Wednesday, December 3, 2008


RFLOL...This is a common fraze that we use in text messaging, emails, etc.. I remember the first time I saw it. My friend Sheree text it to me and I was like HUH?!?! But as soon as I learned what it meaned I started using it quite often myself! Rolling on the floor laughing out loud! What a great fraze!!
But how many of you all have ever actually done the words that you have typed?!?! RFLOL? Think about it? SOOOOOOOOOOO I decided to try it!!! HAHA!!!

My neice and I have this little game we play with my brothers. Who is your favorite? ANd she always says; Aunt Mary!!! Which immediatley gets my brother John pouting. AND I, being the sweet, loving and mature sister that I am just LOVE to rub it in!!! Soooooo I start laughing!!! But one day I decided that LAUHgING just wasn't enough. So I just fell to the ground, (FOR EMPHASIS) and started rolling and hitting the ground. The best part was that Marry Joe joined me!!! HAHA! Its soooooo funny!
But the thing that really got me laughing is I look up and there is my mom just sitting calmly at the kitchen table sorting her coupons. I said, "Mom, don't you think this scenario is a little strange? Your 19-year-old son is pouting and your 25-year-old daughter is rolling on the floor lauging out loud?! She is like nope! I am used to this kinda stuff by now!!! LOL
Anyways, next time your about to type out RFLOL, why not try it!!! Really!!! It is sooooooooo much fun!!! Especially if you are laughing AT someone! It just makes it even more annoying!!! Although, I don't reccomend doing this in public!!! HAHA!!! Keep it within the family and close friends! (I don't want to be the blame of anyone being put into the HAPPY HOUSE!!! ;)

So I wanna know, has anyone actually ever found themself RFLOL?!?! Or am I the only cRaZy person around?