Sooooooooooo I wanted to let you all know that, PART 1 of my book is OFFICIALLY WRITTEN!!! I say WRITTEN, not done, because I am sure it will be a LOOOOOOOOOOONG wayz, many drafts and REWRITES, before it is DONE...buuuuuuuuuut it IS completely written!!!
I have moved on to PART 2 and am aiming to have Part 2 completed by the end of the year!!! I had HOPED to be a lot further by now, BUUUUUUT LIFE my friends, IT HAPPENS!!! I have such a strong burden to get this book done and out and doing it's work...Annnnnnd YET, while I have a burden and desire for this book to be completed much quicker, I also want to do my absolute best on it and MY BEST is not FAST...sorry folks, it's just NOT!!!
BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT I realized that I still haven't told you all in which the subject of my book shall be on!!! I have decided that, in HONOR of my sister's birthday, I will announce my subject, on her birthday month, FRIDAY OCTOBER 12th!!! WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! I'm sooooo curious to hear what you all have been guessing, I got quite few interesting guesses emailed to me...Hee, hee!!! I know, I know, i'm being one of those REALLY annoying people that's like, GUESS, instead of me just saying...buuuuuuuuuuut can't I just be ANNOYING for ONCE IN MY LIFE????
What do you think my book is about???
-Do you think it's fiction or non-fiction?
-If it's fiction, do you think it's a mystery, adventure or romance?
-For teens, young adults, children or ANYONE???
-Devotionals? A testimonial? A bigography? My Auto-biography? (HA!)
-For singles? Marrieds? Relationship advice? Outreach and evangelism??? How to start a bus ministry?
I'll reveal MORE of the details SOON but for now I'm curious to know what you all think it would be about!!! Email me OR text IF you have my number!!!
17 MORE days till I announce my book subject!!!
♥Mary Frances :)