The other day we were at Toys R Us...ACTUALLLLLY it was the day after Christmas. Someone, NOT in our immediate family, buuuuuuuut someone had come into some extra cash flow and wanted to take my neice Mary Jo shopping for ANYTHING AND JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING she everrrr wanted...and TRUST me if you tell a child that...they WILL do it...Stanley the doll... NOW has a $35 outfit...LOL!!!
Soooooo anywayZ, we were walking down the baby doll aisle and OF COURSE I was enthralled...because I always LOVED playing with baby dolls as a little girl. So I saw this new baby alive doll that bounces up and down in its crib and I was just like...awwwwww!!! It was sooooo CUTE!!! But as I was looking at the baby dolls on the shelf I was like Oh look...
ONLY the black babies are left...there was one Mexican baby and one white baby doll and the rest were black. I was like to my sister, LOOK AT THIS....The ONLY ones that are mostly left are the black baby dolls!!! I'm like, Nobody wanted them cuz they are sis is like yeah I know...I'm like WOW!!! That is sooooo SAD to me!!! ANd I promise you guys I really FELT SAD ABOUT IT!!! I was like Awww...if I had the money I would buy them ALL and take them home with me!!! (I just felt like they were the African kids)
Growing up I had ALL different color baby dolls and LOTS of black babies...I begged my mom for one and got my first black baby doll when I was was my most beloved birthday present ever!!! So I said to myself...I'm going to show these baby dolls to Mary Jo, because I know my niece will think that they are sooooo cute and she LOVES chocolate babies...because ANY child that hangs out with me for more than a day will WANT A CHOCOLATE BABY....LOL!!!
So I show my niece and she is like awwwww!!! I want one!!! So she puts it in the cart with all the stuff that she is getting. AND I'm like YAAAY!!! Thats ONE chocolate baby that is gonna get a home today!!! AND THEN, the man that was taking MJ shoppin comes over and sees the baby and he is like, "Oh no Momma's, NOT that one...lets put it back and get something else for you!
I WAS LIKE WOW...I could NOT believe MJ, oblivious to the man's reasonin for WHY she couldn't get the baby just shrugged her shoulders and put it back on the shelf...I was like about REJECTION for the poor babies. Had it been up to me...I woulda taken them ALL home!!! (I chose not to because I did not want to go to jail...for doll-knapping...LOL) No other white person in the area may have wanted a CHOCOLATE baby for their child...BUT I WANTED THEM!!!
AND I got to thinkin about how that is the way God feels towards EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US!!! Maybe your feeling in life like your sitting in the rejection pile of this world! Maybe you are the one that nobody wants to be around. Maybe you thought that someone at one time was gonna get you and want you and keep you...BUUUUT then for whatever reason you were once again discarded and left behind. You may feel like NO ONE WANTS YOU...BUT JESUS WANTS YOU!
JESUS LOVES YOU!!! It does not matter to God the color of your skin, the shape of your eyes, your height, the things you have done, your past, your hurt, your faults....JESUS WANTS YOU!!! He wants to pick you up out of the pile of rejects and take you home with him!!! Don't let anyone tell you differently...JESUS WANTS YOU!!! Jesus wants you!!!
♥Mary Frances :)