Its soooooooooo BUSY right now at my house!!! Still soooo much cooking and baking and CLEANING going on right now preparing for the next couple of days!!! I hope no one minds that i'm going to post some REposts for the next couple of days during this Christmas Hustle and bustle!!! ONE MORE DAY till Christmas!!! One week till 2014!!! One week till Conqueror's Conference annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd ONE WEEK till my AWESOME blogger/phone bud/email/knower of my crushes friend Jen Lord comes to AZ for CC!!! Can't wait girrrrrrrrrl!!! Hope your ready for some ITALIAN FOOD!!! Classic Mary Moments annnnnnnnnnd PURRRRRING!!! I also just heard last night from Denae that Allana Shreckise is gonna be at CC!!! YAAAAAAAAY!!!!
♥Mary Frances :)