ONE MORE DAY till the FIRST EVERRR APOSTOLIC WARRIOR is announced!!! Okaaaaaaaaay sooooo I know that I told you all that the Apostolic Warrior was going to be announced YESTURDAY and THEN if your on my mass email list I told you all that I had ONE more Singles post called, WHY AM I SINGLE? To write for Sunday and THEN the Apostolic Warrior post would be up on Monday...BUUUUUUT LIFE...It happens people...annnnnnd SOMETIMES....I actually HAVE ONE!!! AHAHAHA!!! Soooo yeah, Sundays are SUPER BUSY for me I get up at 6 and go to three church services, not a lot of free time...LOL!
Soooooo I decided that Singles week is OFFICIALLY OVER!!! We'll save that last post for the next Singles week!!! I think this week was really a successful singles week. I got A LOT of text messages, emails etc letting me know so I really appreciate that! Thank you all!!! When I do Singles Week, I'm trying to reach to both genders as well as to teens, younger singles and also to older singles. Its difficult at times but from the variety of responses i recieved from all different age groups, I believe my goal was accomplished. Please feel free to give me feedback, let me know which post this week was your favorite and if there is anything you would like to hear more about in the future. Your feedback is IMPORTANT to me because I WRITE for YOU!!! (:
The last three posts, I tell ya, I didn't even know where I was going with them when I started writing them! On Wednesday I was really struggling with what I thought I was supposed to say cuz it kept changing, and what I had oringally planned was turning into something else and it led to the next days posts which led to the next days posts. Two totally UNplanned posts come out this week, which was AWESOME because I had been thinking at the beginning of the week, Ya know, I think i'm gonne run out of SINGLES posts soon...buuuut I guess when you pray and God inspires there is an ENDLESS supply!!!
With that being said, the AW is in the WORKINGS!!! Trust me, I am working on it! I gotta make this one really good, I mean its THE FIRST EVER APOSTOLIC WARRIOR and the way that I feel is that if your going to start something, you better start it with a HIGH MARK!!! You make THE FIRST ONE THE BEST ONE and use it as a guideline for what is to come!!! Do you think the the intitials for the APOSTOLIC WARRIOR is AW??? Like as in AWwww he's sooo HANDSOME!?!?! AW as in, he makes the hearts of Apostolic ladies everywhere go AW! LOLOLOL!!! Awwwwww!!! You think thats a coincidence??? I THINK NOT!!!! Sooo a GOD THING!!! ;))))
Well, this is basically the Apostolic Male Model...buuuuuuuuuuuuut I'm changing the name of it!!! Cuz, I don't really like Male sounds effeminate and fruity and carnal and worldly annnnnnd seems like it places emphasis on the fashion and junk! Plus, I would NEVERRR ever even look at a guy that was MALE MODEL in the first place anywayz sooo yeah...NAME CHANGE!!! Soooooooooo Apostolic Warrior AKA: THE AW!!! Woot! Woot!!! Apostolic Warrior speaks absolute MANLINESS in my personal oppinion annnnnnnnnnnnnnd emphasizing spirituality, Godly character and rightous attributes (annnnnnnnnnd doesn't wear pink!!! AHAHAHA!!!) THe first AW has been personally handpicked by NONE other than ME....sooooo you KNOW its gonna be a GOOOOD one!!!
If you don't know, Apostolic Warrior and Apostolic Beauty is when I do a fun profile of an Apostlic single person that has shown themselves to be a good and Godly example to their peers. I like to do this because I think its a great way to showcase amazing people that I feel should be noticed. I used to be the profiles editor for my college paper and did this all the time. You take what seems like an ORDINARY person, and uncover to your readers what an EXTRAORDINARY person they REALLY ARE!!! I just think its awesome to be able to find that heroism in people and bring it out to the light for all the world to see!!! Basically, its just me saying, I THINK YOUR AWESOME annnnnd I think EVERYONE should know it!!! :)))) Sooooooo hang on TIGHT ladies...just ONE MORE DAY!!!
Ooooo annnnnd MEN...I have officially decided on the NEXT APOSTOLIC BEAUTY sooooooo just WAIT!!! She is a lovely and beautiful person that is very deserving of the title!!! Weeeeeellll I might as well just tell you all who he is...are you ready for this??? Here we go ladies...The first everrr
♥Mary Frances :)