Weeeeellll look at what its time for ONCE AGAIN!!! The APOSTOLIC BEAUTY!!! I can't lie, when I first met this absolutely breathtaking beauty, I had orginally wished she was a guy...you can read about that HERE!!! But I'm soooo glad that she isn't...cuz she is a WONDERFUL person and I consider it an honor to have her as one of my friends!!! This person was elected by five different people that don't even know each other, at different times, to be the NEXT APOSTOLIC BEAUTY!!!
Now guys...GET READY....you MAY need to have someone that is CPR certified near by you BECAUSE even the lil boy I take care of...when HE saw this picture below... he let out a lil gasp...
I was like AWWWWWW!!!
YES thats right its...BETHANY!!!
Don't deny it guys...
you just GASPED too!!! ;)
Now the first thing you guys should all know about this blond-haired, brown-eyed beauty, is that Bethany Raquel Wakefield is NOT ....
JUST ANOTHER pretty face!!!
IF you young men that feel called to the ministry and are looking for and evangelistic type girl, (Which IF you feel called you should be) with a passion to reach the lost...This Mexico-loving missionary daughter just might be the one for YOU!!! Bethany has made her parent's calling to another country, NOT just their calling, BUT her own calling as well!!! I have personally NEVER heard her complain about living in Mexico and neither have any of her other friends. She just takes it all in stride and trusts in the Lord. Even though she loves coming back to the states, she also hates leaving the people there!!! She loves the people there and has dedicated herself to reaching the lost souls of Puebla!!! You can feel her passion and her burden for the lost people there...its NOT just a job, or something to do...she has a BURDEN and she LOVES them!!!
AND for you guys out there, that seem to think that a girl that can sing AND play the piano is a MUST...weeeeeellll GET ready to check that and THEN some off your list cuz this girl can SING!!! Play the piano! Play the SAXAPHONE!!! PLAY THE GUITAR and oh she just happens to CURRENTLY be learning how to play the ACCORDIAN!!! Sooooo uh...yeah...she is deifinately musically inclined!!! The frosting on the cake you could even say!!! ;)
Bethany's passion is young people!!! She is the director of the youth choir at her church and also teaches the youth class on Sundays and just recently started teaching on the book of Proverbs at her Grandfather's university. Because of her passion for the lost, you will very often find her working the alters and praying with people!!!
Bethany LOVES cooking...ESPECIALLY Mexican food!!! Bethany is VERY clean and HATES dirt!!! She is a hard worker and does not just sit around being lazy!!! She is adventerous, hilarious, an explorer and energetic. She is always up for a challenge or dare. She has this cRaZy desire, that NO one knows WHY, but she would REALLLLLY like to slaughter a chicken...Idk...I personally think maybe she has read Janette Oke's, Love Comes Softly, and really wants to impress some guy with some good FRIED CHICKEN...Wooot! WOOOOT!!! ;) She also got her dream come true wish...a PIGS HEAD for her bday last year...HOW many girly-girls you know that would EVEN touch that???
People say that what they like best about Bethany is that she NEVER compromises in what she believes in for anyone or anything, she ALWAYS stays true!!! Also, she is REAL!! What you see is what you get!!! She is honest even when it would be easier not to be. She doesn't just say what you WANT to hear...she tells THE TRUTH!!! People say that she is always there to lift people up and be an encourager. One of her friends said that when she was going through a hard time, even in another country Bethany was ALWAYS there for her WHENEVER she needed her. Her friend says that she feels really blessed to have HER HERO as her friend, NOT every person gets to have that!!! (Awwwww)
Bethany is very connected and close to her family!
.On of her friends said... "I have to say that what stands out to me is when girls are out there looking for a man & constantly needing a boy to talk to or think about or flirt with...she has completely left it in Gods hands & is not concerned about the "ONE" finding her:) she is going to get a fantastic guy because she is not a flirt or forward...just a Godly lady!!"
A few COOL facts about Bethany...
1. She LOVES Adventere's in Odyssey!!
2. One of her biggest pet peeves is when guys lack chivalry...like holding the door and stuff
3. She has her Mexico Driver's license (Which is harder than you think)
4.. She loves pulling pranks!
5. She really enjoys grocery shopping.
6. One her nicknames is TATER TOT!!!
7. she loves sourpatch kids...especially the watermelon ones
8. She loves to try NEW things!!!
9. She is VERY organized!!!
10. She knows how to do hair
OH and THE coolest thing about Bethany is even when she is OLD AND GRAY...
she will STILL BE BEAUTIFUL!!! ;)))
Bethany is the kind of girl that will make a guy ACTUALLY forget about his stomach for about a few minutes and instead of asking for Taco Bell...he will be saying...
AHAHAHAHAHA!!! AND one day, some AMAZING, on fire, sold out to Jesus, handsome prince is gonna get down on one knee and say to Bethany, "Bethany, your soooo beautiful, your HOTTER than a Mexican Habenerro pepper scorching in the sun!!! THEN he is gonna pass her this little package...
AND ask her to be his FOREVER HOT SAUCE!!! Woot! Woot!!!
BUT only that special guy that can HANDLE the HEAT!!!!
Thank you Bethany for all you do, for be our light for Jesus in Mexico, for being a friend and for simply being you! We all love and adore you!!!
Here is YOUR CROWN!!!
The very best google images could supply! ;)
I hope you LOOOOOOOOVE it!!!
♥Mary Frances :)