Soooo my dearest friend Jedidah sent me this the other day and I was like LAUGHIN my head off!!! I'm like I am sooooo bloggin about that!!!!
AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Can I get an AMEN??? FROM ANYONE??? LOL Now, BEFORE anyone starts gettin DEFENSIVE...remember, it does say 90%...sooooo you know, there is still a ten percent there!!! HAHA!!! I mean, I LOOOOOVE PINK, buuuut I HATE AND DESPISE IT ON MEN!!! I know its JUST A COLOR...buuuut...REALLY?! I've tried to find Biblical scriptures that its wrong BUUUUT NEVER COULD!!! AHAHA!!! Buuuut...this is my one thing...I bet its some fruitcake designer thats pushin it...UH, huh!!!
Soooo since we spent ALL week talkin about singleness....let me tell you my lil quote I came up with for what I want in my future husband...
"I want a man that knows how to wear the pants in the family ANNNND lets ME wear the PINK in the family!!!" (Mary Ginty)
Ooooo you all like that?!?! Can I get a woot! Woot?!?! If anyone steals my quote MAKE sure you put MY NAME next to it...I am VERY proud of that!!! LOL!!!
.♥Mary Frances :)