Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Us Ladies!!!

Amen Ladies!!!
It's not about comparing yourself to others. #SkinnyMs:
*Remember, JUST because someone else is BEAUTIFUL, does NOT mean that you aren't!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, February 27, 2017

Happy Monday!!!

Image result for fluffy humor
Don't be a  BLUEberry peeps!!! Hee, hee!!! Have a great week you guys!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Single Saturday!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Friday, February 24, 2017

You know you go to a ONE-GOD-APOSTOLIC-PENTECOSTAL Church WHEN...

So a few Sundays ago, I looked at my Fitbit on the drive back in the church van and I said to my sister, this thing says I've made 4,000 steps already today, this is sooooooooooooo NOT accurate, I haven't even done anything today EXCEPT GO TO CHURCH!!! Then I was like, OH WAITI WENT TO CHURCH, IT IS ACCURATE!!! Need a little more exercise in your life???? I suggested looking up a ONE-GOD-APOSTOLIC-CHURCH in your area!!! Whoop, whoop!!! :))))

♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, February 23, 2017

New York City!!! Day 3!

Annnnnnnnnnd on THE 3rd day in NYC low and behold... I found Aaron...AKA: Spyder Man!!!
I got one of those drawings done of me...I wasn't to excited about it when I looked, I think she waaaaay exaggerated my figure...bahahaha...plus I wanted her to add in my heart-shaped glasses and she said she could, buuuuuut they were UGLY!!! I was like, NO YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT!!! Annnnnnnnnnd as IF HER drawing of my figure wasn't RIDICULOUS!!! LOL I did NOT bother hauling that back home with me!!! LOL

A LOT OF WALKING this day, wish I had a fit bit back then to see just how much we did!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

How I want to be when I die!!!

Producing MORE for God, even as I pass on from this world!!!
"They shall still bring forth fruit in old age..." (Psalm 92:14)
Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit."(John12:24)

♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Guess which one is
Did you guess???
.OKaaaaaaaaaay GUESS NOW!!!!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Partaaaaaaaaaay for mom!!!

It was a great day today, we DID what mom wanted us to do...Remember her and LOVE each other two of her desires she let us know about before she died!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

♥Mary Frances :)

Happy Birthday MOM!!!

In honor of my moms birthday, i hiked a really big, BIG MOUNTAIN today you guys!!!
I know I go hiking just about everyday, it's my form of excercise that I greatly enjoy, buuuuuut in honor of my mom I wanted to go above and beyond my usual hike!!! last time I did this one was in October and it took me 2.5 hrs to get up, today it only took me 1.5!!! an hour less...big improvement!! A grand total, with going up and down, breaks annnnnnnd talking to people, YES I LOVE TO TALK TO EVERYONE, you do not walk by MARY, without a greeting, hee, hee, for a grand total of 3 hrs! It was a lot easier I must say!!! I was hiking and in my head I was like, OH it's going to be SOOOOOO much longer till I get to the top, then these ladies were coming down and we greeted each other and they were like, OH your doing great, not to much longer and you'll be to the top! I was like, WHAAAAAT??? I haven 't even been hiking that long this time...I was pretty SIKED!!!
At the top of the mountain, I found a guy to take pics of me...hee, hee, And I was like, SOOOOO EXCITED telling him about how the last time I had done this mountain was back in October and that it took me 2.5 hrs and that today it only took me 1.5 to get to the top! He was like, WOW, you've lost a HOUR, that's AWESOME!!! Then I asked him if he's ever hiked Camelback Mountain? He said he had, so I asked him how much harder that hike was than this one, and he said it WAS harder buuuuuuut he thought I would definitely be able to do it!!! He was like, If you could do this mountain, you can CRUSH CAMELBACK!!! He said that its just LONGER, but the ability level is basically the same!
Anywayz, happy birthday MOM, my birthday present to you, I'M GETTING HEALTHY, just what you always wanted!!! Looooooove you mommy poo!!! PURRRRRRRRRR!!!
♥Mary Frances :)
P.s. Thank you for always purring back at me, for enjoying my MARYNESS and for always loving me,  FOR ME!!! :)))

Friday, February 17, 2017

Happy One Year In Heaven Mommy poo!!!

I can't imagine how  awesome of a year this has been for you Mom,
I had this dream that you were with us again mom, but in this dream you had a brand new body and you were moving around like you'd never had an ache or pain in your life, and I was like, MOM, you were so sick, I thought for sure you were going to die it was like a horrible dream and now look at you, your healthier than me and you didn't say anything, you just smiled. Then I woke up and I was like, NO it's true, she really was that sick, and she really is dead! But then I realized, NO it's true, YOU REALLY DO HAVE A NEW BODY and YOU REALLY ARE ALIVE WITH JESUS!!! Congratulations Mom, ONE LIFE here on earth, sold out to Jesus and you now have what NO medicine, no surgery, no diet or exercise plan could ever give  you here on earth!!! 
Over and over again, I think of you, a day doesn't pass without me wondering what you are doing. There are times when I think I would do ANYTHING, for just ONE MORE moment with you, but then I remind myself not to be selfish because you are with Jesus, in an unfathomable Joy that my human mind could never comprehend. No matter how many tears I may cry, I would never want you to leave your reward.
Because of YOU MOM, I can make it, because of YOU MOM, I have a hope, BECAUSE OF YOU MOM, I have someone that I can go to with every care, Because of YOU MOM, I've got Jesus!!! THANK YOU MOM!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The heart♥ of a Ginty!!! ♥

Happy Valentiene's Day...
Love you all...
♥Mary Frances :)

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Happy Sunday!!!

