Got an interesting comment on my Compliments post below. (Read the post below this post!!!)I thought I would share their comment with you all!!! :D
repulsed said...
hey mary this may be asking alot........ could u take your ego down a couple notches...... thx ur a doll....
March 29, 2009 2:14 PM
My response back...
Mary Frances said...
Dear Repulsed,Heeeeeeeeeey!!! So nice of you to leave me a comment!!! I was thinking about your request and to be perfectly honest I feel like you really are asking ALOT of me! :) Especially since you obviousley don't even know me. To be perfectley honest I like my ego and my personality and I am not about to change for some person that isn't even brave enough to tell me who they are. By the way, perhaps you could come up with a more attractive name for your self. Repulsed just doesn't really seem like the kind of name I would want people calling me. Unless of course the name fits you, then I wouldn't want to take it a way from you!!! :) Anyways, feel free to stop by my blog as often as you like. I hope that in the future you will learn to find my blog more enjoyable.
Mary =-)
P.S. THANKS for calling me a doll!!! I don't know if you knew this BUT I LOVE compliments!!! ;)