Heeeeeeeeeey you guys I just wanted to welcome some NEW bloggers to the scene!!! First of all let me introduce, or I should say REintroduce you all too Sis. Kendra Thaler, (She's the one that TORE IT UP singing Thursday night at WCC!!! This girrrrrl can SAAAAAAAAANG!!!!)

mommy to the adorable baby bear Simon!!! On her blog you find anything from mommy posts, to healthy eating, to devotionals, to hair stuff...keeping it ALL as natural as possible!!! Check her blog out HERE!!!
Neeeeeeeeeeext I want to introduce you all to a BRAND NEW BLOGGER that I am extremely excited to hear from. Sis. Schreckhise, missionary wife to Honduras, just opened a brand new blog called, Raising Blondes In A Brunette World I am sooooooooo excited to hear from her!!! (Yes, this IS the mother of our beloved Honduran-Chikka Hopefully, HER mom plans on blogging A LITTLE more often then her daughter...Hint, hint...don't make the blog police come to Honduras now gurrrrrrrrrrl!!!) Her first post is up, and it asks a question at the end that I challenge you all to answer, if not on her blog at least in your mind!!! (To leave a comment you have to click on her blog title and then scroll all the way down!)
Annnnnnnnnnnd OTHER news, my friends, Jen Connell and Hanna Kifle, just recently went on a missions trip to Honduras! So check out their blogs because I am SURE they will be doing posts on their experience there SOON!!!
This picture here below is my requested souvenier from the trip... ALLANA AND HANNA READING CLASSIC MARY MOMENTS IN HONDURAS... how totally cool is that???
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd Kendra and Hanna feeling the spirit of Mary on them the other day...hee, hee!!!
Okaaaaaaaaay that's all the latest updates for now!!! Remember to check out these two blogs...
♥Mary Frances :)