Monday, August 29, 2022

Happy Monday!!!

I saved this quote from Bishop Abbott during his preaching several years ago...LOOOOOOVE IT!!! Try SMILING this's a pretty wonderful thing!!! ;))))) Happy Monday and have a great week!!! 

♥Mary Frances :)

Friday, August 26, 2022

Baby Mary!!!!

Sooooooooooo I one of my besties just had a baby-Shout out girrrrrl if your baby just woke you up and your reading my blog-see you know I looooove you!!! Annnnnd I can't wait to meet my little niecey!;)
Anyways, I was thinking about when I was a baby and BASICALLY, I think look pretty close to the same-LIIIIIIKE I think 
Its pretty accurate to todays version of MARY!!!!
Doesn't that look JUST LIKE ME??? Hee, hee!!!!
SOOOOOOOOOOO I decided to try and replicate that same picture for NOW!!!!

EVEN got the floral background to lay on!!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Thursday, August 25, 2022

The Walker Family!!! (repost from December 2020)

(I wanted post and repost as many memories with Bishop!)

Sooooooooo about a month or so ago, my pastor was telling the church about a message is dad used to teach to the church about a family called The Walker Family!!! (Representing all the people that continually get up and walk around, going in and out of the sanctuary during the service!) He said his dad would talk about this family whenever people started getting up so much during the service for every little thing that it was becoming a distraction during the preaching...he then proceeded, like his father, to tell us basically that he noticed lately that The Walker family was back at church and to basically keep the movement and getting around to the minimum! (Of course if your child is screaming bloody murder or throwing up, please take them out! LOL) 
As a 3-4 year old child, I VERY MUCH remember Bishop Abbott preaching about this family! That night, a group of us went out to eat for Stultz's birthday, and Bishop Abbott and Bishop Sister Abbott, (That's what we call Elder sister Abbott...I think it sounds better than Elder Sister Abbott, cuz elder sounds old! Or as Odin calls her, The OTHER ABBOTT! LOL)
Soooooo we're all sitting there eating, and Bishop and Bishop Sister Bishop Abbott and I was like, SOOOOOOOO about THE WALKER FAMILY, I don't know if anyone else was listening, buuuuuuuuuuut I KNOW MY MOM was!!! I KNOW BECAUSE I peed my pants after TWO OF THE TIMES The Walker Family was preached about because my mom wouldn't let me go to the bathroom during the service when I said I HAAAAAAAAAAAD TO GO!!!
The Abbotts started laughing so hard...I was like, and remember how the church off of Highland in Scottsdale, you had to walk across the front of the church to get to the bathroom! They're like, YES!!! And we all started laughing again!!! You just have to know my mom...thinking, you can wait Mary, just hold it....she was sooooo determined to do the right thing...
THEN there's me...

even as a child...
I was the exception to the rules!!!
*For Example: Liiiiiike, don't get up during the service, UNLESS you really are going to pee your pants!!! OR, Always stop at the stop sign, UNLESS it means that the car behind you is going to crash into you!!!! (If you hear screeching brakes and your thinking, NO way she's actually going to hit me, MOST LIKELY, SHE IS!!! Jus sayin! ;) annnnnnd yeeeeeesss there IS story of someone you may know…oooops 
♥Mary Frances :) 

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

A Bishop Thought!!!!

Well I have so many funny and happy memories with Bishop that I’ll be sharing with you all soon, buuuuuuuuut… I’ve been heavily having on my heart a brief thought he had for us once in the middle of one of his messages.
I can’t remember how long ago it was that I heard him preach this, but I remember it was long enough ago that he was standing at the pulpit without being weak or needing his scooter. He was preaching about being ready for when Jesus comes back for us and he was telling us the story of the 10 virgins with their lamps…

Matthew 25 

Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.

And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:

But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.

And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.

But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.

11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.

13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

And  after verse 9, Bishop stopped and said, this isn’t what I’m preaching about tonight, buuuuuuut those wise virgins should have had enough oil in their lamps to have shared some with the foolish virgins instead of sending them away to get their own oil. 


That was all he said before he went on to finish preaching his message about being ready when Jesus comes back! Buuuuuuuut after all these years, that that thought keeps playing through my mind over and over again!!!


We need enough Holy Ghost inside us that we can give some of ours away and keep living for God without faltering! We have to have enough oil inside that we can help ignite some else’s lamp 🪔 that has gone cold. 


I’m not saying to just hang out and socialize with sinners for fun, buuuuuuut we shouldn’t have to say I don’t want to see so and so because I don’t want to backslide myself. No! If you think that, it’s good that you’re wise enough to be guarding yourself BUT it is also an indicator with yourself that something is NOT right!!! You NEED MORE OIL!!! Tell yourself I need to get more Holy Ghost!!! I need to be praying more!


We are living in a evil and sinful world! This world is bold about their sin but as Holy Ghost saints of God we need to be bolder! They’re lost and going to hell and we’ve got to do everything we can to stop them! If someone you loved was in a burning house, you wouldn’t just say, weeeeeeeeeellll I don’t want them to burn, I pray they figure out how to get out!!! You would PRAY as you did EVERYTHING in your power to get them out of the house!!! And you guys, there’s people we love that are on their way to a LAKE OF FIRE 🔥!!!


