I've been noticing A LOT lately that people are saying Good luck or we're sooooo lucky...annnnd I don't know about you all, buuuuuuut I remember a few times as a child being told that we do NOT say LUCK!!! And this is NOT directed at anyone imparticular, cuz I have heard NOT one but sooooo many people using this word lately!!! Talking about church and God..."We are soooo luck!" "I was lucky to grow in the truth!" Or good luck with your endevors...annnd I know that I myself hav used the terminology a few times!!!
BUUUUUUUUUUUUT...I don't want to fall into that pattern anymore. Luck is NOT of God!!! I was looking up luck in the dictionary and this is what it says...
Definition of LUCK : a force that brings good fortune or adversity b: the events or circumstances that operate for or against an individual : favoring chance; also: success <had great luck growing orchids>
In the definition, it clearly states that LUCK comes from a FORCE...this is the Definition of FORCE used in this context:
a (1): strength or energy exerted or brought to bear : cause of motion or change : active power <the forces of nature>
I believe that ANYTHING that is supernatural, that is a force or power, IF it is NOT of GOD, than it has to be of THE DEVIL!!! There are NO in betweens!!! From the very beginning, Lucifer has been trying to steal God's glory! Satan is STILL trying to creep in and steal the credit from God!!! Now he is trying to come along and sneak in the word LUCK into all our vocabulary!!!
Let's NOT fall into that sneaky trick!!! When Good things happen to us, when we are blessed,Lets GIVE GOD THE GLORY!!!
It's NOT LUCK...it's GOD!!!
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the
Father..." (James 1:17)
♥Mary Frances :)