Sooooooo Tuesday evening,
some of us headed over to Paradise Shadows for outreach...
We were on the playground with them and after a while Liz and I got tired of doing jump rope and my voice was gettin EVEN more off key as I sang, "I got the Holy Ghost for them. So Liz and I sat down on one of the picnic table tops...
"I know, I love it!" ( I am like just letting it all go to my head)
"It's sooooooo pretty!"
" The prettiest hair in the WHOLE world!!!"(Oh yeah keep talking! keep talkin!)
"We should get some...
I saw hair JUST like this at the dollar store!!!"
WHAT?!?! RFLOL I just got my head deflated and all most fell off the table laughing in the process!!!!
I got the prettiest hair in the WORLD...
*Roposted from May 28th 2009JUST GO TO THE
Thought THIS was a fun post to put up again...since I am sittin here gettin my hair braided RIGHT NOW by Jestina!!! They are SOOOO cute!!!