Welllllll whatda ya know THE JUNE Apostolic Beauty is FINALLY UP! I tried to make it a surprise...BUT I kinda think she figured it out!!! BUMMER! (Her FRIENDS [ONE imparticualer...lives far away]..have BIG mouths!;) I met this Beauty about a year and a half ago, and since that time I have heard NOTHING but good stuff about her! I've been told, that she is someone that can be trusted with secrets, she is involved in Sunday School and just recently started singing on the praise team at youth services. One of her teachers from Glendale Christian Academy, where she just graduated, told me that this girl is just an all around GOOD GIRL. She is the apitomy of what a Christian girl should be. She is sincere about her walk with God, she listens to her pastor AND she is EVERYONE'S friend! Her teacher said that, EVERYONE has that one friend, that they can go to, and cry on their shoulder...Wellllll.........
is that ONE friend,
I think the one the thing that stood out to me,
ABOVE all the other things said about Chelsie,
is what one of her friends said about her...
"Ok, what has always stood out to me was when I was still in school, and then even after I was out of school, you could look for Chels to tell her a story or something in the morning before school, and she was ALWAYS in the church praying, and she never made a big deal out of it, she would just walk out like she just got there, but she was always consistent. . ."
(Quote from a friend)
When her friend told me that about her...
I knew Chelsie just HAD to be the NEXT Apostolic Beauty...
Aside from ALL that...I'm also told that Chelsie is a total blast! A ton of fun and a total RISK TAKER!!!
Oooooooooooooooo...LOL...like totally LOVES ALL the cRaZy rides and stuff!
This Apostolic Beauty reminds me of they lyrics from a song I LOVE!!!
EVERYONE that sees you
Always want's to know you
And everyone that knows you
Always has a smile
You're a standing ovation after years of waiting
For a chance to finally shine
Everyone calls you
;) ;) ;) ;)
Heres your crown BEAUTIFUL girl!!!
Hope you like it!!! ( I SEARCHED google images for QUITE some time to find a crown without a lot of bling!bling! To meet your church's standards! ;) I know, I know, I'm pretty AWESOME!!!)
♥Ya Chelsie! I really think you deserve this and am proud to call you friend!!! :)
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