Soooooooo I was talking with Hanna one day about MY DREAM DATE!!! I was making her guess....WHAT MY DREAM DATE IS??? So she was naming all different kinds of things, you know, candle light dinner, fancy resturaunts, amusement parks, she was naming all kinds of stuff annnnnd I kept saying no, no, no...till finally she gave up!!! I was like,
Waaaaaaaaaiiiiiit what do you all think MY ULTIMATE DREAM DATE IS??? Take a guess before you read the answer...
Classic Mary Moment's DREAM DATE IS _____________??????
As soon as I said it Hanna was like, Oh that's soooooooo you!!! I was like, I know right?!?!? she said I can cook him up a storm, I'm like YES and then we just sit around eating, laughing and talking...YEAH that's pretty much MY FAVORITE!!! The other thing that's sooooo perfect about it for me is that I LOVE like scenic things, like waterfalls, flowers, pretty mountains, like God's beauty in creation, and picnics are PERFECT for all those things!!!
Buuuuuuuuuut for the first picnic date he would have to buy me a picnic basket cuz I don't have one!!! Look these are soooooooooo CUUUUUUUUTE!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd my absolute favorite, the bottom one with THE TEDDY BEARS!!!! Isn't that like, sooooooo Mar-Bearish????
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd I'd cook him up a feast waaaaaaaaaay bigger than this...OH YEAH!!!
Soooooooo yeah, that's my dream date...A PICNIC!!! Some people say you shouldn't tell everyone what you want cuz the right man will just KNOW and do it!!! I'm like, eh, WHATEV, I'm MARRYING A MAN...NOT A MIND READER!!! Heeeeeeeeeyyyy!!!!!
Anywayz, I asked my sis if she wanted to chaperone me and my FH on our first picnic date whenever it happens one blessed-happy-day??? I was soooooo surprised at how sweetly she responded, she said, SURE!!! I was like, REALLY??? She's like, yeah, as long as the picnic takes place IN OUR BACK YARD annnnnnnnnnd I can chaperone from MY ROOM!!!! BAHAHAHAHA!!! Heeeeeeey I'd be down with it, as long as MJ picked up the dog poop first!!! Actually, THE ONLY problem with the picnic is that it IS weather, in AZ there is a VERY LIMITED amount of time that this DREAM DATE can take place!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!
Soooooooo what'd you all think??? Is that what you were expecting me to say that my dream date would be???? Did you guess earlier??? If you did TELL ME WHAT YOU GUESSED, i'd LOVE to hear!!! Email me your answer at or text me if you have my number!!!
♥Mary Frances :)