl.... gonna get your hair done ALL FANCY for church this morning?!?!
    She is just silent for a moment and then is like, ACTUALLY, I just got done DOING my hair!!!!
    I was like, OH!!! Ooooops!!! Im like, OH well I didn't mean like that it doesn't LOOK like its done, I mean I really didn't even look at your, I just assumed cuz you were sitting in the chair...
    ♥Mary Frances :)

    Brilliant Aisle runner idea!!!

    Soooooooo you know how people try and be all UNIQUE with their wedding aisle runners??? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllll I just thought of THE MOST brilliantist idea EVERRRR the other day!!! It all happened when I was baby sitting my lil man!!! You see, him and were jumping and dancing together on some BUBBLE wrap when all of the sudden it HIT ME!!!
    Wouldn't that be like, THE COOLEST, FUNNEST THING EVERRRR to hear all that popping EVERYTIME you took a step??? Ok, ok, OKAAAAAAAYYY... I know that walking DOWN the aisle is like all serious and stuff, buuuuuuuuuuuut WHY NOT for the walk back as man and wife?! That's supposed to be all fun and happy ANYWAYZ, sooooo yeah, I'm soooooooooooooo gonna do the bubble wrap!!! OMW I'm soooooooo siked about it... NOW just a man that will actually be totally down with this...he's gonna be SPECIAL!!! BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
    ♥Mary Frances :)
    P.S. If anyone reading this and is getting married any time soon, feel free to steal this fantabulous Idea from me...I won't be offended...MaR Bear likes to SHARE!!!

    Tuesday, June 24, 2014

    Starting PCC off right!!!

    Sooooo Pacific Coast Camp started off for me WITH A...
    So Anali and Erynn lead me into the girls dorm and they are telling me that they have a SPECIAL place all picked out for me!!! I'm like okaaaaaaay and they are leading me and i'm like NOT seeing the spot and they are like RIGHT HERE MARY...I'm like HUH? WHERE??? They're like MARY...LOOK!!! I'm like HUH...???? Where am I staying??? They're like MARY!!! LOOK!!!
    FINALLY they like literally have to stop me, and SHOW ME what they had done!!! In the middle of the floor they had written my name, Mary Ginty, on sheets of paper and duck taped it to the middle of the floor with a huge arrow...
    ANNNNNNNNNND without even noticing,
    They were like laughing sooooo HARD cuz they had gone out on their joke and in typical MARY fashion I didn't even noticed and just walked OVER IT!!!
    Then they were like so Mary WHAT were you thinking when we were telling you that you were staying in the MIDDLE of everything??? I was like, ya know, HONESTLY, the ONLY thing going through my mind was if I sleep in the middle, HOW AM I GOING TO PLUG IN MY NIGHT LIGHT???
    ♥Mary Frances :)

    Monday, June 23, 2014

    Soooo spiritual MARY moment!!!

     Soooooooo on the way to PCC with the Abbott's we stopped at Wendy's for breakfast and I was looking at this little bread warmer thing an LO and BEHOLD it said LORD on it!!!! I was like, NOOOOOOO WAAAAAAY!!!! you guys LOOK!!!
    IT SAYS LORD!!!!
    That's soooooooo AWESOME!!!!!!!
    Jonathan looks and is like, ACTUALLY it says, LOAD!!! I was like, OH!!!! AHAHAHAHHAHA!!! Yeah, that kinda makes more sense for a bread warmer machine to say!!! He's like, Good spiritual eyes tho!!! I'm like, I KNOW RIGHT??? Even in my airhededness i'm spiritual!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
    ♥Mary Frances :)

    Sunday, June 22, 2014

    I'm HOME!!!

