Okaaaaaaaaaaaaay sooooooo lets see what I am thankful for this week...
FIRST OF ALL... I am thankful that God blessed us with one more week of COOL WEATHER!!! It was actually kinda CHILLY some days this past week!!! NIIIIIIIIIIIIICE!!!
I am THANKFUL to have lost another pound!!! Whoop! Whoop! Still only at an 8.9 pound weight loss tho since last week...not to sure how that happened...I'm thinkin I miscalculated or SOMETHING!!! LOL
Soooooooooo I'm thankful that I got to go to the Gaither Homecoming on Friday night!!!! SUCH A BLAST!!!! Whoop! WHOOOOOOOOOP!!!! I'll do a separate post all about THAT!!!

Thankful that McDonald's is having FREE SMALL COFFEES EVERY MORNING at BREAKFAST TILL 9am until April 13!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT??? I have SIX MORE DAYS!!!

I'm sooooooo SUPERRRR THANKFUL for my new black skirt!!! it is sooooooooooooo CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE and FLATTERING!!! Okaaaaaaaay that's what everyone has been saying about it people!!!
Anywayz, I was really needing a NEW dressy black skirt...annnnnnnd now i'm very specific in how I like my skirts to be in length...sooooooooooo I was consigning clothes a little while back at Turn Style and saw this skirt for $25....Its like soooooo APOSTOLIC looking!!! I really wanted it buuuuuuuuuuuut didn't want to spend that much money on it especially since I had made my resolution annnnnnnnnnd I could still jus wear my older black skirt....weeeeeeeelllll yeah so I went there this past week to see if I had any store credit annnnnnd I DID annnnnnnnnd THEN I went to see if this skirt was STILL there and IT WAS!!! On clearance now for $14.24.....FREE for me tho since I had the credit!!!

Theeeeeeeen I was showing the skirt to Sis. Myers the first time I wore it....cuz I was SOOOOOOOO PROUD OF IT!!! I was like, I GOT THIS AT THRIFT STORE!!! She felt it and said it felt like it was a Misook....I was like Oh think that IS the brand I saw...buuuuuuut mind you that I have NO CLUE what the brand MISOOK IS...LOL soooooo I have her look at my tag and she is like yeah it IS A MISOOK...she's like your probabley wearing like a $300 skirt right now!!! I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WAY!!!
Then I looked it up and YES superrrrr expensive...I couldn't find this EXACT skirt online buuuut I did find one that was black pleated that was HALF the length...LOL and it was $200! AnyWHO...I like the style of Misook...its simple but classy! Soooooooooooo I'm telling this story to my pastor's wife, Sis. A and she was like, OH this sweater I'm wearing is a Misook!!! I'm all like, I THOUGHT it looked like one!!! I'm RECONIZING the brand now...sooooooooo I'm like, WHAT THRIFT STORE did you get YOURS FROM??? Cuz I KNOW she was NOT going to spend that much money on a sweater!!! Annnnnnnnd she says, the back of MY MOM"S CLOSET!!! AHAHAHHAHAHAHA!! That's just AWESOMENESS!!! Soooooooooo yeah I've told this story of my MISOOK blessing black skirt like a MILLION TIMES NOW!!! LOL I'm THANKFUL FOR IT!!!
Last of all I am sooooooooooo THANKFUL THAT I AM GOING TO BE AN AUNT AGAIN!!!
I am ALSO THANKFUL that I don't have to keep it a SECRET anymore!!! See people think that I can't even keep a SECRET...buuuuuuuuuuut I soooooooooo CAN!!! ;))))
♥Mary Frances :)