Weeeeeeeeeeeeelllllll we've all waited a LOOOOOOONG time for this buuuuuuut the time has FINALLY ARRIVED for The Apostolic Warrior #2!!! (Refresh your memory with the first AW HERE)
Apostolic girls EVERYWHERE have beeeeeen waiting for this moment to FINALLLLLLY arrive...I didn't know for sure WHO I should pick, I mean after the FIRST AW it was really hard for me to find someone that could quite measure up to that buuuuuuuuuut as I sought the Lord on the matter, this AW was confirmed to be a right choice to me at PACIFIC COAST CAMP...
Sooooooooooo girrrrrrls HOLD YOUR breath and get ready to say AW because this Apostolic Warrior is NONE other than the ONE AND ONLY...
Can we ALL SAY AW or double AWWWWWWWWW!!!!
I told you all this was confirmed to me at PCC during the preaching!!! Personal recommendation by the night speaker, Bro. Hood...
AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! We all, like the WHOLE CONGERGATION of campers, counselors, staff, parents, ALL started whooping and cheering when Bro. Hood made a reference to Odyssey while telling the story of Esther! Buuuuuuuuuuuuut THEN when he said that his favorite character was Wooton...I Kinda just went cRaZy!!! All the girls around me were laughing sooooo hard!!!
They were all like, "Its GOING ON THE BLOG!!!" I'm like, Oh yes, YOU BETTER BELIEVE its going on the blog annnnnnnd NOT just on THE BLOG buuuuuut its own personal post on THE BLOG!!!
Anywayz, despite the humor of the matter, I LOOOOVE WOOTON!!! Let me tell you all about him. First of all his cRaZINess, right down to his witty heart, snort in his laugh and the absurd randomness that comes out of his mouth, but ALSO the way he has a serious side and finds fun ways to relate it to God! Plus he has a reAlly big heart and loves people! (Sooooo my man right there!)
Another thing that I LOVE about Wooton is that he is very good with kids!!! He can relate with all the kids in Odyssey, despite the fact he is in his 30s. HOWEVER, the thing that I love about Wooton THE MOST is that Although he is very childish in nature, he takes his faith very seriously.
"You know, I’ve always found that running along the top of a train gives me inspiration." (Wooton Basset)
Wooton Z. Bassett (called "Snookies" by his mom) is a main character in Adventures in Odyssey.Wooton seems to be a friend of most citizens. Wooton is Odyssey's mailman and he is NO ORDINARY mailman! Not every mailman will sing to you upon request! Wooten has children and adults smiling everywhere he goes. Basically,
He snorts when he laughs and loves random things. He is known for his rather unusual house with a slide. He enjoys creating things out of whateve4r he fins such as popsicle sticks and Nativity scenes. Wooton's secret hobby is writing Power Boys which has made him rich and famous... ALTHOUGH he keeps his fame to himself because he wants to be treated just like everyone else and LOVED for WHO HE IS!!!
Liz Horton: So why are you always in a good mood? Being bad at everything makes me miserable.Wooton Bassett: Well, I, uh, I try to remember that we're all good at something. I mean, God puts talent in everybody. It's kind of His job.
Wooton is a member of a very wealthy family, but they have all basically disowned him because he chooses to NOT be like them and leans towards his grandparents who are missionaries to Africa!!!
He is especially good friends with Grady, a boy from a broken home that Wooton has reached out to! It was while helping Grady to build a treehouse, that Grady asked Wooton to pray with him to get the Holy Ghost! (Okaaaaay in my world that's what happened people!) And it happened right there in the middle of a treehouse!!!This was even more important to Wooton then receiving a ten-prong fork in the mail.
One of Wooton's favorite things is fresh licorice especially when it replaces the bananas on a banana split. Wooton tries many different recipes including peppermint lemonade that turned out to be a disaster. Wooton invented a ride-able vacuum for Marvin Washington, which seems to be Wooton’s favorite hobby of all, helping people.
Random facts about Wooton
He knows anything and everything about barnyard animals.
Wooton can play any instrument, such as the saxophone, banjo, organ, harmonica and piano
he can even use his saxophone as a toothpick!
Wooton collects Smiley Meal toys
He has brown eyes. (Like honey;)
He can fit a pair of tongs up his nose. (That's talent people!)
He used to be a Boy Scout. (Very MANLY attribute!)
Wooten often takes weekend trips to Switzerland, because he gets counties and countries confused. (You'll get to travel THE WORLD!)
His favorite food is fresh licorice. (Bring on the sweets!)
His favorite animal is a sea monkey.
He is 6 feet 1 inch. ( He is TALL ladies, buuuut NOT too tall!!!)
He had 560 box-tops and is saving up for a yacht (He is still wise with his money even tho he doesn't need to be frugal!)
He always wanted to be called "Xylophone".
"I'm as ready as a totally unprepared person could ever be!"
(Wooton Bassett)
Howeverrrr, despite his random cRaZiNess, it sounds like Wooton is actually quite organized because he describes one episode saying,
"I'm a NEAT FREAK and a TOY GEEK!" (Wooton Bassett)
Wooton Bassett: The point is, Olivia, that sometimes we have to try to be understanding even if we don't understand what we're supposed to be understanding about. Understand?
Olivia Parker: I...actually, that makes sense.
"A two hour conversation about socks can say I love you just as much as saying I love you."
(Wooton Bassett)
Ummmmmm with that quote I think its safe to say that his love language may just happen to be...
When it comes to Wooton, I have a confession to make!!!!I can't lie, I ACTUALLY felt JEALOUS when him and Penny first met!!!
HAHAHA!!! I was sitting there listening and all of the sudden I felt JEALOUS!!! I was like..WHAT IS THIS??? I was like MARY, are you REALLY FEELING twangs of jealousy and feelings of animosity right now???
Yes, in my world, WOOTON is the perfect man, right down to the fact that he is a writer!!!
"They're gonna have a bouncy house—with no age or weight restrictions! Woo-hoo!" (Wooton Bassett)
I was telling my sister after MJ's adoption party, When I get married I MUST have a bounce house at my reception!!! I willll sooooooo go in and slide down too!!! Wedding dress and EVERYTHING!!! annnnnd my sis was just like lookin at me...and I'm like BUUUUT...I WONDER what guy would EVERRRR be cool with a bounce house at the weddding??? My sis was like, Uh PROBABLEY NO ONE!!! I'm like WHATEVER!!! Wooton WOULD BE!!! My sis is like, yes, AND Wooten is NOT REAL!!!
I for one refuse to base everything off of REALITY... Whatever happened to the fairytales and dreams come true, in Once upon a times and Happily ever afters...I for one will hold on...
A crazy GIRL can always HOPE...
for their WOOTON!!!
"Not many people know somebody like me." (Wooton Bassett)
No Wooton, not many of us HAVE known someone like YOU, except for the crazies like me that live in their own world!!! Buuuuuuut us Apostolic girls THANK YOU for just BEING YOU!!! We are sooooooo GREATFUL to have an AMAZING MAN like you that we can use to measure up all the other guys in Pentecost!!! Apostolic girls everywhere are saying, BUUUUUT IS HE LIKE WOOTON???
Soooooooo we at Classic Mary Moments would like to present you with your AW tie...Fresh red licorice design...
Where it with PRIDE annnnnnd know that YOU ARE LOVED!!!!