This is an email I sent out to my friends a couple of months ago...
ENJOY!!! :)
Man class was WILD tonight!!!! AND I don't mean in a good way although it was kinda funny at times!!!!Sooooooooooo I WROTE this WHOLE lesson and thought I saved it to the computer...BUT realized at 5 when I went to print it that it wasn't saved!!!!! Grrrr...I was sooooooo aggravated...but decided to remain calm and call Janelle!
We had decided that we were gonna combine our classes(The older and younger girls) for the evening because my room was kinda trashed from when everyone painted the Sunday School area...Plus my room is kinda like the place where EVERYONE just drops off their junk...VERY annoying!!! LOL So I call Janelle and we decided that I would just do an old thing I had done for kid's church that a lot of the girls missed. So I am like okay I got everything down, don't worry everything will be fine...right?! WRONG!!!!!!!!!!
It started out that I was walkin down the hall to Janelle's class room, when all of the sudden Janelle comes running down the hall SCREAMING LIKE BLOODY MURDER!!!!! Then all the girls come running after her ALSO screaming!!! Sooooooooooo I am like, Oh did someone Boofa again?! (That is ummm blowin air in African English and I try not say the other word cause it's not really appropriate) Soooo Janelle is like still screaming and so are all the girls and I am like Does it SMELL that bad?!?! (cAUSE like this happens quite often with the girls in our class and we always just get out the air freshener) Sooooooo Janelle is like NOOOOOOOO it was A SPIDER!!! And I am like in the room? and all the girls are laughing and they are like NOOOOO...It was on Janelle's face!!! She was like yelling at one of the girls and it was crawling across her cheek and the she brushed it off and it was on her chin!!!
So we go back into Janelle's room buT now the girls keep screaming cause of the spider...SOOOOOOOOO....We go into my room which is trashed cause it has EVERYONE'S junk which is why we were havin it in Janelle's room!!! LOL
So we try and do songs but the girls are just Soooooo hyper! so I am standing by the girls in the back to like discipline them and all of the sudden Esther motions me up to the front like she has something to tell me and that its like serious. So I go up to her and she whispers something in my ear and I am like WHAT? And she is like JANELLE is pregnant LOOK!!! Sooooooo I look over at Janelle and there is like this teeny tiny pooch and its like NOTHING but at the same time I can't resist touching the little teeny tiny pooch and as my hand is reaching out to touch her tummy and as it is going towards her she is like I AM NOT PREGNANT!!!! lol
Soooooooooo of course all the girls start screaming a baby, a baby! and one of them jumps up and touches her stomach and is like The baby kicked! It kicked me!!! They are like is it a boy or a girl?! Janelle is like, you guys I am NOT pregnant, its JUST fat!!! Then there is more touchin of her stomach and they are like NO that is NOT fat, that IS a baby!!! THEN, they go over to me and touch MY stomach...SEE this is fat they say!!! (HAHAHA!!!) I am like OMW thanks for the CLARIFICATION...i AM sooooooo GLAD I could be of service!!! ;)
Then we FINALLY get them all calmed down and start the lesson. To start the lesson the opening is a skit and someone is knockin on the door. So Janelle goes out and knocks on the door. The girls hear the knocking and ALL start screaiming BLOODY murder!!! I am like OMW!!! I am trying to be like stern with them and I am like WHY are you guys screaming like that?!?! tHERE Is silence for like two seconds then someone says, WE THOUGHT IT WAS THE SPIDER!!!!!!!!! Well, I like LOST IT!!! I was laughing soooooooooo hard!!!
Then the lesson was about the lost coin...but me and Janelle didn't have coins so we used beads. And in the skit I have 10 beads but I really only have 9 cause you know there is supposed to be one missing. So I am like countin the beads and there is only 9 so just like I am supposed to do in the skit I start yellin that I am missin a bead and I get all frantic and all of the sudden this one girl is like OH Mary the bead is right here...I am like WHat? And she opens her mouth and there is a bead in it and she is like see its RIGHT here I got it for you!!! I am LIKE OMW spit that out RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!
In conclusion we found out by the end of class that the WHOLE class was in agreement that NONE of them were ready to meet God if they died tonight!!!!!!! I was like OH WOW!!! BUT they sure do make life interesting!!! Just gotta love em!!!