"Mary, if you want that guy you NEED to play hard to get! I am telling you it works...just try it!"
I don't kow HOW many times people (females)have told me this, and in my not-so-humble-opinion, I think it is some of the dumbest adivice I have ever heard! The jist of playing-hard-to-get is basically where you ignore or show disinterest in a guy that you really, REALLY like, when they communicate with you...ummm...okaaaaaay...that makes A LOT of sense...cause I always thought that was called; BEING RUDE!!!! .
One time we were at church setting up for a youth rummage(JUNK!) sale we were having the next day. So I am standing there talking to one of the married woman, (someone that is my age but has been married since she was 19) and this woman, who is one of my friends, is like Mary, this year at Heritage, you GOTTA play hard to get! And I am just like, "yeah, yeah, whatever... and she is like IT WORKS! That is how I got MY husband! I played hard-to-get! So at this point her husband is like WHAT are you guys talking about?! I am like, Oh NOTHING, your wife is just telling me about how she played hard-to-get for you and that it worked and that I should do the same. Her husband was like, OH WHATEVER!!! You were just falling all OVER me...she is like I was NOT...so they are like "discussin" this and I am like, ok, ok, ok guys, I really don't care, let me just say this...
The problem with us girls, in THIS church, is you can ONLY play hard-to-get, if there is someone that ACTUALLY wants to play with you!!! At this point Bro. Abbott walks by and just cracks up laughing at my statement! I guess just cause it was SOOOO true!!! LOL But I mean SERIOUSLEY, HOW can you play hard-to-get if they don't even know you exist?! It's like heeeeeey! I am ignoring you!!! Oh btw-My name is MARY!!! HAHA! Then these same girls will tell you, WELL...you need to talk to them...then play-hard-to-get! (OH brother!) The guys in my church say that girls that play-hard-to-get are just ANNOYING!!! LOL They said that yes guys like a good chase, BUT not girls that play games. One of my guy friends once told me that, girls need to find a place between forward and hard-to-get. That made me think...hmmm...what is that place?!
In THE MEANTIME... I did try playing hard -to-get..ONE time!!! ONE TIME!!! There was this guy I really liked, that didn't like me back, but he was still my friend and he was always really cool with me. (cause I mean, I am totally awesome NO matter what! even if you don't like me like THAT;) So one time I just decided to ignore my friend. Like, he gave me a COMPLIMENT and I just acted like I didn't even hear-So then he asked me about it and ALL the girls were like SEE it works! It works!!! HE noticed! And I was like, Oh yeah, it soooooo worked... I think he is about to PROPOSE....HAHA! Of course he NOTICED- I mean I WAS RUDE!!! I felt sooooooooo bad about it!
So I decided playing hard-to-get just isn't for me! I would end up apologizing for it!!! I figure if a guy doesn't wanna like me cause i'm nice, then he is probabley a doofus anyways! If playing-hard-to-get works for you, thats GREAT, but thats just NOT the way Mar Bear rolls. Plus ignoring guys is SOOOO boring! Its soooo much funner being able to all just hang out, goof off and enjoy each others company. After thinking about it for awhile, I think I found the in-between forward and hard-to-get...
Its a place called