Happppppppppy 23rd Birthday to my funalicious friend...
Annnnnnnd yes MEN, she IS SINGLE...a very FUN and Bubbly person!!! ;)
Her friends, Keri and Meghan threw her a really nice party... that was suppppppoooooosed to be a SURPRISE...buuuuuuuuut she was HOMESICK annnnnnnd didn't feel like hanging out...she just wanted to go home and CRY...soooooo SHE DID!!! LOL And her friends were there TRYING to get her party ready for her annnnnnnd soooo they wrapped streamers around themselves and said SURPRISE...LOL!!! And then Miriam said she DID CRY!!! AHAHAHA!!! Someone's like, Oh Miriam, WHY were you crying??? Annnnnnnd without missing a beat, Megan says, cuz its HER party and she can cry if you she wants too!!! AHAHAHA!!!! Good one MEGHAN!!! (Fist BUMP!)
Yes, there was a s'More bar...annnnnd YES...I roasted marshmallows in the AZ weather...I was sweating buuuuuuut I got a smore!!! HAHA!!!
Cute cake made by Cheramy!!!
Awwwwwww I LOVE ASHLEY!!!
The M&M signature pose!!! :)
YES, he's SINGLE ladies...LOL!!! ;)
Then we all sat around and played games and threw wads of tissue paper at each other
Oh yeah, soooooooo WHEN we got there, I didn't know that Miriam had already found out about her party, and she is backing out of the garage to go get ice, annnnnnd Delora and I are just sitting there and i'm like OH NO...she is gonna see us...annnnd my van is HARD to disguise!!! ;) And Miriam just waves at us like heeeeeey!!! I'm like whaaaaaat like she doesn't think its a big deal that I'm just chillin in her hood??? Like, i live in Paradise Valley and JUST HAPPEN to be in Litchfield park...JUST SITTIN out side her house??? And I guess I had a HUGE look of shock on my face cuz Miram's like, OH I FOUND OUT!!! I'm like OOOOO I was sooooooo WORRIED that I WAS GONNA BE THE SURPRISE SPOILER!!! AHAHAHA!!!
AnywayZ, the party was a BLAST and them girls are GOOD COOKS TOO!!! I loooooooooove all my Glendale Frienders!!! Can't wait to see you all the next week at OLD TIME!!! Wooooooooot! WOOOOOOOOT!!!
♥Mary Frances :)