    Weeeeeeeelllll I'm HOME!!! We had soooooooo MUCH FUNNNNN!!! I'm do a post soon on PCC buuuuuuuuuuut everyone needs to start sending me pics!!!  Here are some pics TO AND FROM Pacific Coast Camp!!!
    On the way there was sooooo much fun in the Abbott's motorhome!!! Me, Stultz and Judah played my electronic Clue game and Stultz kept winning...I almost won...buuuuuuuuut I was blasting to EVERYONE that I was winning, MEANWHILE, Jonathan was finding out all the answers too BUUUUUT he was just keeping his mouth shut about it and sooooooo he BEAT ME!!! Grrrrrr!!! Twice in a row till Sis. A stepped on the scene!!! then she beat the both of us!!!!
    On the way home we went with Seth and Alyssa and made a last minute to Knottsberry farm!!!
    LOG RIDE!!!!  
    THIS ride doesn't seem nearly as thrilling after you have been on Disney's Splash Mountain!!! 
    I looooove this pic cuz it looks like Stultz and I are TOTALLY photo bombing a couples pic buuuuut we aren' WAS supposed to be a group pic!!! LOL 
    The rest of the way home I was determined to make an Adventures in Odyssy fan out of Stultz, I'm trying explain that Apostolic girls LOOOOOVE it when a guy can quote AIO...Can I get an AMEN ladies??? Buuuuuut then I ZONKED out and yeah...
    It was pretty hard for them to wake me up!!! When we finally pulled up to the church they were asking me if I wanted to get my luggage and I said NO...then I walked to Stultz car and like LITERALLY if he had not unlocked the door to his car for me while he was getting his luggage I would have just laid out on the gravel of our church parking lot and gone to sleep....that's JUST HOW EXHAUSTED I was!!!
    In the morn EVERYONE just assumed that I would be missing church cuz of how tired I was.....buuuuuuuuuuuuuut MAR BEAR DON'T MISS CHURCH!!!! I may have gotten there five minutes before the preaching, with my eyes barely open and leftover hair from what Anali had done of it on Thursday night and may have been even later cuz I forgot that when I left for camp I left my car behind on E, buuuuuuuut I did NOT miss church!!! HAHA!!!
    I had to type the preaching message for Bro. Earl, the elderly man in our church that is hard-of-hearing, and I was sooooo tired I literally was typing with my eyes shut!!! Then I looked at Bro. Earl annnnnd HIS EYES WERE SHUT!!! We were total kindreds!!!! BAHAHAHAHA!!!!
    After church my sis asked me where I wanted to go eat and I was like, I can't even eat I'm to tired...then on the way out of church I tripped over the platform!!!! Everyone was just like GO TO SLEEP!!! Anywayz, OMW camp was sooooooooo much FUNNNNN!!!!
    ♥Mary Frances :)

    Friday, June 20, 2014

    Guess WHAAAAT?!?!

    The yellow section won CLEANEST area... AGAIN!!! Thats because me and Crystal are such AWESOME counselors!!! ACTUALLY,  im not sure HOW we won except that we were the least messy!!! The bed with.the biggest mess is mine!!!
    ♥Mary Frances :)  

    Wednesday, June 18, 2014

    Counseling update!

    Lets see, I started the week off with losing my counselor folder within five minutes having it! thankfully it was soon found in my pastors motorhome! cuz I was like, this is going tobe awkwRd having to get a new folder already! lol . Theeeeeeen... I had to get an official counselor tag ASAP, cuz I was getting told to LEAVE THE DORMS, CAMPERS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO.BE IN HERE!!! im like, ummm... im actually a counselor!!! She said, OH! You dont look like one!!! hahaha!!! SUPER FUNNY!!! and yeah ive been keeping my tag on cuz I keep getting asked by different staff why im here or.why im.not.doing this...its pretty.funny!!! I think.part.of it is jus cuz they dnt reconize me! . Then yesturday morning two of my campers, (Hanna and Jen) had to wake me in the morning!!! buuuuuut heeeeey its cuz I cant go to sleep at night till all my campers are in bed and accounted for! annnnnd this camp.runs LATE!!! curfew isnt even till 12:30, then the girls come in and can take showers and lightz go out around 2ish.... I go to sleep around 3ish!!! ugh!!! . Sooooo today we are more than halfway thru my week of youth camp counseling! Everything is back to normal... my girls LOST cleanest section this time... HAHA!!! . Buuuuut im having a blast!!!

    Can you believe it???

