My friend Jedidah Jackson recently asked : Which Adventures in Odyssey character do you relate to the most? Which one do you think you are most like?
I would have to say Connie and Wooten!!!I know it's an odd combination sooooooo let me explain!!! I am NOT like Connie so much as her PERSONALITY type buuuuuuut just cuz of her faze in life...
The way she tries to find all different ways to find her call in the end she realizes she is simply called to work at Whits end! thats the what i feel after graduation I tried and tried all different things that I thought were what I was supposed to do! Everything from missions to and all sorts of college degrees in the end I have found the most perfect will of God in the simplicity of my life and I have seen him work the strongest ways right at home just doing the same daily routine and yet NOTHING is everrr boring when your life is devoted to the work of God! Also Connies is Single, she almost got married, overcame a broken heart, still chugging on, plus it seems like all the kids grow up but she just stays exactly the same! That's soooo ME!!!
Wooten IS for his PERSONALITY!!! That is sooooo ME!!! cuz of his cRaZINess, right down to his witty heart, snort in his laugh and the absurd randomness that comes out of his mouth, but the way he has a serious side and finds fun ways to relate it to God! Plus he has a reAlly big heart and loves people! That's soooo ME!!! I really just LOVE PEOPLE!!! Plus Connie and Wooten BOTH are writers!!!
What about you ALL?! If your blogger write a post on which character you relate to the most if NOT email me at I would LOOOOOVE to hear!!! :)
What about you ALL?! If your blogger write a post on which character you relate to the most if NOT email me at I would LOOOOOVE to hear!!! :)
♥Mary Frances :)