Sooooo today I'm driving my niece home from school and we're almost all the way home. We're in the center lane waiting for the oncoming cars on Shea to clear by us so that I can turn onto our street. Well there are just cars and cars coming and know how it is during rush hour, you can sit there for a while at times waiting for it to clear up!
So we're just sitting there, patiently waiting, it doesn't seem like we'll be able to turn for at least a few more minutes. THEN all of the sudden, one of the cars stops in right back from our street holding up all the cars behind him, I think, Oh wow! He must be doing that so I can turn onto our street!!! Buuuuuut the PROBLEM is that I still can't turn onto our street because the lane next to him hasn't stopped yet...
THEN, one of the cars next to the first car stops, sooooooo now BOTH lanes are cleared, the cars are backed up ALL THE WAY TO THE NEXT STOP LIGHT, while these two cars are stopped, HOLDING UP ALL THE OTHER CARS ON SHEA!!! Just for ME!!! Just sooooo I CAN TURN onto my street!!!
I can't believe it!!! I am sooooooo TOUCHED that they would do this for me!!! Talk about RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS...WOW!!! So as I make my turn onto our street, I smile and wave at them in appreciation of what they did for me...You know?!? I can't hang out the window and say thank you, there was no way they could hear me purrrrrring, buuuuuut I'm NOT one of the 9 lepers either!!! I HAD to let them know that I was thankful!!!
Growing up, I remember this story growing up from Bedtime stories called, Ungreatful Gertie!!! To make the long story short, this girl and all her friends were at a candy shop. All her friends bought themselves candy but Gertie didn't have any money annnnd NONE of her friends shared theirs with her and now she was just standing there all sad, all by her lonesome self!!! Well a kind little old lady saw that she was sad and asked her what was wrong.
Gertie told her that all of her friends had gotten candy but that she had none!!! And do you know what that little old lady did??? She went in a bought that little girl some candy!!! HOWEVERRRRR, after she gave the girl the candy, Gertie just ran off with her candy, WITHOUT SAYING THANK YOU!!! Annnnnnnnd sooooo the story morbidly ends by saying that the little old lady died just a few months later, with a very sad heart, because this little girl had NEVER said THANK YOU!!! (I'm thinkin she probably shoulda prayed through about it before she died...I'm jus sayin!)
Growing up, I remember this story growing up from Bedtime stories called, Ungreatful Gertie!!! To make the long story short, this girl and all her friends were at a candy shop. All her friends bought themselves candy but Gertie didn't have any money annnnd NONE of her friends shared theirs with her and now she was just standing there all sad, all by her lonesome self!!! Well a kind little old lady saw that she was sad and asked her what was wrong.
Gertie told her that all of her friends had gotten candy but that she had none!!! And do you know what that little old lady did??? She went in a bought that little girl some candy!!! HOWEVERRRRR, after she gave the girl the candy, Gertie just ran off with her candy, WITHOUT SAYING THANK YOU!!! Annnnnnnnd sooooo the story morbidly ends by saying that the little old lady died just a few months later, with a very sad heart, because this little girl had NEVER said THANK YOU!!! (I'm thinkin she probably shoulda prayed through about it before she died...I'm jus sayin!)
Anywayz, I wanted to let them know that I AM indeed THANKFUL to them for doing this for me!!!I WAS NOT going to be an UNGREATFUL GERTIE!!! These people that had stopped the traffic for me, were NOT going to die, WITHOUT MY THANKS!!! annnnnd as I do my smile and wave at them, I notice that they are looking at me i'm being strange or something...I'm thinking like, Okaaaaaaaay....I'm just trying to saying THANK YOU!! I'm the TENTH LEPER!!! I'm THANKFUL MARY!!! Liiiiiiiiiiike HELLOOOOOO!!!! Liiiiiiiiiiiike DUH!!!
I don't know what their problem is buuuuuut, Oh well, WHATEVERRR,
then right as i'm driving in, I hear it...

♥Mary Frances :)