    MIRACLES ARE HAPPENING AT PACIFIC COAST CAMP... are you ready for this??? My section OF girls, THE YELLOWS, won cleanest section award!!!!! Okaaaaaay you all can pick yourself up off the floor now!!! P.s guess.which bed is mine!?!?

    Monday, June 16, 2014

    I WAS RIGHT!!!

    He was 15 Minutes late!!!


    im all ready for PACIFIC COAST CAMP!!! Look at all my stuff...sooooo NEAT AND ORGANIZED!!! Now im jus sitting in my rockin chair in front of my house waiting for Stultz to get here so we can meet up with the Abbotts! most likely he will be LATE buuuuuut he has two minutes to prove me WRONG!!!!

    packin for PCC


    Sunday, June 15, 2014


     Today is Father's day, and AFTER church this morning, all the talk about good dad's and stuff,  my niece MJ comes over to me says, "Well, its Father's Day today, BUT I don't have a dad...
    She doesn't have a daddy...YET!!! You know what that YET equals??? FAITH!!! She doesn't have one, buuuuuuut SHE knows that God is GOING to give her one!!! I was like awwwwwwwwww!!! It squeezed my heart and makes me wanna cry! I really want my lil niece to get a daddy!!! I know I talk a lot about God giving me a husband, but when its all said and done, I'm perfectly happy...I WANT a husband, buuuuuuut don't really NEED one yet at this point and time in my life!!!
     EVERY lil girl NEEDS A DADDY!!!
    This summer, July 18th, MJ is turning 12!!! Pretty soon she will be a teenager and I am really hoping and praying that she will NOT have to go through her teenage years without the council and guidance of a father in her life!!! Sooooooooo i'm just asking if I could get everyone that reads my blog to join me in prayer for a DADDY FOR MJ!!! .(She could probably use a few SIBLINGS too!!! Heh, heh, ;)
    As most of you have heard me say, my sister adopted my niece and she has an AMAZING testimony of what God brought her out of. My sister said that just the other day Mary Jo just randomly looked at her and said, "Well, you DID IT MOM, you got me out of that MAD HOME!!!" I was like AWWWWW!!! its TRUE you guys, God used my big sis to rescue the ONLY thing she needs to make her story complete IS A DADDY!!! IF God could rescue her from that HOPLESS situation, she must know that God can do ANYTHING for her!!!
    She doesn't have a daddy...YET...
    buuuuuuut she's got the faith for God to complete this story!!!
    ♥Mary Freances :)
    Read MJ's story "When God Gives You A Home" HERE!!!
    Get the scoop on MJ's Mommy HERE!!! ;)

    Saturday, June 14, 2014

    Awkward Bible Moments!!!

    I saw this pic and CRAKCED UP LAUGHING!!!
    I agree...AWKWARD!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey I have an idea, everyone email me, good, clean, FUNNNNY awkward Biblical moments and we'll make a series of it!!! It'll be AWESOME!!!
    ♥Mary Frances :)

    Friday, June 13, 2014

    You know your little brother is TALL WHEN...

     When most people consider you a giant..
     but next to your baby brother your a shorty!!!
    The other day I was at Frys where he works and I was talking to the guy at the Starbucks there while he was making my drink, you know, can't keep the mouth shut for TOO LONG...bahahahaha!!!
     and I'm like, you know that Abe is my lil brother right? He's like OH no I didn't know that! I'm like, WHAT? How could you NOT know?! We look EXACTLEY like each other!!!
    The guy thought about it for a moment then he says, NAH, your BETTER LOOKING!!! Annnnnnnnd of course being the humble and non-Arguementive person that I am I said, WEEEEEEEEEELLLL...
    I have to agree with you on THAT!!!
    Abie was just like, WOW MARY! WOW!!!
    ♥Mary Frances :)

    Thursday, June 12, 2014

    AWKWARD MOMENT #23089957636

     You know that AWKWARD MOMENT when...
     the conference speaker preaches against something you do!!!
    AHAHAHAHAHA!!! You all soooo KNOW what Im talking about...your at a church camp or conference and your TOTALLY AMENING the preacher for EVERYTHING...theeeeeeeeen...the preacher speaks against something that is ok in your church to do...and your clap like freezes!!! you want to AMEN cuz you wanna have the RIGHT spirit, buuuuuuuuuuut you also don't want to be a hypocrite and act like you don't do something...soooooooooo YOU GET THAT FROZEN HAND SYNDROME!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
    Its the best life EVERRRRRR!!!
    ♥Mary Frances :)

    Wednesday, June 11, 2014

    AMA CMM 2014!!!