Duuuuude PASTOR,
AHAHAHAHA!!! Happy Sunday my friends, we already had some AWESOME CHURCH this morning and I'm just expecting MORE tonight!!! God is soooooo GOOOOOOD!!!
"I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord." (Psalm 122:1)
♥Mary Frances :)

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Single Saturday!!!

In the waiting:
Hang in there my friends, GOD IS DOING A WORK!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Friday, February 10, 2017

NYC-Little Italy!!!

okaaaaaaaaaaaay soooooooo our second day in NYC was probably one of my favorites, besides my cousin's actual wedding day!!! It started off with an ADVENTURE, annnnnnd I LOOOOOVE adventures!!! LOL!!!
We're at the subway station in Forest Hills when a police officer announced that he didn't know exactly what was going on buuuuuut that Subway would NOT be stopping at the 71st due to a bomb threat, he was very calm when he told everyone buuuuut all the New Yorkers proceeded to FREAK OUT...because there was a BOMB THREAT??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO...BECAUSE HOW WERE THEY SUPPOSED TO GET TO WORK NOW????
No joke peeps, no one even flinched about the bomb threat, they'['re just like, What?! No subway?! How are we supposed to get to work now?! Where are we supposed to go? Where is the subway stopping next??? This is when the police officer just loses it!!! He screams out, I DON"T KNOW!!! I HAVE NO IDEA!!!! I'm JUST THE BEARER OF THE NEWS!!!! ALL I KNOW IS THERE WAS A BOMB THREAT AND EVERYONE NEEDS TO EVACUATE...NOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!
This proceeded us to follow the crowd of grumbling New Yorkers to the bus stop!!! I'm like, T, lets get on, she's like, to where?! I'm like, IDK...we got a metro card...LETS JUST GO!!! Annnnnd soooooo with my AMAZING ADVICE, WE DID!!! Hee, hee!!! This was very exciting for me cuz this was literally THE FIRST time I've ever ridden a city bus!!!
Annnnnnnd some how we eventually managed to get to our destination of LITTLE ITALY!!!

This was in a garden in the house we were renting from...
This was the front of the house and we rented their apartment in the basement, it was pretty nice!
I love New York Architechture, its so pretty!!!

So pretty!!!
I realized I've lost quite a bit of weight since then...YAAAAAAY!!!
I thought this was a really funny place to take pics...just the scenery was so EPIC!!! LOL!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2017


I don't really know why, but this made me laugh out loud!:
Guess what my friends??? There is ALWAYS going to be SOMEONE that can OUT DO YOU!!! Annnnnnd when you think you've got EVERYONE BEAT, GOD'S GOT YOU OUTDONE...JUST REMEMBER THAT!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Sooooooooooooo for the last tenish years of my life, I have considered myself a PROFESSIONAL BABYSITTER, (Nanny OR Respite provider are the technical terms) buuuuuuuuuuuuut after making this cake for my church this past Sunday's Friend's and Family service, I was thinking of becoming a...drum roll puleeeeze... I think I should become A...
You got a milestone birthday coming up? I GOTCHA!!! You STILL need someone for your wedding cake??? I GOTCHA GIRRRRRRL!!!!

♥Mary Frances :)
YES, I really, DID bring that cake on Sunday, AND YES, my church LOVED IT!!! Cuz, they LOVE ME, and CUZ THEY KNOW A GOOD COOK WHEN THEY SEE ONE!!! *My Motto: They say to never trust a SKINNY cook, YOU can trust ME!!! ;))))

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Waaaaaaaaayyyy YOUNGERRR!!!

One of the Sunday School girls i bring could not believe I was in my 30s! She's like, I thought you were, way, way, WAAAAAAAAAYYYY YOUNGERRR!!!! So I'm like aw really?!
Like how young did you think I was?!?! She's like, ummmmmm... liiiiiiiiike...I'm holding my breath hoping she's going to say something like REALLY YOUNG...she's like, UMMMMMM...UMMMMM. LIIIIIIIIKE...
LIKE 29!!! I'm like WOW!!! That's just soooooooo much younger than in my early 30s!!! Ahahahahahahahaha!!!!
♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, February 6, 2017

Happy Monday!!!

Last Monday, my Keurig says THAT to me...I was like, NUH, UH?!?! I could NOT BELIEVE IT!!!! TALK ABOUT AN ATTITUDE!!!  Liiiiiiiike, Ruuuuuuude!!! My keurig did NOT just say that to me!!! I even sensed some sarcasm from it!!! I was like, MAYBE my KEURIG NEEDS SOME CAFFEINE!!! Heh, heh!!!
"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24)

♥Mary Frances :)

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Happy Sunday!!!

Pentecostal humor:
"I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord." (Psalm 122:1)
♥Mary Frances :)

Saturday, February 4, 2017


Single Saturday!!!

Funny Pictures Of The Day - 35 Pics:
♥Mary Frances :)

Friday, February 3, 2017

The beginning of NYC!!!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllll I decided I should PROBABLEY go ahead and start posting pics from my NYC trip back in October...
Here we are at the airport waiting to board...
Dad looks kinda confused...LOL
I think this was still in the car, when I realized I had forgotten my sneakers annnnnd yeah we had to turn back...OOOOOPS!!!
This was just a really pretty house that I liked...

NYC has such a strong Italian influence that they ACTUALLY sell our famous Italian cookies in snack packs, like you would find twinkies or ding dongs!!!
Hanging out with my dad's sisters, and family...

My dad's baby brother, he's so cute and funny!!!

The creepiest weeds... a girl was murdered there...and NYPD sits there 24 hrs a day now...I don't get WHY tho...cuz its NOT like the murderer is just gonna walk up and say, hey! Its ME!!!

Where we stayed, you can rent a house like HOUSE UBER or something...

Right up the street from the Subway...Aaaaaaahhhh sooooo much FUNNNNN!!!

♥Mary Frances :)