Thats the question in life I have learned to ask God, WHAT'S NEXT?!?! Last year, after five and a half years as a nanny, I was feeling pretty let down. I mean, I LOVED my job!!! I had ALWAYS figured by the time that job ended I would probabley be getting married, BUT as you all can see, that obviousley did not happen. So I just said, OK God, WHAT'S NEXT??? I began filling out job applications and going for jobs interviews and the inerviews went GREAT...but for some ODD reason I wasn't getting any of these jobs. THEN, the doors started opening in my life. I started doing respite through the state of Arizona for foster children while their foster parents were out of town. I really LOVED being able to do this. I would bring them to church, tell them about Jesus, read them Bible stories and pray with them. One boy even got the Holy Ghost!!! It was sooooooo AWESOME knowing that in some way I was having an impact on these children's lives.
Well the end of this past year there was a change in my sister's foster care liscense that made it impossible to be able to do respite for these kids anymore. I was SOOOOOO disapointed. I'm just the kind of person that HAS to really find themselves doing SOMETHING for the Lord...and I mean its not like I wasn't involved in stuff at church, I totally was...its just that there is this part of me that just really, really, REALLY wants to be doing something special for God....I can't explain it...its just there in my heart though!!! I really felt like what I had been doing with the foster kids was a ministry...something I could really do for the Lord. So when it ended I was just once again like, okaaaaay God, I don't understand why you would end this, BUT...
WHAT'S NEXT landed at my house January 9th, Sunday night after church!!!
LOLOLOLOL!!! I LOVE this girl and her son sooooooooooo MUCH!!! I have NO doubt in my mind that God brought them here!!! I even said to Kim after she had been at my house for like two days, I had JUST been asking God What's Next in my life?! And Kim says, "Its ME MARY!!! It's ME!!! I'm your NEW PROJECT...WORK ON ME!!!" I'm like Okaaaaaaay...I've never met anyone soooooooo willing to say that they are someone's NEW PROJECT!!! LOL! ONLY KIMBERLEE!!! She came with an honest, open heart, ready to change, eager to learn and sincerley seeking help!!!
I NEVER in a million, kajillion years, thought that I, MARY FRANCES GINTY, would ever be teaching someone, "A Woman After God's Own Heart" LOLOLOL But HERE WE ARE!!! I guess ten years of Ladies of Legacy classes at Bible College are FINALLY paying off!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Oh and THEN the sprinkles on the cake is Kim's son CESAR!!! He is soooooo CUTE!!! Sooooo I get to be his nanny now when Kim is at work...which is cool cuz I think EVERYONE in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD knows just how much I want to me a MOMMY!!! HAHAHA!!!
AnywayZ, I'm sooooo honored that God would choose me for this "What's Next" project!!! I felt soooooooooo HAPPY after kim got here!!! Working for God brings me happiness!!! It TRULEY is a blessing to be used by God!!! Like my theme song in life since I was 13-years-old...
♪Take my hands Lord♫ Take my feet ♫ Touch my heart Lord, Speak through me...♪♫♪
♪♪♪If you can use ANYTHING Lord...♫
♪YOU CAN USE ME!!!!♪♫ ♫