    Soooooooo as we all KNOW, NO conference or camp is EVERRR COMPLETE without a CLASSIC MARY MOMENT!!! This years happened on THE FIRST NIGHT!!! BAHAHAHAHA!!! I was walking to my room the first night to go to bed when I just HAPPENED to glance at the name on the door before actually opening the door!!! I gasped at what I read, I was like OMW, that's NOT ME!!!
    Mary wiseDUMB of the day: Always, always, ALWAYS read the names on doors people...ALWAYS!!!! BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
    ♥Mary Frances :)

    Tuesday, June 10, 2014

    A Mountain Apart 2014!!!

    Weeeeeeeelllll what can I say about this years camp??? First of all, I'm going to be able to sum it ALL UP in ONE BLOG POST!!! I didn't take quite as many pics this year BECAUSE I was
    waaaaaaaaaaaaay to busy having FUNNNNNN!!!!
    Sooooooooooo I get back from AMA annnnnd the first thing everyone is asking me at my church is, SOOOOO DID YOU MEET SOMONE??? I'm like, ummmmm.... AMA is NOT exactly that kind of a least FOR ME ANYWAYZ...
    SOOOOOME PEOPLE happen to feel DIFFERENTLY about that!!! ;))))
     The first night we had an Ice breaker mixer...It was waaaaaaaaay to much funnnnn!!!
    We played this number game where you had to run around the gym and hope that the number you went and stood at didn't get called... 
    If your number DID get called you had to go stand on the platform of SHAME!!! LOLOL I almost WON...but Stultz and Denae beat me...THEN Denae beat Stultz and was THE LAST woMAN standing!!!!

    Monday, June 9, 2014

    That awkward moment WHEN...

    Someone tells you they just LOOOOOVE your hair, they have NEVERRR seen it like this before! Its soooooo PRETTY! Annnnnnnd your just like Ummmmm...Thanks...its called...
    True story of the day people!!! I washed my hair today, while it was still wet I pulled it back into a bun and then ran out to do a bunch of errands...A cashier in a store I frequently shop at was like totally complimenting me on my lack of NOT doing my hair! She was like, I have NEVERRRR seen your hair like this before...blah, blah, blah...I'm just thinkin like heeeeey at least people can know that I NORMALLY DO, DO MY HAIR!!! It was TOO FUNNY! Almost as funny as when people give me sincere compliments on my hair in rollers or pin curls!!!
    ♥Mary Frances :)

    Sunday, June 8, 2014

    Best Friends...

    Best friends go to heaven TOGETHER!!!

    Friday, June 6, 2014

    What we really need to be a witness!!!

    What is it that we really need to be a witness in this world?
    How will they know that we are HIS??? Should we wear longer skirts? Longer sleeves? Higher necklines? Maybe if we walked around at all times with a big family Bible quoting scriptures and rebuking sinners, maybe, just MAYBE THEN we could be a witness!!! What can we really, really do to SHOW THE WORLD???
    Now don't get me wrong, I have very STRONG conviction concerning holiness, but I don't think it is that, that ALONE is going to really SHOW THE WORLD...the Bible clearly states ONE WAY that they will NO DOUBT KNOW that we are God's...
    "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." John 13:35
    Don't get me wrong, we've got to have modesty, holiness, morality...buuuuut we've got to learn how to LOVE EACH OTHER!!! God's people should be known as LOVING people!!! Annnnnd not just to sinners, buuuuuut TO EACH OTHER!!!
    "He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." (1 John 4:8) If you can't love the people you go to church with, then you MUST NOT really KNOW GOD!!! IF you want to be a stronger witness, ask God to give you a spirit of love. Ask God to fill your church with a spirit of love!!!
    " Though I speake with the tongues of men & of Angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brasse or a tinkling cymbal." (1 Corinthians 13:1)
    We are WORTHLESS if we don't know HOW to LOVE!!! There is no greater way to show someone Jesus than to show them love. You can't ARGUE LOVE!!! The strongest evidence someone can ever be shown of God is LOVE!
    God fill my heart with MORE of your love!!!
    ♥Mary Frances :)