We need to pray and let the Holy Ghost move through us to pull them out!!! We’ve got to reach our hand into the darkness to pull somebody else into the light!!!! 


We don’t want to be mean and intentionally offensive but we’ve got to boldly speak the truth in love! Your lost, but you don’t have to be, because Jesus LOVES YOU!!! You’ve sinned, buuuuuuut the blood 🩸 of Jesus will wash away your sin! You’re bound, but God can deliver you!!! You don’t have to go to hell, because the Bible says that God is not willing for any to perish but that ALL should come to REPENTANCE!!!


A reminder from Bishop Abbott YOU NEED to have enough oil to give done to others!!!! Get more oil!!! Get more Holy Ghost!!! Someone needs their lamp lit and you shouldn’t have to send them away to get more oil from someone else!!! Have EXTRA OIL TO SHARE!!! 

“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”

(Acts 1:8)

♥Mary Frances :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Honoring my Bishop!!!

Hey Everyone! As most of you all know, Bishop Abbott died this week on Monday! We rejoice that he has achieved what we all live for… HEAVEN!!! Yet, he will be greatly missed, especially by his immediate family, his wife and five kids… one of those five kids being my pastor. 
A lot of people have been messaging, asking me if they know if there is anything they can do for the Abbott family? At first I was saying, well just pray for them. it’s never easy losing someone you love and there will be many days of crying ahead for them.
 I know from personal experience how hard it is when a parent crosses over to heaven… you know joy in the midst of sorrow! I cried many, many tears 😭 from missing my mother when she died. 

After thinking about it, i have known Bishop Abbott since the summer I turned three. If there is one way you can honor him, he would want, the purchase of his and all his children’s music 🎶 CDs 💿! Trust me, he WOULD WANT THIS!!!! Gospel music is a huge part of his legacy and it was always his desire for his children to produce music 🎼
I am also specifically requesting that you guys buy a physical copy of Denae’s latest CD The Scarlet Cord. She has spent the last years and years, without complaint taking care of her daddy.
 I remember when she was born and they brought her home, us kids were gathered around on a Wednesday night in the Abbott’s living room where we had kid’s Bible classes. Bishop Abbott was standing in front of his desk, already in his mid 40’s, he held little baby Denae Joy over his head and said to all us kids, "this is my baby!!!" I remember people would ask him if she was his granddaughter and he would say, well she IS one Grand Daughter! And she truly IS!!!!

She was their to witness his very harsh exit from this world into heaven and his last breath was very traumatic for her to experience. If there is something you can do to help her, it is to buy a physical CD from her so she can focus on her next music 🎶 project as she continues carries out her father’s music legacy!!

-Mary Frances Ginty
(A product of a man that answered the call of God to Scottsdale AZ)

Buy a physical CD and pass this message on to EVERYONE!!!


Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Which store is your favorite????

Sooooooo a while back I was asking my sister if Loft was her favorite store to shop at and she said yes, then she asked me what my favorite to shop at was??? I was liiiiiiiiiiik FAVORITE??? 
That's liiiiiiiiike asking a MOM WHO HER FAVORITE CHILD IS????
ahahahahahahahahahahaaa!!! aNNNNNNNND When it comes to SHOPPING...I have quite a few children!!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!! Buuuuuuuuuuut since you've asked here's a FEW....

Free People 
Johnny Was
Skin Care
Trader Joes 

♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, August 8, 2022

Happy Monday!!!

I feel such a kindred spirit with hippos 🦛 Bahahahahaaa happy healthy eating 🍽 this week!!!!

♥Mary Frances :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Your name might be Mary IF…

Annnnnnnnnnnd open it at the end of preaching!!!
No joke guys!!!! Ahahahahahaaaa!!!
Buuuuuuut it’s because I had brought some stuff for different people and one of the people had to leave early soooooo I was like wait, let me give you what I brought you before you leave….aaaaaaaaand I opened up the ice chest cuz I had stuff for three different people…
Weeeeeeelllll my sister starts laughing at me cuz I’m opening an ice chest and then my sister in law… I guess my sister in law thought I had gotten hungry and was getting a snack during church ⛪️!!!! Bahahahahaaa 

Buuuuuuuuuuuuut heeeeeeeyyyy look 👀 at that beautiful compliment  below…

People think I’m a giving person and that’s why I bring them food, buuuuuuut REALLY, I just enjoy the flattery about my cooking!!!! It just reinforces the whole being the best cook in the family!!!😇😇😇😇😇😇

♥Mary Frances :)

Monday, August 1, 2022

Happy Monday!!!

Look 👀 at my neck!!! My excima is in the shape of a PERFECT HEART ❤️!!!! 😝 🥰 
If it leaves a permanent scar… I will literally NEVERRRRRR SHUT UP ABOUT IT…. Liiiiiiiike neverrrrrrrrrr!!!!  😂 

♥Mary Frances :)