Saturday, November 17, 2012

A few blog changes...

Soooooo as I told you all in THIS blog post!!! Bro. Ham's message about a spirit of holiness was really, really, REALLY convicting me about some stuff! ANNNND soooooo I had made a decision at WCC about some stuff with my blog...I decided that I was going to take off the comments at the end of each post and the 212 fellow blog follwers on the side...I mean...I don't want my blog to be in anyway considered a social networking thing...because I KNOW that a lot of pastors preach against social networking and I don't want my blog in any way to be a bad influence to my fellow peers!!! My goal and desire is to be an encourager to my peers!!!
Sooooo after praying at WCC I decide that I was going to take off all the comments at the bottom of my posts annnnnd I even talked to some of my friends about it...I felt really strongly about the moment!!! Buuuuuut then the days kinda passed by and MY PEEPS were leaving me comments again...annnd you know I was just like OH its NO big deal....buuuuuuuut THEN...
THEN last night we had a youth rally at our church and Bro. Foster preached an absolutely amaZing message and a very convicting message and he talked A LOT about the dangers of the internet and social networking....soooo yeah...I was like OKAY God im going to make sure my blog is NOT in anyway a social networking sight!
I mean I really want my blog to just be a blessing to people! Something that inspires, encourages or makes people laugh! I LOOOOOVE writing and am VERY passionate about it and its HARD for me NOT to write!!! THey say that almost ALL writer's at one point or another have something called writer's block...I HAVE NEVER experianced that yet!!! I am continuousley thinking of things to write just overflows out of me....soooo yeah...I mean I like getting the feed back from people when I write something...
ESPECIALLY if its a devotional...cuz its like I pour my heart out and I really want to know IF it really has helped someone....buuuut I've realized that doesn't really matter what PEOPLE say!!! I just need to write FOR GOD and NOT to hear words of PRAISE and affirmation from other people!!!
Plus, my pastor's wife DOES actually monitor my blog!!! (Heeeey Sis. Abbott!;) Annnnnd my pastor DOES know about it, buuuuut he said he has NEVER actually been on it...he's not really into reading...except the BIble...LOL...he just told me to make sure I write appropriatley and remember that I am representing MY CHURCH!!!
I was talking to a friend the other day and she was telling me that she has to really careful with music...cuz its like a lure for her!!! Annnnd I was like yeah, we ALL have certain weaknesses in us....buuuuut mine is NOT music...its SOCIAL NETWORKING!!! LOL! She was like laughing, she was like, buuuut Mary your doing really good with that, you took yourself off of EVERYTHING!!! (Twitter, Facebook ANNNNND Instagram) I was like I know...buuuuuut its STILL MY WEAKNESS!!!
I LOOOOOVE SOCIALIZING!!! I'm just by nature a people's person!!! I love making friends meeting new people!!! I just in general LOOOOOOVE PEOPLE!!! I know that this is a GOOD thing, buuuuut I know that I also have to be careful and learn how to draw the line!
Really, ANYTHING that is good can also be taken and used for something that isn't good for us! For example, when I was about 16, weeeeeeelllll...I was EVEN MORE hyper and silly than I am now...LOL...and soooooo some of my really good friends from my church went off to Bible College in Stockton California! One girl and two guys...weeeeellllll these were my good buds, annnnnnd I missed them A LOT! So this was in the days before like EVERYONE had cell phones!
Soooooo ALL three of my friends gave me the numbers for their dorm rooms! Weeeeeellll ONE DAY, I called one of the guys, buuuuuut I accidentally called the WRONG room number...ANNNNND I realized that all I had to do was change the LAST number on the original phone number and it would just go to THE NEXT guys room number...weeeeeelllll...
I just went to town with THAT!!! I mean I just started calling all these random Bible college guys and would talk to them...annnnnnd they just LOVED talking to me...cuz ya know I'M FUN annnnnd I guess enjoyable to talk to... I mean...I EVEN I enjoy talking to me...sooooo yeah...all these Bible College guys would talk to ME...
ANNNNNND then they started calling ME!!! ANNNNNND THEN...My pastor's daughter found out!!! LOLOLOL!!! Good O Devi Abbott!!! One day she was just like, "MARY!!! If you don't STOP talking to guys that you don't KNOW and have NEVER met, I AM GOING TO TELL MY DAD!!!" Was like Ooooo NO SHE DIDN"T...PASTOR'S KIDS...LOL!!! Sooooo at the my immaturity and total and complete lack of wisdom...I was REALLY annnnnnnoyed and Devi...
Buuuuuuuut I DID LISTEN TO HER!!! Cuz I knew that she REALLY would tell her dad annnnnnd I KNEW that I THEN I would be IN TROUBLE!!! AHAHAHA!!! Now I look back and Thank God I had a WISE friend that kept me from making STUPID decisions!!! Devi Abbott was and STILL IS a very good and wise friend!!! I really LUVERRRRS her!!! :)
Sooooo yeah...WHEN I look back now, realize that obviousley, I've ALWAYS had my issues with socializing!!! ANNNNND when you think about it, I could blame it on THE PHONE...not EVEN a CELL PHONE, or a smart phone, or and iPhone, this was with the HOUSE PHONE...buuuuut really it wasn't the phone, it was JUST ME, being UNWISE with technology!!!
I guess if you think about it...some of those ladies back in the day probabley did the SAME thing with letters in the mail...Mail-order-brides and stuff!!! Sooooo anywayz...I know ANYTHING can be made bad if you don't use it the right...soooo...My sis said she thinks my blog IS a good thing AND a blessing to people...she just, LIKE ONLY a big sis can say it said, JUST DON'T BE STUPID!!! LOL Sooooo...this is my decision and i'm SURE God will LET ME KNOW if there is ANYTHING else he wants me to do...
HE is PRETTY good at TELLING ME...
I just have to MAKE SURE i'm listening!!! :))))

♥Mary Frances :)