Soooo I know this is going to sound weird and cRaZy when I say this buuuuut... I think MJ saw a angel yesturday!!!
I took her and Ash to McDonalds and then when we got home I went and sat on the rocking chair in the living room, and MJ and Ash went to her room to play!
Then my sis yells out from her room are the girls home?! I was like YEAH!!! I yelled this still from the living room I hadn't gotten up!
About two minutes later MJ comes walking into the living room and is like ummm did you just cross from my room to your room? (Our rooms are directly across from each other) I was like, uh NO!!!
She is like, oh, because I saw something just cross from my room to your room!!! She seemed to think it was odd but then she says, oh well it just must have been my mom then!!!
I was like hmmmmm... buuuut tI didn't say anything cuz I didn't want to freak her out... Buuuuut.... I knew that whatever she had just seen was NOT my sister!!! Cuz my sis was still in her room... I knew that!!!
Buuuuut then I just forgot about it cuz i took MJ to piano lessons and then i went to prayer at church and i would have completely forgotten about it all together buuuuuut last night I heard MJ TALKIN...
Now there is something you hav to understand about my niece, once she starts talking she will just ramble on and on and on annnnnnnd ON!!! Lololol
So it's bedtime and she sleeps with my sis and she is just blabbering away, and I'm in my room reading my Bible before I fall asleep, well I'm not paying attention to anything MJ is saying until she says, and yeah mom, I saw something cross from my room to Mary's room, buuuuut I think it was just you mom!
When I heard her say that I just felt goosebumps!!! I was like omw!!! She must have really seen something!!!at first I was like what if it was an evil spirit or something??? Buuuuut then I remembered that I had prayed specifically the last two days that God would send His angels to surround our house and to take charge over us, you know, like the scripture in the Bible says!!!
I mean I really felt in my heart like it was an angel buuuuut I didn't want to like freak my sis out or nothing sooooo I jus kept my mouth shut for the night!
But this morning when MJ got up and my sis was already at work I called her in and questioned her! I was like, so Mary Jo, you think that you saw something cross from your room to my room???
And she just like looked at me her eyes all BIG AND WIDE!!! And she didn't say NOTHING!!! I was like Mary Jo, do you think what you saw yesturday was a angel?!?!?
Her eyes were still really wide and then she jus simply nodded her head up and down!!! I was like omw that's soooo cool MJ!!!
Now she wasn't scared anymore, yeah Mary I think it WAS an angel! She said when she first saw it she was scared cuz she didn't know what it was! It was just something white that crossed from her room to my room!!!
Soooo now she is all hyper annnnd we called her mom who was at work and my sis was like I did not even hear wahat she was sayin last night! I was like I know and I wouldn't of even paid attention except that she had already said something to me about it earlier in the day! Then my sis said that she saw an angel once when we still lived in NYC! She said she just remembers seeing like a wing go behind our brother Joes crib!
So then my sis said that she wanted to talk to MJ... So she gets on the phone annnnnnd this is when it started to exaggerate and her child imagination comes in! I hear my sis say, Hey girl! So you saw an angel? Annnnnd...
Mary Jo is like yeah mom I did! She is like and it was wearing a white costume and it had a crown on its head and it had wings ANNNND I saw it flyin from my room into Mary's room!!! Okaaaay fly?!?! Lol before it was jus passin buuuuut now it's flyin!!! Aha!!!
She is like OH annnnnd the angel had black skin!!! Now when I heard her say this I just BUSTED UP LAUGHING!!! I guess it was kind of loud cuz my sis couldn't hear what she had said, she is like I said the angel had BLACK SKIN!!!
I was like wait sooooo like your saying that the angel was CHOCOLATE???? She just looks at me with total MJ attitude like DUH and is like YES MARY!!! It was a CHOCOLATE ANGEL!!! Ahahaha!!! Like hellllllooooo!!! Of COURSE it was a CHOCOLATE angel...
I mean like was going into MY ROOM!!! How could we expect MY ANGEL to be anything else buuuuut CHOCOLATE??? Ahahaha!!!
(I GOTTA SAY THO... I'm pretty much 100 percent sure that angel wasn't really black cuz her first thought was that it was ME... And we all know that it would be pretty hard for anyone to mistake me for black! Cuz im pretty white...Lol;)
Okaaaaay so I know that this latter part of the story was just MJ's wild imagination, cuz then by the time she was getting on the bus she was seeing little angels flying around EVERYWHERE!!! Lololol annnnd when I walked outta the house when she got home from school she like jumped and was like OH I THOUGHT YOU WERE an ANGEL!!! Ahaha!!! I was like yeah... That's what ALL THE GUYS TELL ME!!! Hee, hee!!! ;) ;) ;)
buuuuuut I know that the first part of her story was truth!!! Just for the way she was about it!!! She was sooooo questioning and nervous about it!!! She showed me where she was standing at the front of the hallway by our kitchen and it must have been almost like something just passed by so quickly she didn't know what she saw buuuut she knows she saw it!!!
I really believe she saw a angel you guys!!! Annnnnd this is such a faith builder to me!!! Cuz ya know in Sunday my heart felt so tender towards God, like I was crying and praying on the way to church it just felt so close buuuut man these past two days I was praying in the morning annnnnd I am NOT even gonna lie!!! I didn't feel NOTHING!!!
I mean I was praying but ya know it jus felt like me doing A buncha talkin... Ya know!?!? Buuuuut I was praying about our house and all that stuff cuz I really feel like that's important to do!!! I specifically said, God send your angels to stand charge over us!!! And I know that there really are angels and we know that God is a prayer answering God, yet when he shows us the proof we often find excuses and doubt the reality of it!!!
And I just felt like God was letting me know that no matter how we are or are not feelin when we pray, he DOES HEAR OUR PRAYERS annnnd no matter how we are feeling when we pray, we need to just KEEP ON PRAYING!!! God is not like us! He doesnt base what he does on our feelings but by our obedience to him!!! Prayer really does work!!!