Sooooo like OMW!!! We leave for our trip EARLY Friday morning!!! Like the plain leaves at * but we're leavin the house at 5:30 am!!! The plan for the next couple of days is this... We leave at 8am AZ time and have a 7 hour flight and arrive in Honalulu at 11 am and I guess it will be like 3pm AZ time but we gain hours going there...which is COOOOL!!! LOL Sooo we have all day Friday there, all day Saturday and then we leave Sunday night or something like that and its another 9 hours to the Philipines...which is waaaaaay better than a STRAIGHT 17 hour flight...LOL!!! Then we are in Manila for like 3 days and then we head to the island of Bohol and on January 7th(15 hours earlier than US time) My lil brother Abie will be a MARRRRRIED MAN!!! OMW!!! I can't believe it!!! I've been beggin him to just have a baby RIGHT AWAY!!! He says NOOOO...buuuut we'll see if his will can break my prayers to God!!! :)))
I am soooooooo extremely excited about all the people I will be seein on this trip!!! First of all I can't wait to see my big brother Joe and his wife Jewel and my ADORABLE LIL gwapo!!! I have realllly, really, really missed my family being here like BIG TIME!!! I LOVE YOU ALL ALOT AND MISS YOU A TON!!! AND I don't care if EVERY SINGLE MALE at the airport turns and looks at me when I SCREAM OUT GWAAAAAAAPO to lil Jose!!! He WILLLLL BE SMOTHERED IN KISSES FROM ME!!!
I also can't wait to see my NYC Mangino family members...Uncle Mike, Aunt Ellie, Cara and her husband Kevin(I'm his FAVORITE cousin-in-law) and THE and Barbara!!! It will be sooooooo cool hanging with each other in ANOTHER COUNTRYAND CONTINENT!!! Also, can't wait to see my bubbly, adorable lil Filipino friend Sheena!!! Sheena is my sis-in-laws best friend and she is soooo cool!!! She is kind of like the Filipino version of ME!!! LOL! AND sooooooo of course I LOOOOOOOVE her!!! We had a good time together four years ago at my brother Joe's weddin when we first met and then two years ago she came out here and stayed with us for two and her had soooo many good morning talks and devotions and cookin and eatin oranges from our tree...and NOW we shall see each other again...YAAAAAAY!!! I also can NOT wait to see our original pastor that got our family in this just happens that their missions in Asia is in MANILA right now!!! Soooo we are DEFANATLEY gonna meet up with him and have lunch or something together!!!
Oooooo WAIT...check out my NEW BATHING SUIT!!! Isn't it ADORABLE???? Alyssa Wilkins made it for me and I MUST SAY that it does look QUITE GOOD on me!!! I'll be wearin it straight on my flight to Honalulu...I mean i am like soooo READY FOR THE OCEAN!!! Like I plan on steppin OFF the plain and STRAIGHT into the realz!!! If you all want her to make you one hit her up...she can make them however long (or short...LOL) you want them!!!
Soooo if anyone knows of ANY COOL stuff to do in Honalulu let me know!!! I know there is Pearl Harbor...BUUUUUT...i'm not really that into historical stuff...DON'T HURT ME NICKI!!! Plus it was $120.00 to do the tour...I'm like whaaaaaaaaat?!??! NOOOO WAAAAY!!! LOL!!! I really like Sightseeing like nature kinds of the Road To Hana in Maui was AMAZING!!! I LOVE seeing the natural beauty that God created...TOTALLLLY reminds me of...ummmmmm.....MEEEEE!!! ;)
Okaaaaaay soooo i'm gonna try and blog as much as possible while I am away...I am gonna have some posts pre-scheduled and then there are internet cafes EVERYWHERE there....sooo you NEVER KNOW when I will post...I'll arrive back in the US on the 12th of January and will probabley sleep for like a week straight.....hahaha!!! If anyone wants a postcard email me at your home address!!!
Weeeeeeellll I had BETTTTTER go...I have soooooo much goin on tonight...I am soooooo NOT going to sleep this evening!!! I have drinkun like almost a whole pot of coffee...I gotta do dishes, sweep, mop, take out the trash, clean the bathroom OH AND UH LIKE PACK!!! Hee, hee... weeeellll I WAS packed...buuuuuuut then I decided that I would like to bring toys and presents and candy for the Filipino kids...and like...NOW there is nooooooo rooom for my clothes...buuuut...heeeey I can just wear the SAME clothes...MY BATHING suit the WHOLE TRIP...LOL!!! ooooo I BETTER GO FIND MY PASSPORT TOO!!!
♥Mary Frances :)P.S. I hope everyone had a good time at Conqueror's Conference or Winter Heritage...I truley regret that BOTH conferences had to miss my presence this year!!! Buuut I expect full reports from EVERYONE that got to go!!!