Tuesday, August 31, 2010


WELL people!!! The Apostolic Male Model HAS been CHOSEN!!! OMW! After posting it on my blog and sending out a mass text and mass email, the nominations started coming in like CRAZY!!!! It was pretty FUNNY! I honestly could NOT keep up with all the texting on my phone!!! So sorry to anyone that I didn't actually reply to! Please DO NOT think that I ignored you or was just being rude!!! (Hate when people don't respond! Totally breaks internet ettiquette!!! LOL!)Even if I did not respond, I READ EVERYTHING! There was A LOT of nominees in fact I'll even name them all, Joe Valez, Travis Cleveland, Andrew J. Roy, Weston, Seth Cleveland, Martin, Austin, Robby, Stanley, Ricky, Sammy Ramerez, Charles, Kyle D. Kyle B., Skittles, Jose, Micheal, David Bertram, Jacob Maggio and I think thats it!!! Now several of these guys got nominated more than once, HOWEVER, out of these 20 guys, there is one guy that just kept getting nominated over and over and OVER again!!! AND the weird thing about it is that I had kind of had this guy picked out in the back of my head but wasn't sure...THEN he just kept getting picked!!! Totally a GOD THING!!! :) ...I will give you all ONE hint about him... HE IS VERY...Pause...drumroll...pause......CUTE!!! Hee hee! :) Of course I would say that about all of you guys!!! ;) ;) ;)
♥Mary :)