Friday, May 31, 2013

Commitment and interest!

I recently read this quote and it really stood out to me!
Several things came to my mind. First of all, it got me to thinking about relationships! Of course!!! ;) have you ever been to a conference or get together and you can just tell that a person is INTERESTED IN YOU!!! You catch them checking you out from the corner of their eyes, you know those little side glances!
Maybe they always make sure to shske your hand and say hi! Or perhaps when your out to eat and fellowship they are always trying to make little comments to you! You think is this just my imagination or is this person really ACTUALLY showing an interest in ME???
Buuuuuuut NO, it's REAL! They really are interested in YOU!!! The problem tho with interest is that, that's all it is!!! They just have an interest in you!!! Yes, they may be checking YOU out, but there is someone perhaps a few rows over that they are watching as well!!! ANNNNND sooooo you think when you see them showing interest in you that it is going to work out buuuuuut THEN...
 the next thing you know, they end up in a relationship with someone else, and your like WHAAAAAT??? I thought they really were INTERESTED in me!!! And YES, perhaps they were indeed interested in YOU, buuuuuuut they were NEVER COMMITTED to you!!! Sooooo altho disapointed, you just get up and go on with life...weeeeellll at least I do!!! Like okaaaaaaaaay NEXT!!! AHAHAHA!!!
Its NOT wrong, when your unattached to anyone to be interested in more than one person. It doesn't make you a player, because your NOT commited to any of your interests. Before a commitment, they are just an OPTION while your seeking the will of God for your life. However, once you have made up your mind and you just KNOW, they are the one for you, that is when you begin to LOVE a person! Annnnnnnnd when you LOVE someone, they are NOT LONGER just an INTEREST to you, but you are COMMITED to that person!!! For better or for worse, NO MATTER WHAT, you LOVE THEM!!!
Then I got to thinking a little further on the matter and I was thinking about how that is the same way it is with our relationship with God! When you LOVE God you are commited to HIM and HIS WILL, no matter what!!! There are people that say they LOVE GOD, but they aren't commited to him, they are just INTERESTED in God! They like God, they like feeling his presence from time to time, they like knowing that he is there, buuuuuuut they also like the things of the world. They've got one eye on God and one eye on the world.
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." (Matthew 6:24)
Sometimes they live for him, but they NEVER really make up their mind completely, JUST IN CASE things don't work out with God, they can always go back to their relationship with the world! Then when they're in the world, living in sin they'll tell you, oh well I STILL love God! I still think about him, one day i'll go back to him! Buuuuuuuuut NO, thats NOT LOVE, thats just AN INTEREST in God!!!
However when you LOVE God, you are commited!!! When YOU LOVE GOD, it does NOT matter if things go YOUR WAY, your going to LIVE FOR GOD!!! When you LOVE GOD it doesn't matter what trials and storms may come at you, YOU MADE UP YOUR MIND, you LOVE GOD!!! YOU ARE COMMITED TO HIM!!! You may have your hard times, you may feel down, you may cry your tears, buuuuuuuuut you made a vow, YOU HAVE A COMMITMENT TO GOD, ot matter what,
Think about it; are you really COMMITED to God or are you JUST INTERESTED in God???
"And thou shalt love the LORD thy God
 with all thine heart, and with all thy soul,
and with all thy might."
Deuteronomy 6:5
♥Mary Frances :)