    Wednesday, June 4, 2014

    Compatible? OR a PERFECT MATCH???

    I'm definitely NOT a medical person, buuuuuut I was listening to someone talk about transplants and they were talking about that when someone is a donor for a kidney transplant, a donor can either be COMPATIBLE or a PERFECT MATCH!!!
    Its not as hard to find a compatible match as it is to find a perfect match. Usually, altho not always, it will take a little a longer to of a wait to find a PERFECT MATCH!!! Of course when your life is hanging on the line, its NOT really your main concern if the person that is donating to you weather or not they are a PERFECT MATCH!!!
     Buuuuuut what about within RELATIONSHIPS??? Why do we live our lives sometimes looking for a compatible spouse like our whole entire life is on the line??? How many times do we find ourselves willing to settle for someone that we are just compatible with??? Wouldn't it make soooo much more sense if we would just WAIT ON GOD for that PERFECT MATCH!?!?!?
    Yes, we want someone that LOVES GOD with all their heart! Yes, we want someone that our personalities fit with!!! I think those two things make compatibility between two people, buuuuut so often we forget one more thing, THE CALL OF GOD!!! What has God called you too??? Do your callings match??? When you add in THE CALL of God factor, I think that's when you go from just compatibility to THE PERFECT MATCH.
     I remember this one time, I felt soooo sad because this guy just didn't share my passions with me. And I just felt God impress on me, don't be sad Mary, I have someone for you that does!!! Another time I remember thinking, i'm sooooo DIFFERENT, I'm kinda weird, buuuuut just feel so STRONGLY about certain things, I just can't help the way that I am!!! I would think, THERE IS NO ONE ELSE THAT FEELS THIS WAY!!! Annnnd God just let me to know that it was going to take a VERY SPECIAL PERSON TO MARRY ME!!! Annnnnd I'm STILL waiting for that VERY SPECIAL PERSON!!!!
    Sometimes we try to make someone that we are compatible with to BE WHAT WE WANT THEM TO BE!!! We both LOVE GOD and EVEN our personalities CLICK...buuuuut...something still lacks...We want them to share our passions, our burdens our callings, our desires, our callings and feel frustrated when they don't! You have to either accept them the way that they are OR WAIT ON GOD!!! Getting married shouldn't be an act of desperation. In my personal opinion, it just seems like something as big and as important as marriage would be worth waiting for the perfect match.
    GOD'S MATCH!!!
    "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)
    ♥Mary Frances :)

    Tuesday, June 3, 2014

    Watering my rose with molasses!!!

    A month or so ago, the saying went through my mind, "When God Unfolds The Rose" Then randomly the next saying that went through my mind was, "Slow as molasses!" THEN I started laughing, cuz THE NEXT thought that went through my mind was, MAAAAAAN, If God's unfolding my rose, I think he must be watering it with MOLASSES!!!
    What IS Molasses??? Molasses is a thick, dark brown syrup obtained from raw sugar during the refining process. So my rose is being watered with a sweet sugar that is going through a refining process...whoever knew that EVEN sugar needs refining??? My next thought absolutely made my heart say AWWW!!! Cuz my next thought was,
    HE MAY be  watering my rose with MOLASSES, buuuuuuuuut it sure is gonna be sweet when it finally all unfolds!!!!
    ♥Mary Frances :)

    Monday, June 2, 2014

    Just FLIRTING!!!!

