I was listening to Holy Ghost Radio again this morning... and I heard the awesomest thing that I had to share with you all on HOW to get better self-esteem!!! Bro. Nathan Hurst was preaching and he said, "The longer you hang out with God, the MORE you'll like yourself!" I was like Oooooo thats GOOOOOOD!!! I mean THINK ABOUT IT...it makes soooo much sense...God LOVES US!!! His LOVE for us rubs off onto us...it makes us FEEL GOOD!!!
Have you ever been around a girl that is IN LOVE??? They talk sooooo HIGHLY of their man the next thing you know you almost find YOURSELF having a crush on their man cuz all you hear about is how WONDERFUL this guy is...Or if your ever around a sibling that just talks sooooo HIGHLY of their brother or sister...Your just like OH WOW!!!
I remember this one time I liked this guy ever...really AWESOME GUY! We'll call him Ching-Chong! So I had such a HUGE crush on Ching-Chong that I ended up converting SO MANY other girls to having a crush on him! Just because I always talked sooooo HIGHLY of him! I would be like, OH GIRRRRRL I KNOW someone that you should like and I would tell them ALL about this guy...They would be like, are you sure you want us to like him IF YOU like him? I'de be like, Oh it don't even matter...If I can't have him I just hope he gets a really good girl cuz thats just the kind of guy he is...even girls that DID NOT like him would HAVE to change their minds after being around me! HAHA!!! (See the benefits of me havin a crush on YOU???;)
Let me tell you all something, thats HOW God feels about US!!! He LOOOOOOVES us soooooooooo much!!! You can NOT be around God for to long without changing your mind about yourself! We are HIS creation! We're the apple of his eye! We are his beloved! We are his workmanship! We are his children, his heir! We're getting his inheritance! He shed his blood for us, he bought is with a price! We are irreplacable! We are his temple! He CHOSE us BEFORE the foundation of the world! We are HIS thought! We are HIS DESIRE! He adopted us! We are his Glory! We are his bride! We are his LOVER!
Think about HOW good you would feel being around someone that feels ALL that stuff about you! I just like to imagine God looking down at me and telling the angels,
"Thats MY GIRRRRRL!!!"
Like awwwwww!!! Like really God, you feel that way about ME??? WOW!!! How can I NOT feel good about myself KNOWING that is the way God feels about ME!!!I mean its NOT just anyone that feels that way, I'm talking about GOD, as in the creator of EVERYTHING, our SAVIOUR, our REDEEMER, our HERO, feels that way about US!!! It just starts rubbing off on you...you'll find yourself starting to change the way you think...God will convince you to the point you just can't help but feel better about yourself!
Furthermore, if you hang out with God long enough, it will rub off onto you ENOUGH that you'll start feeling that way about the people you go to church with!!! That ONE person that you just think is soooooo ANNOYING...buuuuuuuut you hang out with God long enough and he'll help you start feeling differently! He'll help you to see, no you see, they are this way because of this ...buuuuuut did you know this about them and blah, blah, blah, he'll start convincing you to change your own oppinion!
I'm telling you all its sooooo true!!! The times that I feel THE WORST about myself or about other people, are all the times when my spiritual life is lacking! Buuuuuuuuut the closer I am to God, the higher my regard for myself and other people are!!! If you want to feel BETTER about yourself don't go to the world! Don't look in fashion magazines! You don't need make up or better clothes! The world will NOT build your self-esteem! The world will point out all your little issues and problems and try and magnify them and try to convince you that you can fix your imperfections with doctors, counselors, make up, drugs, alchol, certian clothes....buuuuuuut all your doing is covering it up!
God on the other hand will LOVE you despite your imperfections and will take you in ANYWAYZ, he'll put his own robe around you and wash you with HIS BLOOD!!! The closer you are to God, the BETTER you will feel about yourself!!! If you want better self-esteem, don't go to the worlds devices! If you want to feel good about yourself you don't hang out with someone that is always trash-talking you...cuz eventually THAT will rub off onto you! Buuuuut if you want to feel good about yourself, just be around someone that thinks THE WORLD of YOU... just...
"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."
(Ephesians 2:10)
♥Mary Frances :)