I slept pretty much the whole trip there in between sending out text messages and listening to Jac talk. When we were ALMOST there I awoke to someone barfin in the back seat. But somehow this young lady was sooooooo delicate about it! I mean when I barf its like WILD!!! Anyways, we get to our hotel and immediatley the FUN begins!!!
The first night we were reunited with the Abbott's after their 6-week travel. It was sooooooooo good to see them again...although they were late to church so Denae and I couldn't like SCREAM when we saw each other...BUT we screamed silently. After service, we FINALLY met John, Jac's FRIEND, and he is actually really cool!!! (LOL) Then we hung out with the Garrett's youth at Chic-Fil-A, which was really cool to be a part of. Chick-fil-a went like ALL OUT!!! But it always kinda cracks me up that we have to like go all the way to Colorado to hang out with our friends in the next city over...(yo people, we need to like plan some stuff!)
During the day we ended up going to the mall twice, and somehow I managed to NOT even do any shopping...Oh wait, I bought one thing, BUT that was for Jestina's hair so it doesn't really count!!! (Hav I ever told you guys that accessories are my downfall?)
Hmmmmm...I think the main service I remember was the last one...it was awesome! It just kept going and man us girls danced until we just couldn't anymore!!! We were sooooooooo tired we didn't really even want to be at the Roadhouse, but somehow we managed to recooperate enough to hang out at the hotel. Played a couple of games telephone...HAHAHAHA!!! What can I say; all in all it was a GREAT trip...check out the pics!!! =)
Ooooo and BTW: I know we teased you A LOT Jac about all the talking, BUT thanks for driving us all out...You ROCK!!! ;P
Click on link below to CHECK out the pics!!!