    Flirting!!! I was thinking about a SINGLE person, there is JUST SOMETHING about FLIRTING!!! LOL!!! I mean lets all be honest...its FUN in the right context of course! Ya know what I mean, that harmless, fun teasing between a guy and girl...ahhhh...FUN TIMES!!! HAHA!!! I mean think about it you know when you just feel that SPARK...that chemistry??? Your just like OH WOW!!!
    This one time, i had this HUGE crush on like a very, very, VERY HANDSOME Apostolic young man buuuuuuut as we became friends, thats ALL it was...good conversation buuuuuut I NEVER felt sparks...its like no matter how attractive of a person that he was, there was just NO CHEMISTRY!!! sooooo i just kind of lost interest in him and the next thing I knew I fell for this OTHER guy and honestly, he really wasn't as good looking as the other guy, buuuuut there was something about our personalities together annnnnd man there were sparks!!! AHAHAHAHA!!! Even tho it woiuld be hard TO ACTUALLY start a convo with him...once we did...MAN...chemistry was STRONG!!! Some of my close girls were like, BUT MARY, the other guy is better lookin and you could talk to him easily, annnnnnd this guy isn't as good lookin and its HARDER for you to talk to him...
    I'm like I know buuuuuuuuut SPARKS girls...SPARKS!!! I mean really, MY NAME IS MARY GINTY and i'm the daughter of Frances Ginty, talking comes NATURALLY for me!!! I could talk to pretty much ANYONE, I could probabley even get a mute person to talk to me...BAHAHAHA!!! So i'm mean...just BEING able to talk to NOT a big deal for HELLO...BORING!!! HOWEVER, not every person that I talk to, do I feel sparks...ANNNND I LIKE SPARKS!!! Yup! Yup! There is just NOTHING like some GOOD O FLIRTING!!! Can I can and AMEN from anyone out there??? ;)
     Buuuuuuut at the same time, none of us want to be KNOWN as a FLIRT!!! None of us want to be known as the kind of person that flirts with everyone, without really having ANY sort of a true interest in them...being that just gives you a BAD REPUTATION!!!
    I remember seeing a friend, a really good, Godly young lady,  one time talking to a guy and after a few weeks I asked her, SOOOOO are you INTERESTED??? And she was like, actually, NO, I don't think I am! And I was like, REALLY, WHY NOT??? I mean, i was really curious, because although I didn't know the guy all that well, he was definatley on the very handsome, attractive side and I knew quite a few girls that would just LOVE to have this guys attention. So my friend, just looked at me and was like, well I don't mean to talk bad about him, buuuuuut to be perfectly honest, he is just TO MUCH OF A FLIRT!!! (Aka: A PLAYER!!!)
    Nobody wants a FLIRT!!! And while flirting outside of marriage is okay, WHILE YOUR SINGLE, within marriage, aside from flirting with each other, FLIRTING with other people is NOT ok! I mean, being VERY SINGLE and all myself, I do NOT know all that much about marriage, buuuuuut I do know, that I would NOT be okay with my husband flirting with other woman! How would you feel if you were married and your spouse was flirting with other people, and when you brought it up, WHAT IF they didn't think it was a big deal??? WHAT IF their response was...I'm NOT CHEATING on you...
    Oh man!!! I would sooooooo NOT be ok with that!!! Talk about INFURITATING!!! I mean come on...We're married!!! ACT MARRIED!!! We can all CLEARLY see this concept and YET, I see SOOOOOOO much, people IN THE CHURCH... that are SUPPOSED to be in a sold out relastionship with Jesus Christ,  JUST FLIRTING WITH THE WORLD!!!
    People living on the edge!!! Its like HOW much can I get away with and STILL be saved? I know that the pastor preaches against that, buuuuuuuut I don't think its ACTUALLY going to send me to hell! I mean, where exactley in the Bible does it say that I shouldn't do that? For some people, they hear that the pastor is gonna be outta town that weekend and its like, PARTAAAAAAAAY!!! They start breakin out all the clothes that they know pastor preaches against...its like WHAAAAT??? You shouldn't even HAVE THAT anymore!!!
