Yesturday, the cutest lil boy in the WHOLE WORLD, turned 3!!! I can't believe my lil gwapo Jose is ALREADY 3!!! I still remember the day you were was soooooo exciting!!!

Your still my extra lil shot gwappo!!! Your the whip cream on my whip cream!!! Even when you TOTALLY ignore me!!!

Here we are on the day you were born...I had brushed my hair...SPECIAL FOR YOU...before I came and saw you!!! I know, I know, EVERYONE has been telling me since your birth, that you didn't notice or care, buuuuut...I know, ONE DAY, you'll feel special cuz of it!!! ;)
Annnnnnd here we are on your birthday yesturday!!! Annnnnd I just realized at the end of the day, that RANDOMLY, I was wearing the same shirt as the day you were born!!! Awwwww!!!
I LOVE YOU GWAPO!!! Always remember, Auntie Maria-Mar-bear, LOVES YOU!!!!
♥Mary Frances :)