     You see people doing things that YOU KNOW they shouldn't be doing and when you try to kindly, as a friend, question them about it, they're just like, well I'm not backslidden!!! And its like, no your NOT, your JUST flirting....JUST FLIRTING WITH THE WORLD!!! That kind of an attitude is soooooo IGNORANT!!!
    THINK ABOUT IT!!! Why do single people even flirt with each other ANYWAYZ??? Its because, we're single, and we're TRYING, HOPING to get married...SOOOOO WE FLIRT!!! ;) or in my case, WE TRY TO FLIRT!!! HAHA!!! I for one, would ONLY TRY to flirt with a guy, that I would be interested in finding out IF he was THE ONE for marriage!!!
     Flirting is NOT a commitment! It is NOT a relationship! It is NOT marriage!!! Buuuuuuut FLIRTING LEADS!!! Flirting is a tool, that can ignite sparks between two people, and if it keeps going the sparks can  turn into a burning, blazin fire and IF the chemistry is right between two people, eventually, FLIRTING can LEAD to marriage! I've NEVER known two people, that have gotten married, that the relationship didn't start, with a little bit of GOOD O FLIRTING!!!
    I've NEVER met a married person, man OR woman that was ok with their spouse flirting with another!!! You may say that flirting isn't ACTUALLY cheating and your "technically right," its NOT!!! However, when I see any two married people flirting, even tho I may not actually voice my oppinion out loud, in my mind, a RED FLAG goes flying up!!!
    I may be keeping my mouth SHUT about it, BUUUUUUT... in my mind i'm thinking, ummmmm...something is NOT right!!! Flirting outside of your marital vows is an INDICATOR that something is NOT right!!! Its the SAME way in your relationship with Christ! Disobediance, living on the edge, seeing HOW MUCH you can get away with and STILL be saved, is ALL an indicator, that SPIRITUALLY something is NOT right with you!!!
    Flirting LEADS to something else! Thats WHY, no married person, in their right mind, is okay with their spouse FLIRTING with other people...because even tho its NOT the actual ACT of adultry... FLIRTING LEADS!!! You wouldn't want to be married to someone that continually pushed to see just HOW MUCH they could flirt with others and STILL be considered married to YOU!!! What kind of a person would live their married life saying; How much can I get away with and it NOT be considered ADULTRY???  We all want to be kept away from marrrying THAT KIND of a person...AND YET...its done all the time to JESUS!!! When you live your life ON THE EDGE, trying to see what you can get a way with and still be "In Church" your flirting with the world annnnnnd FLIRTING leads!!!
    FLIRTING LEADS!!! You may not "TECHNICALLY" be backslidden YET... buuuuuut... FLIRTING LEADS!!! Your starting sparks with things you shouldn't be starting sparks with!!! Your flirting with the world... your supposed to be in a relationship with Jesus Christ, buuuuuut  your flirting with His adversay!!! Don't be a spirtitual PLAYER!!!
    The Bible says, "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." (Matthew 6:24) You may still be going to church, BUUUUUUT there is coming a day, where your going to have to CHOOSE!!!
     Your going to have to MAKE A CHOICE! Your either going to ask your saviour to forgive you for not being completely true and stay with your FIRST LOVE or your gonna choose to GO WITH WHO YOU HAVE BEEN FLIRTING WITH!!! Because you can't FULLY EMBRACE JESUS, while flirting with another!!! Why you would want to be in a half-hearted relationship with Jesus is beyond me...YOU KNOW that you wouldn't want it in YOUR marriage!!!
    I'm telling you all, JESUS LOVES YOU SOOOOOO MUCH...NO ONE will EVERRRR love you like JESUS will LOVE YOU!!! There is NOTHING and I mean NOTHING, worth getting in the way of your relationship with Christ!!! I encourage you all today, when it comes to Jesus, don't be all having fun with His adversary, don't be a player, don't flirt with the world, CHOOSE JESUS!!!
    "And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." (Deuteronomy 6:5)
    Get beyond a half-hearted relationship with Jesus!!! LOVE HIM WITH ALL YOUR HEART!!! Embrace Him fully and completley...
     with a burning, blazing, fiery passion ignited from within you!!! 
    ♥Mary Frances :)